The real reason "Chad" is ripped/low body fat naturally

Deleted member 7651

Deleted member 7651

Jun 4, 2020
Honestly you guys got it all wrong , the reason "chad" is ripped isnt as simple as blaming it on his infamous superior genetic profile .

As i was researching about the keto diet i stumbled upon fat adaption , what is it ?

"Fat adaptation is your body’s ability to burn fat as its main fuel source. When you’re fat-adapted, you turn fat into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energetic currency that powers nearly every cell in your body."

Aka you burn body fat almost instantly whenever there s no glucose available ( unlike "incel"'s body which will start a different process known as gluconeogenesis ) , so your body will start prioritizing fat burning hormones (such as testosterone aka "Chad"'s hormone ) .

It turns out that you dont need to be on a low carb diet in order to become fat adapted , marathoners are extremely fat adapted despite carb loading each and every day .

Look at this guy , extremely ripped despite eating 6000 calories a day of mostly carbs .

Based on my experience those who were ripped in my classroom were the same ones that did a lot of sports yet ate a shit ton of snacks , ultimately when chad eats carbs and doesnt use them they get stored as fat as everyone else's body does , however when he runs out of glucose and plays sports , walks or does anything physically demanding his body will not go in stress mode (cortisol breaks down muscle tissue to make glucose ) , he will just start oxidizing fat for energy , which will prevent muscle loss .
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  • JFL
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5701E01C FD01 430C 8D2F 2C1552C9F4BD
  • JFL
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so tldr just exercise
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so basically exercise to become less fat?
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Its his superior genetics btw. OP is coping hard
  • Hmm...
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Exercise burns calories? Ty for this revolutionary take that nobody has considered before.

Best of the best please mods!
  • JFL
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Exercise burns calories? Ty for this revolutionary take that nobody has considered before.

Best of the best please mods!
you burn glucose and fat differently .
Do you get hungry/nervous after 6-8 hours from your last meal ? it means you re not fat adapted and your body is turning on muscle to get its glucose , which will make you become skinnyfat .
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Incels are high inhib and afraid to work out. Chad enjoys working out.
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  • JFL
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It's called having lots of brown fat you idiot.
Thats what your really trying to say
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you can be low bodyfat yet not fat adapted (bodybuilders even wake up at night to eat protein /carbs ) .

Depends what u mean as exercise ? run a marathon everyday to get fat adapted theory ?
I think this is legit because I experienced this "fat-adaption" once.

There was a time when I moved countries. I wasn't used to the food at all, it tasted like shit to my western tastebuds--everything was just a little bit off. So I decided not to eat. I was barely eating, just the minimum amounts of food.

I know, it's pretty fucking stupid but bear with me.

Despite doing nothing but playing videogames all day and light walking around the house I dropped 20 pounds in 2 weeks. My body was shredding fat and I gained a visible six-pack despite having done nothing to lose weight.

I didn't know exactly why this happened, but I was excited, fat-burn had never been so easy!

what's more is that I wasn't even feeling bad.. I had energy, I would wake up feeling refreshed, it was so strange. I scared my parent's to death with how little I ate, but everything in my body was functioning well.

Flash forwards a week or so later and I've now gotten used to the food--I'm now back to eating my regular amount, but my weight only increased by 1kg.

It's been a stable 17% ever since despite my eating more food. Like my body just self-regulates it's weight.

**This may be important, but my diet changed from crummy GMO food to 100% natural all organic meals with little sugar, though I regularly snacked on chips (1 bag every 2 days lol)

EDIT: Prior to this I was chunky, a bit over-weight but not by too too much.
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Do you get hungry/nervous after 6-8 hours from your last meal ?
I do not, it's weird, I can go long amounts of time without eating and feel fine.
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It's called having lots of brown fat you idiot.
Thats what your really trying to say
See you on the FaceandLMS livestream today?
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you can be low bodyfat yet not fat adapted (bodybuilders even wake up at night to eat protein /carbs ) .

Depends what u mean as exercise ? run a marathon everyday to get fat adapted theory ?
how do i get fat adapted sob
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JFL at that skinny incel tier twink body :ROFLMAO:
we are talking about body fat + ripped guys slay , saw it in real life as well.

Screenshot 6

how do i get fat adapted sob
will be for another thread maybe , if you are skinnyfat or crave carbs constantly it will be really hard for you .

So I decided not to eat. I was barely eating, just the minimum amounts of food.
if you didnt crave carbs or food to begin with you might have been somewhat adapted before moving countries , however the fasting and calorie restriction you did made you become a fat burning machine .
  • JFL
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we are talking about body fat + ripped guys slay , saw it in real life as well.

View attachment 1026126

will be for another thread maybe , if you are skinnyfat or crave carbs constantly it will be really hard for you .

if you didnt crave carbs or food to begin with you might have been somewhat adapted before moving countries , however the fasting and calorie restriction you did made you become a fat burning machine .
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No, the truth is that somatypes are real.

Fat people are endomorphs (Jonah Hill is in that category)
Skinny people are ectomorphs (I fit into that category)
Jocks and people with good bodybuilding genetics are mesomorphs (Jeff Seid is in that category)

Now, you can work really hard to break out of your somatype, a fat guy can exercise and try to eat less and a skinny guy can try to eat more and lift weights, and of course, even a mesomorph can become fat if he becomes too lazy at some point in his life.

But breaking out of your somatype is extremely difficult and requires a lot of effort put in consistently over a long period of time.
There is a reason why skinny guys tend to remain skinny and why fat guys tend to remain fat, it's not due to laziness, it's due to genetics.

All 3 somatypes have similar muscular potential but the path required to get there will be different for each of them and for some things it will be easier while for other things it will be a lot more difficult.

Most guys who were jocks in high school had the genetics for it. I was always skinny with a low appetite and this meant that my strength level was always very low and so was my endurance and my level of muscle mass, but if you put 2 guys of different somatypes against each other in bodybuilding and you give them 4 years. At the end, if they both train properly and don't take long breaks in between, they will both reach a very similar result.
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No, the truth is that somatypes are real.

Fat people are endomorphs (Jonah Hill is in that category)
Skinny people are ectomorphs (I fit into that category)
Jocks and people with good bodybuilding genetics are mesomorphs (Jeff Seid is in that category)

Now, you can work really hard to break out of your somatype, a fat guy can exercise and try to eat less and a skinny guy can try to eat more and lift weights, and of course, even a mesomorph can become fat if he becomes too lazy at some point in his life.

But breaking out of your somatype is extremely difficult and requires a lot of effort put in consistently over a long period of time.
There is a reason why skinny guys tend to remain skinny and why fat guys tend to remain fat, it's not due to laziness, it's due to genetics.

All 3 somatypes have similar muscular potential but the path required to get there will be different for each of them and for some things it will be easier while for other things it will be a lot more difficult.

Most guys who were jocks in high school had the genetics for it. I was always skinny with a low appetite and this meant that my strength level was always very low and so was my endurance and my level of muscle mass, but if you put 2 guys of different somatypes against each other in bodybuilding and you give them 4 years. At the end, if they both train properly and don't take long breaks in between, they will both reach a very similar result.
wait when you find out that all types can become either obese , skinnyfat ,skinny , ripped , muscular etc ...:lul:

"somatotype is a taxonomy developed in the 1940s by American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon to categorize the human physique according to the relative contribution of three fundamental elements which he termed 'somatotypes', classified by him as 'ectomorphic', 'mesomorphic' and 'endomorphic'."

literally bro science

the reason you and jonah are estrogenic cucks is because you adapted to eating every few hours and not exercising .
Literally all jocks are always niggas who do sports and are active everyday .
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wait when you find out that all types can become either obese , skinnyfat ,skinny , ripped , muscular etc ...:lul:

"somatotype is a taxonomy developed in the 1940s by American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon to categorize the human physique according to the relative contribution of three fundamental elements which he termed 'somatotypes', classified by him as 'ectomorphic', 'mesomorphic' and 'endomorphic'."

literally bro science

the reason you and jonah are estrogenic cucks is because you adapted to eating every few hours and not exercising .
Literally all jocks are always niggas who do sports and are active everyday .
No, somatypes is taught in exercise science textbooks, it is seen as legit by kinesiologists so it is not broscience.

There is such a thing as genetics, and everyone is different.

In my case, I can go hours without eating and not feel hungry. Fat people are hungry all the time.

Meanwhile, jocks naturally grow through puberty with more muscle mass than everyone else, they don't find it easy to lose fat and they don't find it easy to gain fat, they are in the middle.

Even if you did sports for years and years, you would still not change in somatype, so the problems would still be there but lessened due to habit and the fact that your appetite changes over time.

But my point is that if an ectomorph stops lifting weights after becoming muscular over the course of 5 years or more, he will just revert back to how he used to be before lifting weights, so he'll lose all his muscle mass and a ton of fat. While the endomorph will become fat again.

This is why when fat people exercise for years and manage to lose the weight, they often gain it all back, because their body is used to being fat, that is its natural state. It is easy for a jock to remain fit since that is his body's natural state.

The only way to temporarily break out of your natural state is to force a change. Mesomorphs who get fat do so due to stress most of the time. And, not all athletes/jocks are mesomorphs.
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Honestly you guys got it all wrong , the reason "chad" is ripped isnt as simple as blaming it on his infamous superior genetic profile .

As i was researching about the keto diet i stumbled upon fat adaption , what is it ?

"Fat adaptation is your body’s ability to burn fat as its main fuel source. When you’re fat-adapted, you turn fat into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energetic currency that powers nearly every cell in your body."

Aka you burn body fat almost instantly whenever there s no glucose available ( unlike "incel"'s body which will start a different process known as gluconeogenesis ) , so your body will start prioritizing fat burning hormones (such as testosterone aka "Chad"'s hormone ) .

It turns out that you dont need to be on a low carb diet in order to become fat adapted , marathoners are extremely fat adapted despite carb loading each and every day .

Look at this guy , extremely ripped despite eating 6000 calories a day of mostly carbs .

Based on my experience those who were ripped in my classroom were the same ones that did a lot of sports yet ate a shit ton of snacks , ultimately when chad eats carbs and doesnt use them they get stored as fat as everyone else's body does , however when he runs out of glucose and plays sports , walks or does anything physically demanding his body will not go in stress mode (cortisol breaks down muscle tissue to make glucose ) , he will just start oxidizing fat for energy , which will prevent muscle loss .

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No, somatypes is taught in exercise science textbooks, it is seen as legit by kinesiologists so it is not broscience.

There is such a thing as genetics, and everyone is different.

In my case, I can go hours without eating and not feel hungry. Fat people are hungry all the time.

Meanwhile, jocks naturally grow through puberty with more muscle mass than everyone else, they don't find it easy to lose fat and they don't find it easy to gain fat, they are in the middle.

Even if you did sports for years and years, you would still not change in somatype, so the problems would still be there but lessened due to habit and the fact that your appetite changes over time.

But my point is that if an ectomorph stops lifting weights after becoming muscular over the course of 5 years or more, he will just revert back to how he used to be before lifting weights, so he'll lose all his muscle mass and a ton of fat. While the endomorph will become fat again.

This is why when fat people exercise for years and manage to lose the weight, they often gain it all back, because their body is used to being fat, that is its natural state. It is easy for a jock to remain fit since that is his body's natural state.

The only way to temporarily break out of your natural state is to force a change. Mesomorphs who get fat do so due to stress most of the time. And, not all athletes/jocks are mesomorphs.
  • JFL
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No, somatypes is taught in exercise science textbooks, it is seen as legit by kinesiologists so it is not broscience.
The three groups were predetermined by a psychiatrist based on observation , there is no science backing up his research .
Your textbooks are the same that say low cholesterol low sodium and high carbs is a good diet jfl cancermaxxing .

In reality we are all humans and work pretty much the same , all cows eat grass , all lions eat meat and they look relatively the same , of course we re different as in muscle fibers , frame , height and more but that s a consequence of adaptation , your body keeps adapting and genes change over time .

There is such a thing as genetics, and everyone is different.
excuse so you can rot on .me instead of working your ass off , you and chad both started your lives with roughly the same fat burning mechanism , except he adapted to actually use it and you didnt , so here you are an estrogenic cuck .

Meanwhile, jocks naturally grow through puberty with more muscle mass than everyone else, they don't find it easy to lose fat and they don't find it easy to gain fat, they are in the middle.

Even if you did sports for years and years, you would still not change in somatype, so the problems would still be there but lessened due to habit and the fact that your appetite changes over time.

youtube is full of videos like this , if they didnt workout you would be calling them ectomorphs , i also went from skinnyfat "ectomorph" to a muscular mesomorph bodytype .

Literal study showing that in a group of people that worked out for 12 weeks those who had less muscle thickness to begin with turned out with the most gains

Keep writing essays tbh while i copypaste studies , literally no science or study proving somatotypes , it s just an excuse .
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best type of exercise for general health/fitness?
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best type of exercise for general health/fitness?
walking unironically because it doesnt rise cortisol and your muscles are lightly challenged , if you walk hours everyday especially on an empty stomach you will be fat adapted and low bodyfat .

east african tribesmen travel/walk a lot if im not mistaken
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bumpus maximum
Honestly you guys got it all wrong , the reason "chad" is ripped isnt as simple as blaming it on his infamous superior genetic profile .

As i was researching about the keto diet i stumbled upon fat adaption , what is it ?

"Fat adaptation is your body’s ability to burn fat as its main fuel source. When you’re fat-adapted, you turn fat into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energetic currency that powers nearly every cell in your body."

Aka you burn body fat almost instantly whenever there s no glucose available ( unlike "incel"'s body which will start a different process known as gluconeogenesis ) , so your body will start prioritizing fat burning hormones (such as testosterone aka "Chad"'s hormone ) .

It turns out that you dont need to be on a low carb diet in order to become fat adapted , marathoners are extremely fat adapted despite carb loading each and every day .

Look at this guy , extremely ripped despite eating 6000 calories a day of mostly carbs .

Based on my experience those who were ripped in my classroom were the same ones that did a lot of sports yet ate a shit ton of snacks , ultimately when chad eats carbs and doesnt use them they get stored as fat as everyone else's body does , however when he runs out of glucose and plays sports , walks or does anything physically demanding his body will not go in stress mode (cortisol breaks down muscle tissue to make glucose ) , he will just start oxidizing fat for energy , which will prevent muscle loss .

It’s because Chad has a life , he is too busy slaying and going out and doing party drugs. As an incel only source of dopamine is food, so when it’s 2am and u remeber how shitty ur life is that ice cream in the freezer looks tempting
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Health is 30% exercise, 70% nutrition
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How do I makemy future kids fat adaptef
  • Woah
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so have a fast metabolism??? pretty subhuman trait actually
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2 ways : extremely low carb diet or lots of sport everyday especially on empty stomach if he still eats carbs, or both .

aka diet. lol
  • Hmm...
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Honestly you guys got it all wrong , the reason "chad" is ripped isnt as simple as blaming it on his infamous superior genetic profile .

As i was researching about the keto diet i stumbled upon fat adaption , what is it ?

"Fat adaptation is your body’s ability to burn fat as its main fuel source. When you’re fat-adapted, you turn fat into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energetic currency that powers nearly every cell in your body."

Aka you burn body fat almost instantly whenever there s no glucose available ( unlike "incel"'s body which will start a different process known as gluconeogenesis ) , so your body will start prioritizing fat burning hormones (such as testosterone aka "Chad"'s hormone ) .

It turns out that you dont need to be on a low carb diet in order to become fat adapted , marathoners are extremely fat adapted despite carb loading each and every day .

Look at this guy , extremely ripped despite eating 6000 calories a day of mostly carbs .

Based on my experience those who were ripped in my classroom were the same ones that did a lot of sports yet ate a shit ton of snacks , ultimately when chad eats carbs and doesnt use them they get stored as fat as everyone else's body does , however when he runs out of glucose and plays sports , walks or does anything physically demanding his body will not go in stress mode (cortisol breaks down muscle tissue to make glucose ) , he will just start oxidizing fat for energy , which will prevent muscle loss .

not ripped his skinny as fuck lmao
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will be for another thread maybe , if you are skinnyfat or crave carbs constantly it will be really hard for you .
if make, tag me pls
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 7651
Honestly you guys got it all wrong , the reason "chad" is ripped isnt as simple as blaming it on his infamous superior genetic profile .

As i was researching about the keto diet i stumbled upon fat adaption , what is it ?

"Fat adaptation is your body’s ability to burn fat as its main fuel source. When you’re fat-adapted, you turn fat into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energetic currency that powers nearly every cell in your body."

Aka you burn body fat almost instantly whenever there s no glucose available ( unlike "incel"'s body which will start a different process known as gluconeogenesis ) , so your body will start prioritizing fat burning hormones (such as testosterone aka "Chad"'s hormone ) .

It turns out that you dont need to be on a low carb diet in order to become fat adapted , marathoners are extremely fat adapted despite carb loading each and every day .

Look at this guy , extremely ripped despite eating 6000 calories a day of mostly carbs .

Based on my experience those who were ripped in my classroom were the same ones that did a lot of sports yet ate a shit ton of snacks , ultimately when chad eats carbs and doesnt use them they get stored as fat as everyone else's body does , however when he runs out of glucose and plays sports , walks or does anything physically demanding his body will not go in stress mode (cortisol breaks down muscle tissue to make glucose ) , he will just start oxidizing fat for energy , which will prevent muscle loss .

Huh? It’s not that Chad is lean, it’s that lean guys are massively more likely to be Chad (especially irl chad)

You need way better bones and fat storage genetics to be chad at high bf than to be chad while lean

and that’s not even going into stuff like body halo
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That runner guy is doing a 17mile run for the day which is 3000+kcals.
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we are talking about body fat + ripped guys slay , saw it in real life as well.

View attachment 1026126

will be for another thread maybe , if you are skinnyfat or crave carbs constantly it will be really hard for you .

if you didnt crave carbs or food to begin with you might have been somewhat adapted before moving countries , however the fasting and calorie restriction you did made you become a fat burning machine .
JFL The girls frame mog him
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elab , thread wasnt about frame to begin with
this just proves my point
I quoted the guy who said he ran a 17 mile that day, which easily burns a ton of calories
Of course he eats that much
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ripped even at 6000 kcal/day -> long distance runner

muh genetics....

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