Why are there so many God believers in this forum?

USA is a shithole but it's far from capitalist. Just go out and try to sell fresh vegetables on a street corner and see how long it takes before some dickhead tyrant comes along telling you you need to have a permit to do that.
This is capitalism lol, you need to get permission to do something.
Capitalism cannot exist without free enterprise.
only anarcho-capitalism cannot
Running a business in USA isn't worth it because of all the regulations and fees.
what prevents you from following the rules and fees? business is the only thing that can get you out of the shit in the USA
@Lefty Rankin can you give reasons for why God exists?
Because it seems to me after all the reason I've done that it would be impossible for anything to exist without a creator. People say the big bang was the creator but how could a big bang go off in the first place without sometimes to create it? Scientists speculate that before the big bang the "universe" was extremely dense. But how could extreme density itself exist without something to create it?
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Because it seems to me after all the reason I've done that it would be impossible for anything to exist without a creator. People say the big bang was the creator but how could a big bang go off in the first place without sometimes to create it? Scientists speculate that before the big bang the "universe" was extremely dense. But how could extreme density itself exist without something to create it?
Then who created the "creator"
This is capitalism lol, you need to get permission to do something.

only anarcho-capitalism cannot

what prevents you from following the rules and fees? business is the only thing that can get you out of the shit in the USA
Capitalism is the idea of a free market that regulates itself by default.

What prevents me from following the rules? Time and energy. It's not worth it.
Because it seems to me after all the reason I've done that it would be impossible for anything to exist without a creator. People say the big bang was the creator but how could a big bang go off in the first place without sometimes to create it? Scientists speculate that before the big bang the "universe" was extremely dense. But how could extreme density itself exist without something to create it?
You have a point I guess, we'll never know
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Then who created the "creator"
He's always existed. He inhabits another realm/dimension called "eternity" that we cannot fathom in our limited state. Most of us are only able to understand and see the physical, which is why we come up with concepts like "time". Time does not really exist.
He's always existed. He inhabits another realm/dimension called "eternity" that we cannot fathom in our limited state. Most of us are only able to understand and see the physical, which is why we come up with concepts like "time". Time does not really exist.
Do you think an ant or a fly goes to another dimension if it's killed? Or is that only for us humans?
Every 140+iq know god doesn't exist

I genuinely wonder how you can think this shit is real
Check my mega thread about it you will see the 100’s of incels still coping about its existence lol
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  • JFL
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He's always existed. He inhabits another realm/dimension called "eternity" that we cannot fathom in our limited state. Most of us are only able to understand and see the physical, which is why we come up with concepts like "time". Time does not really exist.
Nigga never heard of time dilation. Time is a real thing lmao that’s literally what Einstein discovered
Do you think an ant or a fly goes to another dimension if it's killed? Or is that only for us humans?
Hard to say. The Bible speaks of animals being in heaven. But if it's the ones that were once here on earth isn't that relevant to speculate. I'd say yes, if I had to guess.
  • Hmm...
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Nigga never heard of time dilation. Time is a real thing lmao that’s literally what Einstein discovered
Yes, time dilation is real and I've heard of it. And in fact it's more evidence that time as we know it does not exist.
Youre the most degenerate fuckwit on this forum, please never talk about God you bafoon
Again, another non-argument, which is another victory for me, I'm also the most genius person on this is knows more about literally everything, and you lost.
Because there are so many muslims
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I don't even know a single person IRL who believes in him
There's obviously no god but almost every user believes that he exists.
If he exist then why he made you so ugly?
No one's ugly in this world full of liars. But there are many jealous, arrogant, selfish, and spiteful fucks. If you entertain a liar, expect to be ugly.

Now go squirt on your mirror, you sick twisted pervert.
  • JFL
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I don't even know a single person IRL who believes in him
There's obviously no god but almost every user believes that he exists.
If he exist then why he made you so ugly?
So if someone is ugly god doesn’t exist?
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he made me ugly for his test anyway how are you doing jisko?
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You can count it as your victory. Your arguments are so dumb that I don't want to answer them
They're so solid, that you can't even begin to argue with them, because if you even attempted to, you would be obliterated straight to /r/atheistBBCcucklovers vantablack niggerhell, so you have to pretend they are not and result to insults to cope with the fact that God is real.
They're so solid, that you can't even begin to argue with them, because if you even attempted to, you would be obliterated straight to /r/atheistBBCcucklovers vantablack niggerhell, so you have to pretend they are not and result to insults to cope with the fact that God is real.
Yes, you won faggot, you're probably offended that I didn't argue with you, and you wasted a lot of time writing all this stupid shit
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  • JFL
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Yes, you won faggot, you're probably offended that I didn't argue with you, and you wasted a lot of time writing all this stupid shit
I don't need to convince you, anyone who sees what I say, and realizes it's the truth and turns to Christ, needed to see what I said, and I am glad through logic they will be saved and with Jesus eternally.
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Yes, time dilation is real and I've heard of it. And in fact it's more evidence that time as we know it does not exist.
Bro is yapping hard. Time started at the Big Bang so that in essence means time is real. Like wtf ru on abt
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your parents are just religious and forced you to believe their shit JFL
Nah. This soyciety is evil and Jewish. Jews are the synagogue of Satan and all the high iq anti semite anti usury anti sodomite anti degeneracy guys are Christian. So I decided to come back I used to be a perennialist panentheist for a bit before I came back to Christianity
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He doesn't or he is pure evil
That’s a retarded talking point. The religion legit talks about how the world is inherently evil because we fell to sin. So things like beauty standards are just a result of a sinful world because Eve are the apple.

Why are atheists so retarded
Nah. This soyciety is evil and Jewish. Jews are the synagogue of Satan and all the high iq anti semite anti usury anti sodomite anti degeneracy guys are Christian. So I decided to come back I used to be a perennialist panentheist for a bit before I came back to Christianity
die nazi rat
>I don't even know a single person IRL who believes in him
where do you live?
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That’s a retarded talking point. The religion legit talks about how the world is inherently evil because we fell to sin. So things like beauty standards are just a result of a sinful world because Eve are the apple.

Why are atheists so retarded
Why are people born ugly? They haven't committed a single sin yet
  • JFL
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That’s a retarded talking point. The religion legit talks about how the world is inherently evil because we fell to sin. So things like beauty standards are just a result of a sinful world because Eve are the apple.

Why are atheists so retarded
idk about einstein, but von neumann(bigges genius of the last century) asked for sacrament of extreme unction when he was dying.
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Why are people born ugly? They haven't committed a single sin yet
Because all mankind has fell into sin and it’s pretty retarded all u think about Is looks when orphans & us autistic people exist. Much worse things + why bad thing happen if God real is legit 70 iq Normie foid argument
  • JFL
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Because all mankind has fell into sin and it’s pretty retarded all u think about Is looks when orphans & us autistic people exist. Much worse things + why bad thing happen if God real is legit 70 iq Normie foid argument
Okay, why are some people beautiful and others ugly? Why are some strong and others weak? Why are some tall and some short?
Why does this inequality exist? No one can be sinful from birth
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I don't need to convince you, anyone who sees what I say, and realizes it's the truth and turns to Christ, needed to see what I said, and I am glad through logic they will be saved and with Jesus eternally.
your nonsense that you wrote is either made up from your head, or from someone else's. You didn't link any sources, but just wrote some nonsense.
Okay, why are some people beautiful and others ugly? Why are some strong and others weak? Why are some tall and some short?
Why does this inequality exist? No one can be sinful from birth
I just explained it to you
I just explained it to you
You said that all mankind is sinful, then why are there beautiful and ugly?
According to your logic, everyone should be ugly
no pussy = become an expert on religion, politics etc. so you can feel superior to sex-havers
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  • JFL
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You said that all mankind is sinful, then why are there beautiful and ugly?
According to your logic, everyone should be ugly
Inequality exists bud
@Rea @Imretarded? new stage of schizophrenia

View attachment 3043383
The world is run by Satanic pedophiles who hate Christianity and worship demons.

A modern day Christian prophet predicted Donald Trumps assassination attempt and him specifically getting shot in the ear then going to the ground 4 months in advance.

Historical accounts and witnesses from thousands saw Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, including Roman pagans who had no investment in lying for another Religion.

Occam's Razor itself is in favor of God existing even without the 3 points above, let alone with them or any of the points after this aswell.

Ironically people in mid range IQ are more likely to not be religious but I dare you to say the same about people in 140IQ and above, many notable High IQ scientists turned to God, because it's simply the most logical outcome for people who can actually recognize patterns without emotions.

Shared Hallucinations scientifically shouldn't be possible and we have a myriad of paranormal evidence with both NDE's and psychedelics where people are seeing and interacting and even sharing experiences and interacting with the same beings (whether they be holy or demonic).

The facts are on the side of God existing, emotions and reddit tier copes are on the other side of things, it is fully illogical to believe in something that requires you to put faith in corrupt organizations and billions to trillions of years of events that have no empirical evidence of existing.

I have a tested full scale IQ of 108 (I have idiot savant syndrome) as two of the groupings are far below what is considered clinically retarded and the rest are at the maximum of what the test could test.

But for the sake of this discussion. my mathematical and spatial intelligence are the high ones, and I'm atheist. So I'm proof against this guy's claim.

Although if you had a brain, you'd know just listing various smart people who are or are not religious is a very fucking bad way of arguing. This is because it's an appeal to authority AND it's just cherry picking individual datapoints. No analysis of populations, so it has no weight.

It's funny that anon says it's irrational to put faith in corrupt institutions when HE does exactly that. There is no evidence for Christianity. The best 'evidences' are logically fallacious arguments like the watchmaker's analogy or the argument from perfection.

You'll notice that anon simply makes big claims, shared hallucinations, a prophet predicting trump's assassination attempt. First of all, 'shared hallucinations' is a well known phenomenon called group psychosis, I'd like anon to explain away examples of group psychosis where people see allah or some hindu god. He'd rather not even give this the light of day because it shows how intellectually dishonest he is. Secondly, you can find books from the early 1900s predicting life in the 2000s and they get many shit right, there is 8 billion fucking people right now, chances are someone is gonna correctly predict something happening especially about the mother fucking president of America. Again, anon doesn't give examples of 'prophets' who predict constantly and are never right or people who predict stuff that supposedly prove a different religion, CHERRY PICK CHERRY PICK CHERRY PICK.

Dishonesty at its finest.

If you want to hear my two pieces. Do not trust retards who claim there are big conspiracies, jews, aliens, flat earth. whatever. For example with the jews, there IS a lobby group in America and other western countries that give politicians money to support Israel, they're fucking dicks. That's just how the US's gov is set up, if you have money, you can just give the politicians some to pass laws you want passed. If we were a rich racist, you could get some serious anti black laws passed. The west is ruled by the rich, not some conspiracy between people who rape pigs and children. If there was, retard fucking Biden would spill the beans by now by accident.
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He doesn't or he is pure evil
Bad and good are there to preserve the balance, if there would be only good it would be paradise and if there was only bad it would be hell.
The world is run by Satanic pedophiles who hate Christianity and worship demons.

A modern day Christian prophet predicted Donald Trumps assassination attempt and him specifically getting shot in the ear then going to the ground 4 months in advance.

Historical accounts and witnesses from thousands saw Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, including Roman pagans who had no investment in lying for another Religion.

Occam's Razor itself is in favor of God existing even without the 3 points above, let alone with them or any of the points after this aswell.

Ironically people in mid range IQ are more likely to not be religious but I dare you to say the same about people in 140IQ and above, many notable High IQ scientists turned to God, because it's simply the most logical outcome for people who can actually recognize patterns without emotions.

Shared Hallucinations scientifically shouldn't be possible and we have a myriad of paranormal evidence with both NDE's and psychedelics where people are seeing and interacting and even sharing experiences and interacting with the same beings (whether they be holy or demonic).

The facts are on the side of God existing, emotions and reddit tier copes are on the other side of things, it is fully illogical to believe in something that requires you to put faith in corrupt organizations and billions to trillions of years of events that have no empirical evidence of existing.
The historical accounts happened 2 thousand years ago so it’s kind of hard to fact check them. Occam’s razor isn’t proof for anything, and it can be misleading when not properly understood, it’s really no more than a heuristic. Atheists have on average higher a higher IQ than that of theists. Shared hallucinations is rare but can be possible under certain conditions such as relationship of the individuals and their beliefs. Anecdotal accounts under NDE and psychedelics are not proof for the existence of God as not everyone shares the same experience of seeing holy/demonic entities. Your last paragraph is a textbook example of projection :lul:, atheists aren’t putting their “faith” in anything thats the theist’s job. Atheists believe in the empirical evidence of the sciences coming together to give us an explanation for the world around us. To put it into perspective, religions have existed and been popular for thousands of years yet no progress has been made in proving it’s existence, and the big bang theory has only been popping off recently and its already become the most evidence-backed theory of the universe since the dawn of civilization.
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lol u probably think we “evolved” too and the earth is a globe
Atheists believe in the empirical evidence of the sciences coming together to give us an explanation for the world around us.

the “evidence” is deliberately manufactured to indoctrinate the masses and feed them lies.
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