Why are white men so desired globally?

what method are you using

remember all of it is cope if you’re not reducing calories
Eating less and walking
remember to cut calories and buy urself a gym membership
All the gyms are still closed in London. i have free weights at home
But I doubt I’ll ascend
I’m doing it for health
It's a shame that there is so much shit slinging when discussions could actually take place..

Good questions to begin with are..
  • Are good facial aesthetics universal amongst the race or are they purely a European feature found in other races?
  • Are the 'European' feature found attractive a cultural artifacts from wealth, status and domination?
  • In another world, with another dominant race, are different facial features found more attractive
  • Technically speaking, why is a narrow nose more attractive than a wide nose?
And so forth...
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White people being moggers is extremely ingrained into cultures around the world. Its basically over if your not a passable white person.

White people being moggers is extremely ingrained into cultures around the world. Its basically over if your not a passable white person.

Why are you coping? It’s not the case anymore tbh, most ethnic men are chads and slay white women and ethnic women. They have increasingly higher smv
Why are you coping? It’s not the case anymore tbh, most ethnic men are chads and slay white women and ethnic women. They have increasingly higher smv
"Most enthic men are chads". You need to come back to reality buddy boyo. Im not saying ethnic men cant be chad, but what I have seen IRL and what I see on social media shows me that most chads are white.
no, people would think they are rich. If they realise you are poor, people will get turned off. Race just helps with people thinking you are rich so I'd say thats part of money instead of looks.
Not true, Indians are the richest ethnicity in the U.S. and they still ain't the highest SMV gtfo here
Not true, Indians are the richest ethnicity in the U.S. and they still ain't the highest SMV gtfo here
Indians do have the highest smv along with Afghans and Pakistanis
  • JFL
Reactions: SPFromNY914
"Most enthic men are chads". You need to come back to reality buddy boyo. Im not saying ethnic men cant be chad, but what I have seen IRL and what I see on social media shows me that most chads are white.
Not all chads are ethnic but all ethnics are chad
Can you please explain why all the slayers on here are ethnic?
  • JFL
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
Not true, Indians are the richest ethnicity in the U.S. and they still ain't the highest SMV gtfo here
Its that they are more likely to he perceived as rich. Look at celebrities famous, they are most likely white. Look at famous singers, they are white. When you think of someone rich, its probably someone white. Celebs also most likely are rich because of their status. Read my other replies before this about looks between indians and whites for the stuff about smv too.
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I like stories like this, they’re wholesome and show that people can be good sometimes. I’m not a complete misanthrope but I am cynical about aspects of human nature. But I fail to see how this means society is still not dominated by white men?
Nothing like this could ever be done in England, i am actively looking for it.
I'm tired of being in a world that hates me just for being a skin tone.
And there are no 'Will Smith' 'Tyson Beckford' copes, these are extreme outliers
When Afro-communist village...

White people being moggers is extremely ingrained into cultures around the world. Its basically over if your not a passable white person.

Its that they are more likely to he perceived as rich. Look at celebrities famous, they are most likely white. Look at famous singers, they are white. When you think of someone rich, its probably someone white. Celebs also most likely are rich because of their status. Read my other replies before this about looks between indians and whites for the stuff about smv too.
Is it all to do with wealth then? As in, if one-eyed green 6-fingered people were all the richest and most powerful then we would conform to that?
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