Why being an athiest is not any more logical than religion

Not if I am serious at repentance…

lmfao the irony of an Gaytheist stating that religious people are “illogical” when gaythiesim is an entire worldview that cannot make an account for fundamental transidental arguments. I bet you don’t even know the 3 rules of logic do you?

You won’t demolish anything your an atheist your whole worldview is one founded upon trying to be an obnoxious twat and you have been cucked every time jay dyer debates your best and makes them leave with a prolapsed anus
Your deluded sense of intellectual superiority is really palpable. You don't even know what a worldview is, you don't know the difference between a response to a proposition and a proposition in itself. You make up an imaginary world (transcendental and supernatural realm), propose an explanation that accounts for this imaginary world and then claim victory because the people rejecting this proposition aren't coming up with any equally ludicrous and unfalsifiable claims to account for this imaginary world. You're a joke.
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This is a major problem I see with many human arguments when trying to understand god

They wanna fit a being who is so beyond us into human rationalism

The only way to try to explain god is to put him outside of anything you know to be true in the laws of the universe
It’s because most atheists are scared of an ultimate humbling

Not being able to describe a source beyond our bubble of existence w/ “scientific proof” scares them. Humans in nature hate things that they don’t understand.

And you know what we do to things we hate naturally? We either kill it, or run away/disregard from it completely.
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A creator (god) would be the one who created everything

An intelligent being living outside the restrictions of space and time

To me this Unironically makes more sense than energy concentrating together and blowing up into a beautiful universe
I’ll use an quick analogy: The Creator of Roblox; a game that allows people to create their own games as long as they desire to.

God = “Creator of Roblox” Roblox Game Developers = all of existence bound by the laws/conditions of “The Game”
What value does the word God add to our understanding if we can't know anything about the process of creation, why use it?

A definition would answer this question, close synonyms wouldn't
Living by your ego and its worldly values/desires will only lead you to one fate; one future: Death and Immortality.

So basically you’re saying your lack of controlling your fleshly values and ignorance is the reason why you left spiritually?
its not my ego, because you think everyday you got a proposition like this ?
what if that girl become your wife or you had X years relationship with her?

its not lack of control, it's actually pure control, you said no because you fear hell. decision taken by fear are always trash most of the time.

i have stopped religions cause a lot of stuff make no fuckin sense.

its like imagine i met a dude, we talk a lot and he say to me "come to my house we will eat some pork from italy with red wine"

i'll say no ? cause i'm muslim? so i'll met a great party with a dude because some random stuff wrote 2K years ago ?

nah man this shit make no sense live your live
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Brief explanation

God = Creator of Creation; THE Energy/Source, that’s entirely pure and is unbound/unaffected by time, space and matter. In the sources will, it created an existence that holds its qualities (i.e to create, to love, to be merciful). Almost like a legacy-passing relationship between it and all existence in this bound.

With this definition, ‘God’ could be a wide variety of things—meaning it could be Big Bang Theory, or whatever a spiritual book claims it as.
god dayum
  • JFL
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then reread the fuckin bible.

idolatry is banned. why there is cross everywhere ? jesus said you dont need a giant temple to pray, why there is church everywhere ?
jesus instuled temple merchant why they ask me for money in church ?

it doesnt make any sense. most of atheist believes in a god or a big architecht, but they are disgusted by islam/judaism/christianism cuz a lot of non sense there
No YOU need to read the bible you don’t even know our book you ignorant retard. And you don’t need a church to pray in… BUT the church is the bride of Christ and you go there for communion so it’s needed for more than simple prayer which we also do at home once again showing your Gaytheist or Islamic ignorance

We don’t worship the cross, it’s a symbol here’s verses where god commands you create icons of ANGELS in his temples and ornate designs and symbols.

• Exodus 25:18-22 – The Cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant
• “And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of hammered work shall you make them, on the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub on the one end, and one cherub on the other end; of one piece with the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on its two ends.” (v.18)
• God commanded the Israelites to create golden images of cherubim (angels) to adorn the Ark of the Covenant, demonstrating that religious imagery was permissible as long as it was not worshiped as an idol.
• Numbers 21:8-9 – The Bronze Serpent
• “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.’ So Moses made a bronze serpent and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.”
• This shows an instance where God instructed the creation of a visible object that had a divine purpose, indicating that images and objects could have a religious role.

And here is in the bible where we are allowed to have cross
• Luke 9:23 – Taking Up Your Cross Daily
• “Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.’”

Galatians 6:17 – Bearing the Marks of Jesus
• “From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.”
Nice try idiot

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Living by your ego and its worldly values/desires will only lead you to one fate; one future: Death and Immortality.

So basically you’re saying your lack of controlling your fleshly values, lack of empathy, sympathy, etc, and ignorance is the reason why you left spiritually?
Imagine being Jews, you cant use fuckin electricty on friday ?

dont you think thats ridiculous as fuck ?
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Exactly. Think about how many animals or life forms can’t possibly comprehend or even have the most basic forms of concepts which to us are simple. They don’t even realise what they don’t know or couldn’t know. Terry explains this with a good analogy.

it would be impossible for a human to imagine something with no starting point since to our perception everything has a start

That’s why sometimes people need to accept that not everything will be made into logic since even if god didn’t exsist the infinite void of energy that caused the Big Bang was also never created but always there

No matter how u put it there will always be something that always was to give origin to our life
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nah searching for a meaning behind it all is pointless. The secret to life and everything in it is simply something absurd, something not worth searching for, something that's beyond our control. We wouldn't benefit even a tiny bit after knowing the real truth. Life's meant to be chaos, that's why you just live in the moment and do whatever you want instead of thinking about pointless things
it would be impossible for a human to imagine something with no starting point since to our perception everything has a start

That’s why sometimes people need to accept that not everything will be made into logic since even if god didn’t exsist the infinite void of energy that caused the Big Bang was also never created but always there

No matter how u put it there will always be something that always was to give origin to our life
what is your religion
I'm just agnostic. Both side's theories have holes in them.
a believer has nothing to lose if religion ends up being fake, but a non believer has everything to lose if religion turns out to be real
That’s an pascals Wager thing but I agree. You have all to lose. That’s why Gaytheism is also dumb. Agnosticism is also retarded but not as bad but they fell into the same issue of ending up being condemned for they never truly believed
What value does the word God add to our understanding if we can't know anything about the process of creation, why use it?

A definition would answer this question, close synonyms wouldn't
Let me ask you this: Assuming this ‘Source’ is pure and everlasting, don’t you think it hold other qualities such as “all-knowing” and “all-merciful”

Assuming you say yes, (only thing you can say lol) if a spiritual book claims its content is strictly influenced by The all-knowing, all-loving, pure source (God), Don’t you think it’d be smart to implement its values into our lives to prosper (if the spiritual book contains good values/morals of course)?
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What value does the word God add to our understanding if we can't know anything about the process of creation, why use it?

A definition would answer this question, close synonyms wouldn't
You can describe god in any other word such as creator

Fact is when I think of the most plausible version of god I go back to the god Jesus talked about

As in my opinion jesus gained so many faithful followers and so many people died claiming they saw him rise from the death that it is very likely true if u study his story like you would any source of historical evidence

You never see humans all happily die in the most brutal ways for something they don’t have 100% faith in
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it would be impossible for a human to imagine something with no starting point since to our perception everything has a start

That’s why sometimes people need to accept that not everything will be made into logic since even if god didn’t exsist the infinite void of energy that caused the Big Bang was also never created but always there

No matter how u put it there will always be something that always was to give origin to our life
We think of things in terms of time in a linear way. Everything must proceed the past, 1 year, 12 to a million years. Time is merely an aspect of existence which can be altered, gravity affects time dilation. So thinking in terms of time of a “before” will never allow true discussion of the topic as it’s not unchanging.
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Your deluded sense of intellectual superiority is really palpable. You don't even know what a worldview is, you don't know the difference between a response to a proposition and a proposition in itself. You make up an imaginary world (transcendental and supernatural realm), propose an explanation that accounts for this imaginary world and then claim victory because the people rejecting this proposition aren't coming up with any equally ludicrous and unfalsifiable claims to account for this imaginary world. You're a joke.
I do and your gaythiesm is a worldview that’s a fact not an opinion are you a stupid piece of shit who doesn’t know this? No im using simple philosophy…. You’d know this if you knew who Plato was but you don’t because your a typical basement dwelling faggot gaytheist twat keep thinking your smart YOUR NOT M8 YOUR DUMB.
Let me ask you this: Assuming this ‘Source’ is pure and everlasting, don’t you think it hold other qualities such as “all-knowing” and “all-merciful”

Assuming you say yes, (only thing you can say lol) if a spiritual book claims its content is strictly influenced by The all-knowing, all-loving, pure source (God), Don’t you think it’d be smart to implement its values into our lives to prosper (if the spiritual book contains good values/morals of course)?
Wdym source, how can you assume qualities etc to something you can't even define correctly
You can describe god in any other word such as creator

Fact is when I think of the most plausible version of god I go back to the god Jesus talked about

As in my opinion jesus gained so many faithful followers and so many people died claiming they saw him rise from the death that it is very likely true if u study his story like you would any source of historical evidence

You never see humans all happily die in the most brutal ways for something they don’t have 100% faith in
I'm asking for a definition of the concept of God, you need to define the concept i.e. separate it from the other concepts

I'm not talking about anything else
Imagine being Jews, you cant use fuckin electricty on friday ?

dont you think thats ridiculous as fuck ?
If the values are truly moral and helps humans progress in humanity somehow, so be it. I don’t know the context to this jewish law so I won’t say yes or no to this.

Assuming it’s in good morals: The reason you find this ludicrous is because of your ego. You’re scared to let go of your selfish, one-sided desires though it would ultimately help you prosper in the long run.

You won’t understand what I say yet as you’ve almost completely disengaged your flesh from spirit—and tapped in w/ your ego instead.
Truth is even if no religion we know is true even if we are wrong about it all I still believe life is so complex and so is the universe it points to a creator

Nothing like this happens by chance
Truth is even if no religion we know is true even if we are wrong about it all I still believe life is so complex and so is the universe it points to a creator

Nothing like this happens by chance
yeah i do believe in a creator as well just not religion
  • JFL
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Religions are bs. Were born and still today exist for the sole purpose of people having a truth they can believe in together despite nobody knowing what the real truth is. We as humans just want something to believe in together even if its not the truth.
God came in the flesh to reveal the truth to you, Jesus is the word incarnate.
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No YOU need to read the bible you don’t even know our book you ignorant retard. And you don’t need a church to pray in… BUT the church is the bride of Christ and you go there for communion so it’s needed for more than simple prayer which we also do at home once again showing your Gaytheist or Islamic ignorance

We don’t worship the cross, it’s a symbol here’s verses where god commands you create icons of ANGELS in his temples and ornate designs and symbols.

• Exodus 25:18-22 – The Cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant
• “And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of hammered work shall you make them, on the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub on the one end, and one cherub on the other end; of one piece with the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on its two ends.” (v.18)
• God commanded the Israelites to create golden images of cherubim (angels) to adorn the Ark of the Covenant, demonstrating that religious imagery was permissible as long as it was not worshiped as an idol.
• Numbers 21:8-9 – The Bronze Serpent
• “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.’ So Moses made a bronze serpent and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.”
• This shows an instance where God instructed the creation of a visible object that had a divine purpose, indicating that images and objects could have a religious role.

And here is in the bible where we are allowed to have cross
• Luke 9:23 – Taking Up Your Cross Daily
• “Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.’”

Galatians 6:17 – Bearing the Marks of Jesus
• “From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.”
Nice try idiot


the line between atheist and agnostics is really thin. and i have started to read some of your stuff, not little sentence cut the full passage. for now yes cross is idolatry, yes church are useless, yes selling stuff or asking for money inside the church is crazy in jesus POV.
and yes you are on full cope.

the audacity to say to me "reread your bible"?

• Luke 9:23 – Taking Up Your Cross Daily

i have read the full thing, it has 0 legit 0 correlation with the jesus cross. stop coping
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  • JFL
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what is your religion
I am agnostic but lean towards Christianity due to the eye witnesses evidence of Christs resurrection
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I am agnostic but lean towards Christianity due to the eye witnesses evidence of Christs resurrection
Those eye witnesses were just yapping and capping
If the values are truly moral and helps humans progress in humanity somehow, so be it. I don’t know the context to this jewish law so I won’t say yes or no to this.

Assuming it’s in good morals: The reason you find this ludicrous is because of your ego. You’re scared to let go of your selfish, one-sided desires though it would ultimately help you prosper in the long run.

You won’t understand what I say yet as you’ve almost completely disengaged your flesh from spirit—and tapped in w/ your ego instead.
no i'm saying to you it doesnt change anything. the long run ? the long run its mean you are waisting your life because probably you'll go to heaven ? what an awful life to live;

So what if you had sex with that girl and you both had fun ? you think its ego ? no you just had a great time, the only you had on earth is time, the rest is pure coping.

please man just try to have a cool life i'm not telling you to destroy yourself, but just to live life.
I am agnostic but lean towards Christianity due to the eye witnesses evidence of Christs resurrection
imagine jesus repop and first thing he say

"hey yo fuck isarckro, he is a faggot, just fuck that guy"
Those eye witnesses were just yapping and capping
There are historical records from the romans who had no faith in Jesus so they had nothing to win with this and they themselves reported the people who saw Jesus come back from the dead weren’t afraid of death

They wanted to die even more brutally than Jesus being hung upside down this to me is major evidence of him actually coming back

For u to see so many recordings of people who saw him be this blind in faith to the point they will die and ask to be killed even more brutally proves they saw him and were sure he would take them to his kingdom
I do and your gaythiesm is a worldview that’s a fact not an opinion
No, it's not, spouting your stupidity in a circle because you don't understand what a worldview is won't change this. I really recommend you look up the definition of a worldview/proposition and the difference between those and a response to a proposition. I'll give you a head start since you're probably not even capable of wording the question correctly:

Screenshot 20240909 134746 Chrome
evolution to explain the origin of life is the biggest bullshit/cope ever invented
One thing is a mechanism of natural selection to generate small changes in lineages
another thing is to say that we all have a common ancestor
and that it all started in a puddle of water, jfl at this shit.

Furthermore, the evidence points to abrupt appearances of creatures, not transactional lineages.
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No, it's not, spouting your stupidity in a circle because you don't understand what a worldview is won't change this. I really recommend you look up the definition of a worldview/proposition and the difference between those and a response to a proposition. I'll give you a head start since you're probably not even capable of wording the question correctly:

View attachment 3159262
The fact of the matter is most atheists replace faith in god with faith in major science

Not many people will just stop believing in god without convincing themselves something else is true
evolution to explain the origin of life is the biggest bullshit/cope ever invented
One thing is a mechanism of natural selection to generate small changes in lineages
another thing is to say that we all have a common ancestor
and that it all started in a puddle of water, jfl at this shit.

Furthermore, the evidence points to abrupt appearances of creatures, not transactional lineages.
Exactly and to believe a dark void of nothingness exploded due to á concentration of energy therefore creating planets with water and rocks making micro organisms that would eventually split into multiple forms of life is litterally crazy

Not even scientists know how life came to be so the faith that life can come from literally nothing is something hard to swallow
Wdym source, how can you assume qualities etc to something you can't even define correctly

I'm asking for a definition of the concept of God, you need to define the concept i.e. separate it from the other concepts

I'm not talking about anything else
They can't give you one because they are lukewarm tbh, idk why they are trying to appeal a perfect being theology to fill the concept of god to charm your argument.
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evolution to explain the origin of life is the biggest bullshit/cope ever invented
Lmao, it doesn't attempt to account for the origin of life, that's abiogenesis. Evolution just addresses the biodiversity on earth. Another idiot who's convinced of their ignorance.
Wdym source, how can you assume qualities etc to something you can't even define correctly

I'm asking for a definition of the concept of God, you need to define the concept i.e. separate it from the other concepts

I'm not talking about anything else
Looks like you aren’t understanding.

“Correctly” isn’t the word you want to use. It’s more of a “can’t TRULY or ENTIRELY describe/defibe” as this source can never fully fit into one set definition, (further proving its ‘unbound’ qualities). It is all.

What we can infer is that this ‘source’ 100% holds all the qualities of the ability to create at a full, unleashed capacity (as logically we infer it’s unbound), and gave this to all existence (bound by time, space, and matter) in a legacy/passdown relationship, shown by natural sciences (biology w/ reproduction and gene passing, physics w/ the laws of energy and etc)

I’ll elaborate more later if needed.
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They can't give you one because they are lukewarm tbh, idk why they are trying to appeal a perfect being theology to fill the concept of god to charm your argument.
read my text, fool
The fact of the matter is most atheists replace faith in god with faith in major science

Not many people will just stop believing in god without convincing themselves something else is true
Even if I accept your nonsensical use of the term "faith" here, one version is utterly unfalsifiable and offers nothing to distinguish imagination from reality while the other makes conclusions based on observed and testable phenomena. So why would you try to make them equal in validity?
Lmao, it doesn't attempt to account for the origin of life, that's abiogenesis. Evolution just addresses the biodiversity on earth. Another idiot who's convinced of their ignorance.

You are correct, evolution is not intended to explain the origin of life. I mentioned the question of the origin of life in only 1 line, because that has everything to do with the topic.
This is just a comment on a forum, not a serious post on the subject, I'm just writing without much commitment.
no i'm saying to you it doesnt change anything. the long run ? the long run its mean you are waisting your life because probably you'll go to heaven ? what an awful life to live;

So what if you had sex with that girl and you both had fun ? you think its ego ? no you just had a great time, the only you had on earth is time, the rest is pure coping.

please man just try to have a cool life i'm not telling you to destroy yourself, but just to live life.
See your problem? You hold valueless and hornball things like sex and fornication to such a high priority that you think it can’t do wrong. Your ego has almost completely taken over.

Do you not know how many consequences, regret, stress, and problems come from pursuing something as stupid as slut sex?
  • JFL
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No concept we can't define is worthy of consideration in logical reasoning

We can define God, you just didn't reach it yet, think about it more
There’s 3 possible ones that I think you’re rambling about

God is THE

Am I close haha
Satanism and paganism mogs
  • Hmm...
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There’s 3 possible ones that I think you’re rambling about

God is THE

Am I close haha
Are you talking about pantheism?
I'll give you a hint, not every concept is Positive i.e. defined by what it IS, there are some concepts that are Negative i.e. defined by what they aren't

@Schizotypalcel @Iasacrko
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About evolution, I know a YouTuber with a PhD from Oxford who was an evolutionist, but he is no longer one. He presents many good anti-evolution arguments, and says that there is a large pro-evolution "conspiracy"(i dont know the name for this in english, its not exactly conspiracy) in academia.
Regarding the origin of life, he cites some top tier scientists of a very high level who harshly criticize the models proposed for the origin of life. These models are cited as evidence by many atheists.
He even has a video reacting to himself in an old video of him from when he was an evolutionist, he actually was an evolutionist.
He is a very reasonable guy, he is not a flat-earther or anything like that, his arguments are good and very logical. He goes into detail.
Also, there are many anti-evolutionists who are atheists, if you are anti-evolutionist, you do not necessarily need to believe in God. Although this YouTuber believes.

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