The evolutionary reason for manlets looking better on average

Deleted member 15827

Deleted member 15827

Will be back
Oct 24, 2021
Have you ever noticed how manlets seem to have better facial structure and look better than tall men on average. If this is not selection bias( which I don't think it is) then there may be an evolutionary reason why the gene that codes for facial aesthetics is influenced by the gene that codes for height.

I know there are many genes responsible for facial aesthetics but for my argument I would like to consider a set of genes responsible for facial beauty A and a set of genes responsible for facial beauty B.

I would like to also use Nietzsche's notion of the Will to Power as a lens from which we can decode and re-encode such a mechanism.

What I want to prove is this:
Height> face and an organism strives to attain height and when height is not dimporphic enough, nutrients from the placenta are devoted to facial aesthetics instead as a compensation to help maximise passing on genes ( basically a cope).

First, for Nietzsche evolution is a mechanism which surpasses itself. Given enough time offshoots occur which is so far advanced from its genetic tree progenitors that its novelty cannot be reconciled with classical notions of natural selection ( today this is known as Darwin's black box).

However by splicing time into tinier bits we can delineate which traits are most important for a particular species' chances at mating. For almost all land mammals height is the best predictor of passing on one's genes. In fact, height so far trumps other features that the taller you are, the less time will you survive in this world ( a biological fact).

If such an handicap exists to such a trait why does the female of the species select over and over for it? Surely it must select for a short male who can live longer and provide resources for a longer time, but no! Evolution keeps selecting for height even with such a huge tradeoff.

This cannot be answered with a Darwinian paradigm where survival is the name of the game. No! The species must evolve, must surpass itself, the individual is dispensable. It is the species that is important.

With a Nietzschean paradigm however we can see how height is selected for because it affords the best chance of surpassing our all too human nature. Why are the Greek statues tall and proud? Why is Middle English literature replete with kings who are 6'4 and tanned? Because tallness secures alpha status in tribal times and the tall guy might even die sooner than the betas because he is reared to throw the first arrow at the mammoth, the first spear at an enemy tribe etc. Tallness was both a birth and a blessing because the species has to overcome itself.

Now however, our primal brains still function the same way. Being tall primes you to be alpha , and you live as long as manlets to an extent now. But female brains are still wired to select for height, they get giddy when a tall bearded men stands in front of her ( even when he looks like an ogre) . This is because subconsciously she wants a tall child , even when in primal times it may have meant higher chances of death and lesser lifespan for her child. Think about it, why do beautiful parents produce ugly children sometimes but two lanklets almost produce a tall child?

Once the genes for tallness has been inculcated into a generation. That generation is now primed to succeed in the evolutionary game. Their children will be tall and the children will marry a tall man ( if girl) and so on and so on. No such thing for face. So I conclude that even at the pre - embryonic level genes for height when restricted lead to an increased propensity for facial aesthetics since height is the main trait that is necessary for the promulgation of that particular generation.
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dnrd and cope.
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I think you did read and are depressed now jfl
I am 6'3 and I'm from the Netherlands. Come here with your manlet ass and you'll get mogged into oblivion.
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I am 6'3 and I'm from the Netherlands. Come here with your manlet ass and you'll get mogged into oblivion.
So you're so ugly that even a trait like height can't save you. Send us your pic
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@thecel wat bro liking my opponents posts I thought we fren
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So you're so ugly that even a trait like height can't save you. Send us your pic
I will never post my pics in a forum with mentally deranged people. I have too much to lose and little to gain.
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@Preston @fatneckmike @GigaAscender @CurrycelManlet @manletcel @inferiorpispot234 @MoeZart @Walter @Scarfaced @Zealot @hypergamy @SolarWind
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Dude is saying that face is cope and height is the only thing that matters

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imo women should be more selective for height since it is the most predictable trait to pass on
A guy with a Delon tier face is not even guaranteed to create a son with at least an average face by mating with an average faced woman
A tall male will almost always create an above average height son by reproducing with an average height woman

Having 50th percentile face with 99th percentile height just means you get noticed above other guys with 50th percentile face
The guy with 60th percentile face and 50th percentile height will cuck you because of the facemog
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Definitely selection bias
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Definitely selection bias
Idts, and even if it is that doesn't say anything about the overarching point of my post
DN understand + face and height can compensate for the lack of the other
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imo women should be more selective for height since it is the most predictable trait to pass on
A guy with a Delon tier face is not even guaranteed to create a son with at least an average face by mating with an average faced woman
A tall male will almost always create an above average height son by reproducing with an average height woman

Having 50th percentile face with 99th percentile height just means you get noticed above other guys with 50th percentile face
The guy with 60th percentile face and 50th percentile height will cuck you because of the facemog
I fancy myself quite smart but I had a stroke reading this. Please learn to make your points clearer. And secondly you're just throwing around numbers like it means something. Is this how your brain usually operates?
  • JFL
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ugly tall is the same as handsome short
This is not a post on what are acceptable equilibriums of face and height etc. It is the relative importance of the trait in mating strategies. That said, for LTRs tall and normie> short and chadlite. For hookups, all bets are off tbh since alcohol and other stuff is involved
I fancy myself quite smart but I had a stroke reading this. Please learn to make your points clearer. And secondly you're just throwing around numbers like it means something. Is this how your brain usually operates?
In my experience, women do not care that much about height once you meet the minimum height threshold
Considering how highly predictable of a trait height is in terms of passing it onto offspring compared to face which is less predictable, you would think women would place more importance on a man's height than they currently do.

A man with extreme height and average face gets outperformed by a man with slightly above average face and average height
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Once becky has been pumped and dumped by twenty 5'10 chadlites, she realizes she will have to go for an average faced male if she wants to find a male to commit to her.
She decides that a tall male with average face is something she can brag about more than an average height male with average face so she gets in a relationship with the tall guy, even though she never would've allowed him to pump and dump her when she was chasing the guys who were out of her league face wise
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In my experience, women do not care that much about height once you meet the minimum height threshold
Considering how highly predictable of a trait height is in terms of passing it onto offspring compared to face which is less predictable, you would think women would place more importance on a man's height than they currently do.

A man with extreme height and average face gets outperformed by a man with slightly above average face and average height
They do, you just disregard it because your face bottlenecks your smv or you don't look for LTRs. Anyway I'm not arguing based on anecdotal evidence which is flimsy but on evolutionary reasons.
This is not really relevant bro.. individual experience may vary that's not my forte.
Once becky has been pumped and dumped by twenty 5'10 chadlites, she realizes she will have to go for an average faced male if she wants to find a male to commit to her.
She decides that a tall male with average face is something she can brag about more than an average height male with average face so she gets in a relationship with the tall guy, even though she never would've allowed him to pump and dump her when she was chasing the guys who were out of her league face wise
When you look at this during an evolutionary lens that's when you get all the ticks for height. That's not to say face is irrelevant, never said that in my post.
What I want to prove is this:
Height> face and an organism strives to attain height and when height is not dimporphic enough, nutrients from the placenta are devoted to facial aesthetics instead as a compensation to help maximise passing on genes ( basically a cope).
How can the fetus predict that it's height will not be dimorphic enough relative to adult males and tell the placenta to spend it's nutritional development points on facial development instead?
How can the fetus predict that it's height will not be dimorphic enough relative to adult males and tell the placenta to spend it's nutritional development points on facial development instead?
That's what genes do.., that's just a small theory tho my overarching point is quite simple but profound and BTFOs facecopers
face bottlenecks your smv
I know what 6ft4 looks like, he's not bad looking at all. That's just the reality of having having a sub top 5% face in the west. Years ago I used to believe height>face before I did online dating experiments with a top tier face/average height and top tier height/average face. The top tier face got much better results consistently, and it wasn't even close tbh
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I know what 6ft4 looks like, he's not bad looking at all. That's just the reality of having having a sub top 5% face in the west. Years ago I used to believe height>face before I did online dating experiments with a top tier face/average height and top tier height/average face. The top tier face got much better results consistently, and it wasn't even close tbh
My theory is not for degenerate hookups or retarded online apps. It's 1 to 1 primal attraction between a man and a woman standing a few feet from one another
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I know what 6ft4 looks like, he's not bad looking at all. That's just the reality of having having a sub top 5% face in the west. Years ago I used to believe height>face before I did online dating experiments with a top tier face/average height and top tier height/average face. The top tier face got much better results consistently, and it wasn't even close tbh
Who tf said anything about online dating
Who tf said anything about online dating
It's the most common way people meet now. I work in public too, virtually none of the couples I see where the guy is tall is he dating over his facial looksmatch
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It's the most common way people meet now. I work in public too, virtually none of the couples I see where the guy is tall is he dating over his facial looksmatch
I don't care sorry
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That's what genes do.., that's just a small theory tho my overarching point is quite simple but profound and BTFOs facecopers
I wont argue against your theory that evolution prioritizes achieving greater height over achieving better faces
My question is how does the fetus know that it's genetic blueprint height will not be dimorphic enough within the environment it finds itself in
Lets say a white man gets a white woman pregnant and the genetic blueprint for the child is that it will reach an adult height of 5'8 with adequate nutrition. So the nutrients for the fetus get used to improve the child's facial development, does that mean nutrients that would've been given to height are negated and he only reaches 5'7?
What if the mother moves to the Phillipines so he would've actually benefitted from using all of the fetus nutrients on height since he would be among the tallest men and have no need to compensate with face
I wont argue against your theory that evolution prioritizes achieving greater height over achieving better faces
My question is how does the fetus know that it's genetic blueprint height will not be dimorphic enough within the environment it finds itself in
Lets say a white man gets a white woman pregnant and the genetic blueprint for the child is that it will reach an adult height of 5'8 with adequate nutrition. So the nutrients for the fetus get used to improve the child's facial development, does that mean nutrients that would've been given to height are negated and he only reaches 5'7?
What if the mother moves to the Phillipines so he would've actually benefitted from using all of the fetus nutrients on height since he would be among the tallest men and have no need to compensate with face
This is only a theory but I presume that there arises a stage after the soft tissues are formed to an extent that genes coding for the protein that influence adult height takes up majority of the nutrition. But there is also another gene that relays information to protein building complexes to switch from height prioritising to face if:
1. Nutrition is not adequate ( basically low protein which is so rare in the modern world to be a good reason)
2. A gene is able to guess the height cap of an incipient organism and is able to divert attention to facial aesthetics well before the organism has even been semi formed.

If nutrition is removed as a bottleneck, we can postulate additional genes that recode height cap info to genes which "recieve "this info and encode proteins appropriately
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Now the question you may be asking is why not the best of both worlds? My answer is that I do not know, there must be a tradeoff however slight between face- height for whatever reason atleast on average, or maybe like I said it is just selection bias
This is only a theory but I presume that there arises a stage after the soft tissues are formed to an extent that genes coding for the protein that influence adult height takes up majority of the nutrition. But there is also another gene that relays information to protein building complexes to switch from height prioritising to face if:
1. Nutrition is not adequate ( basically low protein which is so rare in the modern world to be a good reason)
2. A gene is able to guess the height cap of an incipient organism and is able to divert attention to facial aesthetics well before the organism has even been semi formed.

If nutrition is removed as a bottleneck, we can postulate additional genes that recode height cap info to genes which "recieve "this info and encode proteins appropriately
interesting tbh
What do you think is the reason guys like Maher come about that have ideal height and ideal facial development?
Having a nice face but being turbomanlet is comical. There is no fix for it except double LL
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I would rather be a tall normiefag than chad leprechaun
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greycel moment dnr
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White manlet > tall curry
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I have no idea what you are trying to say
op is retarded.

higher T causes growth plates to fuse earlier. shorter stature = greater t concentration. taller stature = generally worse posture causing worse facial development + longer midface. shorter stature = less required nutrients for over all development.

manlets tend to have higher testosterone and less likely to have horse face syndrome which leads to a more attractive face.

not sure what the effects height has on prenatal T are tho.
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  • JFL
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imo women should be more selective for height since it is the most predictable trait to pass on
A guy with a Delon tier face is not even guaranteed to create a son with at least an average face by mating with an average faced woman
A tall male will almost always create an above average height son by reproducing with an average height woman

Having 50th percentile face with 99th percentile height just means you get noticed above other guys with 50th percentile face
The guy with 60th percentile face and 50th percentile height will cuck you because of the facemog
especially since in ten years when we're all reproducing every foid will be blackpilled and won't risk having kids with a manlet no matter how good looking
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Great, lucked out on height and whatever benefit I got did nothing for the face :feelswah:
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Have you ever noticed how manlets seem to have better facial structure and look better than tall men on average. If this is not selection bias( which I don't think it is) then there may be an evolutionary reason why the gene that codes for facial aesthetics is influenced by the gene that codes for height.

I know there are many genes responsible for facial aesthetics but for my argument I would like to consider a set of genes responsible for facial beauty A and a set of genes responsible for facial beauty B.

I would like to also use Nietzsche's notion of the Will to Power as a lens from which we can decode and re-encode such a mechanism.

What I want to prove is this:
Height> face and an organism strives to attain height and when height is not dimporphic enough, nutrients from the placenta are devoted to facial aesthetics instead as a compensation to help maximise passing on genes ( basically a cope).

First, for Nietzsche evolution is a mechanism which surpasses itself. Given enough time offshoots occur which is so far advanced from its genetic tree progenitors that its novelty cannot be reconciled with classical notions of natural selection ( today this is known as Darwin's black box).

However by splicing time into tinier bits we can delineate which traits are most important for a particular species' chances at mating. For almost all land mammals height is the best predictor of passing on one's genes. In fact, height so far trumps other features that the taller you are, the less time will you survive in this world ( a biological fact).

If such an handicap exists to such a trait why does the female of the species select over and over for it? Surely it must select for a short male who can live longer and provide resources for a longer time, but no! Evolution keeps selecting for height even with such a huge tradeoff.

This cannot be answered with a Darwinian paradigm where survival is the name of the game. No! The species must evolve, must surpass itself, the individual is dispensable. It is the species that is important.

With a Nietzschean paradigm however we can see how height is selected for because it affords the best chance of surpassing our all too human nature. Why are the Greek statues tall and proud? Why is Middle English literature replete with kings who are 6'4 and tanned? Because tallness secures alpha status in tribal times and the tall guy might even die sooner than the betas because he is reared to throw the first arrow at the mammoth, the first spear at an enemy tribe etc. Tallness was both a birth and a blessing because the species has to overcome itself.

Now however, our primal brains still function the same way. Being tall primes you to be alpha , and you live as long as manlets to an extent now. But female brains are still wired to select for height, they get giddy when a tall bearded men stands in front of her ( even when he looks like an ogre) . This is because subconsciously she wants a tall child , even when in primal times it may have meant higher chances of death and lesser lifespan for her child. Think about it, why do beautiful parents produce ugly children sometimes but two lanklets almost produce a tall child?

Once the genes for tallness has been inculcated into a generation. That generation is now primed to succeed in the evolutionary game. Their children will be tall and the children will marry a tall man ( if girl) and so on and so on. No such thing for face. So I conclude that even at the pre - embryonic level genes for height when restricted lead to an increased propensity for facial aesthetics since height is the main trait that is necessary for the promulgation of that particular generation.
if I got a bunch of men who are 6'2 and 5'6 the taller males would have larger splancho's, taller wider chin and longer jaws with stronger more projected frontal bone. manlets usually have short face syndrome due to low igf

12195BDB FD0A 4A8B BD4B 0CD7B71352C6
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youre using nietzsche to explain evolution dude lol
if I got a bunch of men who are 6'2 and 5'6 the taller males would have larger splancho's, taller wider chin and longer jaws with stronger more projected frontal bone. manlets usually have short face syndrome due to low igf

View attachment 1530832
damn this is accurate in my case

thanks for explanation
op is retarded.

higher T causes growth plates to fuse earlier. shorter stature = greater t concentration. taller stature = generally worse posture causing worse facial development + longer midface. shorter stature = less required nutrients for over all development.

manlets tend to have higher testosterone and less likely to have horse face syndrome which leads to a more attractive face.

not sure what the effects height has on prenatal T are tho.
Imagine going from higher T causes growth plates to fuse earlier to manlets have higher T. You are one dumb motherfucker

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