Ultimate guide on how to get girls on Instagram

This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

decent thread bro did not disappoint this time. But what’s the best way to grow an instagram with around 160 followers its a new account
decent thread bro did not disappoint this time. But what’s the best way to grow an instagram with around 160 followers its a new account
follow the 2 methods I mentioned. you can get up to 2k in 2 weeks
  • +1
Reactions: Lemonhead
very accurate thread, although chad doesn't need to conform.

but yeah my tiktokmaxxed friend always did exactly this, and his laycount is 20+ at 18 as a MTN!!!!!!
appreciate it bro means a lot coming from u
It seems like it qualifies but before I add it, I'd like it if you redid the title to make it look better. I'll look at it later because I'm busy
thanks bro means a lot coming from u

which title do you suggest? im not sure if i can edit it any longer lol but the title isn't bad tho i think
Atleast 75% of the forum can't even complete step 1
  • So Sad
Reactions: garoupilled_
thanks a lot

which title do you suggest?
Ultimate Guide On How To Get Girls Online (Instangram & Tinder)
Ultimate Guide On How To Get Girls on Instagram & Tinder

just some suggestions/inspirations
@ me when you're done op
I appreciate the effort but you shoulda had ChatGPT format it better or something. Here's a ChatGPT summary anyway for those people too lazy to read it in full but that want to know more than the TLDR:

Summary: This guide provides a step-by-step approach to improving one's Instagram profile and attracting the desired audience. The primary focus is on creating an appealing profile, maintaining an active presence, and engaging with potential followers to increase the likelihood of forming connections.

Key Elements:

  1. Optimal appearance: Aim for an attractive facial appearance and a height advantage.
  2. Follower count: Maintain a moderate following, making your profile approachable yet visible.
  3. Varied photo selection: Showcase high-quality, edited images of yourself engaging in diverse activities.
  4. Methods for photo display: Utilize either fixed stories or posts to create an appealing profile.
  5. Niche targeting: Tailor your content to the specific audience you wish to attract.
  6. Quality image editing: Edit your photos to enhance their appearance and appeal.
  7. Active profile maintenance: Post regularly and engage with followers to maintain interest.
  8. Hunting stage: Consists of gaining female followers, giving out signals, and understanding signals for approaching.
  9. Important notes: Post group photos where you appear favorable, maintain a higher attractiveness level than the target, and use manipulation techniques in conversations.
The guide emphasizes the importance of presentation, engagement, and strategic interactions to optimize one's Instagram presence and achieve desired results.
I understand ur point but its way more complex than that though and i also wanted to make it as complete as possible so no gaps of knowledge are let in the explanations but appreciate the help for summarizing it bhai
Ultimate Guide On How To Get Girls Online (Instangram & Tinder)
Ultimate Guide On How To Get Girls on Instagram & Tinder

just some suggestions/inspirations
I cant edit the thread title anymore lol can the mods do this? idk @Alexanderr @TRUE_CEL

Ultimate guide on how to get girls on Instagram seems the best fit
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
I cant edit the thread title anymore lol can the mods do this? idk @Alexanderr @TRUE_CEL

Ultimate guide on how to get girls on Instagram seems the best fit
I'll do it.
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Gengar and garoupilled_
Good shit detailed asf but is there a way to do a minimalist profile , 2-3 pics like future ? Alr got lots of followers
Good shit detailed asf but is there a way to do a minimalist profile , 2-3 pics like future ? Alr got lots of followers
yeah just follow the 24h stories and hunting stage parts
good post
I feel like stories are much more used now than liking old profile posts. If a girl likes a story w you in it she fuck w you 110%. Girls are very picky on which stories they like
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies and garoupilled_
Bruh you got to be at least Chadlite bare minimum.
This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

Good shit
actually retarded how this is ebook worthy material and its full of dnrds, jfl at forum state gotta abandon the ship
Ur post is literally take NT pics and hope girls respond to it lol, doesn’t even work either
Good thread but I lost at step 1
This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

quer trocar ideia sobre isso pv ? curti mas queria saber em linuagem de burro mta termo autista psl kk
I got shot down at step one
This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

It can't work for me i'm not a normie
Shit thread copypasted from @xefo
Nigga makes talking to girls on social media more complex than rocket science.

Just be good looking, that's it. There is no special secret on how to talk to girls. The fuck is wrong with you?
  • +1
Reactions: OGJBSLAYER and Deleted member 24367
Normal niggas just swipe up on a cute girl like hey and you niggas need a comprehensive 10 page guide to do the same jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Acromegaly_Chad
This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

What a cucked thread. It’s easy to get an instagram. Just look up their name fucking retard. Getting their number is the hard part. Dnr btw
Last edited:
Great post, i'm going hard improving my Instagram rn. Only thing thats holding me back is not wanting to look tryhard requesting to follow people at my school that I have mutuals with but don't know that well personally.
  • +1
Reactions: garoupilled_
Chad fish: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Hahaha. Thumbs up for creativity.
  • +1
Reactions: garoupilled_
In my senior year English class we have to do everything on paper now brutal tbh

What is a good thing to take if most things are going to be automated what’s the point of even getting a degree fuck
This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

Will this work when in 5‘3
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 27066
Will this work when in 5‘3
It’s over
Vince Carter Basketball GIF by NBA
Great thread OP. Correct me if I'm wrong (I need to read the whole thread again when I'm not tired), but it doesn't look like you mentioned how to get likes and comments on your posts. I have a lot of followers but I have no real friends on IG, and I tried posting a reel once and got 5 likes in 2 hours. I deleted it, so I have 0 posts. How should I continue? Should I buy likes for my posts and hope no one notices?

Even sub-5 guys get 100s of likes and a lot of nice comments (even when they post the cringiest nonsense ever) because they're NT and have big social circles. So I'd look like a total loser if I can't get a lot of likes on my posts. I can't believe how much being non-NT has fucked me over.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 25938 and garoupilled_
Great thread OP. Correct me if I'm wrong (I need to read the whole thread again when I'm not tired), but it doesn't look like you mentioned how to get likes and comments on your posts. I have a lot of followers but I have no real friends on IG, and I tried posting a reel once and got 5 likes in 2 hours. I deleted it, so I have 0 posts. How should I continue? Should I buy likes for my posts and hope no one notices?

Even sub-5 guys get 100s of likes and a lot of nice comments (even when they post the cringiest nonsense ever) because they're NT and have big social circles. So I'd look like a total loser if I can't get a lot of likes on my posts. I can't believe how much being non-NT has fucked me
great points ill add it to the thread later
  • +1
Reactions: spirili
Honestly you don't even need to have that high of a follower count for Instamaxxing to still be legit (that is, given you're good-looking enough). I only have 260 followers on my account yet I'm talking to two girls rn, and have had random girls follow me in the past.
  • +1
Reactions: spirili
Honestly you don't even need to have that high of a follower count for Instamaxxing to still be legit (that is, given you're good-looking enough). I only have 260 followers on my account yet I'm talking to two girls rn, and have had random girls follow me in the past.
could you answer PMs, please? :)
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 25938
Honestly you don't even need to have that high of a follower count for Instamaxxing to still be legit (that is, given you're good-looking enough). I only have 260 followers on my account yet I'm talking to two girls rn, and have had random girls follow me in the past.


In 3 years rotting on this site I've never changed my avi but I caged so hard when I saw yours that I'm hopping on the BGM train rn

KEKW Emote
  • Love it
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could you answer PMs, please? :)
Hey, sorry for not answering. I'm working on schoolwork rn so I'll try to give you a good, full-length response when I can.
  • +1
Reactions: ascension!
Hey, sorry for not answering. I'm working on schoolwork rn so I'll try to give you a good, full-length response when I can.
Alright, no worries man! Take your time
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 25938
Honestly you don't even need to have that high of a follower count for Instamaxxing to still be legit (that is, given you're good-looking enough). I only have 260 followers on my account yet I'm talking to two girls rn, and have had random girls follow me in the past.
I've dm'd a lot of girls but even the ones who seem into me end up not wanting to meet up. My looks aren't the problem (thx to morphing my pics), so I'm convinced it's cuz I have no posts showing I'm NT with friends. They don't see proof I'm not a psycho.
  • +1
Reactions: Lemonhead, 09&, garoupilled_ and 1 other person
Assuming I’m at least a htn is it ok to have mostly solo pics? I have friends but I feel like such a fag trying to take group photos so all my pics are solo
Also is it ok to have pics hunting fishing and shooting guns?
  • +1
Reactions: TheNextOPry
Any thoughts on how to cold dm chicks who are active on IG but never post or share stories? I usually react to stories to try to start conversations but some girls never give me anything to work with.

Also, did you find out about how to get likes on posts? I might have to just buy likes if people ignore my posts. The only way I can think of getting more likes is by dming hundreds of people to try to make friends with them, but that's so much effort and might not even work.
This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

"be htn'' delegitimizes everything you've just said
  • Hmm...
Reactions: garoupilled_
Good work but not effective if you are not NT.
  • +1
Reactions: garoupilled_
This step-by-step guide that I recently came up with has worked extremely well for me so I thought sharing it with you guys as well
this is my first guide yet but I plan on doing more in the future

Step 1: be facially a HTN+ (at least) or a MTN with height halo

Step 2: have a decent following on Instagram but not TOO much: the secret here is that you want to seem approachable to girls, but not invisible - falling in between that sweet spot is ideal. Do not buy followers (it ruins your range when posting) - ill teach you a method later on, focusing on how to get a good amount of followers without needing to buy any. Your starting goal here is to have at least 500ish, and approach girls with 3-4x MAX your following and 0.5x MIN. Do not approach girls with a ratio much higher than yours (let's say you have 1k and approach someone with 15k) - your chances of being bluntly ignored are extremely high. In this case, focus on profiles ranging from 500 up to 4000. If you're that desperate you can go lower than 0.5x, but don't make it obvious during the hunting stage (will elaborate on this stage later on) since that's a one way to being ghosted.

Step 3: have a varied selection of photos: in your profile, you MUST showcase high-quality, edited NT pictures of yourself doing various normie activities - if that's your niche (will expand). You can tailor this to perfection in 2 possible ways:

method number 1: focusing on fixed stories
method number 2: focusing on posts

Method 1 - By focusing on fixed stories, you will create a carrousel of 5 up to 10 pictures of yourself doing a variety of normie activities displayed in no specific order, besides your first picture - the first impression is which lasts, thus your first fixed story must be the most narcy and good looking of them all. The other pictures must be diverse and include you doing other things rather than trying to prove how good looking you are. Besides your fixed stories, you may have 1 up to 3 posts. The secret to making high-quality posts is that all of them must fit a theme - unlike your stories. Let's look at an example of what the perfect profile would look like based on this

Fixed story number:
1 - mirror selfie of yourself in a stylish outfit, sea salt sprayed semi-wet hair, with the sunlight coming in from a window highlighting your face and skin, dimly lit room with a painting in the background, organized ambiance - choose your favorite picture of yourself, you must be the main focus in the shot
2 - picture of yourself clubbing in a disco with various colored lights in the background, wearing a tight fit shirt showcasing your physique (the goal here is to highlight that you're in good shape and workout without actually taking a shirtless picture, which is not a plus unless your niche is gym girls)
3 - photo of yourself and your dog doing an outside activity, perhaps a road trip (women love animals, especially dogs)
4 - photo of yourself in a music show showcasing the background stage with smoke and lights
5 - photo of yourself visiting a famous international tourist point, let's say under the eiffel tower while it lightens the night sky
6 - artsy shot of the dusk or sunrise sky, interesting cloud pattern with good lighting (women like nature and sky shots)

Always place photos that don't have you in frame as last

Perceive how every photo in this list of fixed stories doesn't fit an exact theme nor follow an exact sequence. There's no issue in that for stories, but for your posts, all of them must fit into a specific theme. In this example, a good carrousel of posts would be picture 1, 4 and 6 in this sequence; 1 - pic of yourself in the outfit before going out to the show, 4 - pic of yourself with the same outfit during the show and 6 - artsy picture of the sky after the show has ended.

Method 2 - By focusing on posts, you will create 2 up to 5 different photo dumps mainly focused on themes as I explained beforehand - each photo dump must not contain more than 5 pictures each. The first picture must have you in frame as the primary focus looking the best as possible - the other pictures can be of yourself in background and the last one can be a closing and less important shot, such as a landscape. It is not necessary to create a caption but if you feel like it and most importantly if fits the theme, go for it. Only turn comments on if you're sure you can get +100 comments on each post and if you do, like all of them - but only respond to a few.

Remember when I talked about doing various NT normie activities in your pictures? Well, that's when nichemaxxing comes in. if your desired niche is normie girls, copy and paste the exact content of the pictures I described. If your desired niche is different, tailor your stories and posts to that specific niche. Let's say you're into goth girls, in that case, you'll want to post yourself going to a famous emo/goth band concert, having a picture of yourself playing guitar, using a niched outfit in your pictures, and so on and so forth. You get the gist of it. Apply this to all your content.

Now you may be wondering, how exactly can I take good quality pictures and edit them for this purpose? (remember, editing is a must since every content on social media is frauded and you want to boost your profile as much as possible, fake it till you make it).

This quick video will teach you all of that

Step 4: maintaining an active profile: now that you have a perfect profile with good pictures, it's crucial to maintain it active so that girls following you can engage with your content. The best way to do this is by posting regular 24h stories every weekend - for this purpose, try to go out as much as possible. Your goal here is to only post high-quality engaging stories. Always think thoroughly before posting something - is this post actually worth it and good enough? Let's see an example: instead of posting a shot of a dish you're having at a restaurant, post a picture of yourself on the balcony of a rooftop bar wearing a stylish casual fit, editing the city lights in the background so that they appear more vivid and the shot itself looks more professional. Keep in mind to only post 2 stories per week - scarcity creates value and you're not a woman to be posting dumb random shit all the time - remain a bit mysterious.

Step 5: now that your profile is complete, comes the utter most important part, the hunting stage. this phase can be broken down into 3 main frameworks:
1 getting female followers
2 giving out signals
3 comprehending signals and approaching

All of these 3 frameworks are relatively low inhib so keep that in mind

Framework number 1 - there are 2 main methods for gaining real only female followers in bulk, the chad fish and the mass mutual

Chad fish
: private your Instagram account and remove your profile picture for one week. Create an account on tinder and other dating apps of your preference - create a chadfish with a couple of photos - make it believable. Add to your bio "I'm not very active here, catch me on Instagram at @(your at) so we can talk"
Keep your profile picture removed so people can't see your real face until you stack enough following requests of your liking. Accept them one by one at a slow pace so people don't think you've bought followers. After you've gained enough, turn your profile public again, put your usual profile picture back and delete the chadfish account. The great majority of your new female followers won't notice and will keep following and engaging with what you post.

Mass mutual: for this method, you will already need to have a decent following and social group. Pick the niche that you're interested in and search through girls in your followers who fit in. Go to their profile and follow girls that they follow that also fit the niche you're looking for and have a decent enough amount of mutuals for it not to seem strange. Do this in bulk and follow a few hundred girls spaced throughout a few weeks. The more mutuals the higher the chances of being followed back, and if you're not, just unfollow a week later. The more you're nichemaxxed the higher the chances of the girl accepting and following back as well, even if you have no mutuals or few.

Framework number 2 - giving out signals: after you've gathered a large amount of female followers, you will do a similar step to the mass mutual method but specifically driven for liking posts. This move is high risk high reward so do it at an even slower pace. After girls have accepted your request/followed you back, like one of their stories or posts, but only one. Do this very few times per day, and always look at your mutuals before liking. If you like a profile, wait a couple of days or a week before liking a mutual between both. If there are none, your risks are smaller. Never like a story or post of a girl who hasn't followed you back.

Framework number 3 - comprehending signals and approaching: the last step of the hunting stage will be to capitalize upon your results from framework number 1 and 2 - access your notifications and see all the girls that have liked your fixed stories or posts back after you followed them. If she has, it's a clear signal she's interested and finds you attractive. Don't message instantly though - wait a couple hours, not longer than a day but don't seem desperate. Cold approach in her DMs and play cool. She will naturally lay the path for you since it's a mutual interest. Don't mess up by overthinking it.

Remember when I told you to go out as much as possible and post 24h stories twice per week? Whenever you post one, especially if the picture has you in frame, keep a track of all the girls that liked your stories. If you see the same profile liking your stories multiple times and in sequence, you're pretty much free to cold approach her in DMs and your success rate should be extremely high as well.

Important notes

post a group photo in which you're mogged. Always post group photos where you're the mogger. Never post group photos that go against the green lines rule nor disrespect yourself the green line rule.

If you're at least 0.75 or 1 PSL higher than the foid you're talking to it's pretty much guaranteed

Now that you've come this far, how do I talk to a foid in the DMs? If you have no clue, this channel is of great help: https://www.youtube.com/@Kyle_Froonjian
Nevertheless, it is of extreme importance to be aware of manipulation techniques and how to implement them in your conversations - these are: ghosting, gaslighting, white knight, mirroring, flattery, trauma loop, love bombing, passive-aggression and guilt.

Send messages during angel number hours and then ghost them for a couple hours
If you follow all of the steps displayed here I'm 100% sure it'll work (supposing you're not subhuman)

BOTB worthy?

@Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @loksr @nitesik @Xangsane @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @Alexanderr @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Gargantuan @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit @Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @Blackgymmax @JailedAristocrat @soldier_puzzle662 @Lawton88 @TRUE_CEL @2d v2 @Matthias8272 @Anstrum95 @tomsmith @Thomas DOM @Yuno_howitez @Mumbai Sissy @Hiraeth @FastBananaCEO @StepbroMo @Bashan @Prettyboy @Hades @BucketCrab @wannakms @Witheredly90 @the BULL @Vermilioncore @cvzvvc @dimorphism @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov

, Bruh am facially chadlite but am just 5'6so according to you I failed the step one, I have a private account will make it public and try what you said ..I will try my best
Assuming I’m at least a htn is it ok to have mostly solo pics? I have friends but I feel like such a fag trying to take group photos so all my pics are solo
Also is it ok to have pics hunting fishing and shooting guns?
those arent very nt activities tho

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