What’s on your 2020 looksmax agenda?


Deleted member 2846

Aug 17, 2019
Mines to gain ~15 pounds of muscle (145->160)
Keep collagenmaxxing
Possibly get a septorhinoplasty
Get good tan
Highlight hair
Chew a bit because my masseters are trash af
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I'll find out in a few days
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Cleftcel
  1. talk to more girls
  2. thats it
i already got the face to do it lmao
infraorbital rim plant

box osteotomy

medpor jaw implant by jaremchuk

neck muscle augmentation

modified lefort 3

eyebrow botox
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Get to 80 kg
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mirin ambition.

1. live alone
2. loose contact with everyone
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Reactions: Cleftcel and ZyzzReincarnate
finish a facepuller. hard mew and gym and sarm a bit. perhaps some heightmaxxing cope.
Keep hard mewing
start socialising more
gain weight while keeping leanness
neck training
start working out
get a tan
find a better haircut
maybe sliding genioplasty but probably in 2021 or fillers instead
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Reactions: Kade
Possibly a rhino and keep gymcelling to keep dom maxxing.
Save money and find a legit reliable way to further moneymax. Jaw surgery will come before anything else, and it's expensive.
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jaw surgery

after all that i'll social maxx.
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lower jaw surgery
mushrooms for brainmaxing
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Get hair transplant either in summer 2020 or next Christmas
Eyebrow transplant at the same time i get HT
Do 2 roid cycles, test var sarms (I'll probably do 2 each year)
Get a tan
Ideally stay under 12% bodyfat
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood and forwardgrowth
Mines to gain ~15 pounds of muscle (145->160)
Keep collagenmaxxing
Possibly get a septorhinoplasty
Get good tan
Highlight hair
Chew a bit because my masseters are trash af
ask my oneitis out or get friend zoned by her and orbit her or just keep thinking of her and writing love letters
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Reactions: Deleted member 2846
Stick with finasteride and add minoxdil. My shedding seems to have stabilized so I'm at high hopes for results soon. If fin doesn't work, talk to my doctor about dut.
Go on a long fast and then eat carnivore to lower inflammation.
Get down to 170 lbs (currently 230)
PE to get my six incher to seven
Make sure I'm always hitting nutrient requirements and start taking a vitamin D supplement.
Do research on what kind of corrective surgery to request for my jaw.
Start working out again to build as much lean muscle as possible, getting lean is more of a priority though.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2846
try not to kill myself
  • So Sad
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227, Cleftcel, RAITEIII and 3 others
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Reactions: forwardgrowth, LordNorwood and Deleted member 2846
lip reduction, blepharoplasty and saving for a brow transplant. also jaw filler
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Reactions: CupOfCoffee and RAITEIII
killing innocent children
  • Love it
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Reactions: Cleftcel and Deleted member 2227
cumming inside an of age female
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Reactions: Kosidius and Gren
Mines to gain ~15 pounds of muscle (145->160)
Keep collagenmaxxing
Possibly get a septorhinoplasty
Get good tan
Highlight hair
Chew a bit because my masseters are trash af
Damn I could do these things so quickly. I'm jealous lol.

Mine is:

- Grow two inches in height
- Grow dick
- Roid
- Grow back hairline with the info here or other HT
- Fix my mouth and maxilla after the disaster with braces
- Lasers to have baby smooth skin
- Fillers

Unless I get my shit together none of these things will happen...
Just softmaxxing for 2020:

-Leanmaxxing (dropping from 18% bf to 9%).

-Neckmaxxing (neck training to get a thicker neck).

-Teethmaxxing (whitening teeth).

-Hairmaxxing (getting a better haircut and styling my hair better; also going on a balding prevention plan as I MAY be in the very early stages of balding).

-Skinmaxxing (going on a proper skin care routine to improve skin; also looking into any safe methods, if any, of lightening skin).

-Eyebrowmaxxing (going to get them microbladed to make them thicker/fuller and to shape them out more).

-Eyelashmaxxing (curling up the upper ones for style and growing out the bottom ones some more).

-Eyecolormaxxing (getting good, natural-looking colored eye contacts in green; found a few different ones, going to buy and try them all out in order to see which is best).

-Undereyemaxxing (applying light makeup on my under eye area to conceal dark circles and general hollowness in that area).
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Reactions: forwardgrowth and Deleted member 2846
Can’t get any surgery until I move out so can only soft Max for now not in order

1) chew falim to get them massater gains- even hollow cheeks
2) eyebrows max
3) try to get copeandrope face pull device
4) leanbulk go from 128lb to 140
5) neck maxing
6) lasik
1) Gymcel hard
2) Eat exclusively very healthy food
4) Run sarms, gh peptides, cialis, dht gel
5) Hairmaxx with tips here until later I can get recontouring
6) Lurk
Gymcel, sarm cycle, collagenmaxing, skinmaxing, neck training
Damn I could do these things so quickly. I'm jealous lol.

Mine is:

- Grow two inches in height
- Grow dick
- Roid
- Grow back hairline with the info here or other HT
- Fix my mouth and maxilla after the disaster with braces
- Lasers to have baby smooth skin
- Fillers

Unless I get my shit together none of these things will happen...
What type of lasers?
Stick with finasteride and add minoxdil. My shedding seems to have stabilized so I'm at high hopes for results soon. If fin doesn't work, talk to my doctor about dut.
Go on a long fast and then eat carnivore to lower inflammation.
Get down to 170 lbs (currently 230)
PE to get my six incher to seven
Make sure I'm always hitting nutrient requirements and start taking a vitamin D supplement.
Do research on what kind of corrective surgery to request for my jaw.
Start working out again to build as much lean muscle as possible, getting lean is more of a priority though.
whats the deal with dut? is it more potent and what are its sides?
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Reactions: LordNorwood
Deliberating between roping or going ER.
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Reactions: Cleftcel and Deleted member 2227
Hair transplant
Eyebrow Botox
Forehead reduction
Chin wing osteotomy
Mandibular advancement
Zygosomatic osteotomy
Almond eye surgery
Leg lengthening
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Reactions: CupOfCoffee
whats the deal with dut? is it more potent and what are its sides?
Fin only inhibits one type of 5AR while dut inhibits both types, IIRC fin reduces body DHT by 70% while dut reduces it by 90%. But I also recall a study showing that dut reduced significantly more scalp DHT. Chances of side effects of course raise exponentially with dut. But its really hard to lose hair on dut (I've never heard of a confirmed case) and dut also generally actually causes some regrowth whereas fin doesn't really. (But fin can thicken areas that already have coverage)
  • Woah
Reactions: diggbicc
Also for 2020: Colourmaxxing.

Going to eat very high amounts of carotenoids from food, always dye eyebrows, whiten teeth, might darken my hair
Also for 2020: Colourmaxxing.

Going to eat very high amounts of carotenoids from food, always dye eyebrows, whiten teeth, might darken my hair
coloringpill is the only underrated pill srs.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2527, Kade and CupOfCoffee
Invest your money in MSE, my little friend.

Saw some article about a dude who got an AGGA and then an MSE. Most people said he looked better with only the AGGA, and his teeth were actually aligned and pretty before the MSE. After the MSE, his teeth got fucked up and spaced apart again. I have spacy teeth, so I’m kinda worried about that.

Also, the nearest orthotropist to me is four hours away, so I couldn’t go there often to get those “turns”. Could a facepuller possibly do something similar?
coloringpill is the only underrated pill srs.
I ate a shitload of sweet potatoes and canned pumpkin with my meals today, and lots of lycopene pills. I'm gonna go hard with it and see the effects
I ate a shitload of sweet potatoes and canned pumpkin with my meals today, and lots of lycopene pills. I'm gonna go hard with it and see the effects
what’s ur hair color and skin tone rn
Fin only inhibits one type of 5AR while dut inhibits both types, IIRC fin reduces body DHT by 70% while dut reduces it by 90%. But I also recall a study showing that dut reduced significantly more scalp DHT. Chances of side effects of course raise exponentially with dut. But its really hard to lose hair on dut (I've never heard of a confirmed case) and dut also generally actually causes some regrowth whereas fin doesn't really. (But fin can thicken areas that already have coverage)
ah yes the deal with the devil.
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer and LordNorwood
Damn I could do these things so quickly. I'm jealous lol.

Mine is:

- Grow two inches in height
- Grow dick
- Roid
- Grow back hairline with the info here or other HT
- Fix my mouth and maxilla after the disaster with braces
- Lasers to have baby smooth skin
- Fillers

Unless I get my shit together none of these things will happen...

Will be hard to grow back your hairline while you roid. IMO, you should check out sarms instead.
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  • So Sad
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer and RAITEIII
what’s ur hair color and skin tone rn
Light brown hair, very light skin with a slight orange tint (I already eat a decent amount of fruits and veggies that's why)
better skin, better pecs, reach 150 lbs, maybe a haircut
Light brown hair, very light skin with a slight orange tint (I already eat a decent amount of fruits and veggies that's why)
would a tan look good on u
-Establish a correct bite
-correct posture(hips, spine, neck)oga and osteopathmaxxing
-strengthen masseters
-release tongue tie
-establish proper oral posture
-collagen and bone max with looksmax.me guides🤭🤭
-ph water+nokky cream
-sleep on the floor with 2 yoga mats
-eat food without salt or spices, only drink water.
-x30001's nootropic supplements(glutathione, berberine, etc.)
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Reactions: AscendingHero
would a tan look good on u
Only way to know is try. But if I ever decide to suntan I'd need to be on melanotan, both to protect the skin from UV damage and cuz I generally don't tan very well (my forearms being an exception due to repeated sun exposure, they're basically permatanned)
Head transplant
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Reactions: LordNorwood
Big 3:
Hair transplant in South Korea in mid 2020

Subcision and monthly TCA peels to get rid of acne scars

Gain another 5-10 kg muscle. Cut down to 8% body fat (currently 15%ish)

Other crap:
Continue collagenmax (buy red light device)

Train neck

Might try changing my hair colour (could be a looksmin)

Keratin treatment for luscious hair

Whiten teeth professionally

Keep chewing for masseter gains

Hope to be done looksmaxing in 2020 and reach my peak potential and I can excel in other areas of my life with the halo effect.
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Gymcelling, getting down to 10% bodyfat mostly.
Jaw and chin fillers
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