The failures of Western Hegemony and how the East will not repeat the same mistakes.

The west has had an undoubtedly good run. From the times when they were the backwaters of civilization (besides Africa) the west rose up to dominate the entire world by the latter half of the second millennium. The west still leads the world in many ways, no one can deny this. However, it is also a fact that the west is fracturing. The many contradictions that permeate western civilization (wokeness, etc) has led to a reality in which no one serious about geopolitics can deny that the west is in decline. Serious decline. A decline that seems to accelerate with every passing month. The mistakes made by the west will not be repeated by the East.

1. Mistake one: The first mistake the west made is that they did not properly subjugate the other “white” races. The result is now that the Western Hemisphere is currently in a war to decide the fate of Europe. The failure of the west to properly dominate the Slavs has led to the first full scale war between developed nations in modern history. This is a war that is sucking resources out of the west to arm dead Ukrainians while simultaneously depriving Western Europe of oil and gas, destroying the manufacturing hub of Europe that is Germany. I predict that within five years Western Europe will decide that commuting economic suicide for the United States is not in their best interest and will begin decoupling from the US. East Asia, on the other hand, will never let this happen. When the East rises, it will utterly dominate Southeast Asia so that there is no doubt at all as to who is the master. South Asia (India really) will also be forced to submit or China will nuke them to oblivion. As for the fate of westerners in the Eastern led world, you need only look at the bent position of Russia in relation to China.

2. Mistake two: The second mistake the west made is multiculturalism. This is leading, and in fact already has led to a great cucking of the white race, and their gradual muttification. Yes there is a lot of talk about the percentage of Asian women who marry out in the US. It is indeed high. But keep in mind Asians only make up 7 percent of the population. And if you take out south and south East Asians from the equation then the number is even lower. 11 million (estimated population of East asians in US) divided by 1.7 billion total East asians is 0.006% of asians being cucked (and that’s if every single Asian woman in the west married out which they don’t.) think about that 0.006% of East asians, max. Compare this to western white women (leaving Slavs out as they are already being cucked by East asians). Of course as a percentage they marry out less, but there are obviously so much more of them in the west. Not only that western white people are by far a minority in the world among the major races; that means the percentage of cucking is even higher. With all the black men immigrating into western countries, and white men and women willingly leaving each other in droves. The white race is by far, by far the most cucked race that has ever existed in the history of humanity, both in terms of sheer numbers and as a percentage. Truly doomed. Foreign populations in the East Asian countries are at about one percent. And most of that one percent are made up of other East Asians, so there is no fear of a dilution of East Asian genes. Throughout history East Asians were the least cucked race out of all races. North-East Asians moved southwards and fucked all the indigenous island people, but we let none of them in. Current east Asia immigration policies is a reflection of that past.

3. Mistake three: wokeness is destroying the west. Need I elaborate? I think not. Western countries are trying their hardest to export wokeness around the world. But the conservative nations of the world are resisting spectacularly. In fact I believe resistance to wokeness will be one of the major factors that will unite the world under the East against the west in the coming decades. As monumentally stupid as Christianity is, without it the west has no cultural backbone that defends it from degeneracy. Unlike East Asia, even without its religions, the stopgap of Confucianism holds strong against wokeness.

The only thing standing in the way of inevitable East Asian domination is the hostilities that exist between China, Korea, and Japan. These hostilities are being kept up and inflamed by the west because they know that a United East Asia will be unstoppable. The west’s aversion to China is however, having the opposite effect and is actually drawing Asian countries closer together, as countries begin to realize that the west is using the rest of Asia to keep China down at the expense of Asia. Take the giant population and industrial sector of China, the high tech and popularity of South Korean and Japan. Add in the based nature of North Korea. And of course the descendants of Chinghis Khan in Mongolia, the age of the west is soon about to draw to a close.
The West will never fall. The birthplace of the industrial revolution has cemented it self as an utterly immovable object for one reason alone: money.
  • Hmm...
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Welp...I have no response. This is delusion. 40 million wayward men are more than enough to topple a society, hell even 1% of that could organize and fuck shit up.
Well we will wait and see. Good debate bhai.
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China’s greatest wish is to repay the century of humiliation. Generations have already sacrificed themselves for this goal. Confucian culture dictates children must follow their lead until the goal has been achieved, which they will.
Their sacrifices were in vain.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Cheesyrumble
I agree that the domination of the west is coming to an end, however you should bear in mind that although asians are higher iq they are also lower in eq and creativity . 90% of all inventions throughout history were made by whites, if whites disappear the growth of humanity as a whole will stagnate.

Also highest birth rates are in africa .
The future of asia is getting bleached and blacked.
753d2572ece31819e4501f788377009d1dfd0fdd49fbe51f65941b0813fa4982 1
  • JFL
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The West will never fall. The birthplace of the industrial revolution has cemented it self as an utterly immovable object for one reason alone: money.
It won't fall 🙃. Just less hegemonic over the world 😉
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The West will never fall. The birthplace of the industrial revolution has cemented it self as an utterly immovable object for one reason alone: money.
The center of industry has already moved to Asia. The west only has finance capital to grease the wheels of its economy. The thing is with finance capital, it’s a fickle mistress. Whereas the west willingly divulged its industry to the East for cheaper, better made products. Finance is less controllable. Inevitably the center of finance follows industry, which is Asia.
  • +1
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I agree that the domination of the west is coming to an end, however you should bear in mind that although asians are higher iq they are also lower in eq and creativity . 90% of all inventions throughout history were made by whites, if whites disappear the growth of humanity as a whole will stagnate.

Also highest birth rates are in africa .
The future of asia is getting bleached and blacked.
View attachment 1946829
There's way more african girls becoming single moms from chinese working in Africa lol. But ur delusional if u think the most homogenous region on earth will change race to blasian and hapa mutts. East Asian countries do not allow immigrants

Also JFL at ur stupid racial iq science.... we were having a serious debate. Stfu. Africans, whites or asians don't have a genetic iq advantage or disadvantage
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I agree that the domination of the west is coming to an end, however you should bear in mind that although asians are higher iq they are also lower in eq and creativity . 90% of all inventions throughout history were made by whites, if whites disappear the growth of humanity as a whole will stagnate.

Also highest birth rates are in africa .
The future of asia is getting bleached and blacked.
View attachment 1946829
Cope, East has already caught up or surpassed the west in terms of patents and scientific papers even with centuries head start. Soon the difference will be insurmountable.
Also cope. Global warming will cause Africans to move north and west, not east. They are closest to Europe and North America. Ain’t no way they crossing the Himalayas to get to east Asia. Also west has historical guilt to let blacks in. Asia has no such obligations and will shoot on sight. If anything the future of the west will be one of black fathers and white mothers.
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  • JFL
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I agree that the domination of the west is coming to an end, however you should bear in mind that although asians are higher iq they are also lower in eq and creativity . 90% of all inventions throughout history were made by whites, if whites disappear the growth of humanity as a whole will stagnate.

Also highest birth rates are in africa .
The future of asia is getting bleached and blacked.
View attachment 1946829
This is fake and complete cope post

JFL are you negroid?
  • +1
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its actually over for the west/brazilamerica
Cut It Out No GIF by UFC
if you disagree you are coping and you will rot in delusion

No more slaves and white supremacy to hold up the "culture" it once had. its now a country full of randomness and cuck white men

its over Que the Music
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Cheesyrumble and Qazqa
its actually over for the west/brazilamerica
Cut It Out No GIF by UFC
if you disagree you are coping and you will rot in delusion

No more slaves and white supremacy to hold up the "culture" it once had. its now a country full of randomness and cuck white men

its over Que the Music
Only a matter of time. I will implore future generations to save South America in honor of @Cheesyrumble though. They are in fact joining belt and road initiative as we speak. Not too late for them.
  • +1
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My fucking Buddha this was such a high iq mental flex. I can feel my brain muscles bulging.
  • Love it
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its actually over for the west/brazilamerica
Cut It Out No GIF by UFC
if you disagree you are coping and you will rot in delusion

No more slaves and white supremacy to hold up the "culture" it once had. its now a country full of randomness and cuck white men

its over Que the Music
Westerners already know how bad it is right now. There's countless posts online of angry men pointing how all the problems with all of the "Cultural enrichment" being brought from to the west from ethnics LOL.

The amount of racial tension and conflict is not sustainable.
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Westerners already know how bad it is right now. There's countless posts online of angry men pointing how all the problems with all of the "Cultural enrichment" being brought from to the west from ethnics LOL.

The amount of racial tension and conflict is not sustainable.
Who knows, maybe their cuck genes will result in all whites bowing down to ethnics.

  • JFL
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I actually read this, and unfortunately OP you're pretty wrong on all points.

OP how old are u btw?
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Dnrd tbh
You didnt mention japan population trend
Niether korean
And there is no greater western decline as west simply will unite under a :new agenda: (if you know you know)
All of the world will except some african country
No decline and rise will be allowed to happen
society is doomed pretty much everywhere and more and more people are opting out from workforce and / or going ER and Asian powers have this problem even more in the West
  • +1
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Hey my Latino bhai.... do u consider latin america as a part of the "west"? There's great arguments for and against saying Latin America is part of the west. Clearly Latin America is "closest" to the west because it derived from it. But it's more complicated than that surface level connection imo
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Personally.... I'm rooting for a curry takeover
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almost everyone in na and western europe have subclinical metabolic and inflammatory diseases evident by the comical rates of cvd and arthritis. highest prevalence of psychiatric disorders and lowest of pairbonding. the western conglomerate rules the most disturbed bodies and minds on earth to call themselves virtuous and tolerant. muslim, eastern european, and east asian countries are godfearing and smart enough to set red lines, although alcoholism is rampant in ee and ea.
  • +1
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Hey my Latino bhai.... do u consider latin america as a part of the "west"? There's great arguments for and against saying Latin America is part of the west. Clearly Latin America is "closest" to the west because it derived from it. But it's more complicated than that surface level connection imo
Not really. Most of Latam consists of “developing countries.” I would say Latam is on par with countries like Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, etc. There is lots of corruptions, money/status>looks(e.g.women in their 20s and 30s sleeping and having relationships with men in high government positions who are in their 40s/50s).

I think it will take 10-20 yrs for Latam to be considered “first world.”
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South Korea and Japan already fell victim to hypergamy and demographic decay
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You sound like a Sino nationalist China has a better chance of getting along with Vietnam than SK and Japan.

Socialist and Capitalist countries are fundamentally different
  • JFL
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High iQ shit good stuff
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A bunch of memes from 4 Chan reddit and CCP paid agents mushed together
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  • JFL
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@Qazqa Are you Asian or white larper?
None of the things you mentioned can actually prevented, they're the natural course for advancing societies.
The same thing will happen to East Asia in the future (assuming Japan and Korea aren't barren wastelands considering their birthrates)
In many ways the east is more fucked than the west, your population pyramids are shit, even china.

Repressive authoritarian societies just don't work and antithetical to innovation and progress, China saw massive growth and success as they opened free trade and expanded freedoms. Western liberal democracy is the natural (and ideal) end state of human civilization.
Absolutely cucked bullshit.

Here's a redpill for you: The races aren't the same.

Western civilization isn't falling into pieces because of some 'natural historical evolution'. It's failing because WHITE PEOPLE are NATURALLY MORE SELFISH. This is a brutal racepill. Asian societies are inherently more conservative because their RACE is inherently more conservative. Race is a massively underrated factor in this discussion. I'm white, but I've become disillusioned about the white race. Our 'individulism' is actually just degenerate and self-destructive.
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Absolutely cucked bullshit.

Here's a redpill for you: The races aren't the same.

Western civilization isn't falling into pieces because of some 'natural historical evolution'. It's failing because WHITE PEOPLE are NATURALLY MORE SELFISH. This is a brutal racepill. Asian societies are inherently more conservative because their RACE is inherently more conservative. Race is a massively underrated factor in this discussion. I'm white, but I've become disillusioned about the white race. Our 'individulism' is actually just degenerate and self-destructive.
Stfu cumskin, your statement make 0sense, nigga how’s being selfish a race thing.
Great post thank you for taking the time to write up
The East could easily reign superior over the West in a few decades if you guys sorted out your birth rates
lol mongol mental gymnastics NATO and it´s allies are the strongest force god has ever blessed the earth with. Russia has to be demilitarized forever and made into to a vassal state of the new forged intermarium
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  • Woah
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Not "mistakes", intended results by jews.
Cope man, the west mogs the east in every factor, and forever will

And the no.1 thing that matters is genetics. The west has them, to the point your women buy our sperm.

You will never have that
The center of industry has already moved to Asia. The west only has finance capital to grease the wheels of its economy. The thing is with finance capital, it’s a fickle mistress. Whereas the west willingly divulged its industry to the East for cheaper, better made products. Finance is less controllable. Inevitably the center of finance follows industry, which is Asia.
You’d think so, yet the east’s (primarily China’s) economy has been severely underperforming, worse than we thought. And their utter reliance on the West makes sure the balance of power is shared. Look at the history of western recessions and how detrimental they are to Eastern nations.
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Muh birthrates. The white race is literally going extinct. Of course it's the natural course in the west as of now if nothing changes. There's no guarantee racial and cultural divisions will be overcame. Can it even be called "western hegemony" once the west is unrecognizable compared to the people who upheld and built western civilization?
East asians are literally going extinct along side them, east asia literally wants to be europe this is emulated by east asian culture and how they copy what happens in the west just compare some KPOP songs to old western hip hop rap songs and chinese tv shows to american tv shows.

Japan is the only east asian country with a somewhat original culture and tv show
Literally everything you said in this post gookland will experience and they will have so many more problems on top of that

Also china japan and south Korea will never unite Japan has committed multiple war crimes against both countries, China in east asia viewed the same as Russia in Europe. All 3 countries have declining birth rates another thing in common with europe. Muh muh multiculturalism east asia has no muh muh multiculturalism this will unironically be another cause of their downfall they will be unable to import people to take the jobs of their retired generation and boost their economy, East asian work and study culture is extremely toxic and low IQ people who move to these countries will be unhappy with the toxic culture there so there is literally no desirability to move there.

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