Whats your bodycount

The blue pill stuff gotta stop man, it's just a massive cope. None of the things you mentioned here matter to women apart from looks. Money is for betabuxxing. Women know they aren't getting money out of men, so it doesn't matter. It's not like you're paying her a salary or some shit. Confidence is also a pretty huge cope. Most people are actually confident, you aren't going to be able to stand out by being confident. Especially if you're an oldcel.

Cope, he's actually pretty attractive in the face. He also mogs the living shit out of thai guys both in terms of looks and height. For some of the girls he's been with, he is literally the best they can get. You're telling me they can easily just get a thai guy that mogs the living shit out of him? I highly doubt it. Most thai guys who mog him have better options. Most if not all the girls he's been with probably dated up by being with him, so yes, he did probably get the no bullshit authentic experience.

Slayer tbh
It's not a bluepilled idea. There are various studies backing this. For a woman to consider you, first you have to pass her minimum looks threshold, from where she'll evaluate your confidence/personality/status/finance. There is more to women's attraction in men than looks. That being said it doesn't mean looks dont matter, they matter a lot. And in a relationship where the guy is rich, more often than not he's a betabux.
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locationceling doesnt feel legit. they are only fucking you because you are a foreigner, youre playing different settings at that point.

the only slays that count are slays in your native country.

srs? tf how old are you? why are you even on this site then? youre chadlite at that point.
Gott laid in High school and tinder worked quote Well 3 years ago.This year i havent gotten laid tbh
1 , it was a 3 year LTR so i provably had more sex in my life than everyone on this forum combined.
We fucked 6 times a week on average
Only body count that matters is your ER kill count
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Actually yes, you're right. But the Swede is going into easier territory, because U.K. women are buttfuck ugly lmfao.

And the reason why I'm not impressed by white men when when they slay in Asian countries is because they are playing on the easiest mode. They don't have to do much work and will still get laid.

But if I saw an Asian male go into a white country and slay I'd give him mad props.
You say this like Chad isnt working on easiest mode wherever
Theyll never find the bodies
4 but im in a relationship now and i actually like the girl so i wont bother to cheat

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