whenever you shitskins try to insult us whites

been over since 1962, soy cuck boomers felt guilty about colonization, then they ruined the west because only Europeans can actually take care of Europe.

good luck with your new home non-Euros, maybe 200-300 years from now it will look like middle east, but for now, just gonna be constant rape like in india
exactly theyre the lowest T race of all now

maybe a few hundred years ago i can respect white people but its a joke now idk why cumskins are coping "muuuh our tech our language our fashion"

nigga everything u have is taken from other cultures and now ur women crave BIG BLACK COCK + BIG CURRY COCK its FUCKING OVER :lul:

@cillianmurphycel and tiktok just exposes it

  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22627
if White men didn't spend all day on a fucking incel forum, Europe would actually be a good continent and not the land of consoomers
Honestly I wonder one thing.. How do white men cope when they see their female counterparts with men they deem inferior? As a brown man, I admit our women are capped at MTB so I feel like there is little to no damage done when brown women go with white men. But to see HTBs, Stacylites and Stacy women of your race go with non-white / Latin men, how do these guys cope? It's beyond me.
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  • JFL
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white men mog every other race, every study ever done has come to this conclusion
keep coping
white skin, not white men like you cunts


fuaark what a mogger
Honestly I wonder one thing.. How do white men cope when they see their female counterparts they deem inferior? As a brown man, I admit our women are capped at MTB so I feel like there is little to no damage done when brown women go with white men. But to see HTBs, Stacylites and Stacy women of your race go with non-white / Latin men, how do these guys cope? It's beyond me.
by sitting on incel forums and crying, if anything I have respect for you sub-humans for breeding with european women, you are breeding a generation of lazy rapists. As a jew, this only benefits me.
  • JFL
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Hele gebaseerde lijst, bhai. Laten we nu alleen in het Nederlands lullen en in het Nederlands antwoorden geven aan deze theedrinkende witte mensen met een scheef gebit.
alle witte mensen zijn rastisch denk ik bhai nu door cancel culture gewoon niet meer in het openbaar
in de lagere chool werd ik altijd uitgelachen met mij arabische naam jfl
en nu zie ik die kinderen black lives matter posten op hun verhaal op instagram
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Vain786 and Michael Myers
Honestly I wonder one thing.. How do white men cope when they see their female counterparts they deem inferior? As a brown man, I admit our women are capped at MTB so I feel like there is little to no damage done when brown women go with white men. But to see HTBs, Stacylites and Stacy women of your race go with non-white / Latin men, how do these guys cope? It's beyond me.
it's easy when you're not chronically online
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17872
only 5% of White men are actually attractive, the other 95% vote democrat or eat goyslop, unless you want 5% of White men to breed 100% of White women, then we have lost
and 0.01% of ethnics are attractive, and they're usually mixed with white if they are.

are you one of those fellow white people?
by sitting on incel forums and crying, if anything I have respect for you sub-humans for breeding with european women, you are breeding a generation of lazy rapists. As a jew, this only benefits me.
I don't go for white women, they are the most attractive but not what I look for in a wife plus I do not believe in dating.
Why do only race bait threads get any traction here? Aight time to hit the sack.
  • +1
Reactions: Jigen and Vain786
Ashkenazi jews mog every other race, we literally assault disgusting Palestinians for entering our land and no one complains. Europe is for the low-iq workers, that's it, just farmland and factories for my people, thank you europe <3
  • JFL
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Honestly I wonder one thing.. How do white men cope when they see their female counterparts they deem inferior? As a brown man, I admit our women are capped at MTB so I feel like there is little to no damage done when brown women go with white men. But to see HTBs, Stacylites and Stacy women of your race go with non-white / Latin men, how do these guys cope? It's beyond me.
its fucking true JFL curry women are so subhuman i cant give a fuck about who they sleep with

meanwhile me ballsdeep in green eyed aryan stacy. how does it feel cumskins? seethe
  • +1
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alle witte mensen zijn rastisch denk ik bhai nu door cancel culture gewoon niet meer in het openbaar
in de lagere chool werd ik altijd uitgelachen met mij arabische naam jfl
en nu zie ik die kinderen black lives matter posten op hun verhaal op instagram
Heb je een Arabische naam? Klopt dat vele witte mensen racistisch zijn maar ik geloof niet allemaal. Je hebt overal wel goeie tussen. Ik heb niet echt racisme meegemaakt op school toen ik naar een hele witte school ging. Maar de bejaarden daar keken me altijd wel vies aan hahaha
and 0.01% of ethnics are attractive, and they're usually mixed with white if they are.

are you one of those fellow white people?
View attachment 2101889
"as a fellow Christian white male" gets republicans and democrats everytime. You are being replaced and you cannot stop it, because everytime you punch back, my people punch back harder.
it's easy when you're not chronically online
Don't you mean when you ARE chronically online? I am not even talking about porn I mean in real life. I see these couples everyday outside lol.
even if i looked like hexum i would not post my face on this site
>starts race bait thread

>"white people are superior!!!!" but too pussy to show face
i was correct
Of course, you are, who else preaches diversity and race-mixing but doesn't involve themselves in it? Europeans are the only people who have been able to actually fight against my people, now that you are all Low-t soy consumers and your women are addicted to tiktok, we will flood your nation with sub-85 iq immigrants and have them work in OUR factories.

See how I said OUR and not yours?
  • +1
Reactions: Vain786
its fucking true JFL curry women are so subhuman i cant give a fuck about who they sleep with

meanwhile me ballsdeep in green eyed aryan stacy. how does it feel cumskins? seethe
Exactly man I am actually thanking the white men who pick up the subhuman South Asian women, like that's great that you're being a bhai about it. I am glad I'm not white, personally I don't know how I would have coped with this. @anoright how do you do it bhai? I am mirin.
  • JFL
Reactions: Vain786
Heb je een Arabische naam? Klopt dat vele witte mensen racistisch zijn maar ik geloof niet allemaal. Je hebt overal wel goeie tussen. Ik heb niet echt racisme meegemaakt op school toen ik naar een hele witte school ging. Maar de bejaarden daar keken me altijd wel vies aan hahaha
mijn egte naam is anouar maar in het middelbaar ben ik begonnen met de naam tristan te gebruiken niet allemaal maar veel vooral mannen denk ik vrouwen minder
  • Love it
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Reactions: Michael Myers and Vain786
yes i mog u and breed white women. mirin?
Bro you were crying about how you can never get a UK slag in my thread the other day.
  • +1
Reactions: Vain786
mijn egte naam is maar in het middelbaar ben ik begonnen met de naam tristan te gebruiken niet allemaal maar veel vooral mannen denk ik vrouwen minder
Goede naam bhai. Zou het effe eruit editen. En vieze mensen die racistisch deden tegen jou maar wel BLM zeiden later. Ik heb altijd al gezegd dat witte liberalen alleen maar zwarten steunen en niet anderen. Ik vind hun juist de grootste racisten. Zogenaamde racisten haten tenminste alle rassen tegelijkertijd dus ik heb wel respect voor ze.
  • +1
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Don't you mean when you ARE chronically online? I am not even talking about porn I mean in real life. I see these couples everyday outside lol.
no I meant what I said
The women you see in real life dont even know you exist, whats the difference if they date a white guy or an indian guy? They are not dating you
Bro you were crying about how you can never get a UK slag in my thread the other day.
most of these immigrants get on here to boast about how many women they get, just to find out they get none?

Who is suprised?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17872
biggest cope: "White people are waking up!"
White men maybe, your women are still guilty about colonization so they let some disgusting sub 5 brown toy fuck them for social points, while your women are letting any immigrant fuck them, you are busy online arguing about race.

Israel wins no matter the timeline
  • JFL
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cumskins get their language stolen along with their land and women

truly over for cumskins
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17872 and Vain786
Bro you were crying about how you can never get a UK slag in my thread the other day.
i was day 5 on no fap i was extremely horny cuz of ur thread and i lost. fuck u
  • JFL
Reactions: Michael Myers
biggest cope: "White people are waking up!"
White men maybe, your women are still guilty about colonization so they let some disgusting sub 5 brown toy fuck them for social points, while your women are letting any immigrant fuck them, you are busy online arguing about race.

Israel wins no matter the timeline
nigger where do jews come into this?

i will go find a jew stacy and breed her just to spite u now

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22924
no I meant what I said
The women you see in real life dont even know you exist, whats the difference if they date a white guy or an indian guy? They are not dating you
No but it's about white men seeing them. It's not about me, I am not even interested in them. But I can acknowledge their superior looks over other women and when you see them with the black men you deem as inferior (It's usually black men I see, very rarely brown men) what goes through your mind? How do these men cope? Even if you don't see non-whites as inferior. How do you cope? HTBs, Stacylites and Stacies who never bat an eye at you is with a man outside of your race. It's brutal as fuck. Like I said South Asian women are generally ugly as fuck so I don't even care. If they were good looking that would be another story. That is why I ask.
  • +1
Reactions: Vain786
Goede naam bhai. Zou het effe eruit editen. En vieze mensen die racistisch deden tegen jou maar wel BLM zeiden later. Ik heb altijd al gezegd dat witte liberalen alleen maar zwarten steunen en niet anderen. Ik vind hun juist de grootste racisten. Zogenaamde racisten haten tenminste alle rassen tegelijkertijd dus ik heb wel respect voor ze.
jaa ik de lagere school en het 1 en 2 midelbaar ging ik naar een school met alleen maar witte mensen vroeger was het ook meer genormoliseerd om racistisch te zijn zelfs leerkrachten woonde ook in een klein dorp in het stad was dat warschijnlijk minder omdat daar meer buitelanders zijn witte liberalen zijn het ergst van hun allemaal
nigger where do jews come into this?

i will go find a jew stacy and breed her just to spite u now

Good luck with that, jewish women will get you and your family deported to india.

you cannot touch jewish women, go back to european women, easier than south east asians :lul:

I kill your Palestinian friends and family with American technology, and I get rewarded for it, over for palestine.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17872 and Michael Myers
biggest cope: "White people are waking up!"
White men maybe, your women are still guilty about colonization so they let some disgusting sub 5 brown toy fuck them for social points, while your women are letting any immigrant fuck them, you are busy online arguing about race.

Israel wins no matter the timeline
Honestly when racist Arabs mock Pakistanis despite having had their backs in the wars against Israel I always feel closer to Israel than I do Arab countries. Stupid racists get more work done than Mossad does.
No but it's about white men seeing them. It's not about me, I am not even interested in them. But I can acknowledge their superior looks over other women and when you see them with the black men you deem as inferior (It's usually black men I see, very rarely brown men) what goes through your mind? How do these men cope? Even if you don't see non-whites as inferior. How do you cope? HTBs, Stacylites and Stacies who never bat an eye at you is with a man outside of your race. It's brutal as fuck. Like I said South Asian women are generally ugly as fuck so I don't even care. If they were good looking that would be another story. That is why I ask.
Black men because their society idolizes them. they are in sports, tv, advertisements, politics, ect. Who tf wants to date a curry? thats just for hookups lmao
ethics will take over your country g your grandson will be brown jfl its over for you cumskins in 50 years accept it the time of the white men is overrrrrrr
As disgusting as this is, i hate the western whitoids the most for allowing the rapefugee boom
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: GetShrekt and Vain786
Honestly when racist Arabs mock Pakistanis despite having had their backs in the wars against Israel I always feel closer to Israel than I do Arab countries. Stupid racists get more work done than Mossad does.
Do not even think you are "close" to me. You are sub-human, go back to europe where all those people are "sorry" for colonization.

I hate you and your people with every fiber being in me.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17872
Black men because their society idolizes them. they are in sports, tv, advertisements, politics, ect. Who tf wants to date a curry? thats just for hookups lmao
Some people tell me it's your people that idolize them. Even saw a porn title called Jews Love Black Cock. Is this true?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22924
Some people tell me it's your people that idolize them. Even saw a porn title called Jews Love Black Cock. Is this true?
Hahaha no, this is for converted jews. They are not our people and we will get them to commit suicide before they turn 25.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17872 and Vain786
Good luck with that, jewish women will get you and your family deported to india.

you cannot touch jewish women, go back to european women, easier than south east asians :lul:

I kill your Palestinian friends and family with American technology, and I get rewarded for it, over for palestine.
i can admit israel will probably become the next superpower and jews will dominate the world

doesnt stop me from being balls deep in jewish pussy and purifying their bloodline with my HIGH-T seed
Do not even think you are "close" to me. You are sub-human, go back to europe where all those people are "sorry" for colonization.

I hate you and your people with every fiber being in me.
You know your people are begging for us to recognize you right? XD We literally mog you Jews, we showed you in 1967 and again in 2019.
Hahaha no, this is for converted jews. They are not our people and we will get them to commit suicide before they turn 25.
white men watch the most bbc porn its proven in a study jfl
  • +1
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Hahaha no, this is for converted jews. They are not our people and we will get them to commit suicide before they turn 25.
They have big nose like Ashkenazi Jews. Look up Joanna Angel.
AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, Newscorp and Viacom

all owned by and ran by Jewish men. Cope harder cumskins,
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Vain786 and Deleted member 22924

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