Using AI to keep you spine growth plates open??



Ascend or Die trying
Jul 2, 2023
Aromatase inhibitors like Aromasin and letrozol can be used to keep growth plates open, right? I just wanted to confirm if it's applicable for spine growth plates as well just as it is for say, legs.

Other than that, how effective even is it in keeping your growth plates open? Like, how much does it slow the closure down? Can you expect regular use to keep them open for a couple years or would it not be as effective?
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I don't know.
ask chatgpt
yes it does for some time. better start blasting it when ur young
I'm slightly worried about getting lethargic if i use mk677 so, I was considering delaying it by an year so, I've graduated high school and using AI in the meantime to keep growth plates open. What do you recommend?

just to be clear, the grades this year determine what college I get and i need to collegemaxx
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I'm slightly worried about getting lethargic if i use mk677 so, I was considering delaying it by an year so, I've graduated high school and using AI in the meantime to keep growth plates open. What do you recommend?

just to be clear, the grades this year determine what college I get and i need to collegemaxx
i decided to reaserch this given i was also interested, from what ive heard from greg doucette, MoreplatesMoredates. Yes it will make you lethargic but that is a cost to the benefits of growing taller i suppose, it would make the most sense to take before bedtime
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i decided to reaserch this given i was also interested, from what ive heard from greg doucette, MoreplatesMoredates. Yes it will make you lethargic but that is a cost to the benefits of growing taller i suppose, it would make the most sense to take before bedtime
yeah, I too, got this from MPMD, I think I will try it out once and if the lethargy is really bad, I'll just delay it by an year and use AI in the meantime.
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If your plates are open and you start an AI, they will remain open as long as you continue taking the AI and keep your estrogen between 15-20 pg/mL although in children doctors nuke their estrogen to 0
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yeah, I too, got this from MPMD, I think I will try it out once and if the lethargy is really bad, I'll just delay it by an year and use AI in the meantime.
that makes sense, are you from europe? Im european if you manage to buy some can you send me a link?
that makes sense, are you from europe? Im european if you manage to buy some can you send me a link?
Nope, not european, Can't help with that
Aromatase inhibitors like Aromasin and letrozol can be used to keep growth plates open, right? I just wanted to confirm if it's applicable for spine growth plates as well just as it is for say, legs.

Other than that, how effective even is it in keeping your growth plates open? Like, how much does it slow the closure down? Can you expect regular use to keep them open for a couple years or would it not be as effective?
First, state how old you are so that I can get an idea of how open your spinal growth plates potentially is and what's your previous growth rate to see if there's some growth in the can. Secondly, using AI to keep spinal growth plates is pretty pointless unless you plan to use AI for up to 6+ years. Your spine grows at a rate of 7mm a year by 17-18. That is quite insignificant as that's not even a cm. It will slow down closure and potentially halt it for 8+ months at a time if you keep constant blood work panels, have average-high levels of E2 naturally, using Arimidex at 1-2MG ed, and you are slightly reducing test so that E2 doesn't rise.

The younger you are, the more effective AI usage can be however, even studies, it has shown that not in all cases it heavily decreases growth plate closure. As AI only blocks aromatase, when there are other ways your body produces E2. And if your balls respond too heavily to AI (as in increasing test), your E2 will not be able to get low enough. Relying on spinal growth with solely AI without HGH is pointless due to the fact that humans grow slower in the spine compared to other areas.
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I've read somewhere that you can inject water to kneecaps in order to reopen them and promote growth.
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Bump. Someone please confirm
I've read somewhere that you can inject water to kneecaps in order to reopen them and promote growth
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First, state how old you are so that I can get an idea of how open your spinal growth plates potentially is and what's your previous growth rate to see if there's some growth in the can. Secondly, using AI to keep spinal growth plates is pretty pointless unless you plan to use AI for up to 6+ years. Your spine grows at a rate of 7mm a year by 17-18. That is quite insignificant as that's not even a cm. It will slow down closure and potentially halt it for 8+ months at a time if you keep constant blood work panels, have average-high levels of E2 naturally, using Arimidex at 1-2MG ed, and you are slightly reducing test so that E2 doesn't rise.

The younger you are, the more effective AI usage can be however, even studies, it has shown that not in all cases it heavily decreases growth plate closure. As AI only blocks aromatase, when there are other ways your body produces E2. And if your balls respond too heavily to AI (as in increasing test), your E2 will not be able to get low enough. Relying on spinal growth with solely AI without HGH is pointless due to the fact that humans grow slower in the spine compared to other areas.
I'm 17. I grew 1.5 inches last year and then, 0.5 inch since the start of this year. I think I wasn't clear but yeah, I do intend on using mk677 with AI to get the most out of my spinal growth. Do you think I need AI or should I start mk677+cjc1295? I've not started either yet because the local pharmacy had neither. I'm going to look for a larger pharmacy in the city centre to get it.
I'm 17. I grew 1.5 inches last year and then, 0.5 inch since the start of this year. I think I wasn't clear but yeah, I do intend on using mk677 with AI to get the most out of my spinal growth. Do you think I need AI or should I start mk677+cjc1295? I've not started either yet because the local pharmacy had neither. I'm going to look for a larger pharmacy in the city centre to get it.
Start MK677 and CJC-1295 first. However, you have to order online as MK677 is an illegal test compound, and shouldn't be available at pharmacies. You could possibly find growth hormone secretagogues.
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In simple words it won't give you a growth spurt or something as per the chances I'd say they are 20 percent for a growth spurt. Even tho I know your looking for just a inch i would say it's not worth it financially or otherwise. You'd need to buy a stack that's not some bs and bio identical and then you would need to take enough protien intake to use it to full potential plus gym and the hours and suffering etc. Your facial assymentry will worsen or even distorted. If you have male pattern baldness in your genes ohh boy that's coming in even faster. In short do your research first and see of your growth plates are open not just some cracks or anything properly open. Then if your ready to sacrifice all of the above for an inch or 2 i would say go for it but your looks eill come down by a tier or maybe 2. Not going to lie I am just if not way more desperate than you but the side effects are too much for me for just an inch or 2
Btw don't sit idle. What you can still do is lose fat and take supplements. I can't name them all but I did saw an thread where they listed all the supplements while losing fat as they help woth hgh production and etc. And yeah going to gym, HIIT sets, diet especially protien is an obvious.

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