The fact 90% of Main Characters are Chads or Stacies just goes to show the rest of us don't fucking matter

if youre low iq + ugly then something just went wrong. I mean you gotta be missbred or some shit
Bad looks are positively correlated with low IQ, actually. Good genetics come in a package.
Look at every popular TV show/movie/anime/video game/whatever. There is a 99% chance that the main character is a Chad or Stacy, going around the world, doing Chad or Stacy things, meeting interesting people, making friends, getting laid, making a difference, etc, whereas all the normies in those same universes are either relegated to support roles or simply don't matter. Incel characters either don't exist or are the villains (and even then they'll only be low-tier villains; the main bad guys are always at least normie tier or sometimes even Chads themselves).

This just goes to show that despite all of society's bluepilled virtue signaling, you CANNOT be considered important by anybody unless you've already surpassed a certain minimum looks threshold, and that threshold is quite high (top 10% at the MINIMUM and that's by white standards. By ethnic standards it's like top 1%).

The brutal reality is that everybody who isn't Chad or Stacy is an NPC by default. You don't matter. You're just an extra whose sole purpose is to populate a world that exists for the benefit of the genetic elite. They are the only ones who actually get to 'play' in the game.

And the worst part is that you will NEVER get another chance. There is no 'try again' function irl. You get this shitty life and that's it. You'll never get to go 'live' for real.

Pure fucking suicidefuel.

Yes bro the most popular and iconic cartoon character is a Chad and not a wagie with a retard for a best friend.

You can achieve great things if you are not goodlooking, one of them being fixing your looks.
Bad looks are positively correlated with low IQ, actually. Good genetics come in a package.
Also, not always as most of "intelectuals", high iq people like scientists and artists were historically ugly.

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