The evolutionary reason for manlets looking better on average

I am 6'3 and I'm from the Netherlands. Come here with your manlet ass and you'll get mogged into oblivion.
so aren't u proving OPs point? Holland has the tallest people on average that I have seen, and yeah there are evolutionary reasons for this, but they also.have some of the least facially attractive, hence the dimorphic markers find the path of least resistance?
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Have you ever noticed how manlets seem to have better facial structure and look better than tall men on average. If this is not selection bias( which I don't think it is) then there may be an evolutionary reason why the gene that codes for facial aesthetics is influenced by the gene that codes for height.

I know there are many genes responsible for facial aesthetics but for my argument I would like to consider a set of genes responsible for facial beauty A and a set of genes responsible for facial beauty B.

I would like to also use Nietzsche's notion of the Will to Power as a lens from which we can decode and re-encode such a mechanism.

What I want to prove is this:
Height> face and an organism strives to attain height and when height is not dimporphic enough, nutrients from the placenta are devoted to facial aesthetics instead as a compensation to help maximise passing on genes ( basically a cope).

First, for Nietzsche evolution is a mechanism which surpasses itself. Given enough time offshoots occur which is so far advanced from its genetic tree progenitors that its novelty cannot be reconciled with classical notions of natural selection ( today this is known as Darwin's black box).

However by splicing time into tinier bits we can delineate which traits are most important for a particular species' chances at mating. For almost all land mammals height is the best predictor of passing on one's genes. In fact, height so far trumps other features that the taller you are, the less time will you survive in this world ( a biological fact).

If such an handicap exists to such a trait why does the female of the species select over and over for it? Surely it must select for a short male who can live longer and provide resources for a longer time, but no! Evolution keeps selecting for height even with such a huge tradeoff.

This cannot be answered with a Darwinian paradigm where survival is the name of the game. No! The species must evolve, must surpass itself, the individual is dispensable. It is the species that is important.

With a Nietzschean paradigm however we can see how height is selected for because it affords the best chance of surpassing our all too human nature. Why are the Greek statues tall and proud? Why is Middle English literature replete with kings who are 6'4 and tanned? Because tallness secures alpha status in tribal times and the tall guy might even die sooner than the betas because he is reared to throw the first arrow at the mammoth, the first spear at an enemy tribe etc. Tallness was both a birth and a blessing because the species has to overcome itself.

Now however, our primal brains still function the same way. Being tall primes you to be alpha , and you live as long as manlets to an extent now. But female brains are still wired to select for height, they get giddy when a tall bearded men stands in front of her ( even when he looks like an ogre) . This is because subconsciously she wants a tall child , even when in primal times it may have meant higher chances of death and lesser lifespan for her child. Think about it, why do beautiful parents produce ugly children sometimes but two lanklets almost produce a tall child?

Once the genes for tallness has been inculcated into a generation. That generation is now primed to succeed in the evolutionary game. Their children will be tall and the children will marry a tall man ( if girl) and so on and so on. No such thing for face. So I conclude that even at the pre - embryonic level genes for height when restricted lead to an increased propensity for facial aesthetics since height is the main trait that is necessary for the promulgation of that particular generation.
OP I think u r sort of on the right lines but it also doesn't make sense because the evolutionary process hasbt had time to recognize facial prettiness yet.

also for your logic to hold wouldn't it mean that shorter guys would have more dimorphic masculine faces? I'm not sure this is true.

I do think.height is SOMEWHAT inverse to facial.good looks, but dont agree it's as stark as you suggest. generally I find men between 5'8" and 6' (173cm-182cm) have the 'best' faces, so the best mix and strongly projected, sharp 'pretty ' features with decent dimorphism. I find as u get much taller ir shorter than this haces get less appealing, worh some outliers obv
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OP I think u r sort of on the right lines but it also doesn't make sense because the evolutionary process hasbt had time to recognize facial prettiness yet.

also for your logic to hold wouldn't it mean that shorter guys would have more dimorphic masculine faces? I'm not sure this is true.

I do think.height is SOMEWHAT inverse to facial.good looks, but dont agree it's as stark as you suggest. generally I find men between 5'8" and 6' (173cm-182cm) have the 'best' faces, so the best mix and strongly projected, sharp 'pretty ' features with decent dimorphism. I find as u get much taller ir shorter than this haces get less appealing, worh some outliers obv
First off , genes which control for facial aesthetics have not all been isolated but it's definitely possible for a somewhat stable heritability of good looks( lesser than height)- from this we can deduce that there are genes that control for facial aesthetics.

Now that doesn't manlet faces have to be dimporphic, only that more resources are geared to a face with higher collagen, sturdier bone structure etc. This can manifest as more dimporphic but not necessarily.

And yes when I say manlets I'm referring to 5'6-5'9. Not to 5'2-5'6 ( which already suggests shit genes and nutrition). You may have noticed there is an over-representarion of good looking people in this height range.
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White manlet > tall curry
Keep sitting in your basement thinking this while some 6'4 curry is ramming the one girl you had any hope of nagging and will soon dump her like a trashcan and move on
First off , genes which control for facial aesthetics have not all been isolated but it's definitely possible for a somewhat stable heritability of good looks( lesser than height)- from this we can deduce that there are genes that control for facial aesthetics.

Now that doesn't manlet faces have to be dimporphic, only that more resources are geared to a face with higher collagen, sturdier bone structure etc. This can manifest as more dimporphic but not necessarily.

And yes when I say manlets I'm referring to 5'6-5'9. Not to 5'2-5'6 ( which already suggests shit genes and nutrition). You may have noticed there is an over-representarion of good looking people in this height range.
yeah we agree, and I'd even extend to say 5'6" to 5'9" has good looking people, but I generally find 5'8"-6" has the best looking people, and yeah I'm prob kist coping cos I'm bang in that range, even though I'm a loser ethnic
yeah we agree, and I'd even extend to say 5'6" to 5'9" has good looking people, but I generally find 5'8"-6" has the best looking people, and yeah I'm prob kist coping cos I'm bang in that range, even though I'm a loser ethnic
This further proves my point since they fall just below what's considered tall
so aren't u proving OPs point? Holland has the tallest people on average that I have seen, and yeah there are evolutionary reasons for this, but they also.have some of the least facially attractive, hence the dimorphic markers find the path of least resistance?
I didn’t read the post, I only read the title yesterday. Now after reading his post, It seems he could have a point. I don’t agree with you saying that Dutch people have the least attractive faces tho. I’m half ethnic btw. The taller people (6’3+) tend to have longer, narrower faces here but it is often in proportion to their body. Most chad(lites) who have wider, more dymorphic faces are between 5’11-6’3 here.
Keep sitting in your basement thinking this while some 6'4 curry is ramming the one girl you had any hope of nagging and will soon dump her like a trashcan and move on
Nah even gypsies have more smv than curry but ima let you cope so that u dont rope tonight
  • JFL
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Nah even gypsies have more smv than curry but ima let you cope so that u dont rope tonight
imagine thinking some coping manlet's opinion will convince anyone to rope, try to not to go to sleep crying tonight :lul:
imagine thinking some coping manlet's opinion will convince anyone to rope, try to not to go to sleep crying tonight :lul:
Bold claims coming from a low iq dungbeetle, average white zoomer makes you look like a literal bug its over for you my nigga you should reincarnate
  • JFL
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Bold claims coming from a low iq dungbeetle, average white zoomer makes you look like a literal bug its over for you my nigga you should reincarnate
Dude just kys ur a manlet. " low iq" lmao whats ur iq u redneck turtle necked trashbag. Height is correlated with intelligence , manlets like u are genetic deadends do us a favour and die
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Smoke Fanboy, Deleted member 2729 and Deleted member 15827
Dude just kys ur a manlet. " low iq" lmao whats ur iq u redneck turtle necked trashbag. Height is correlated with intelligence , manlets like u are genetic deadends do us a favour and die

2725427 IMG 20200229 195431
Images 9

Isnt this beautiful? grandmother and grandson sexy mood mmm

Ur not even worth an evisceration thread
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Imagine going from higher T causes growth plates to fuse earlier to manlets have higher T. You are one dumb motherfucker
nah, it’s a well known fact manlets have higher t on average. this is just one of the reasons why
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  • JFL
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nah, it’s a well known fact manlets have higher t on average. this is just one of the reasons why
i think that was meant to be some sort of vague insult just doesnt work very well, please go easy on the copium
Ok dude whatever atleast I'm not a manlet genetic deadend. Even my granny is above your league Manlet Twink stfu and get lost ,stay in your lane rabid dog
As a 5'7 manlet I'm not a genetic dead end because I'm average height in my country.
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i think that was meant to be some sort of vague insult just doesnt work very well, please go easy on the copium
bro it wasn’t an insult ur trippin. i was literally clarifying what i said in my previous post. one of the reasons why manlets have higher t on average is because the increased testosterone causes growth plates to fuse earlier
bro it wasn’t an insult ur trippin. i was literally clarifying what i said in my previous post. one of the reasons why manlets have higher t on average is because the increased testosterone causes growth plates to fuse earlier
S I was about to sleep. We disagree on the testosterone thing tho, there is no study proving this. Growth plates fusing earlier is not purely caused by testosterone alone. I think your logic is flawed sorry


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i think that was meant to be some sort of vague insult just doesnt work very well, please go easy on the copium
He is right tho, castrated men or men who don't produce any t due to some illness grow very tall on average because their palettes don't fuse, t makes palettes fuse earlier.
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I am 6'3 and I'm from the Netherlands. Come here with your manlet ass and you'll get mogged into oblivion.
Dutch men (on average) only strike me as pale-skin, boring-looking giants.

What a cope. Gl face or nothing man
Dutch men (on average) only strike me as pale-skin, boring-looking giants.

What a cope. Gl face or nothing man
You are a retarded coping manlet. JFL if you think dutch girls will go for your manlet ass. Come and see for yourself. Secondly, you will get mogged into oblivion everywhere including your career by the guys you so call "boring-looking". Keep coping.
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You are a retarded coping manlet. JFL if you think dutch girls will go for your manlet ass. Come and see for yourself. Secondly, you will get mogged into oblivion everywhere including your career by the guys you so call "boring-looking". Keep coping.
Lol, spice is up your ass, unintelligent guy.
You are a retarded coping manlet. JFL if you think dutch girls will go for your manlet ass. Come and see for yourself. Secondly, you will get mogged into oblivion everywhere including your career by the guys you so call "boring-looking". Keep coping.
And most Dutch girls are the same, like 5 feet 7 boring looking fat pale bitches.
  • JFL
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Same pale guy.
I've said multiple times that I'm half dutch half turk you coping abused dog. Keep barking for me you inkwell.
I've said multiple times that I'm half dutch half turk you coping abused dog. Keep barking for me you inkwell.
So you look like the guy from Hercai? Highly doubt it boyo.

Face or nothing. Latina girls wouldn't keep staring at you in the beach if you don't have gl face. Instead, you'd just be another annoying tourist.
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  • JFL
Reactions: TheAnomaly and Deleted member 15827
So you look like the guy from Hercai? Highly doubt it boyo.

Face or nothing. Latina girls wouldn't keep staring at you in the beach if you don't have gl face. Instead, you'd just be another annoying tourist.
Height over all tbh
Height over all tbh
I would love to be taller, but face is something magical man. You can't mog it easily.

I have a good-looking face, way better than average, + better than average colouring. I have good jaw too. My face looks super outlandish considering I live in Chile.

I am always around taller guys. Yet they always tell me the girls stare at me.
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I would love to be taller, but face is something magical man. You can't mog it easily.

I have a good-looking face, way better than average, + better than average colouring. I have good jaw too. My face looks super outlandish considering I live in Chile.

I am always around taller guys. Yet they always tell me the girls stare at me.
Because they pity you and want to feel better about themselves for mogging you constantly
Wat retardation i just read
  • JFL
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Have you ever noticed how manlets seem to have better facial structure and look better than tall men on average. If this is not selection bias( which I don't think it is) then there may be an evolutionary reason why the gene that codes for facial aesthetics is influenced by the gene that codes for height.

I know there are many genes responsible for facial aesthetics but for my argument I would like to consider a set of genes responsible for facial beauty A and a set of genes responsible for facial beauty B.

I would like to also use Nietzsche's notion of the Will to Power as a lens from which we can decode and re-encode such a mechanism.

What I want to prove is this:
Height> face and an organism strives to attain height and when height is not dimporphic enough, nutrients from the placenta are devoted to facial aesthetics instead as a compensation to help maximise passing on genes ( basically a cope).

First, for Nietzsche evolution is a mechanism which surpasses itself. Given enough time offshoots occur which is so far advanced from its genetic tree progenitors that its novelty cannot be reconciled with classical notions of natural selection ( today this is known as Darwin's black box).

However by splicing time into tinier bits we can delineate which traits are most important for a particular species' chances at mating. For almost all land mammals height is the best predictor of passing on one's genes. In fact, height so far trumps other features that the taller you are, the less time will you survive in this world ( a biological fact).

If such an handicap exists to such a trait why does the female of the species select over and over for it? Surely it must select for a short male who can live longer and provide resources for a longer time, but no! Evolution keeps selecting for height even with such a huge tradeoff.

This cannot be answered with a Darwinian paradigm where survival is the name of the game. No! The species must evolve, must surpass itself, the individual is dispensable. It is the species that is important.

With a Nietzschean paradigm however we can see how height is selected for because it affords the best chance of surpassing our all too human nature. Why are the Greek statues tall and proud? Why is Middle English literature replete with kings who are 6'4 and tanned? Because tallness secures alpha status in tribal times and the tall guy might even die sooner than the betas because he is reared to throw the first arrow at the mammoth, the first spear at an enemy tribe etc. Tallness was both a birth and a blessing because the species has to overcome itself.

Now however, our primal brains still function the same way. Being tall primes you to be alpha , and you live as long as manlets to an extent now. But female brains are still wired to select for height, they get giddy when a tall bearded men stands in front of her ( even when he looks like an ogre) . This is because subconsciously she wants a tall child , even when in primal times it may have meant higher chances of death and lesser lifespan for her child. Think about it, why do beautiful parents produce ugly children sometimes but two lanklets almost produce a tall child?

Once the genes for tallness has been inculcated into a generation. That generation is now primed to succeed in the evolutionary game. Their children will be tall and the children will marry a tall man ( if girl) and so on and so on. No such thing for face. So I conclude that even at the pre - embryonic level genes for height when restricted lead to an increased propensity for facial aesthetics since height is the main trait that is necessary for the promulgation of that particular generation.
let me simplify : manlets have good face cuz only good looking manlets where able to pass manlet height down the gene chain.
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Why tf manlets keep saying that manlets have better faces than tall ones? Cut the cope already, good looking face and tallness always comes together. I didnt yet to see a single manlet who has a better face than a tall guy (even if they did it would look nothing but cringe compared to the taller guy anyways)
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