This coper thinks white men are jealous of how asian men look

HEY RETARD... ASIAN MEN ONLY MAKE UP 3% OF THE US POPULATION.... AND 1/3 OF THE "ASIANS" are Curries. And ur just making stuff up calling them all incels. Objectively untrue. Asian men get married at the same rate as everyone else
Why do u expect to be surrounded by asian men dating everywhere? There isn't enough asians in the first place?
Why do u expect to be surrounded by asian men dating everywhere? There isn't enough asians in the first place?
If u want to see how the majority of east asian men are doing. The literal 800 million in east asia. There is more amwf in korea than wmaf.
this is the resentment part i was referring to

white males have accepted black men fucking white women but will still have resentment see black as beneath them
I am not showing resentment towards the black men fucking white females I am just acknowledging it. I also think white men see black men as beneath them because they usually act ghetto or uncivilized. I don't see black men as beneath me when they are normal people but when they have long dirty dreads, silver teeth, tattoos everywhere, dressed like some rapper, smell like straight up weed all the time, and can't even speak english properly/talk like thugs, I do lose all respect for them. Same as if I see a white person all dirty looking with tattoos everywhere talking like some white trash redneck. I don't like low class/ghetto people regardless of their race and while there are a lot of white trash white people depending on what area you are in, it is not the majority of white people whereas it seems like the majority of black people are like this. I grew up with 2 black friends that had traditional families and spoke properly and played sports with me and I see them as completely equal. It's not about the color of someone's skin it's about how they act and certain races tend to act a certain way a lot of the time. That being said, if I see a white woman with a respectable classy black dude I think it's great but when I see one with some low class rapper type black dude I lose respect for the woman.
a lot of ethnics are in the west and they see white women as easy u just have to accept that

they will approach 1 to 100 a day to get sex

as for what females want they just want men to approach and be low inhib @btsgangruling

dont delude yourself into thinking white women are exclusive to all white males its why white males go insane when they see white women go interracial
That's not what I said at all, I know white women get with other races. It's just most common for them to date a white man or marry a white man. Interracial marriages are rare even if interracial hookups are pretty common. You are also sounding pretty red pilled lmao you talking about "women just want the man to approach them" bs like women want a good looking dude they will fuck a chad from any race this post is just saying how white men do way better than asian men dating wise in america.
it’s more common in midwest/ southwest us
I lived in michigan a few years ago until I moved to socal. I still never saw it there. I saw some asian women dating asian men and some of my white friends dated asian girls but I never saw an asian man with a white stacy that just never happened.
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Yeah she is talking about fetishization what about it? This is a rare fetish for white women and pretty much non existent for white Stacy's in the united states who already have unlimited options in dating.
  • Ugh..
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That's not what I said at all, I know white women get with other races. It's just most common for them to date a white man or marry a white man. Interracial marriages are rare even if interracial hookups are pretty common. You are also sounding pretty red pilled lmao you talking about "women just want the man to approach them" bs like women want a good looking dude they will fuck a chad from any race this post is just saying how white men do way better than asian men dating wise in america.
most white women i see are with ethnic males

its rare to see white women with a white male these days
most white women i see are with ethnic males

its rare to see white women with a white male these days
Where do you live and what age range are you in. And what do you mean by ethnic? Black? Mexican? Middle eastern? Here where I am in socal, all the girls go for the tall blonde surfer chads unless they are mexican, the mexican girls go for cholomaxxed mexican chad/joses.
Yeah she is talking about fetishization what about it? This is a rare fetish for white women and pretty much non existent for white Stacy's in the united states who already have unlimited options in dating.
It's only rare because east asian men only make 3% of the population

They are seeking out Koreans when their arent any around them
I am not showing resentment towards the black men fucking white females I am just acknowledging it. I also think white men see black men as beneath them because they usually act ghetto or uncivilized. I don't see black men as beneath me when they are normal people but when they have long dirty dreads, silver teeth, tattoos everywhere, dressed like some rapper, smell like straight up weed all the time, and can't even speak english properly/talk like thugs, I do lose all respect for them. Same as if I see a white person all dirty looking with tattoos everywhere talking like some white trash redneck. I don't like low class/ghetto people regardless of their race and while there are a lot of white trash white people depending on what area you are in, it is not the majority of white people whereas it seems like the majority of black people are like this. I grew up with 2 black friends that had traditional families and spoke properly and played sports with me and I see them as completely equal. It's not about the color of someone's skin it's about how they act and certain races tend to act a certain way a lot of the time. That being said, if I see a white woman with a respectable classy black dude I think it's great but when I see one with some low class rapper type black dude I lose respect for the woman.
this is how the cuckold fetish develops

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Just since there are a few channels out there with these couples doesn't mean that it's a common thing. I've never seen a couple like this irl before where I am in socal. Every single one of the hot Stacy's I know only date white chads mostly surfers. Just since there are a few Kpop fangirls out there with korean fetishes doesn't mean it's what it's actually like in real life. Just tell me this, who do you think are more successful dating wise in the west, white or asian men? It's a simple answer. Most of the asian men I went to highschool with are incel virgin gamers.
the fuck? Of course white men will do better in the west, what kind of question is this? Even if their slowly getting weeded out by ethnic men, their still vastly higher in numbers.

I’ve lived in Midwest Ohio, mostly all white and the few Asians/curries stuck mostly to their own race. Living in San Jose now for college, white dudes still do better of course, 100%. But you're coping or an oldcel if you don’t think ethnic men get white women nowadays. Zoomer generation is a lot more open to dating other races that aren’t white.
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It's only rare because east asian men only make 3% of the population
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View attachment 1798205
They are seeking out Koreans when their arent any around them
Yeah some becky with a kpop fetish that's all. White men are still infinitely more attractive than Asian men on average. There are some asian chads that mog the average white man obviously but if you put the top 1% of asian men vs the top 1% of white men, the white chads will be more attractive than the asian chads. If you think anything else it's just cope. There are a lot of asians in my area in socal and let me tell you, the asian girls often date the white guys and the asian guys never date the white girls especially not white stacy's. Most of the Asian men do not date anybody when they are younger and have to wait until they get some well paying job to get some average asian woman to date and marry them.
But you're coping or an oldcel if you don’t think ethnic men get white women nowadays. Zoomer generation is a lot more open to dating other races that aren’t white.
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the fuck? Of course white men will do better in the west, what kind of question is this? Even if their slowly getting weeded out by ethnic men, their still vastly higher in numbers.

I’ve lived in Midwest Ohio, mostly all white and the few Asians/curries stuck mostly to their own race. Living in San Jose now for college, white dudes still do better of course, 100%. But you're coping or an oldcel if you don’t think ethnic men get white women nowadays. Zoomer generation is a lot more open to dating other races that aren’t white.
I am zoomer 18 years old and in my area in socal the girls only go for tall white surfer chads. I lived in michigan up until the end of 10th grade and while there was occasionally white girls dating black men, it was still way more common for white girls to date white guys. Other ethnics had no chance really they weren't attractive
I never said ethnic men don't get white women Idk what kind of dumb fuck thought I said this, the point of this post was to discuss how asian men have it terrible dating wise in the west and how the person saying that white people were jealous of asian men is ridiculous. I know ethnic men get white girls a lot in most places in the US, Where I am it's uncommon but I know it happens in other areas.
I am zoomer 18 years old and in my area in socal the girls only go for tall white surfer chads. I lived in michigan up until the end of 10th grade and while there was occasionally white girls dating black men, it was still way more common for white girls to date white guys. Other ethnics had no chance really they weren't attractive
most people date within they own race but there is a large number of white women going interracial these days

social media allows white women to explore
most people date within they own race but there is a large number of white women going interracial these days

social media allows white women to explore
yeah I never said there wasn't, I am well aware. My point was there are basically no white women going for asian men. Asian men are the one race they WON'T date most of the time (including indians)
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yeah I never said there wasn't, I am well aware. My point was there are basically no white women going for asian men. Asian men are the one race they WON'T date most of the time (including indians)
Well ur just wrong about not dating east asians. Zoomer girls love east asian men. There's a higher demand than supply. With indian men there's low demand and low supply.
Here's a typical Stacy's types
Well ur just wrong about not dating east asians. Zoomer girls love east asian men. There's a higher demand than supply. With indian men there's low demand and low supply.
Here's a typical Stacy's types
View attachment 1798219
I am not "just wrong" I live in the US in socal and an area with a lot of asian people and the Stacy's don't simp for Kpop mfs and they never date asian men. The girl in this clip doesn't even look white and she's covered in makeup probably HTN at best and she has white people in her little list as well. You know how many clips there are of Asian girls talking about how much they love white men? There's a ton. Where do you live where you see these white stacys dating asian men? Or are you going off of what you see on tiktok? Do you even live in the US?
  • Ugh..
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yeah I never said there wasn't, I am well aware. My point was there are basically no white women going for asian men. Asian men are the one race they WON'T date most of the time (including indians)
look there’s no point in arguing with someone who has an obvious vendetta against Asian dudes and vice versa (ethnic copers). you cared enough to post that random comment probably from some obscure subreddit lol, so maybe you’re just a little insecure? Lol. you’re right tho whites will do better 100% in the west and will continue to do so most likely

but I’m not sure how it is in socal (when I think socal, I think of Mexicans lol especially in San Diego) but San Jose State has quite a few a AMWF to the point where it isn’t uncommon, who knows maybe it’s just more common here and this place is just an exception. I can guarantee you though, East Asian men certainly aren’t at the BOTTOM in terms of dating preferences by white females
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I am not "just wrong" I live in the US in socal and an area with a lot of asian people and the Stacy's don't simp for Kpop mfs and they never date asian men. The girl in this clip doesn't even look white and she's covered in makeup probably HTN at best and she has white people in her little list as well. You know how many clips there are of Asian girls talking about how much they love white men? There's a ton. Where do you live where you see these white stacys dating asian men? Or are you going off of what you see on tiktok? Do you even live in the US?
White Stacy's are overrated this girl Is better.
Came across this comment on reddit and lmao.
I'm keeping my eye on these K Pop pretty boys. If they start having wide appeal to more than than just to twitch foids and weird k pop/drama foids I'm roping. Already over for me tbh, can't have that JBW privelege revoked too

(I'm white in case my avatar is confusing)
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look there’s no point in arguing with someone who has an obvious vendetta against Asian dudes and vice versa (ethnic copers). you cared enough to post that random comment probably from some obscure subreddit lol, so maybe you’re just a little insecure? Lol. you’re right tho whites will do better 100% in the west and will continue to do so most likely

but I’m not sure how it is in socal (when I think socal, I think of Mexicans lol especially in San Diego) but San Jose State has quite a few a AMWF to the point where it isn’t uncommon, who knows maybe it’s just more common here and this place is just an exception. I can guarantee you though, East Asian men certainly aren’t at the BOTTOM in terms of dating preferences by white females
It has nothing to do with me bro I am white chad I am in no way worried about asian men taking my women lmao I just thought the comment was ridiculous especially after seeing a similar post here recently on here about how asian females love white men and I thought it would be funny to post that girls delusions. I wasn't even referring to east asian men anyway and I am pretty sure the woman in the comments was referring to a chinese dude I was mostly talking about asians in general. I personally can't tell the difference between japanese, chinese, or korean. And yes there are a lot of mexicans here in socal but also a lot of asians and whites where I am.
I'm keeping my eye on these K Pop pretty boys. If they start having wide appeal to more than than just to twitch foids and weird k pop/drama foids I'm roping. Already over for me tbh, can't have that JBW privelege revoked too

(I'm white in case my avatar is confusing)
haha I don't think you have anything to worry about. There will always be women that are attracted to masculine tall muscular men not all women will want some feminine makeup wearing toothpick. And I have never seen a Kpopmaxxer irl anyway and none of the white stacy's in my area would ever date an asian dude.
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It has nothing to do with me bro I am white chad

yes a white chad on, browsing enough REDDIT to find an obscure subreddit talking about gooks. ok now I know you’re some insecure white dude, it’s ok bro you’ll do fine, SEA loves you, just go fuck some lady boys over there
  • JFL
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View attachment 1798260

yes a white chad on, browsing enough REDDIT to find an obscure subreddit talking about gooks. ok now I know you’re some insecure white dude, it’s ok bro you’ll do fine, SEA loves you, just go fuck some lady boys over there
I'm a mentalcel, I have really bad OCD. I have always gotten lots of attention from girls in school I used to have them following me around to classes and I got a lot of matches on online dating apps but I have a really bad phobia that prevents me from pursuing any of these girls ever. I am working on it but right now its disabling. It also wasn't an obscure subreddit it was QOVES studio the youtube channel, I found out they had a subreddit in the description of their youtube channel and I went to it and saw some BS comment like why would I be jealous of asian men they get the least pussy out of all races :LOL:
haha I don't think you have anything to worry about. There will always be women that are attracted to masculine tall muscular men not all women will want some feminine makeup wearing toothpick. And I have never seen a Kpopmaxxer irl anyway and none of the white stacy's in my area would ever date an asian dude.
I pray to Gandy you're right
Why do Indians keep making threads about Asians??
more and more white dudes ragging on Asian dudes; this only means their getting more attention I guess.

Asians used to be under the radar, nobody gave a fuck about them. but more and more of these threads are popping up and more and more racist encounters with Asians are happening irl. “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” :feelsshh::feelsshh:
Its not even white dudes.

Just indians. They have something against asians for some reason.
I am zoomer 18 years old and in my area in socal the girls only go for tall white surfer chads. I lived in michigan up until the end of 10th grade and while there was occasionally white girls dating black men, it was still way more common for white girls to date white guys. Other ethnics had no chance really they weren't attractive
Its pretty obvious you aren't 18 lol
Its not even white dudes.

Just indians. They have something against asians for some reason.
Probably because Indians think they are equal to Asians and can compete with them but this is cope, Indians are actually probably the least desired race.
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