Whats your bodycount

The OP asked a question and I gave him an answer with no further comment. I've only since returned to defend myself from others. I detest bragging attention whores - bragging is a big reason why Griff Littlehale now has his own website.

As to why you'd move to a different country, I've just told you. Because you may be able to get either better girls or more girls with the same or even less effort than you're putting in now.

I merely pointed out your objections are entirely ego based, and it does seem you do at least acknowledge that. You feel like you want to prove yourself on 'high difficulty settings', for no real reason other than it would be more 'impressive'.

BTW, we are all on the same game setting, just I took more extreme action to improve my chances. The 'game' doesn't end at the borders of wherever you're currently living, and there's nothing preventing you or anyone else from doing the same I did.
I see

It is kind of an ego thing for me ngl. But if you're white+in any country that isn't any western nation you go into an easier game setting. It is what it is, ethnics will have a tougher time slaying.

I'm already on hard mode in the U.S because I'm a curry, if i move to Europe/Eastern Europe, the women i want, my smv will plummet. And I wouldn't move to South-Asia, its a shit-hole and the women are ugly. Except for the few curry stacies that are far and in between.
I suggest ramping it up, escortcelling is a good cope.
The problem is it's a matter of time before something stupid happens. There's way too much shady shit in escorting, unless you get high class bitches which I can't afford and there's not many around my poor area.

One of the girls I fucked quit this weekend and apparently got arrested, and she seemed the cleanest of all girls I've been with. Another girl that I saw lots of ads for mysteriously died recently. There's lots of review of girls here having their boyfriend walk in and fucking you over.
0 never had a girlfriend barely even have friends period
Regular girls : 7
Escorts : over 200
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0 hands touched
locationceling doesnt feel legit. they are only fucking you because you are a foreigner, youre playing different settings at that point.

the only slays that count are slays in your native country.

srs? tf how old are you? why are you even on this site then? youre chadlite at that point.
It counts. Snatch is snatch.
Somehow I get the impression you wouldn't say the same to a French guy who moved to Germany though, or a Swede who moved to the UK etc.

Let's cut the crap here, it's got very little to do with what 'your native cuntree' is, and everything to do with your ego that wants to say it succeeded at the places with the highest perceived difficulty level.
Are you really comparing a French who moves to Germany to an Englishman who moves to SEA or EE? You are blatently lying at yourself at this point.
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3 with like 6 makeouts
low 30s, mostly due to partying at uni + some tinder game

Are you really comparing a French who moves to Germany to an Englishman who moves to SEA or EE? You are blatently lying at yourself at this point.

Yes, since it's a way of highlighting his objections are nothing to do with what muh native cuntree is, and everything to do with how difficult it is within a given country.
Yes, since it's a way of highlighting his objections are nothing to do with what muh native cuntree is, and everything to do with how difficult it is within a given country.
Do you really think that as a SEA Ricecel you'd have such an easy time?
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68, but I go out so so much.

was a few marine animals in there too (legit 3/10s)

was definitely a good few above average and even very hot girls in there also however
What a slayer website.
My body count is 1.
It counts. Snatch is snatch.
No, he is on an easier setting in SEA. White guys that slay chinks cant brag or mention their bodycount. You're on an easier difficulty when going for Asia chicks.
No, he is on an easier setting in SEA. White guys that slay chinks cant brag or mention their bodycount. You're on an easier difficulty when going for Asia chicks.
You still had to travel just to get your brink in the pink which took effort.
You still had to travel just to get your brink in the pink which took effort.
Yea but the women themselves were easy. They were just glad to have a white bf/fuckbuddy.
Yea but the women themselves were easy. They were just glad to have a white bf/fuckbuddy.
If there is an easier way, I expect men to use that to their advantage.
If there is an easier way, I expect men to use that to their advantage.
It's not countable pussy because you used a cheat code. You can do it by all means, go for it, but you aren't a slayer if you do.
It's not countable pussy because you used a cheat code. You can do it by all means, go for it, but you aren't a slayer if you do.
Well, I guess we all have our own views when it comes to this.
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Do you really think that as a SEA Ricecel you'd have such an easy time?

No. But you're gonna have to explain why that's relevant, since how much pussy you get (or don't get) is a matter of fact, not subjective opinion.

No, he is on an easier setting in SEA. White guys that slay chinks cant brag or mention their bodycount. You're on an easier difficulty when going for Asia chicks.

By the same logic, none of Chad's slays anywhere 'count' then, since he's on an easier difficulty setting compared to me and you.

Though you're gonna have to explain why 'difficulty setting' is relevant to anything except your ego.
No. But you're gonna have to explain why that's relevant, since how much pussy you get (or don't get) is a matter of fact, not subjective opinion.
Because sexpatting to poor countries is not that different from seeing a prostitute honestly, after all in that case too you get pussy as you say.
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Because sexpatting to poor countries is not that different from seeing a prostitute honestly, after all in that case too you get pussy as you say.

Honestly, it's very different.

With that line though it's obviously you're a visa/money/muh green card coper though, and no way to ever get through to them. Stay in the west, if that's how you feel...
Honestly, it's very different.

With that line though it's obviously you're a visa/money/muh green card coper though, and no way to ever get through to them. Stay in the west, if that's how you feel...
No no you are right, they are after your slayer-tier looks. :lul:
No. But you're gonna have to explain why that's relevant, since how much pussy you get (or don't get) is a matter of fact, not subjective opinion.

By the same logic, none of Chad's slays anywhere 'count' then, since he's on an easier difficulty setting compared to me and you.

Though you're gonna have to explain why 'difficulty setting' is relevant to anything except your ego.
I have difficulty articulating myself, so I didn't properly say what I meant.

The reason these women are fucking you is solely because you're white and have money, the equivalent of that in the West would be a millionare fat balding manlet fucking supermodels who don't actually want to fuck him but want his money.

I only conaider it a lay if the women feel genuine attraction to you. Not because of mkney or foreigner halo.
1 girl, im fucking 1 girl since 3 years. never had sex before her. its not boring yet but i would love to fuck other chicks obviously
No no you are right, they are after your slayer-tier looks. :lul:

You're preemptively ridiculing the truth, but that's exactly what it is. You money copers are so so arrogant in how sure you are that you're right, quite hilarious.

I have difficulty articulating myself, so I didn't properly say what I meant.

The reason these women are fucking you is solely because you're white and have money, the equivalent of that in the West would be a millionare fat balding manlet fucking supermodels who don't actually want to fuck him but want his money.

I only conaider it a lay if the women feel genuine attraction to you. Not because of mkney or foreigner halo.

I agree with the bolded part. JFL if you still believe in the normies lies that money is important to women though.

As an aside, I really wish I had all this money PSL'ers tell me I must have.

1 girl, im fucking 1 girl since 3 years. never had sex before her. its not boring yet but i would love to fuck other chicks obviously

Personally, I found after 6 months, 1 year max is when things start to get kinda stale, no matter how hot the foid is.
You're preemptively ridiculing the truth, but that's exactly what it is. You money copers are so so arrogant in how sure you are that you're right, quite hilarious.

I agree with the bolded part. JFL if you still believe in the normies lies that money is important to women though.

As an aside, I really wish I had all this money PSL'ers tell me I must have.

Personally, I found after 6 months, 1 year max is when things start to get kinda stale, no matter how hot the foid is.
Lol a working class Westerner has money halo in Asia srs. Being white alone gives you that halo.

And money matters a lot to women. But if you have money they'll want an ltr with you rather than a ons like we want. But it will halo you and work for ons.
You're preemptively ridiculing the truth, but that's exactly what it is. You money copers are so so arrogant in how sure you are that you're right, quite hilarious.
You are one of the best copers on here I swear. So then I guess @Mr_Norwood is hot as fuck as well since he sexpats. Truth is you have to travel thousands of miles to poor third world shitholes to see vaginas while good looking people slay in your homeland.
2174 🤨
  • Hmm...
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Lol a working class Westerner has money halo in Asia srs. Being white alone gives you that halo.

And money matters a lot to women. But if you have money they'll want an ltr with you rather than a ons like we want. But it will halo you and work for ons.

Money doesn't matter one little bit to women. I suggest you pose next to a ferrari, put it on your tinder profile pic, and see if you get any increase in matches. You won't.

The easiest way to think about it is women are essentially attracted to the same thing men are. You'd want a Stacy who worked in McDonalds over an ugly girl who was a CEO of a multinational, and foids think exactly the same way.

You are one of the best copers on here I swear. So then I guess @Mr_Norwood is hot as fuck as well since he sexpats. Truth is you have to travel thousands of miles to poor third world shitholes to see vaginas while good looking people slay in your homeland.

Yep, if someone doesn't agree with you, must be cope amirite.

I'm done with you.
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Yep, if someone doesn't agree with you, must be cope amirite.

I'm done with you.
It's not about disagreeing, it's about accepting reality which is supposed to be the premise of red/blackpill communities. I mean they did experiments with our Lord Blackops2cel and he could have success too, but if you like it so badly to cope thinking you're some Chad slayer by all means continue.
Money doesn't matter one little bit to women. I suggest you pose next to a ferrari, put it on your tinder profile pic, and see if you get any increase in matches. You won't.

The easiest way to think about it is women are essentially attracted to the same thing men are. You'd want a Stacy who worked in McDonalds over an ugly girl who was a CEO of a multinational, and foids think exactly the same way.

Yep, if someone doesn't agree with you, must be cope amirite.

I'm done with you.
Male and female atteaction works differently. The woman, in most cases, would go for the CEO because he provides financial comfort for her and her children, and she gets a status boost. Women could be attracted to men for a variety of reasons: status/money/personality/confidence/looks. We have to max out everything to get laid frequently.

This is gonna sound harsh, but you're not the best looking when you're fat. You're literally a PSL 3 and got laid in SEA. Old fat white guys could get laid in SEA with *shuddering* jailbaits. These women only are interested in you because of white/foreigner halo and money halo. If she grew up in the U.K she wouldn't be interested in you. Maybe in skinny you, because you were a high-tier normie, but you wouldn't be slaying like you are now.

Males on the other hand would go for the Stacy solely because she is good looking.

It is what it is.
True I suppose, but the feeling of actually seducing and fucking a girl with some self esteem is amazing. Tinder hoes are way too easy.

How good looking/tall are you? Just curious


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Not included prostitutes/escorts my slay count is probably hovering around 50 mostly in my early 20s
why do people larp? jfl
1000... in my dreams
why do people larp? jfl

I'not larping.. actually it's probably more than 50... I did a hell of a lot of slaying in Thailand between 2012 - 2015 pre-tinder.. using apps like Badoo and Thaifeindly dating sites. They were not hookers

I think my British girl slay count is around 40
Male and female atteaction works differently. The woman, in most cases, would go for the CEO because he provides financial comfort for her and her children, and she gets a status boost. Women could be attracted to men for a variety of reasons: status/money/personality/confidence/looks. We have to max out everything to get laid frequently.

The blue pill stuff gotta stop man, it's just a massive cope. None of the things you mentioned here matter to women apart from looks. Money is for betabuxxing. Women know they aren't getting money out of men, so it doesn't matter. It's not like you're paying her a salary or some shit. Confidence is also a pretty huge cope. Most people are actually confident, you aren't going to be able to stand out by being confident. Especially if you're an oldcel.

This is gonna sound harsh, but you're not the best looking when you're fat. You're literally a PSL 3 and got laid in SEA. Old fat white guys could get laid in SEA with *shuddering* jailbaits. These women only are interested in you because of white/foreigner halo and money halo. If she grew up in the U.K she wouldn't be interested in you. Maybe in skinny you, because you were a high-tier normie, but you wouldn't be slaying like you are now.

Males on the other hand would go for the Stacy solely because she is good looking.

It is what it is.

Cope, he's actually pretty attractive in the face. He also mogs the living shit out of thai guys both in terms of looks and height. For some of the girls he's been with, he is literally the best they can get. You're telling me they can easily just get a thai guy that mogs the living shit out of him? I highly doubt it. Most thai guys who mog him have better options. Most if not all the girls he's been with probably dated up by being with him, so yes, he did probably get the no bullshit authentic experience.

Not included prostitutes/escorts my slay count is probably hovering around 50 mostly in my early 20s

Slayer tbh
16 slays at 19 💪🏾
I'not larping.. actually it's probably more than 50... I did a hell of a lot of slaying in Thailand between 2012 - 2015 pre-tinder.. using apps like Badoo and Thaifeindly dating sites. They were not hookers

I think my British girl slay count is around 40
I doubt a guy with this much success would cry so much, but whatever.
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