whenever you shitskins try to insult us whites

white men watch the most bbc porn its proven in a study jfl
Good, now they will allow it when my nation floods african immigrants in there.
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Good, now they will allow it when my nation floods african immigrants in there.
dont care tbh i like ther women and they always like me for some reason
You know your people are begging for us to recognize you right? XD We literally mog you Jews, we showed you in 1967 and again in 2019.
"begging?" Lmao good joke. Jews mog every other race and probably already have control of your media and banks already.
Cope harder, jews superior, go fight Europeans or some shit, you cannot even touch me.
Looks like she got raped by a nigger immigrant as a child.
That's a Jew phenotype bhai. You can tell by their nose. They have these schnozes like I do and pretend they're white. XD yeah right.
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@anoright disappears when i call him out for hiding his face JFL pussy

just delete ur account maybe u can live ur life out as a subhuman with some dignity
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That's a Jew phenotype bhai. You can tell by their nose. They have these schnozes like I do and pretend they're white. XD yeah right.
Lmao, even if I told you why so many Jewish women are in the pornography industry you would say it's just a conspiracy theory.
That's a Jew phenotype bhai. You can tell by their nose. They have these schnozes like I do and pretend they're white. XD yeah right.
The undercover parasite collapsing my race from within
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@anoright disappears when i call him out for hiding his face JFL pussy

just delete ur account maybe u can live ur life out as a subhuman with some dignity
European man realized he will only lose this battle,
while he is fighting immigrants, he is donating me billions so I can have target practice with Palestinians.
"begging?" Lmao good joke. Jews mog every other race and probably already have control of your media and banks already.
Cope harder, jews superior, go fight Europeans or some shit, you cannot even touch me.
I know you're not an actual jew and that you're larping but when 1967 war happened Pakistan decided to help the arabs and we pwned Israel in aerial warfare. Ever since Israelis have been obsessed with us. It is what it is. But maybe I can influence Pakistan to recognize Israel if some arab Twitter guy mocks us again! Unacceptable.
The undercover parasite collapsing my race from within
Brutal.. Now the whites are Jews in Islamic countries. Introducing feminism, communism, etc.
I know you're not an actual jew and that you're larping but when 1967 war happened Pakistan decided to help the arabs and we pwned Israel in aerial warfare. Ever since Israelis have been obsessed with us. It is what it is. But maybe I can influence Pakistan to recognize Israel if some arab Twitter guy mocks us again! Unacceptable.
lmao larping? Try to fight again, US trillion dollar military will kick every arab country out of the middle east, then I will use it for oil fields.
lmao larping? Try to fight again, US trillion dollar military will kick every arab country out of the middle east, then I will use it for oil fields.
I have nothing to do with arabs / west asia (middle east).
yes, keep blaming whites.
Lol you are such a shitty larper dude. You gave yourself away twice. XD

@Vain786 @anoright this guy is just LARPing ngl don't take him seriously.
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Lol you are such a shitty larper dude. You gave yourself away twice. XD

@Vain786 @anoright this guy is just LARPing ngl don't take him seriously.
Lmao just feeding the 'international zog' theory to 4chan addicts.

bored either way, still right that israel greatest nation in middle east, until America collapses from so much rape

idk why this forum still has this argument

White men are the most attractive yet only 5% of White men are actually attractive.

Asian women are hyped up today because White men don't trust White women since they all ratchet and fuck anyone that talks to them for longer than 15 minutes.

Black men have more success with whores.
Indian men have more success with whores and their own race.

Stop allowing society to tell you that White women are more attractive than your own race, you aren't "Genociding" Europeans, you are breeding a generation of mutt babies that will look like the modern-day American 100-200 years from now.
AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, Newscorp and Viacom

all owned by and ran by Jewish men. Cope harder cumskins,
further proof that jews are not white @David Rothschild
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@David Rothschild keeo speaking our language Jew
Ofcourse i have to speak in goyim language to tell them how inferior they are because their puny brain is too dumb to understand Hebrew
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Face it. White people won long time ago, it's our world, you're just living in it. The only reason you are allowed to immigrate is because the jews need more consumers to keep the wheels of their fucked up capitalist machine turning and that require constant growth.

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Whenever you cumskins try to insult muslims, remember you are using this internet because of algorithm invented by a muslim.
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Lmao just feeding the 'international zog' theory to 4chan addicts.

bored either way, still right that israel greatest nation in middle east, until America collapses from so much rape
Cope more larper. You could larp as anything but chose to larp as jew.
Remember, the people who hate Islamic people look like this:
Those racists are the biggest bitches. How hard you must have failed in life to show off your race you were born with. You show off something you've earned, not what you were born with.
  • +1
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Those racists are the biggest bitches. How hard you must have failed in life to show off your race you were born with. You show off something you've earned, not what you were born with.
Legit. It's nothing to be proud of (or ashamed of for that matter). Be glad with what you have but don't look down on others for not having it, is what I think.
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@anoright disappears when i call him out for hiding his face JFL pussy

just delete ur account maybe u can live ur life out as a subhuman with some dignity
i closed looksmax and went to do something you bug eyed curry faggot
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>calls us cumskins
>says thank you to being called white passing
i talked enough about this now g tho you want tho argue about this for a hole day jfl
Where would this forum be without its empty race-baiting threads?
Everybody gets insulted in here, no race or ethnicity is safe. If there was an Eskimo user in here, niggas would be making fun of igloos and shit.
you cant go around calling people shitskins/niggers etc without expecting them to insult you back
European man realized he will only lose this battle,
while he is fighting immigrants, he is donating me billions so I can have target practice with Palestinians.
Israel has more muslims than any European country you silly kike.
white men watch the most bbc porn its proven in a study jfl

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