what can you really achieve with a supraorbital implant?

Eduardo DOV

Eduardo DOV

Aug 1, 2019
Supraorbital implants are implants to modify the contour of the region above the eyes.

Personally, my only interest with them was being able to create low set eyebrows, ideally like those of tom cruise:

or those like gandy's:


but is it really possible for everyone to reduce UEE to ZERO, or is this just a pipe dream for some?

Here are some cases I found on the internet of people who, I believe, all operated with @RealSurgerymax (the best on the market), and despite having all reached a cool contour in this region, they kept the UEE:




Also the last one got a bit botched with these 2 balls popping out, despite attracting little attention irl:


My question is: was it intentional to keep UEE in the design of these implants? Or is it simply a matter of the patient's luck whether or not the UEE is reduced?
one I talked to, he had even less UEE before.

Now one who seems to got zero UEE:


well, its only 3-weeks, but if this is the end result, maybe its luck of the patient for some watever reason?

I have 2 in my memory who got what it semmed to be zero UEE as end result, one of them even had a lot of UEE before, they are here on the site, but I cant find it now. So I think it is possible to get rid of UEE and create the hunter eyes look, but my question is if this is possible for everyone.

Now about the procedure itself:


So, this giga and ugly cut is only used when the implant is a large single piece?:

But why was used a single piece here?

What about the risk of nerve damage, which type of insertion is most risky? making this big cut a small cut?:

Giant is not reading my messages on instagram, probably fed up with my questions (I've asked a lot of them over the last few years).
So you guys try to get these answers and post here. My hope is that he appears here and answers everything.


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maybe you shouldnt ask questions over a long time of years, and perhaps actually get the surgery.

Im pissed giant implants can become a multi millioinaire, but instead chooses to have a 10000 long queue on instagram
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maybe you shouldnt ask questions over a long time of years, and perhaps actually get the surgery.

Im pissed giant implants can become a multi millioinaire, but instead chooses to have a 10000 long queue on instagram
I had some serious(not that serious, but serious enough to stop me) mental problems that prevented me from progressing in life,
I didn't even realize how retarded my behavior was.
But I started to resolve this last year, but it will take time before I have money.

Do you know the answer to these questions?
Surgery is pure roll dice, the same procedure for one guy can end up completely botching the other one.

It's more luck and soft tissue reaction than anything else.

I got lucky with jaw angles and my supras but not so much with my infras which are giga visible and need a fat graft to be covered properly.
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Surgery is pure roll dice, the same procedure for one guy can end up completely botching the other one.

It's more luck and soft tissue reaction than anything else.

I got lucky with jaw angles and my supras but not so much with my infras which are giga visible and need a fat graft to be covered properly.
i see.
so now you have zero UEE ?
i see.
so now you have zero UEE ?
Virtually none, when I get really tired I have some on my right eye but yeah my upper eyelids are pretty much hooded now.
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Virtually none, when I get really tired I have some on my right eye but yeah my upper eyelids are pretty much hooded now.
how much was it? and what about the eyebrows, are they lower(and how were them before)? and how was it inserted? can you pm me?
To lower the brows and decrease the UEE the design must be saddled which is something that Giant kind of invented or at least made known.

I had the same doubt as you and after some research I found this

His own words

Yes but guaranteeing that they lower the eyebrows take direct brow surgery, that is suturing the periosteum under the eyebrow (internally) to the implant. In these cases I design in suture anchor tunnels to do this. Here is a case I designed and assisted in the operation recently. Look close you can see the purple sutures.”

The whole idea of drop-down Supras originated from me, and without special considerations pose great risk to the eyeball. So no, most surgeons don’t do them and almost no one knows the protocol to design them for any meaningful drop-down. Maybe they will do 1 or 2mm and call it the same but it’s not the same and they wouldn’t dare go more because they know if they try they will probably cause a diplopia or chronic migraines (however this team never has to date)

So no, on 2 separate orders, “most” surgeons aren’t doing this and they never will. Let them be part of the mediocre many.

However the fantastic few I work with, they will do it.”

So basically the standard supraorbitals placement wont do much for UEE unless it is done with proper placement
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who is the botched case? Is it the brazilian kid? Looks like him


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To lower the brows and decrease the UEE the design must be saddled which is something that Giant kind of invented or at least made known.

I had the same doubt as you and after some research I found this

His own words

Yes but guaranteeing that they lower the eyebrows take direct brow surgery, that is suturing the periosteum under the eyebrow (internally) to the implant. In these cases I design in suture anchor tunnels to do this. Here is a case I designed and assisted in the operation recently. Look close you can see the purple sutures.”

The whole idea of drop-down Supras originated from me, and without special considerations pose great risk to the eyeball. So no, most surgeons don’t do them and almost no one knows the protocol to design them for any meaningful drop-down. Maybe they will do 1 or 2mm and call it the same but it’s not the same and they wouldn’t dare go more because they know if they try they will probably cause a diplopia or chronic migraines (however this team never has to date)

So no, on 2 separate orders, “most” surgeons aren’t doing this and they never will. Let them be part of the mediocre many.

However the fantastic few I work with, they will do it.”

So basically the standard supraorbitals placement wont do much for UEE unless it is done with proper placement
diplopia and migraines. fuck.
damn I thought he was completely ok, I saw other pics, he looks good from the side

Did he post anything here? I am curious about whether he got rid of that or not. If you have the thread please link it here
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damn I thought he was completely ok, I saw other pics, he looks good from the side

Did he post anything here? I am curious about whether he got rid of that or not. If you have the thread please link it here
he is ok, the surgery was a success in aesthetic terms, not perfect but a success. he didnt got rid still, but he will mainly because he wants to have a canthoplasty and with the implant they can't do it, so he'll have to remove it to do so. I don't know if he would take it off just because of the balls.
From what I understand, it's something difficult to notice in real life, his social life is normal, he goes to parties and get some girls, etc.

He mentioned to me that there was a patient from Giant who had the supra and had this collateral of double vision for months and still has it. I think this is a lottery, no matter how much giant manages to minimize this risk, it can still happen.
It would be nice if he appeared and talked about it here in the thread.
I don't want to harm his image in any way, I just think it's good that everything is clear to anyone who intends to have this surgery, it is not risk-free. and this thread is to talk about it.
I personally had the illusion that it was very "simple surgery", just put the implant in and that's it, but then you see that you can actually have this side effect of double vision, you can have nerve damage, you can end up with these strange balls. ;/

all surgeries has risks after all.
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