The prettiest girl i have ever seen...

Doesn’t matter

She gets shat on by 10 fat hairy 50 year old billionaire arabs to lick their hairy arabs assholes clean afterwards and to suck camels off for a 50k weekend trip
shes 15
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts
Her name is Vika Bronova, now it's time to put this retard on ignore
Her name is Vika Bronova, now it's time to put this retard on ignore
mirin this retards IQ, couldn't even figure out the pics i posted isn't the girl im talking about:LOL:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Rea
Maybe but i think she might not realize how pretty she is because her only friends (2 girls) are subhuman asf, lower than ltb
every foid whether stacy or ltb overrate and overvalue themselves
  • Hmm...
Reactions: castizo
I was talking about the model you fucking retard, why would I care about the face from a random 15 yo LTB you saw at school 🤢🤢🤢
ask for it then instead of barking are you autistic or what? if you are i will be patient with you, i don't know the models name i literally searched "blue eyes black hair girl" to find a girl that looked similar to her, actual incel fiending over not getting to know a models name:lul::lul::lul:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Rea
mirin this retards IQ, couldn't even figure out the pics i posted isn't the girl im talking about:LOL:
Holy shit no you're the one retarded here boyo it must be hard to understand a sentence in English with your iq
You really think I give a fuck about the random LTB who spoke to you ? You're so low iq just slit your throat already
You really think I give a fuck about the random LTB who spoke to you ? You're so low iq just slit your throat already
fighting an invisible enemy right now retard, you are the one barking at me i couldn't care less about some summer of 2024 join
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Rea
fighting an invisible enemy right now retard, you are the one barking at me i couldn't care less about some summer of 2024 join

Try not to cringe challenge when I saw you joined in March 2024

You can't even read and understand a 3-word sentence in English, you're so pathetic no wonder you iq is so low you're a 15yo curry with brain damage
  • JFL
Reactions: castizo
Try not to cringe challenge when I saw you joined in March 2024

You can't even read and understand a 3-word sentence in English, you're so pathetic no wonder you iq is so low you're a 15yo curry with brain damage
youre so mad for what exactly? i wouldn't send the name of a model i don't know the name of myself?:lul:
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Rea
No prettiest girl for your face
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: truthhurts and castizo
cute , talk to her and make her feel like she is wanted :forcedsmile:
  • +1
Reactions: castizo
its not the girl i posted
she fogs this morph tbh
  • Hmm...
Reactions: truthhurts
find out and ask her yourself, even if you get rejected you'll already have outslayed everyone on this website
advice on what i should say/ask
  • +1
Reactions: MFMF
advice on what i should say/ask
First thing you should note before reading this is I have absolutely zero experience talking to women with romantic/sexual intent. So this will be corny as shit at times and take everything with a side of salt. And don't try to copy everything exactly like how I said.

Find something in common. You can try asking your friends about her and see what they know, if you have a class in common you can sit down close to her (if you can take your friend/friends with you, do, to not look desperate). You can talk to her about the class itself and the teacher (the success of this depends on not just charisma, but how interesting/funny the topic of the class actually is).

This is also your test run. You can try to find more stuff in common in the order of more normal interests you have to more niche, though note there is a zig-zag line where it goes over from normal to interesting to weird, Don't ask me where it is.

If you got a good convo going, you can try saying something like "You chill, I'd like to talk to you outside school, what's your snap/number?". Only pull this if your sure she liked the conversation and is invested in you. From here on just treat her mostly like a normal friend, clear communication, yada yada.

After a week if you still have feelings tell her. And do your best to make sure it's one on one to avoid embarrassment or outside parties intervening. Just texting her might work but idk she'll probably take it to the council and see what they think.

Take steps back if she shows red flags. Just don't force anything or hurt yourself because you want some coochie
  • Hmm...
Reactions: castizo
First thing you should note before reading this is I have absolutely zero experience talking to women with romantic/sexual intent. So this will be corny as shit at times and take everything with a side of salt. And don't try to copy everything exactly like how I said.

Find something in common. You can try asking your friends about her and see what they know, if you have a class in common you can sit down close to her (if you can take your friend/friends with you, do, to not look desperate). You can talk to her about the class itself and the teacher (the success of this depends on not just charisma, but how interesting/funny the topic of the class actually is).

This is also your test run. You can try to find more stuff in common in the order of more normal interests you have to more niche, though note there is a zig-zag line where it goes over from normal to interesting to weird, Don't ask me where it is.

If you got a good convo going, you can try saying something like "You chill, I'd like to talk to you outside school, what's your snap/number?". Only pull this if your sure she liked the conversation and is invested in you. From here on just treat her mostly like a normal friend, clear communication, yada yada.

After a week if you still have feelings tell her. And do your best to make sure it's one on one to avoid embarrassment or outside parties intervening. Just texting her might work but idk she'll probably take it to the council and see what they think.

Take steps back if she shows red flags. Just don't force anything or hurt yourself because you want some coochie
Great plan the only part is that shes not in any my classes and shes a year younger than me, if i actually started talking to her i would have no problem its just the initial start thats hard to not seem weird
  • +1
Reactions: MFMF
Great plan the only part is that shes not in any my classes and shes a year younger than me, if i actually started talking to her i would have no problem its just the initial start thats hard to not seem weird
I don't really have anything you could find useful now. You can try to find someone both of you know.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: castizo
I don't really have anything you could find useful now. You can try to find someone both of you know.
Im just going to cold approach tomorrow, get that selfie with her + her snap and invite her to parties
its not hard for me to ask if im doing it for something like posting on here but asking her out or for her number is hard for me
take some proponolol and alcohol. you are 6'4 nigga
  • +1
Reactions: castizo
take some pics of her and post here rn
  • Hmm...
Reactions: castizo
thats the plan im going to take a selfie with her tomorrow

why i do it almost every day before school? i will just do alot more before approaching her
mirin for drugmaxxing to be fair. I abuse alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana. cocaine would probably make u too fast, not calm and uninhibited (my experience with friends)
  • Hmm...
Reactions: castizo
mirin for drugmaxxing to be fair. I abuse alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana. cocaine would probably make u too fast, not calm and uninhibited (my experience with friends)
coke makes me talk really intensely and directly towards someone in their face, she would be into that tho probably, but i speak clearly and proper and High IQ, nothing makes me have a more high iq conversation than when i do coke, alcohol makes me a slurring retard but low inhib, good for later on in the night at parties when its kinda slowing down and i have found a girl but not good at all for cold approaching this girl im nervous about
  • +1
Reactions: rickysalomano
I would like to kiss her beautiful face multiple times a day while cuddling with her.
I wish I was 6'7 Tyrone or 6'5 Chad and I could've easily pulled chicks like her.
  • +1
Reactions: castizo
She's fucking gorgeous😍😍😍
  • +1
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