The Distribution of Attractiveness is Normal



Feb 1, 2022
The distribution of attractiveness is normal (to a degree). Let's say that a 5/10 true MTN (normie just means regular person, but MTN means average attractiveness) is the 50th percentile just to ground the scale on one point. In order for the distribution to be normally distributed, there should be no skew left or right. We know that naturally-occurring features are normally distributed, like height, so likewise, quantitative features on the face, such as ratios, are also normally distributed.

Oftentimes, though, the ideal is not in the extreme end like how the most attractive are the least common. However, this does not matter. Let's say that the ideal is average features and ratios. Most (let's say half) of people will have each feature. When we acquire the aggregate of all of these features, the probability compounds over many, many features. If there are 10 key features & ratios on the face and 50% of men have each of it, just 1 in 1024 (2^10) will have all ten. 1/1024 will also have none of the correct features/ratios. Therefore, the most attractive are still the rarest with many more than ten features. Look into the 'binomial distribution' for more information, but basically the more the factors (in this case features & ratios), the closer and closer the distribution approaches normality. When the aggregate is taken, attractiveness is normally distributed.

The question is, how much is a standard deviation if the distribution is normal? Take a look around you. Are the majority of people close together in attractiveness, with just a few 'moggers,' and just a few people that 'cannot be saved?' When looking for unattractive people, do not take into account overweight people and just look for genuinely ugly people that require surgery to ascend to a normie level. If a strong majority of people are normies, then most people fall between 4-6. These are the 'normies.' If there are just a couple of Chads in your school/uni, then almost everyone falls between 3-7. Thus, the standard deviation is probably 1, but this model worsens at the extremes (technically there can be an 11 or a -1 because six sigma is not impossible). Can anyone think of a different distribution that is like a normal curve but cuts off at 0? This works well for 99.7% of the population, so it's fine for now.

And this is functionally a PSL scale: pretty much anyone you can think of falls between 2-8. However, setting the average to 4 is a bad idea, because without adding fat people, the distribution is symmetric; there are as many Chadlites as there are Incels (opposite of Chad is Truecel, not Incel) and there are as many 'above-average' guys as 'below-average' ones.

Here are my previous threads establishing each rating level:

As you can see, the normies, even some of the LTNs are not hard to look at like some people on this forum think. The average (young, not fat) person is, well, average, not unattractive. Only when the ills of society are factored in does the 'average' person become unattractive (today it is obesity, before it was hunger and sanitation).

Btw this does not take into account the slowly increasing attractiveness over the years. Like IQ (always set white Americans to 100 average), I always set the average for each race to 5/10.
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Shut the fuck up.
  • JFL
  • WTF
  • +1
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, WhiteGoodman, thecel and 3 others
jesus christ bro
  • Hmm...
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Not at all. What's considered average in mumbai is very different than average in somewhere like los angeles jfl
  • Hmm...
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srs, use your autism to go into coding but don't waste time on this shitty site. you're probably right on all that you wrote but this too autistic for even the autists on here
  • WTF
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel and untouchable_coper
Not at all. What's considered average in mumbai is very different than average in somewhere like los angeles jfl
You could say the same for height, yet it's still normally distributed.
OP is right.
  • +1
Reactions: thecel and untouchable_coper
attractivness cannot be graphed because it is subjective. what u find pretty in a girl, i made find ugly. some people like hunter eyes, others find them repuslive, and so on.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: thecel
Me and @ForeverRecession's threads mog this to shit.

Forever Recession's Thread.
Korea's Thread.
If you take into account all factors, your distribution is more accurate, but the point was that theoretically, if everyone was looksmaxxed to their genetic potential, the distribution is normal.
Not at all. What's considered average in mumbai is very different than average in somewhere like los angeles jfl
All of my threads in the spoiler are based on young men in the West, like how IQ is based on White Americans. Besides, that is just to establish a point of reference for everything else.
  • Woah
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If you take into account all factors, your distribution is more accurate, but the point was that theoretically, if everyone was looksmaxxed to their genetic potential, the distribution is normal.
You're supposed to take in all factors dumbass.
  • WTF
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5 is average every point above and below is a standard deviation above and below.
  • Hmm...
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attractivness cannot be graphed because it is subjective

cope harder. subjectivity allows more graphs to exist. graphing the distribution of ratings for an individual wouldn’t be a thing if attractiveness weren’t subjective.
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I always set the average for each race to 5/10

Why do you always set the average for each race to 5/10? That makes it so you can’t compare attractivenesses cross-race; in your way of doing ratings, a 5/10 European and a 5/10 East Asian have different true attractiveness levels.

Tinder stats

Tinder stats

The distribution of attractiveness is only normal in women.

In men, ~95-98% of men are seen as ugly and only 1-2% chads or 'chadlites' that women actually want to have one night stands with.

If you don't have the facial features and physical characteristics those men have (angular but neotenic face, nw0 hair, good skin, tall lean body) you are nothing but a potential money bag to them to settle down with later in life.
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View attachment 1623836

View attachment 1623837

View attachment 1623838

The distribution of attractiveness is only normal in women.

In men, ~95-98% of men are seen as ugly and only 1-2% chads or 'chadlites' that women actually want to have one night stands with.

If you don't have the facial features and physical characteristics those men have (angular but neotenic face, nw0 hair, good skin, tall lean body) you are nothing but a potential money bag to them to settle down with later in life.
The lower your looks, the lower the % of women that will like you but some will like you regardless. This because women look for flaws as disqualifiers, but not all women think the same flaws are as bad. Some women will never date a bald guy, some women would tolerate it but would not date a short guy, and so on.
The Chads are just the guys who has so little flaws that they are universally attractive (not really since Chads would have like 20/30% of success rate)
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Men see it normally but not females. Like the OK Cupid study showed they show an average looking man is someone that is in the 8o% area and only 19% of men are above average. Heck they find 58% of men well below average or worse.
Men see it normally but not females. Like the OK Cupid study showed they show an average looking man is someone that is in the 8o% area and only 19% of men are above average. Heck they find 58% of men well below average or worse.
The middle figure is the average, so in that study they actually found 70% of men below average or worse in looks. And many of them will match nothing but that 2% at the end of the graph. They would rather be single or use a dildo if they can't get him for a hookup or LTR.
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