The Chad Birth Month

Chad Birthmonth:

  • January

  • February

  • March

  • April

  • May

  • August

  • September

  • October

  • November

  • December

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Your face is your fate
May 24, 2020
What do you guys think is the most chaddest birth month of the year ?

From my observation it is August. All friends and famous people I know born around August are built like slayers. Usually tall with well developed faces and athletic fit frames. It is no coincident

Left June/July out of the pole because they are girl birthdate months
  • Ugh..
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Bitchwhipper2, wollet2, TUSSELEIF and 1 other person
June is the chad month Lmao
  • +1
Reactions: DrTony
Nice try FBI
  • JFL
Reactions: Birdcell
every month habibi
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend
Imagine believing in shit like this.
  • JFL
Reactions: Need2Ascend
This thread is not enlightened
  • +1
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I believe polls like this is why astrology is seen as a joke
It's just a fun question dude. Astrology is more complex than the sun sign from what I know, but I wouldn't go into it. there is definitely something to it though since everything in the universe is connected
august because i was born that month

@Gargantuan thoughts
  • JFL
Reactions: Need2Ascend
Aries and Leo star sign are pretty Chad so January or April
  • JFL
Reactions: Need2Ascend
In moderate climate places with 4 seasons it’s mid autumn that are the healthiest. The worst ones are the ones born in late winter / early spring
Aries and Leo star sign are pretty Chad so January or April
Isn't aries april and leo august though. they are chad months for sure. At the end of the day none of this shit matters when you are chadlite+ with good hormones, but there is definitely something to the date you are born. You can't deny that
  • +1
Reactions: LightSkinNoob
Isn't aries april and leo august though. they are chad months for sure. At the end of the day none of this shit matters when you are chadlite+ with good hormones, but there is definitely something to the date you are born. You can't deny that
Chadlite+ wins no matter what
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend
best birth month is obviously october because you will have an easier time breathing during the following months with low humidity and heat :feelshmm:
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend
best birth month is obviously october because you will have an easier time breathing during the following months with low humidity and heat :feelshmm:
Might be good reasoning, but from the people I know October is a cuck month

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