What about the exceptions?

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Dec 21, 2019
Hey guys,

I'm on incel forums since a few weeks. And I read a lot and blackpill is nice and everything. It makes sense and is logic and rational, but to be honest I know a lot of exceptions of the blackpill.

If I wanted I could post here easily 100 pictures of normie couples or even 1000. My Facebook and Instagram is full with normie guys and low tier normies with girlfriends.
I know manlets with girlfriends.

Blackpillers act like only the 8/10 guys get girls. But my experience shows different things.

So what you say to this.
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the only rational answer to this thread is: COPE
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It isn't cope if I have proof that normie guys and manlets have girlfriends. I can even proof it with pictures.

I could post here easily around 100 pictures dude.
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if u live in east europe blackpill not work there , like the physic laws dont work inside black hole
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I live in Germany.
Hey guys,

I'm on incel forums since a few weeks. And I read a lot and blackpill is nice and everything. It makes sense and is logic and rational, but to be honest I know a lot of exceptions of the blackpill.

If I wanted I could post here easily 100 pictures of normie couples or even 1000. My Facebook and Instagram is full with normie guys and low tier normies with girlfriends.
I know manlets with girlfriends.

Blackpillers act like only the 8/10 guys get girls. But my experience shows different things.

So what you say to this.
2 things come to my mind.

1. One can't base one strategy on exceptions. Because exceptions have a very low success rate in general ( so the lath will be very painfull filled with alot of rejections/fails)

2. Are these dudes really less attractive then these girls. (like, guys have a tendency to rate girls/women higher then they are objectively (because we find women attractive), and we have a tendency to rate guys lower then they are (becaseu we are not attracted to dudes).

Obviously. It should be possible and is possible for plenty normie dudes, to find with alot of effort a woman to be his looksmatched girlfriend.
I could had been an example case for you, for instance. I am a normie dude, and I was in a LTR with normie looking woman for 5 years orso. It took me alot of effort to get that though (I chatted up 500 women for sure to get a handfull of lays with looksmatched women and this LTR).
You could had showed my picture with gf, and say: "see normies can get nromie women". What you won't see it the amount effort and shit I had to go through to get that/there, and how such reletionships are also to a significant extend often "betabuxx"-style (which also means alot of effort from the man side).

I assume alot of the dislike/hate towards women behaviour (rightfully maybe?) on this forum is also; how mr. Chad can get this with little/no effort. While mr. Normie has to do alot alot, and face alot of pain/rejection.
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there used to be a good thread on lookism where people posted 'missmatch facbook couples' from their own friendslist.

There are some fairly ugly fucks (who aren't rich) with very hot girlfriends

I think it's usually a case of the perfect storm.

Like; He got her when she was super young and not quite as confident in herself and aware that she can basically fuck any guy she wants. She has unusual tastes in what she finds 'hot' (like how some women like big noses on men or whatever). propinquity. Maybe he's also fun and popular?
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I didn't say that the girls are more attractive than the boys.

I said normie couples. They are looksmatch more or less.

Here some examples for you.
Screenshot 20191219 184438
Screenshot 20190811 144946
Screenshot 20190627 215904
if u live in east europe blackpill not work there , like the physic laws dont work inside black hole
holy shitr this is fucking gold
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holy shitr this is fucking gold
it's not my quote but its true
@PrettyBoyMaxxing mb ? i dont remember
Eastern Europe = PSL calculations doesnt work, just like current laws of physics dont work inside singularity of black hole, same goes for looks theory and EE.
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If you are average and have a decent friend group, you’re bound to get a girlfriend, either from that group or by knowing people and being sociable.

You don’t need to be 8/10 or even 6-7/10 to get a GF.

You can be a 4-5/10 and get a GF. But is that guy getting sex whenever he wants it? Is he getting head just cuz? No, he probably barely gets anything sexual. For getting a GF, looks aren’t everything. You need to be sociable and not weird af.

Blackpill forums say “you need to be 8/10” to get a GF because 1). it’s kinda a joke 2). we acknowledge hypergamy 3). we see what relationships attractive men are in and want that

Any rational person here would say you don’t need to be that good looking to get a girlfriend. But some people here think you need to be very attractive to get a GF because she would leave you for another man (which isn’t necessary true bc girls get stuck in a “love trance” if they’re still able to pair bond).

Most of this forum wants to slay, they do not want GF’s because they see how women are and are disgusted by the cheating and whatnot. So, this forum kinda tosses aside the idea of having a GF and slaps the label of “you need to be 8/10” and goes back to the mental masturbation of slaying and looksmaxxing for slaying only purposes.

These forums are blackpilled. You will see studies, videos, get confirmation bias IRL, and experiments exposing how women truly act and how they want good looking men. It will shatter your reality if you’re here long enough and leave you questioning dating, society, men, and women.

Back to the topic, most people here are abnormal. They do not know how to socialize with women or even men for trust matter. There is a theory here (which is yet to be proven false), “Just Be NT Theory.” Which basically means be cool, act like a normie, don’t act aspie, having good social skills, etc. This theory is what carries the “expectations” you are seeing. They know how to talk to women. They know how to banter. They know how to have fun. Most people that say “you need to be 8/10” or anything of that manner are completely deluded from reality, have no friends IRL, and spends all their time on blackpilled forums.
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You can slay even at 4psl.
If you are average and have a decent friend group, you’re bound to get a girlfriend, either from that group or by knowing people and being sociable.

You don’t need to be 8/10 or even 6-7/10 to get a GF.

You can be a 4-5/10 and get a GF. But is that guy getting sex whenever he wants it? Is he getting head just cuz? No, he probably barely gets anything sexual. For getting a GF, looks aren’t everything. You need to be sociable and not weird af.

Blackpill forums say “you need to be 8/10” to get a GF because 1). it’s kinda a joke 2). we acknowledge hypergamy 3). we see what relationships attractive men are in and want that

Any rational person here would say you don’t need to be that good looking to get a girlfriend. But some people here think you need to be very attractive to get a GF because she would leave you for another man (which isn’t necessary true bc girls get stuck in a “love trance” if they’re still able to pair bond).

Most of this forum wants to slay, they do not want GF’s because they see how women are and are disgusted by the cheating and whatnot. So, this forum kinda tosses aside the idea of having a GF and slaps the label of “you need to be 8/10” and goes back to the mental masturbation of slaying and looksmaxxing for slaying only purposes.

These forums are blackpilled. You will see studies, videos, get confirmation bias IRL, and experiments exposing how women truly act and how they want good looking men. It will shatter your reality if you’re here long enough and leave you questioning dating, society, men, and women.

Back to the topic, most people here are abnormal. They do not know how to socialize with women or even men for trust matter. There is a theory here (which is yet to be proven false), “Just Be NT Theory.” Which basically means be cool, act like a normie, don’t act aspie, having good social skills, etc. This theory is what carries the “expectations” you are seeing. They know how to talk to women. They know how to banter. They know how to have fun. Most people that say “you need to be 8/10” or anything of that manner is completely deluded from reality, has no friends IRL, and spends all their time on blackpilled forums.
99% of the people here would benefit more from social skills maxxing rather than looksmaxxing.
it's not my quote but its true
@PrettyBoyMaxxing mb ? i dont remember

I didn’t say it but it’s true. Eastern Europe is all about being masculine and status.

@Newone where are u from
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I’m not familiar with Germany but I’d imagine it’s like the USA because we are part of the West
High IQ thread with high IQ replies.
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Hey guys,

I'm on incel forums since a few weeks. And I read a lot and blackpill is nice and everything. It makes sense and is logic and rational, but to be honest I know a lot of exceptions of the blackpill.

If I wanted I could post here easily 100 pictures of normie couples or even 1000. My Facebook and Instagram is full with normie guys and low tier normies with girlfriends.
I know manlets with girlfriends.

Blackpillers act like only the 8/10 guys get girls. But my experience shows different things.

So what you say to this.
You're new right? That explains it. Youre still bluepilled. Browse here for few more weeks and you'll be blackpilled to a point where you believe only 6'5 7psl ( doesn't exist irl even Gandy is 6.76 rated here) 9 inch dick guys get sex with women and raving about getting malar implants or canthoplexies or bilateral sagittal split osteotemies in the sleep
I posted pictures of normies bro. I could post like 100 more.

Even in my school-time 80% or 90% of the boys got girlfriends. Getting a girl was the norm.
The average normie had easily around 5 girlfriends with 25 and some one-night-stands.

Not getting a girl was the exception. You really need to be really ugly+really short+ have social skills like a autist, to not get a landwhale at least.
Here some pictures more.
IMG 20191223 111054
IMG 20191223 104908
IMG 20191222 232401
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The average normie had easily around 5 girlfriends with 25 and some one-night-stands.
Easily?? You gotta be joking. I almost never seen normie man get that easily. I seen them get it, with alot of efforts. But nearly never easily. Unless you consider going out 2 times per week to bars (even though they rather stay home, but do it becase of women); and hitting on women. And then getting a lay like once every 2+ months orso out of that. Yeah, really easily. Nope, alot of effort.
On Tinder, it takes the average dude 40 hours of swipping and chatting to get one date. Are we gonna call that easily too??

Easily, not my experience at all.

The average normie had easily around 5 girlfriends with 25 and some one-night-stands.

5 gf and some lays by 25. That sounds maybe about right, mr. normie getting in 10 years (from 15 -> 25) time about 5-10 women into bed.
Aka, it takes him about 1 year to get a bang. Who the fuck calls having to wait 12 months to get a lay, easily?? That are fucking dry spells.
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IMG 20191223 111446

Dude I swear to God. Even this ugly fucker. One of the ugliest guys on my class had more than 1 girlfriend. He had easily 3 I knew about.
IMG 20191223 111723
IMG 20191223 111740

He is incel tier. He is the definition of incelish.
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@Newone Its only the basement dwellers who never leave their house that say you need to be 8+/10 to get laid.

Like you, I’ve seen countless normies on social media and IRL at clubs/bars get with good looking women.
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I feel you, when I only frequented incel forums I lost touch with reality and let it get the best of me. Last week I went to ikea just to look at couples irl and most of them are looksmatched. Sounds weird but sometimes I go to malls etc just to remind myself that the situation ain't so bad.

People who have given up will be in a perpetual state of bitterness and tell people that "it's over for sub8 men" to discourage others from actually improve themselves.
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lol you're from turkey. The dating climate in turkey is ideal and most guys date up slightly
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@ugly nebula

I am a Turk who lives in Germany.

I posted pictures of mixed race couples also. Turk with German, Arab with German.
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In ee face doesnt matter as much, being big what is really the ideal. Im psl 5.5/6 184 at 80k with low bf(13%) i got more attention when I was 90kg getting girls from clubbing was easier. Mass is King not even muscle mass but mass as FAT+muscle having a good face is only a bonus
Getting a GF is not that hard, most guys can have one, but its not easy, it takes a lot of effort,time & brutal rejections to get your looks match. And IMO its not worth the hustle. Slaying on the other hand... It requires 0 effort, your physical appearance will bring you true love and affection from women without any kind of betabuxing, you can have any woman you want at any time of the year.
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2 things come to my mind.

1. One can't base one strategy on exceptions. Because exceptions have a very low success rate in general ( so the lath will be very painfull filled with alot of rejections/fails)

2. Are these dudes really less attractive then these girls. (like, guys have a tendency to rate girls/women higher then they are objectively (because we find women attractive), and we have a tendency to rate guys lower then they are (becaseu we are not attracted to dudes).

Obviously. It should be possible and is possible for plenty normie dudes, to find with alot of effort a woman to be his looksmatched girlfriend.
I could had been an example case for you, for instance. I am a normie dude, and I was in a LTR with normie looking woman for 5 years orso. It took me alot of effort to get that though (I chatted up 500 women for sure to get a handfull of lays with looksmatched women and this LTR).
You could had showed my picture with gf, and say: "see normies can get nromie women". What you won't see it the amount effort and shit I had to go through to get that/there, and how such reletionships are also to a significant extend often "betabuxx"-style (which also means alot of effort from the man side).

I assume alot of the dislike/hate towards women behaviour (rightfully maybe?) on this forum is also; how mr. Chad can get this with little/no effort. While mr. Normie has to do alot alot, and face alot of pain/rejection.
This, it takes lots of effort for the average guy but LTR is possible for most really.
The better your looks the easier it is, and the more you mog her the more you can control her.
If she mogs you it's usually betabux or a female controlled relationship.

And in general, guys rate women higher than they are for 2 reasons mainly: sex drive and makeup.

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