There is no biological benefit of being white as a universal benefit outside colonialism



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
Being white serves no biological benefits universally it helps in climates like the northern Alps and areas where euros evolved but there is no inherently evolved traits in Europeans that makes them universally more desired.

Things like height I can explain it's dimorphic and it is a sexual differential between men and women.

Penis size I can understand it's a dimorphic trait it's under positive selection in humans.

Symmetry averageness and sexual dimorphism I can understand these serve biologically as high indicators of health and genetic quality I don't see how being European in this is inherently superior other than outside of a colonialism context if curries were the equivalent of Anglos then the preference would be for curry feautres but mainly curry chads the dick and height desire would stay the same.

I can understand height penis and facial characteristics of sexual dimorphism but a universal European preference makes no sense biologicaly
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dnrd tbh
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keep coping
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it's very simple. europeans have been more wealthy than other parts of the world. when wealth in a region is high the selection for mates becomes different. while in asia women selected for wealth much longer and regarded this as more important, in europe other factors such as height, penis size and face were seen as more important for a longer time. this resulted in europeans becoming more attractive on average. this average of wealth and attractiveness has changed the percieved value of white europeans.
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That's a religious belief.

What do you mean European traits are an adaptation to the climate there facial feautres evolved to deal with there climate
Wtf are you talking about

Slavs and Asians have white skin too, slavs make up most of the brutally strong kickboxers

Also irish, they are known for being brutal fighters

As for skin color? Well dude smooth light skin looks fucking amazing, I mean not many white people have perfect skin, but smooth gaunt white skin is like seeing a clean white cat with perfect snowlike fur. Girls like it because it looks good.

Scandinavians have higher tolerance to cold btw.
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it's very simple. europeans have been more wealthy than other parts of the world. when wealth in a region is high the selection for mates becomes different. while in asia women selected for wealth much longer and regarded this as more important, in europe other factors such as height, penis size and face were seen as more important for a longer time. this resulted in europeans becoming more attractive on average. this average of wealth and attractiveness has changed the percieved value of white europeans.

The penis size studies between races showed half an inch and height is the only differential I could find but that's not innately linked to race
Wtf are you talking about

Slavs and Asians have white skin too, slavs make up most of the brutally strong kickboxers

Also irish, they are known for being brutal fighters

As for skin color? Well dude smooth light skin looks fucking amazing, I mean not many white people have perfect skin, but smooth gaunt white skin is like seeing a clean white cat with perfect snowlike fur. Girls like it because it looks good.

Scandinavians have higher tolerance to cold btw.

What's your point my point was to say preference for euro feautres are down to colonialism as there is nothing biologically advantageous about them universally main things that are under selection is sexual dimorphism
pajeet cope
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Sexual dimrophism penis size height make sense nothing in white feautres are implicated here
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No what about European feautres inherently means there biologically better and if they are better why didn't other races evolve then
There are strong ones in any race, but the majority of people in the world are small peasents no matter their race
Being white serves no biological benefits universally it helps in climates like the northern Alps and areas where euros evolved but there is no inherently evolved traits in Europeans that makes them universally more desired.

Things like height I can explain it's dimorphic and it is a sexual differential between men and women.

Penis size I can understand it's a dimorphic trait it's under positive selection in humans.

Symmetry averageness and sexual dimorphism I can understand these serve biologically as high indicators of health and genetic quality I don't see how being European in this is inherently superior other than outside of a colonialism context if curries were the equivalent of Anglos then the preference would be for curry feautres but mainly curry chads the dick and height desire would stay the same.

I can understand height penis and facial characteristics of sexual dimorphism but a universal European preference makes no sense biologicaly
what in the retarded argument is this??

The beauty standard is eurocentric because Euros ARE the most dimorphic. On average whites are The most dimorphic amongst all other races, this is why a universal european preference is present. What the fuck was that argument LMFAO you literally answered your own questions.

This is also why avg/above avg white mogs the best looking ethnics. The entire beauty standard is centered around euros, you're literally striving to look like a budget version of them. How could you EVER beat that?
Penis size matter in everything in sex

what in the retarded argument is this??

The beauty standard is eurocentric because Euros ARE the most dimorphic. On average whites are The most dimorphic amongst all other races, this is why a universal european preference is present. What the fuck was that argument LMFAO you literally answered your own questions.

This is also why avg/above avg white mogs the best looking ethnics. The entire beauty standard is centered around euros, you're literally striving to look like a budget version of them. How could you EVER beat that?

No retard unless you can show me sexual dimorphism differentials between races.


Guy on the left is ideal due to higher set cheek bones sharper tapered ramus length.

However each phenotype has it's own chad your trying to look like your phenotypes version of chad

Like this guy for instance
That guy is no chad lmao

He matches all the traits of a chad I can chadify him more if you want


Added more masculine features and higher cheek bones but I would say relative to average the before is a Chad
No retard unless you can show me sexual dimorphism differentials between races.

View attachment 2624352

Guy on the left is ideal due to higher set cheek bones sharper tapered ramus length.

However each phenotype has it's own chad your trying to look like your phenotypes version of chad
View attachment 2624355

Like this guy for instance
and btw just the orbital region gives it away.

Ethncis have rounded orbitals, whites have square orbitals.

+ Better zygos
The penis size studies between races showed half an inch and height is the only differential I could find but that's not innately linked to race
no it's not. there are many others factors influencing it. however, if you look at it from a larger scale you can clearly see that asians have a smaller penis on average and europeans bigger. for whatever reason asian women didn't select for penis size as much as europeans. there are still a lot of asians with 7 or even 8 inches. it's not something you can link to race but speaking purely about the social believes, which are important, whites are seen as more valuable genetic wise. it is not that white people inherently have better genes. an attractive black man like austin dunham is still seen as more attractive than the average white guy.
no it's not. there are many others factors influencing it. however, if you look at it from a larger scale you can clearly see that asians have a smaller penis on average and europeans bigger. for whatever reason asian women didn't select for penis size as much as europeans. there are still a lot of asians with 7 or even 8 inches. it's not something you can link to race but speaking purely about the social believes, which are important, whites are seen as more valuable genetic wise. it is not that white people inherently have better genes. an attractive black man like austin dunham is still seen as more attractive than the average white guy.

Penis size is linked dht receptors thinner collagen around the tunica androgen receptor modulation IGF 150 levels prenatal exposure to dht which is indicated in your birth weight penis size has fuck all to do with race much more to do with the structure of the penis itself around the tunica and the androgen receptor within the penis itself
Nope still not chad. Too ethnic to be a chad.
He mogs your entire genetic line retard

Stop coping with skin color you still look like shit
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Penis size is linked dht receptors thinner collagen around the tunica androgen receptor modulation IGF 150 levels prenatal exposure to dht which is indicated in your birth weight penis size has fuck all to do with race much more to do with the structure of the penis itself around the tunica and the androgen receptor within the penis itself
penis size is determined by genetics. if a girl is exposed to large amounts of dht she won't grow 8 inches because she doesn't have the genetics to grow a penis.

genetics determine the layout and hormones are the building blocks to make sure the potential is reached. if you have the genetics to have 6 inches nothing will make you get 8 inches. only if you have a deficiency in certain hormones you will miss out on growth. going over the required amount won't make you grow more. if that was true then there would be men existing today with 12 inch penises. but there has never been anyone with a penis larger than 10 inches, at least not officially measured. going to extreme amounts of hormones always have drawbacks, because you shouldn't cheat nature and genetics.
penis size is determined by genetics. if a girl is exposed to large amounts of dht she won't grow 8 inches because she doesn't have the genetics to grow a penis.

genetics determine the layout and hormones are the building blocks to make sure the potential is reached. if you have the genetics to have 6 inches nothing will make you get 8 inches. only if you have a deficiency in certain hormones you will miss out on growth. going over the required amount won't make you grow more. if that was true then there would be men existing today with 12 inch penises. but there has never been anyone with a penis larger than 10 inches, at least not officially measured. going to extreme amounts of hormones always have drawbacks, because you shouldn't cheat nature and genetics.

If that were the case dick extenders and vacuum expansion in rat studies wouldn't lead to an increase in dick size but oh wait it has multiple times studies done with phalloson forte bathmate restore x pro most of penis enlargement is trying to remodel the tunica remodelling this will lead to an small increase In size and this curve is linear
If that were the case dick extenders and vacuum expansion in rat studies wouldn't lead to an increase in dick size but oh wait it has multiple times studies done with phalloson forte bathmate restore x pro most of penis enlargement is trying to remodel the tunica remodelling this will lead to an small increase In size and this curve is linear
can you link these studies? it is universally known that dick extenders are a fraud and only increase the soft length temporarily. there are also side effects like erythema.

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can you link these studies? it is universally known that dick extenders are a fraud and only increase the soft length temporarily. there are also side effects like erythema.


So they used pro and an extender tester x for 6 months and they gained about 0.64 inches in length how the process works is that the extenders pull on the tunica the prp helps as a fast regeneration and while in an erected state it leads to length increases it's not magic either I can promise 1.5 inches in 2 years

View attachment 2624400

So they used pro and an extender tester x for 6 months and they gained about 0.64 inches in length how the process works is that the extenders pull on the tunica the prp helps as a fast regeneration and while in an erected state it leads to length increases it's not magic either I can promise 1.5 inches in 2 years
the real penis size didn't increase. the only thing that changed is the strength of the erection. this is because of the increase in blood flow. this is a temporary increase. if you stop doing it you will lose the size increase.
the real penis size didn't increase. the only thing that changed is the strength of the erection. this is because of the increase in blood flow. this is a temporary increase. if you stop doing it you will lose the size increase.

That isn't what the study actually showed that's an assumption on your end
the real penis size didn't increase. the only thing that changed is the strength of the erection. this is because of the increase in blood flow. this is a temporary increase. if you stop doing it you will lose the size increase.

The subjects had an erectile base line this study was done in an erected state so the effect size to simple being an temporary gain makes no sense and if that was the case why didn't it consistently stay at 0.67 inches in erectile length why a linear increase ?
The subjects had an erectile base line this study was done in an erected state so the effect size to simple being an temporary gain makes no sense and if that was the case why didn't it consistently stay at 0.67 inches in erectile length why a linear increase ?
do you even know how an erection works? the blood flow increases making the penis bigger. a stronger erection (more blood flow) increase the erect size. so a penis pump will increase blood flow and therefore temporarily increase the erect penis size. you are only looking at raw results and not at how things actually work and why. study results need to be placed into context.

That isn't what the study actually showed that's an assumption on your end
then you don't know how to interpret information correctly.
then you don't know how to interpret information correctly.

Says who you are inserting your own opinions into it this study was done on base line erectile people already at an erection
Says who you are inserting your own opinions into it this study was done on base line erectile people already at an erection
yes and you're too stupid to understand. the reason their erection size increased is because they used a penis pump. a penis pump increases blood flow and therefore erectile size increases temporarily.
yes and you're too stupid to understand. the reason their erection size increased is because they used a penis pump. a penis pump increases blood flow and therefore erectile size increases temporarily.

Again doesn't explain the linear increase why have it stay at 0.64 inches also edema goes away after a week or 2 the authors could do a follow up study but other studies have been done one at models
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do you even know how an erection works? the blood flow increases making the penis bigger. a stronger erection (more blood flow) increase the erect size. so a penis pump will increase blood flow and therefore temporarily increase the erect penis size. you are only looking at raw results and not at how things actually work and why. study results need to be placed into context.

Ah the great source of info wikipedia cite academic journals or shut the fuck up
Ah the great source of info wikipedia cite academic journals or shut the fuck up
are you stupid? wikipedia uses scientific research. are you really from india? because that could explain you have low IQ.
are you stupid? wikipedia uses scientific research. are you really from india? because that could explain you have low IQ.

I clicked on the links to studies you cannot even read as there not studies they are books that you have to pay for bu-h muh low iq
If there’s no biological benefit then why are whites the overlords of the world and everybody wants to live in our countries and breed with our women? Cause they want to uplift their trash genes and join the winning team.

Curries have ancient civilisation with thousands of years of history and they still live in squalor.

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