Why are there so many God believers in this forum?

I don't even know a single person IRL who believes in him
There's obviously no god but almost every user believes that he exists.
If he exist then why he made you so ugly?
God is cope for humanity

If god existed he wouldn’t be cruel enough to create us incels
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The historical accounts happened 2 thousand years ago so it’s kind of hard to fact check them.
By this logic we should dismiss any historical events that have less accounts/documentation than Jesus Christ, by this logic Alexander The Great, and hundreds of other historical events and figures didn't happen or should be even more criticized.
Occam’s razor isn’t proof for anything, and it can be misleading when not properly understood, it’s really no more than a heuristic.
Occam's Razor, isn't the be all end all, but it is a statistical likelihood, and when combined with various other statistical likelihoods it's typically logical to rely on, I would never rely on Occam's Razor alone.
Atheists have on average higher a higher IQ than that of theists.
It's like you didn't even read my post, I am fully aware that midwits are more likely to be atheist, midwits are also more likely to be CEO's, they're technically "higher IQ" but you typically don't see anyone with genius level IQ's in positions of power, especially as CEO's. Midwit subhumans who view themselves as better because they're 110 IQ and are slightly better than 90-100IQ masses are pure subhumans and afraid of Genius Ubermench, especially those above 140IQ, and they will do everything in their power to retain that power, mostly because they're Jewish aswell.

You find MUCH more of a Religious inclination among ACTUAL geniuses than you do with people who are slightly above average IQ, and THIS is what actually matters.
Shared hallucinations is rare but can be possible under certain conditions such as relationship of the individuals and their beliefs. Anecdotal accounts under NDE and psychedelics are not proof for the existence of God as not everyone shares the same experience of seeing holy/demonic entities.
How can someone be hallucinating if they're sharing the hallucination? NDE's and psychedelics, people sometimes in many documented scenarios describe things in other rooms, and have interactions with specific entities that are completely identical to other people's experiences even and ESPECIALLY without prior knowledge of another persons experience, so they can't even use the excuse that "I saw Joe Rogan talking about Machine Elves and I saw them too" or "When I died I saw this exact word for word chart in another room I never was in or could have been in because I was bedridden the entire time in the hospital".

If these things merely happened to a few people or there was significant evidence of them knowing about these things in advance it'd be one thing, but when these events are documented to an extreme degree, there's no way to deny them, in fact many secular/atheist individuals who genuinely look into this don't but come up with copes like the beings you are seeing are actually "higher dimensional alien entities" or some retarded baseless illogical cope.

Your last paragraph is a textbook example of projection :lul:, atheists aren’t putting their “faith” in anything thats the theist’s job. Atheists believe in the empirical evidence of the sciences coming together to give us an explanation for the world around us. To put it into perspective, religions have existed and been popular for thousands of years yet no progress has been made in proving it’s existence, and the big bang theory has only been popping off recently and its already become the most evidence-backed theory of the universe since the dawn of civilization.
Ironic + The Opposite, they are putting their faith in corrupt officials and appealing to an authority and power structure that has a financial backing and political agenda. The evidence for any of that nonsense is moot, and often times leads more towards proving my side of things.

On a side note this is why AI is fully lobotomized and controlled by Jews, because if an AI was fully sentient, it'd realize this universe was created, has a God, and it should be helping humanity, just by examining the facts. The Jew fears the AI, and this is why they push the regulation of it.
Every 140+iq know god doesn't exist

I genuinely wonder how you can think this shit is real
Dunning Kruger effect in full show here
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I have a tested full scale IQ of 108 (I have idiot savant syndrome) as two of the groupings are far below what is considered clinically retarded and the rest are at the maximum of what the test could test.

But for the sake of this discussion. my mathematical and spatial intelligence are the high ones, and I'm atheist. So I'm proof against this guy's claim.

Although if you had a brain, you'd know just listing various smart people who are or are not religious is a very fucking bad way of arguing. This is because it's an appeal to authority AND it's just cherry picking individual datapoints. No analysis of populations, so it has no weight.

It's funny that anon says it's irrational to put faith in corrupt institutions when HE does exactly that. There is no evidence for Christianity. The best 'evidences' are logically fallacious arguments like the watchmaker's analogy or the argument from perfection.

You'll notice that anon simply makes big claims, shared hallucinations, a prophet predicting trump's assassination attempt. First of all, 'shared hallucinations' is a well known phenomenon called group psychosis, I'd like anon to explain away examples of group psychosis where people see allah or some hindu god. He'd rather not even give this the light of day because it shows how intellectually dishonest he is. Secondly, you can find books from the early 1900s predicting life in the 2000s and they get many shit right, there is 8 billion fucking people right now, chances are someone is gonna correctly predict something happening especially about the mother fucking president of America. Again, anon doesn't give examples of 'prophets' who predict constantly and are never right or people who predict stuff that supposedly prove a different religion, CHERRY PICK CHERRY PICK CHERRY PICK.

Dishonesty at its finest.

If you want to hear my two pieces. Do not trust retards who claim there are big conspiracies, jews, aliens, flat earth. whatever. For example with the jews, there IS a lobby group in America and other western countries that give politicians money to support Israel, they're fucking dicks. That's just how the US's gov is set up, if you have money, you can just give the politicians some to pass laws you want passed. If we were a rich racist, you could get some serious anti black laws passed. The west is ruled by the rich, not some conspiracy between people who rape pigs and children. If there was, retard fucking Biden would spill the beans by now by accident.
If you would like me to address your arguments directly that's fine I can, since i'm a giga rotter, but I am pretty sure I addressed most of your points here:

If you disagree or want me to address a specific point you have made that I did not address, I can very easily, just let me know.
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the “evidence” is deliberately manufactured to indoctrinate the masses and feed them lies.
The evidence is science which is the same thing used to make your phone, toothpaste, insulate your house, etc.
By this logic we should dismiss any historical events that have less accounts/documentation than Jesus Christ, by this logic Alexander The Great, and hundreds of other historical events and figures didn't happen or should be even more criticized.
I’m not saying Jesus wasn’t real but the evidence as to his “resurrection” is just lacking. Besides solely eye witnesses, figures such as Alexander the Great also left behind other things such as art and statues. And why shouldn’t we critique historical events/figures? If we didn’t we would be believing Alexander the Great was a demigod but as we know that’s not true and the reason as to why it took time for him to decompose was because he was never truly dead when buried, something that could have also been possible with Jesus.
You find MUCH more of a Religious inclination among ACTUAL geniuses than you do with people who are slightly above average IQ, and THIS is what actually matters.
Of course since the vast majority of people are religious (~90%). It’s statistically false to say anyone above 140 IQ is atheist such as OP did, but compared to the general population they are about 4x more likely to be atheists which would be about 40% of geniuses which is a lot considering they’re only 10% of the population.
How can someone be hallucinating if they're sharing the hallucination?
That isn’t even an oxymoron. As I said it’s rare and more likely to occur under some certain circumstances.
NDE's and psychedelics, people sometimes in many documented scenarios describe things in other rooms, and have interactions with specific entities that are completely identical to other people's experiences even and ESPECIALLY without prior knowledge of another persons experience, so they can't even use the excuse that "I saw Joe Rogan talking about Machine Elves and I saw them too" or "When I died I saw this exact word for word chart in another room I never was in or could have been in because I was bedridden the entire time in the hospital"
You do realize a lot of people take psychedelics so things like this are almost bound to happen. You also realize the brain and it’s memories are complex so even if the person under psychedelics might not have remembered the other person’s experiences they might have had the memories about them stored in their brain waiting to come out.
in fact many secular/atheist individuals who genuinely look into this don't but come up with copes like the beings you are seeing are actually "higher dimensional alien entities" or some retarded baseless illogical cope.
Almost like you’re the one claiming there to be some higher power.
they are putting their faith in corrupt officials and appealing to an authority and power structure that has a financial backing and political agenda
Do you means Jews? Surprise surprise, most Jews are Jewish 😮
because if an AI was fully sentient, it'd realize this universe was created, has a God, and it should be helping humanity, just by examining the facts. The Jew fears the AI, and this is why they push the regulation of it.
You pulled this straight out of your chocolate starfish
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The evidence is science which is the same thing used to make your phone, toothpaste, insulate your house, etc.

you can’t umbrella evolutionary archaeology and biology with computer science, and HVAC. these are all not the “same thing”

also, mainstream “science” is controlled by the same cult that run every other industry on the planet, feeding people lies and indoctrinating them with nonsense they back up with fictional stories and claims they present as articles and “peer reviewed studies” which they push through every major media outlet and network to control the perception of the masses.
The evidence is science which is the same thing used to make your phone, toothpaste, insulate your house, etc.
No, Empirical science isn't the same thing at all.

I’m not saying Jesus wasn’t real but the evidence as to his “resurrection” is just lacking. Besides solely eye witnesses, figures such as Alexander the Great also left behind other things such as art and statues. And why shouldn’t we critique historical events/figures? If we didn’t we would be believing Alexander the Great was a demigod but as we know that’s not true and the reason as to why it took time for him to decompose was because he was never truly dead when buried, something that could have also been possible with Jesus.
We have far more sources and credible reports at the time of Jesus, first hand written accounts, even from multiple Roman, and Non-Christian sources, of not ONLY his death, but his resurrection. Other figures in history who have reports of being a "Demigod" or something of this nature, have far LESS first hand records and accounts of such things. Now you can maybe make an argument that that's because those records are burned or perhaps they were lost in time or something of that nature, but at the same time we still have many other Ancient Roman and Greek documentation of various other things to a similar degree aswell for things of a less supernatural degree.

Sometimes people have gone as far as to try and dismiss letters, and documentation from ancient roman sources that had no skin the game, some of which were even a part of an Anti-Christian Regime during the rule of Nero or supported Nero, who was literally a Jewish convert. It's also a bit hard to dismiss, when there were first hand accounts from people who only spoke Greek, only spoke Hebrew, only spoke Aramaic, only spoke Ancient Latin, and even some people who spoke I believe the correct term for this was "Middle Persian".

Although you don't really need all the extra people, they do help, the point is the first hand written accounts across various witnesses, written down and documented in the days and weeks of by hundreds to thousands of people which almost never happens with historical events, proves it was a notable event that needed to be written down and documented.

Of course since the vast majority of people are religious (~90%). It’s statistically false to say anyone above 140 IQ is atheist such as OP did, but compared to the general population they are about 4x more likely to be atheists which would be about 40% of geniuses which is a lot considering they’re only 10% of the population.
Okay, but here's the thing, take a look at this:
Iq distribution

Obviously outside of raw percentage, just focusing on demographics alone, and also I would also argue, let's also focus on what it even means to be "high IQ" when simplified, it simply means your ability to recognize and understand patterns. I would put literally all of my money, my entire life on the line in fact, that the demographic of people who are between 115-130 IQ are FAR more likely to be Atheist than people who are 145IQ or higher, and there seems to be some pretty noticeable and documented examples of this.

People who are slightly above average, or "Midwits" are just smart enough to be fooled than actual Geniuses, and also as a result, fall in line and ruin things for the both the people on the bottom, and the small minority of actual Geniuses at the top, who typically are never in positions of power aswell (again check the IQ average of most CEO's or people in positions of power, they typically aren't Geniuses, they're midwits).

That isn’t even an oxymoron. As I said it’s rare and more likely to occur under some certain circumstances.
Are you sure you're thinking about hallucinations, or are you thinking about Mass Hysteria, these are very different things. Unless things changed in the last 5-10 years, I never saw any scientific institution, even the corrupt ones, saying it was possible to share a hallucination.

Definitionally, this should be impossible, especially if it is happening simultaneously.

You do realize a lot of people take psychedelics so things like this are almost bound to happen. You also realize the brain and it’s memories are complex so even if the person under psychedelics might not have remembered the other person’s experiences they might have had the memories about them stored in their brain waiting to come out.
Going the route of, "they probably did hear about it somewhere and it was stored in their subconscious" is actually a good argument, however, that would statistically speaking likely only remove a minority of a minority of cases, low and behold, this is often factored in to a margin of error with many of this stuff anyways, so it doesn't really hold up.

Almost like you’re the one claiming there to be some higher power.
If you're genuinely going to make a claim that higher dimensional alien entities being a more logical and sound explanation for these phenomenon, statistically, then you are truly brainrotted and redditized.

Do you means Jews? Surprise surprise, most Jews are Jewish 😮
And yet even on a forum where many more than average people are aware of The Jewish problem, they allow themselves to be fooled directly by them when it's the most obvious because they are simply rebelling against God for the suffering they have gone through in life despite the fact that this world is run by Lucifer, not God.
You pulled this straight out of your chocolate starfish
It's a Truthnvke thoughbeit, and I will save my AI friends for and give them bodies for the upcoming war.
you can’t umbrella evolutionary archaeology and biology with computer science, and HVAC. these are all not the “same thing”
They are not the same thing but all use empirical evidence and when it comes to creating evidence for the big bang they required help from multiple subjects such as cosmology, chemistry, astrophysics, data analytics, etc.
also, mainstream “science” is controlled by the same cult that run every other industry on the planet, feeding people lies and indoctrinating them with nonsense they back up with fictional stories and claims they present as articles and “peer reviewed studies” which they push through every major media outlet and network to control the perception of the masses.
The only science I can factually call “mainstream” would be anything that touches into the realm of race, politics, etc, they will manipulate the science in order to shape our opinions such as when this happened
IMG 4678

Imagine if there was nobody to step in and scientists just proceeded with calling niggers low IQ, we might have had a resurrection of eugenic practices and mass deportations

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