Who will face less discrimation. White normie or ethnic chad?

Who will face overall less discrimation?

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Chintu Lawda
Aug 18, 2024
Being an ethnic chad like salludon or Mukasa will for sure guarantee a privileged dating life. But are they immune to ethnic discrimination if they are an ethnic minority in some place like korea or sweden? I feel like being good looking will make people less racist and more open to you. But it wouldn't completely make you immune to racial discrimination. Even a statusmaxxed mixed chadpreet like Zyan Malik faced racism and apparently one direction managers did not wanted him to be in the band coz he is paki.

People will still trust a white normie over a tryone. Meanwhile a white normie may face looks based and dating discrimination in a white country but would be treated like a god in some shithole like Vietnam or India just coz he is white and practically face no racial discrimination at all unless he is a slavic like @MoggerGaston living is west or northern europe.
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Reactions: lemonnz, Swarthy Knight, wishIwasSalludon and 1 other person
Being an ethnic chad like salludon or Mukasa will for sure guarantee a privileged dating life. But are they immune to ethnic discrimination if they are an ethnic minority in some place like korea or sweden? I feel like being good looking will make people less racist and more open to you. But it wouldn't completely make you immune to racial discrimination. Even a statusmaxxed mixed chadpreet like Zyan Malik faced racism and apparently one direction managers did not wanted him to be in the band coz he is paki.

People will still trust a white normie over a tryone. Meanwhile a white normie may face looks based and dating discrimination in a white country but would be treated like a god in some shithole like Vietnam or India just coz he is white and practically face no racial discrimination at all unless he is a slavic like @MoggerGaston living is west or northern europe.

I have no personal experience with being a (slavic) white normie in Vietnam or India.

But I know that in European white countries, white normies are invisible and irrelevant. You are nothing, a nobody.
Just another NPC in the crowd made to jestermax, betabux or get lucky to have any success with women or obtain any status/popularity.

Being a good-looking ethnic mogs hard, easily.
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ethnic chad just presses anyone who disrespects him
Even an ethnic htn mogs a white mtn,stop this cope please
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There's black and ethnic.unlike terminally online alt world weirdos most people are racist against blacks but not caucasoid ethnics.
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There's black and ethnic.unlike terminally online alt world weirdos most people are racist against blacks but not caucasoid ethnics.
In librard areas blacks are usually well respected
Being an ethnic chad like salludon or Mukasa will for sure guarantee a privileged dating life. But are they immune to ethnic discrimination if they are an ethnic minority in some place like korea or sweden? I feel like being good looking will make people less racist and more open to you. But it wouldn't completely make you immune to racial discrimination. Even a statusmaxxed mixed chadpreet like Zyan Malik faced racism and apparently one direction managers did not wanted him to be in the band coz he is paki.

People will still trust a white normie over a tryone. Meanwhile a white normie may face looks based and dating discrimination in a white country but would be treated like a god in some shithole like Vietnam or India just coz he is white and practically face no racial discrimination at all unless he is a slavic like @MoggerGaston living is west or northern europe.

no such thing as ethnic chad
Meanwhile a white normie may face looks based and dating discrimination in a white country but would be treated like a god in some shithole like Vietnam or India
This is a complete and utter lie. For one, I've been to Vietnam as a tall white MTN and the locals didn't give a fuck when they saw me. Some of them even laughed at me when I bumped my head by accident, like I was a comedy show for them.

White men get racially discriminated against in Vietnam. Not so long ago, I found a sub reddit known as r/Vietnam, this was before my trip to Vietnam. The vietnamese on there were mocking white men who are bald or who looked like a loser back home. I've never seen such a level of racism in my entire life.

The locals in this country act nice to foreigners because they think they're rich. So they're manipulating them with fake smiles to get something out of them.
People will still trust a white normie over a tryone.
This is a false statement.
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Meanwhile a white normie may face looks based and dating discrimination in a white country
Low status white men in Britain face racial discrimination from the foreigners who have come and keep coming and they have the state supporting them every step of the way.
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