This is the physique that 90% of girls are attracted to! (Brutal Natty Pill)

You only blow up on hgh with insulin.

HGH is super effective because it completely alters your nutrition partitioning. It forces nutrients to be used to building muscle as opposed to fat storage. Insulin jams nutrients into them when combined with hgh.

Interest in using HGH for weight loss stems from a 1990 New England Journal of Medicine study that showed injections of synthetic HGH resulted in 8.8% gain in muscle mass and 14% loss in body fat without any change in diet or exercise.
Yeah, you're right, I just don't know much about steroids and most of what I said comes from a few of the things that I've read online.

The truth is that the drugs react differently from person to person depending on genetics, and the difference is so big that only a very small minority of people have the genetics to become as big as the guys who win Mr Olympia. So for a normal person who has average genetics, even if they take HGH, they will never become as big as a pro bodybuilder who ranks high in Mr Olympia, because most people don't have the genetics for that.

And More Plates More Dates on youtube said that there is no such thing as too muscular for men when talking about what women are attracted to, which makes sense, it's kind of like how women will never say that a 6 foot 7 or a 7 foot tall man are too tall.

However, I believe that the difference in attractiveness between a skinny guy with no muscle at all and a muscular advanced natty guy who is close to his genetic limit is much bigger than the difference between that guy and a guy who is on high doses of steroids, when talking not about muscle size, but what women are attracted to.

So, to get the desired effect in looksmaxxing, you don't need high amounts of steroids to be gymmaxxed, but doing so would make you look more attractive, but the natty guy who trained near his genetic limit, he is also gymmaxxed so he will get similar benefits.
So steroids give faster and better results, at the cost of some side effects, while being natty gives slower and less results at no cost at all except time.

I believe that steroids can be worth it if you reach a high level of strength and muscle mass as a natural and you're not satisfied with your size. Because, apparently, it's possible to have bad genetics for natty training but good genetics for steroids, and you'll never know until you start using steroids. So, even someone who has a small frame or started as very skinny like me, could blow up and get huge muscles in a few cycles of steroids.

My main fitness goal is to get the look that AlphaDestiny had after around 2 years of training as a natural, which is not too far from how he looks like now. If I can achieve that naturally, then I believe that I won't need steroids. However, I am not sure if I can achieve a good physique naturally because even as my strength goes up, my chest, arms and legs remain the same size. The only muscles that I have managed to grow are the back and the shoulders, I guess I must have better genetics for those muscle groups because I didn't focus on them in my training and I didn't make more progress on them than on the others. My arms are still at 12 inches even though I can barbell curl 70 lbs for 6 reps and I doubt that my arms will be any different if I add 30-50 lbs to my curl, maybe I could add an inch or two, but I doubt I could add more. So either my genetics suck or my potential is so high that I am just at the beginning, which would explains why my muscles are so small in size, so that would mean that I would need to hit much higher strength standards, so maybe a 170-200 lb curl for 5 reps to get 16-17 inch arms. However, even then it doesn't make much sense because I am already at 41% of that potential, and I look like I curl 20 lbs, and my form is perfect, so I really don't get it.
Kinda cope
Utter cope to track
Utter cope
Waist building, coping exercise that doesn't fit into a proper bodybuilding split.
It's over
You're insane.

The bench press works the chest
The bent-over row works the back
The overhead press works the shoulders
The bicep curls work the biceps
The tricep extensions work the triceps
The squat works the quads
The deadlift works the lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

Doing squats, deadlifts and bent over rows without a belt, by using the valsalva maneuver, works the abs close to their genetic max

All those muscles are most of the muscles in your body, the only thing that isn't included is the neck, but that can be developed with direct neck work, mainly with neck curls, neck extensions and neck side raises at the end of each workout.

Then, with all those exercises, it means that you can develop your entire body.

People focus too much on lateral side raises for the shoulders which is a big mistake because it is not a compound movement.
The overhead press is better because since it is a compound movement, it works the entire muscle group of the shoulders, so you don't have to isolate the side, the front and the rear since they all get worked.

And if you don't do bicep curls and tricep extensions, then your arms will never get big. What you don't understand is that your arms will only grow if you isolate them, because they don't get worked enough on the main compound movements, so unless you have great genetics, just getting your bench press to 315 lbs won't give you 18 inch arms.

And the reason why most people waste their time with curls and tricep extensions is because they don't do progressive overload on them, they never add weight and they never add reps because you feel pain in your arms when you use maximum effort, so people neglect their arms because of laziness.

The best way to get big arms is to get really strong at curls and tricep extensions, so a 135 lb barbell curl for 10 reps, and a 135 lb tricep extension for 10 reps, that is what will give you big arms. Slow and controlled reps won't do anything if they don't make you gain strength.

Strength gain always equals to muscle mass gained in the long term, but of course adding only 5 lbs to a lift isn't going to do much, but over time, that 5 lbs becomes 100 lbs, or even 200 lbs or more depending on the lift.

No exercise is cope except some isolation exercises that don't help much, like chest flyes for example.

Also, the deadlift is essential if you care about getting big glutes (a big butt) and if you care about getting big and strong hamstrings (which are the back part of the legs, while quads are the front part). The deadlift can really improve your posture because the muscles worked are what give you a good posture. And personally, I prefer deadlifts than squats because the deadlift is a pull which is what I am the best at because of my leverages as a tall guy with long limbs. Indeed, because I have long arms and long legs and a short torso, I don't have to bend over much when pulling in the conventional style, while a shorter guy would have to bend over so much more to lift the bar, so for me, the range of motion is smaller.
  • +1
Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex
You're insane.

The bench press works the chest
The bent-over row works the back
The overhead press works the shoulders
The bicep curls work the biceps
The tricep extensions work the triceps
The squat works the quads
The deadlift works the lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

Doing squats, deadlifts and bent over rows without a belt, by using the valsalva maneuver, works the abs close to their genetic max

All those muscles are most of the muscles in your body, the only thing that isn't included is the neck, but that can be developed with direct neck work, mainly with neck curls, neck extensions and neck side raises at the end of each workout.

Then, with all those exercises, it means that you can develop your entire body.

People focus too much on lateral side raises for the shoulders which is a big mistake because it is not a compound movement.
The overhead press is better because since it is a compound movement, it works the entire muscle group of the shoulders, so you don't have to isolate the side, the front and the rear since they all get worked.

And if you don't do bicep curls and tricep extensions, then your arms will never get big. What you don't understand is that your arms will only grow if you isolate them, because they don't get worked enough on the main compound movements, so unless you have great genetics, just getting your bench press to 315 lbs won't give you 18 inch arms.

And the reason why most people waste their time with curls and tricep extensions is because they don't do progressive overload on them, they never add weight and they never add reps because you feel pain in your arms when you use maximum effort, so people neglect their arms because of laziness.

The best way to get big arms is to get really strong at curls and tricep extensions, so a 135 lb barbell curl for 10 reps, and a 135 lb tricep extension for 10 reps, that is what will give you big arms. Slow and controlled reps won't do anything if they don't make you gain strength.

Strength gain always equals to muscle mass gained in the long term, but of course adding only 5 lbs to a lift isn't going to do much, but over time, that 5 lbs becomes 100 lbs, or even 200 lbs or more depending on the lift.

No exercise is cope except some isolation exercises that don't help much, like chest flyes for example.

Also, the deadlift is essential if you care about getting big glutes (a big butt) and if you care about getting big and strong hamstrings (which are the back part of the legs, while quads are the front part). The deadlift can really improve your posture because the muscles worked are what give you a good posture. And personally, I prefer deadlifts than squats because the deadlift is a pull which is what I am the best at because of my leverages as a tall guy with long limbs. Indeed, because I have long arms and long legs and a short torso, I don't have to bend over much when pulling in the conventional style, while a shorter guy would have to bend over so much more to lift the bar, so for me, the range of motion is smaller.
cope faggot
None of this matter tbh. My time is running out I’m early 20s and have no motivation to train natty anymore. I will get on testosterone and not look back.
It's fine if you know at 100% certainty that you will stay consistent and that you will train as hard as you can, and that you will have a proper diet and enough sleep. The variables are even more important when you're using steroids because each cycle puts you at risk of some side effects so if you waste it by training the wrong way, you will not only have slower progress but you will also be at risk of the side effects without receiving the reward.

Steroids on their own won't give you an impressive physique, you still have to put in the work. Just a simple bro split could work but it's not the most effective for size. The best way to gain a lot of size quickly is to focus on getting strong at the main compound movements and to do a ton of volume per muscle group to do it. You can gain both size and strength by using a high volume program that focuses mainly on compound movements with some isolation exercises for the arms. Guys who do this tend to get much better results from their steroid cycles than guys who just do bro splits with a bunch of fluff & pump exercises that don't actually achieve anything.

Progressive overload is still the main factor in muscle growth whether you are natural or enhanced but when you're enhanced, simply upping the dose will give you bigger muscles even when you don't train very well, but the more efficient you are in your training, the better your results will be, and this is true whether you use steroids or not. So, if you're going to risk taking steroids, then you better be ready and you better know what you're doing.
He has abs its just the pose and also you don't need super defined skin tight abs

V taper to Ribcage to Waist to Hip ratio is the most important

This is not Frank Zane, this is Steve Reeves
what r sm good ab exercises papi
You have just proved that you're only a troll.
Nah I just cba to read your shit. I agree with your about progression but I don't think its the only thing you should be doing. For isolations its useless and you are far better feeling the desired muscles then just heaving up the reps. You also complain that you can't build muscle but only eating 3000 calories. Try eating 3500-4000, 1.25g-1.5g of protein for 3-6 months with a better training protocol. I bet you will make some good gains.
  • JFL
Reactions: randomuser2407
Nah I just cba to read your shit. I agree with your about progression but I don't think its the only thing you should be doing. For isolations its useless and you are far better feeling the desired muscles then just heaving up the reps. You also complain that you can't build muscle but only eating 3000 calories. Try eating 3500-4000, 1.25g-1.5g of protein for 3-6 months with a better training protocol. I bet you will make some good gains.
Eating more calories than you need is stupid, the only thing that can cause muscle growth when you're not on steroids is progressive overload.

So, it doesn't really matter how many calories you consume as a natural, as long as your lifts are consistently going up and your form doesn't break down, you are gaining strength so you are gaining muscle.

Do you really think a guy who takes his deadlift from 160 lbs to 500 lbs is going to have small glutes, lower back and hamstrings?
Do you really think a guy who takes his squat from 125 to 405 lbs is going to have small quads?
Do you really think a guy who takes his bench press from 90 lbs to 315 lbs is going to have a small chest?
Do you really think a guy who takes his bent-over row from 80 lbs to 275 lbs is going to have a small back?
Do you really think a guy who takes his overhead press from 70 lbs to 200 lbs is going to have small shoulders?
Do you really think a guy who takes his barbell curl from 70 to 150 lbs is going to have small biceps?
Do you really think a guy who takes his skullcrusher from 40 lbs to 150 lbs is going to have small triceps?

The truth is that, when you're a natural lifter, the only thing that can grow your muscles is progressive overload.
Squeezing the muscles doesn't actually do anything except giving you a temporary pump that fades away quickly.

It is impossible to be strong while being small.

And it is impossible to be weak while being big unless you're on high amounts of drugs.

This is because testosterone is a hormone that builds muscle and burns fat while estrogen is its opposite.

Men have more testosterone than women which is why a man's natural muscular and strength potential is higher than a woman's, on average.

Now, if you inject testosterone, even if it's a small TRT dose, you'll have way more testosterone than a natural man who didn't inject anything, so, your body will gain muscle and lose fat much more easily without you doing anything different.

Drugs allow you to gain a lot of muscle mass with high volume workouts without actually gaining any strength, but for naturals this is impossible. Guys who claim the contrary are clueless about this because they themselves are on steroids, they will often claim to have been natural in the past, most of them are lying and those who aren't just had good genetics to begin with but if they focused on strength as naturals, even with good genetics, they would have managed to become much bigger. I know because I have seen it happen on a friend of mine, he was already massive as a beginner, and reaching the numbers I mentioned made him become the biggest guy in the gym. The same effect can happen to those who inject testosterone, for the same dose, if your strength improves, you will become more muscular.

People who don't really know this subject will be quick to point to geared powerlifters as an example of strong people being small but what they fail to realize is that pro powerlifters have very special leverages, genetics and goals that are specific to their sport.
Powerlifters tend to look small either because they are very short or because they limit themselves to the squat, bench and deadlift.

Someone who does only the big 3 will only grow the muscles that those lifts utilize, so the chest, the legs, the glutes and the lower back.
This is why powerlifters, on average, tend to have small arms, small shoulders and a small back, it's not because they train for strength, it's because they don't train those muscle groups. They train specific to their sport, which focuses only on 3 compound movements, but 3 compound movements is not enough for bodybuilding purposes.

The reason why I know all of this is because since 2016, I did a lot of research, I watched over 1000 youtube videos, and I applied the knowledge to myself and one of my closest friends, and what happened is that every time that one muscle group in my body got bigger, it is because it was stronger. As for my friend, his lats became extremely wide after I told him to focus mainly on weighted chin ups, he got really strong at that lift and because of that, he became too wide to fit through doorways. And all his other muscles also got way bigger thanks to my great bodybuilding advice. He became the biggest guy in the gym, but that is mostly because he has top tier genetics. He looks natural because he has some lagging muscle groups like his arms and his chest, which are his genetic weaknesses.

The way that you recommend is what I used to do back when I wasn't getting any results in the gym, my muscles weren't growing and I didn't know why, but now I know. It's not about the amount of food that you need, or the mind muscle connection, it's about the strength that you gain, that is the only thing that really matters. A stronger muscle IS a bigger muscle, that is an undeniable fact, if you're a natural lifter.

It is a lie that strength training is only for powerlifters. Strength training is the most efficient path for natural bodybuilders, while powerlifters focus mostly on the big 3, so it's not the same thing at all. Training for strength doesn't make someone a powerlifter unless they focus mainly on the big 3.
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  • +1
Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex
Eating more calories than you need is stupid, the only thing that can cause muscle growth when you're not on steroids is progressive overload.

So, it doesn't really matter how many calories you consume as a natural, as long as your lifts are consistently going up and your form doesn't break down, you are gaining strength so you are gaining muscle.

Do you really think a guy who takes his deadlift from 160 lbs to 500 lbs is going to have small glutes, lower back and hamstrings?
Do you really think a guy who takes his squat from 125 to 405 lbs is going to have small quads?
Do you really think a guy who takes his bench press from 90 lbs to 315 lbs is going to have a small chest?
Do you really think a guy who takes his overhead press from 70 lbs to 200 lbs is going to have small shoulders?
Do you really think a guy who takes his barbell curl from 70 to 150 lbs is going to have small biceps?
Do you really think a guy who takes his skullcrusher from 40 lbs to 150 lbs is going to have small triceps?

The truth is that, when you're a natural lifter, the only thing that can grow your muscles is progressive overload.
Squeezing the muscles doesn't actually do anything except giving you a temporary pump that fades away quickly.

It is impossible to be strong while being small.

And it is impossible to be weak while being big unless you're on high amounts of drugs.

This is because testosterone is a hormone that builds muscle and burns fat while estrogen is its opposite.

Men have more testosterone than women which is why a man's natural muscular and strength potential is higher than a woman's, on average.

Now, if you inject testosterone, even if it's a small TRT dose, you'll have way more testosterone than a natural man who didn't inject anything, so, your body will gain muscle and lose fat much more easily without you doing anything different.

Drugs allow you to gain a lot of muscle mass with high volume workouts without actually gaining any strength, but for naturals this is impossible. Guys who claim the contrary are clueless about this because they themselves are on steroids, they will often claim to have been natural in the past, most of them are lying and those who aren't just had good genetics to begin with but if they focused on strength as naturals, even with good genetics, they would have managed to become much bigger. I know because I have seen it happen on a friend of mine, he was already massive as a beginner, and reaching the numbers I mentioned made him become the biggest guy in the gym. The same effect can happen to those who inject testosterone, for the same dose, if your strength improves, you will become more muscular.

People who don't really know this subject will be quick to point to geared powerlifters as an example of strong people being small but what they fail to realize is that pro powerlifters have very special leverages, genetics and goals that are specific to their sport.
Powerlifters tend to look small either because they are very short or because they limit themselves to the squat, bench and deadlift.

Someone who does only the big 3 will only grow the muscles that those lifts utilize, so the chest, the legs, the glutes and the lower back.
This is why powerlifters, on average, tend to have small arms, small shoulders and a small back, it's not because they train for strength, it's because they don't train those muscle groups. They train specific to their sport, which focuses only on 3 compound movements, but 3 compound movements is not enough for bodybuilding purposes.

The reason why I know all of this is because since 2016, I did a lot of research, I watched over 1000 youtube videos, and I applied the knowledge to myself and one of my closest friends, and what happened is that every time that one muscle group in my body got bigger, it is because it was stronger. As for my friend, his lats became extremely wide after I told him to focus mainly on weighted chin ups, he got really strong at that lift and because of that, he became too wide to fit through doorways. And all his other muscles also got way bigger thanks to my great bodybuilding advice. He became the biggest guy in the gym, but that is mostly because he has top tier genetics. He looks natural because he has some lagging muscle groups like his arms and his chest, which are his genetic weaknesses.

The way that you recommend is what I used to do back when I wasn't getting any results in the gym, my muscles weren't growing and I didn't know why, but now I know. It's not about the amount of food that you need, or the mind muscle connection, it's about the strength that you gain, that is the only thing that really matters. A stronger muscle IS a bigger muscle, that is an undeniable fact, if you're a natural lifter.

It is a lie that strength training is only for powerlifters. Strength training is the most efficient path for natural bodybuilders, while powerlifters focus mostly on the big 3, so it's not the same thing at all. Training for strength doesn't make someone a powerlifter unless they focus mainly on the big 3.

Why are you commenting on what works when you have a shit physique? @Effortless physique mogs your to the grave 5x over. Take advice from him instead of continuing with what you're doing (it's not working btw). You also need to have a great physique to slay, you can't rely on face so wake up. :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless

Why are you commenting on what works when you have a shit physique? @Effortless physique mogs your to the grave 5x over. Take advice from him instead of continuing with what you're doing (it's not working btw). You also need to have a great physique to slay, you can't rely on face so wake up. :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

Again, you're using the example of someone who has the perfect leverages and the perfect genetics for the bench press.

That guy is the 0.00001% of the population, there are very few people who can lift that much weight at such a low bodyweight, it's not because he trained for strength, it's because he is a special type of person.

However, you'll never see those people replicate the same level of strength on all the other lifts.

And, on top of all of that, genetics determine the size of your muscles when you're a natural lifter.
So, for that guy, he has great pound for pound strength but bad genetics for bodybuilding for his chest, that is why his chest isn't that big even though he can bench 405 lbs.

This is exactly what I was talking about when mentioning powerlifters, they have the perfect leverages and genetics for their sport. The average person cannot replicate this naturally, not even with years of serious training.

Max Chewning is a great example of this phenomenon, he can deadlift 600 lbs, but he still has small legs, and this is again due to his genetics. The vast majority of men, if they reach his level of strength, they will have way bigger legs.

There are many guys who can only deadlift 400 lbs who have way bigger legs than Max, that is because of Max Chewning's special genetics.

Max Chewning's Chicken Legs:

However, the good thing is that even if you have bad genetics for one muscle group, it doesn't mean that it applies to your entire body, so although you may have some genetic weaknesses, you must have some genetic strengths, so some muscles that are bigger than they should be for your level of strength.

The only thing that can fix genetic weaknesses is drugs. So, if that guy was to use steroids, his chest would become huge, because he already has a strength base for that muscle group. This is why it is best to build a strength base before starting to use steroids, because the results end up being better and your natural gains remain even long after you stopped injecting as long as your body can still produce testosterone naturally.
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Why are you commenting on what works when you have a shit physique? @Effortless physique mogs your to the grave 5x over. Take advice from him instead of continuing with what you're doing (it's not working btw). You also need to have a great physique to slay, you can't rely on face so wake up. :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

Holy fuck that guy is very impressive, what a fucking monster.

Actual freak strength.
Mtv Wtf GIF by Jersey Shore Family Vacation
  • +1
Reactions: Lawton88
The amount of looks I get from women on a daily basis when they see my shoulders is something you don't understand. Natty can look good but there is something about the enhanced look that gives men a huge advantage. Girls literally smile at me all the time, yesterday this drunk girl at a restaurant bar kept looking at me and turning her face whenever I looked back. It's called MOGGING
  • +1
Reactions: randomvanish, Effortless and zeke714
The amount of looks I get from women on a daily basis when they see my shoulders is something you don't understand. Natty can look good but there is something about the enhanced look that gives men a huge advantage. Girls literally smile at me all the time, yesterday this drunk girl at a restaurant bar kept looking at me and turning her face whenever I looked back. It's called MOGGING
post pic
what r sm good ab exercises papi

I never really do ab exercises, good posture in most compound lifts should build a pretty good core.

If you want to see abs just cut body fat and if you want to actually work on abs, do high reps crunches/sit ups, leg raises and planks. I wouldn't recommend going too heavy on abs and I'd avoid working on obliques isolations because it will expand your waist which will make your V taper look less impressive.
  • +1
Reactions: Lawton88 and Deleted member 13945
Average highschool athlete physique is ideal? :feelskek::feelskek:Insane cope, look like David laid or it's over
New to forum? 99% of people here are trying to become attractive to themselves, people here are so self centered they'll get furious if someone doesn't get horny at the sight of them, they want to be able to look at themselves and get hard, this shit has long exceeded getting cringe waman, the only 1% here looking for relationships are fucking indians or midgets who have been doomed since day 1, high on copium, don't even have the money to get out.
  • Woah
Reactions: Effortless
Besides delta those are subpar insertions sorry dud
Eating more calories than you need is stupid, the only thing that can cause muscle growth when you're not on steroids is progressive overload.

So, it doesn't really matter how many calories you consume as a natural, as long as your lifts are consistently going up and your form doesn't break down, you are gaining strength so you are gaining muscle.

Do you really think a guy who takes his deadlift from 160 lbs to 500 lbs is going to have small glutes, lower back and hamstrings?
Do you really think a guy who takes his squat from 125 to 405 lbs is going to have small quads?
Do you really think a guy who takes his bench press from 90 lbs to 315 lbs is going to have a small chest?
Do you really think a guy who takes his bent-over row from 80 lbs to 275 lbs is going to have a small back?
Do you really think a guy who takes his overhead press from 70 lbs to 200 lbs is going to have small shoulders?
Do you really think a guy who takes his barbell curl from 70 to 150 lbs is going to have small biceps?
Do you really think a guy who takes his skullcrusher from 40 lbs to 150 lbs is going to have small triceps?

The truth is that, when you're a natural lifter, the only thing that can grow your muscles is progressive overload.
Squeezing the muscles doesn't actually do anything except giving you a temporary pump that fades away quickly.

It is impossible to be strong while being small.

And it is impossible to be weak while being big unless you're on high amounts of drugs.

This is because testosterone is a hormone that builds muscle and burns fat while estrogen is its opposite.

Men have more testosterone than women which is why a man's natural muscular and strength potential is higher than a woman's, on average.

Now, if you inject testosterone, even if it's a small TRT dose, you'll have way more testosterone than a natural man who didn't inject anything, so, your body will gain muscle and lose fat much more easily without you doing anything different.

Drugs allow you to gain a lot of muscle mass with high volume workouts without actually gaining any strength, but for naturals this is impossible. Guys who claim the contrary are clueless about this because they themselves are on steroids, they will often claim to have been natural in the past, most of them are lying and those who aren't just had good genetics to begin with but if they focused on strength as naturals, even with good genetics, they would have managed to become much bigger. I know because I have seen it happen on a friend of mine, he was already massive as a beginner, and reaching the numbers I mentioned made him become the biggest guy in the gym. The same effect can happen to those who inject testosterone, for the same dose, if your strength improves, you will become more muscular.

People who don't really know this subject will be quick to point to geared powerlifters as an example of strong people being small but what they fail to realize is that pro powerlifters have very special leverages, genetics and goals that are specific to their sport.
Powerlifters tend to look small either because they are very short or because they limit themselves to the squat, bench and deadlift.

Someone who does only the big 3 will only grow the muscles that those lifts utilize, so the chest, the legs, the glutes and the lower back.
This is why powerlifters, on average, tend to have small arms, small shoulders and a small back, it's not because they train for strength, it's because they don't train those muscle groups. They train specific to their sport, which focuses only on 3 compound movements, but 3 compound movements is not enough for bodybuilding purposes.

The reason why I know all of this is because since 2016, I did a lot of research, I watched over 1000 youtube videos, and I applied the knowledge to myself and one of my closest friends, and what happened is that every time that one muscle group in my body got bigger, it is because it was stronger. As for my friend, his lats became extremely wide after I told him to focus mainly on weighted chin ups, he got really strong at that lift and because of that, he became too wide to fit through doorways. And all his other muscles also got way bigger thanks to my great bodybuilding advice. He became the biggest guy in the gym, but that is mostly because he has top tier genetics. He looks natural because he has some lagging muscle groups like his arms and his chest, which are his genetic weaknesses.

The way that you recommend is what I used to do back when I wasn't getting any results in the gym, my muscles weren't growing and I didn't know why, but now I know. It's not about the amount of food that you need, or the mind muscle connection, it's about the strength that you gain, that is the only thing that really matters. A stronger muscle IS a bigger muscle, that is an undeniable fact, if you're a natural lifter.

It is a lie that strength training is only for powerlifters. Strength training is the most efficient path for natural bodybuilders, while powerlifters focus mostly on the big 3, so it's not the same thing at all. Training for strength doesn't make someone a powerlifter unless they focus mainly on the big 3.
Stopped reading at second paragraph

You are 100% objectively WRONG
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
Lmao bro the amount of broscienc in this thread has shredded my IQ into half 😂
  • JFL
Reactions: Effortless and tyronelite
This whole thread is retarded. Women almost always choose bodies that are about 7/10 that are flexing, with good lighting, have muscle pump and on a good day. Those 10/10 ugly bodies that they dislike and find too fit actually look 7/10 in normal life... They basically actually prefer the 10/10 bodies(since those will look like the 7/10 ones IRL without all the good lighting, pump and flex etc...).

Gymmaxxing is legit, bodybuilding without roiding too much is legit too, ignore these fucktards.
  • +1
Reactions: Nero
This is my physique I am completely natty. Lean with some muscle mass is what most girls like. You don’t need to roid to have a good physique. Be 6’0, lean and have some muscle mass.
This is my physique I am completely natty. Lean with some muscle mass is what most girls like. You don’t need to roid to have a good physique. Be 6’0, lean and have some muscle mass.
lol ur that dude who say tan makes u slay, bad genetics really lower ur standard and u think its high by perceiving it
This whole thread is retarded. Women almost always choose bodies that are about 7/10 that are flexing, with good lighting, have muscle pump and on a good day. Those 10/10 ugly bodies that they dislike and find too fit actually look 7/10 in normal life... They basically actually prefer the 10/10 bodies(since those will look like the 7/10 ones IRL without all the good lighting, pump and flex etc...).

Gymmaxxing is legit, bodybuilding without roiding too much is legit too, ignore these fucktards.
this is not even consider as 5
this is not even consider as 5
what are u talking about bhai? I am just saying that women are attracted to top physiques. They often "prefer" the slightly worse physiques because pictures are always frauded(better lighting, pump, better day, certain angles, contrast filters, etc...).

But IRL the 10/10 body is what women want because a guy never looks as shredded IRL as on a picture. I mean guys don't walk around with tensed abs 24/7. And in clothes the bulkier guys look better, obviously.
what are u talking about bhai? I am just saying that women are attracted to top physiques. They often "prefer" the slightly worse physiques because pictures are always frauded(better lighting, pump, better day, certain angles, contrast filters, etc...).

But IRL the 10/10 body is what women want because a guy never looks as shredded IRL as on a picture. I mean guys don't walk around with tensed abs 24/7. And in clothes the bulkier guys look better, obviously.
hes physique, op body, he legit look shit, he look alpha destiny but alpha destiny looks much better and healthier, hes hips to shoulder ratio is female tier and hes insertion are so dog, legit look like dog muscle not even human
hes physique, op body, he legit look shit, he look alpha destiny but alpha destiny looks much better and healthier, hes hips to shoulder ratio is female tier and hes insertion are so dog, legit look like dog muscle not even human
I don't give a dog's shit about what OP looks like, I am saying the body similiar to Zyzz or Jeff Seid is best for slaying IRL.
I don't give a dog's shit about what OP looks like, I am saying the body similiar to Zyzz or Jeff Seid is best for slaying IRL.
i dont even read what u right beside the comment u do that i reply, but i gree, physique like david laid slay, tiny waist big shoulder good insertion
This physique achievable natty ? I don’t want anything less or more

This physique achievable natty ? I don’t want anything less or more

View attachment 1157477
Yes, his is fully natty but you need to have reference to his height. But I know for a fact he’s natty, have a look through his other Instagram photos, he would look smaller in terms of frame next to like David laid etc but standing alone he’s aesthetic asf. But tldr fully natty
  • +1
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Holy fuck that guy is very impressive, what a fucking monster.

Actual freak strength.
Mtv Wtf GIF by Jersey Shore Family Vacation

Pretty impressive. Surprised because many Asians that have some stockiness are weak in lifting weights compared to their build.
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It's okayish and better than most guys, yes. But it's not enough to get stars on the beach or in a shirt just because of the body. You need to look like this:
Sorry bro I mog you with my natty physique

LOL you ran @Vvvvxxxx game how'd it go?
It went well tbh. The quality of girls improved and some were DTF. However, I run it in a different city because I'm too high inhib to run the experiment in my city because of my reputation (I live in a relatively small city). I deleted the bulge pictures after a day or two. Bulge pictures work 100% especially if you have decent physique and an above average face.
It went well tbh. The quality of girls improved and some were DTF. However, I run it in a different city because I'm too high inhib to run the experiment in my city because of my reputation (I live in a relatively small city). I deleted the bulge pictures after a day or two. Bulge pictures work 100% especially if you have decent physique and an above average face.
Thats my plan once I'm lean as you
I run it in a different city because I'm too high inhib to run the experiment in my city because of my reputation
Why not? It's not like every chick in your city is on tinder.. plus if your fuck game is strong they'll brag to their friends & have you as a referral to other chicks. Unless you plan on getting in an LTR I can see why but I'd rather be known as the big dick nigga who fucked every tinder bitch in my city. Easy game
  • +1
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Thats my plan once I'm lean as you

Why not? It's not like every chick in your city is on tinder.. plus if your fuck game is strong they'll brag to their friends & have you as a referral to other chicks. Unless you plan on getting in an LTR I can see why but I'd rather be known as the big dick nigga who fucked every tinder bitch in my city. Easy game
Tbh I was in a situationship at the time of the experiment that's why I changed cities. I'll consider the bulge game again when I'm ready to be back on the streets. I'm also a respected member of my community so I try to keep a decent profile JFL.
  • +1
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This is my physique I am completely natty. Lean with some muscle mass is what most girls like. You don’t need to roid to have a good physique. Be 6’0, lean and have some muscle mass.
No it depends on ur face

sub psl 5 -> no amount of gym will help you
psl 5 -> shredded Zyzz physique
psl 6 -> lean with moderate muscle mass
psl 7 and up -> just be lean
  • +1
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You also have to remember that you won't be pumped and you'll be wearing a shirt most of the time unlike many pictures on the net. You want to be big and lean enough to where you can see your abs/facial features. The "ideal" physique would be probably be 10-20 lbs more of fat free mass depending on insertions and leaness. That way you could be leaner but also still look big in clothing. If you want to stay the same bf% then you'd still be more defined. A lot of the pictures floating around are of guys with perfect downlighting, possibly photoshop, maybe dehydrated, etc. so most probably won't look too freakish walking around even if they're enhanced unless they're shredded or they are getting closer to the IIFB pro mass range. You look good though.
The amount of looks I get from women on a daily basis when they see my shoulders is something you don't understand. Natty can look good but there is something about the enhanced look that gives men a huge advantage. Girls literally smile at me all the time, yesterday this drunk girl at a restaurant bar kept looking at me and turning her face whenever I looked back. It's called MOGGING
yeah but damn it i cannot afford to go bald.
Angry Mark Cuban GIF
You aren't lean enough or muscular enough so it's not 'ideal' sorry dude. About steve reeves, he was natural. If you look at other photos of him he isn't as big as he looks. His proportions are within natty range and are obtainable for someone with great genetics, crazy consistent diet and training. He also wasn't as lean as 'ideal'. Steve reeves proportions + a few % less bodyfat = perfect physique. Cope if you disagree

Reeves was not natural. He worked with John Ziegler, a doctor from the CIBA lab that pioneered the first american steroids and who worked with the American athletes in the development of dbol. Reeves was basically getting dbol from Ziegler years before it went on the market as dianabol. John Grimek another "natty" of the same era was also a guinea pig of Ziegler's (Ziegler would also experiment on himself).

People think of the steroid era starting in the 60s but in truth it started in the early 40s and maybe 30s and at the around the same time Joe Weider began building his empire and looking for young stars exactly like Reeves. Testosterone itself existed before this time but it was not as anabolic as the synthetic drugs that were developed afterwards for athletic and cosmetic use.
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This is my physique I am completely natty. Lean with some muscle mass is what most girls like. You don’t need to roid to have a good physique. Be 6’0, lean and have some muscle mass.
nah, you barely look like you lift dude :feelskek:, and definitely DYEL in a shirt
if you're 6' with Chadlite face it doesnt matter though
otherwise this is what they would prefer for ONS
Chris bumstead

but they would never , ever ever recognize this to you (the dozens of chads they let rawdogg them), even on their deathbed
because they are wired to cuck you
nah, you barely look like you lift dude :feelskek:, and definitely DYEL in a shirt
if you're 6' with Chadlite face it doesnt matter though
otherwise this is what they would prefer for ONS
View attachment 1323893
but they would never , ever ever recognize this to you (the dozens of chads they let rawdogg them), even on their deathbed
because they are wired to cuck you
lol are u retarded, he is too big
Look at zyzz, jeff, jon skywalker, anything much bigger or wider than that and its too big for most girls taste,
AADDD40A 4803 4EB3 9710 FEFF9EEF3888
42D14D7E ED67 48D9 A7D7 648756BFF409

this is litterealy peak aesthetics, u dont need this to attract females, but it def helps, but you can also b much smaller and be lean and it would do the job, but this is max size really, for sure not much bigger than this
  • +1
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lol are u retarded, he is too big
Look at zyzz, jeff, jon skywalker, anything much bigger or wider than that and its too big for most girls taste, View attachment 1324330View attachment 1324331
this is litterealy peak aesthetics, u dont need this to attract females, but it def helps, but you can also b much smaller and be lean and it would do the job, but this is max size really, for sure not much bigger than this
yeah hes sexy too :feelskek::love:
Bro you are skinny fat at like 17% bodyfat.

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