Why being an athiest is not any more logical than religion

Why would you say arguing with me isn't stimulating and then go on to say the exact same things you have already said you absolute spaz. Are you even capable of discussing this without copy and paste, holy shit this is embarrassing. You don't even know the difference between VALID AND SOUND which is like logic 101, you just keep walking in circles within your internal model. You're basically saying "rocks or ice cream don't account for logic or metaphysics therefore my account is true because it proposes a solution internally". Do you not understand that when you do this you're defining things into reality? It's like you're looking at all those things you think God would account for FIRST and then you define God in a way that fits them. This isn't how examination of reality works at all, how do you not understand this us monumentally dumb and fallacious.
Yeah ima use AI to fuck you cos your annoying and low IQ all you keep doing is reinstating your position.

I’m not doing anything you said it’s a simple if A exist therefore Y. If logic, metaphysics and ethnics exist then God exists as he’s the precondition for these concepts and things to exist in the first place for they come from HIM.

As an atheist you have NO ACCOUNT for this you can’t say what it is or where it came from all you can say is “ 🤷‍♂️” it’s pathetic tbh very cringe. Ima just use AI to debate you for now like my last comment because you’re an absolute idiot. The term “reality” presupposes you believe in metaphysics something you cannot epically evidence and justify which is self defeating for your argument.

Essentially your saying the house just exists and I can’t say why the house exists or how it exists but that it exists, I’m saying if the house exists then it must had somebody who laid down the foundations to build the house in the first place and your response is “WE CANT KNOW THAT :feelsuhh: WE JUST DUNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” ok buddy you keep telling yourself that. Your such a fucking retard, usually I try to write nice to people in debates like this but your a prick I will no longer be writing in an respectful manner nor will I be using grammar ima treat you like the troglodytes I see irl and on this form

You don’t even know the 3 laws of logic… you violate the 3rd rule every time and don’t get me started on the 4th rule which was added later on known as the law of principle sufficient reason which states “Everything that is is for a reason, or for all real things, there is a cause”

Your argumentation is in violation of 2 of these rules :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: how can you claim to be winning or holding your ground when all you can do is contradict yourself use circular augmentation and then deny the justification for metaphysics which allows you to even use concepts such as “Reality” :ROFLMAO::lul: literally self defeating position. I brought up my specific God because he meets all the prerequisites to meet all of the fundamental questions such as where does epistemology come from, logic, metaphysics and ethics that was my reason for bringing up my EO worldview you still have yet to state what kind of Gaytheiet you are but either way you have lost as you have yet presented a credible account for any of the 4 things mentioned other than “It just is broooooo”
After analysing both science and religion the truth is you need faith for both

If ur an atheist you need to believe that space and time and life could literally come from an explosion in nothing

You have to believe life came to be from non life

Both of these require faith as if u remove a creator from the equation shit hardly makes any more sense
If u're not a believer it's over. I don't believe in man-made religion. The only true God is mother nature and it's my duty to keep it better and sun the father.
Yeah ima use AI to fuck you cos your annoying and low IQ all you keep doing is reinstating your position.

I’m not doing anything you said it’s a simple if A exist therefore Y. If logic, metaphysics and ethnics exist then God exists as he’s the precondition for these concepts and things to exist in the first place for they come from HIM.

As an atheist you have NO ACCOUNT for this you can’t say what it is or where it came from all you can say is “ 🤷‍♂️” it’s pathetic tbh very cringe. Ima just use AI to debate you for now like my last comment because you’re an absolute idiot. The term “reality” presupposes you believe in metaphysics something you cannot epically evidence and justify which is self defeating for your argument.

Essentially your saying the house just exists and I can’t say why the house exists or how it exists but that it exists, I’m saying if the house exists then it must had somebody who laid down the foundations to build the house in the first place and your response is “WE CANT KNOW THAT :feelsuhh: WE JUST DUNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” ok buddy you keep telling yourself that. Your such a fucking retard, usually I try to write nice to people in debates like this but your a prick I will no longer be writing in an respectful manner nor will I be using grammar ima treat you like the troglodytes I see irl and on this form

You don’t even know the 3 laws of logic… you violate the 3rd rule every time and don’t get me started on the 4th rule which was added later on known as the law of principle sufficient reason which states “Everything that is is for a reason, or for all real things, there is a cause”

Your argumentation is in violation of 2 of these rules :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: how can you claim to be winning or holding your ground when all you can do is contradict yourself use circular augmentation and then deny the justification for metaphysics which allows you to even use concepts such as “Reality” :ROFLMAO::lul: literally self defeating position. I brought up my specific God because he meets all the prerequisites to meet all of the fundamental questions such as where does epistemology come from, logic, metaphysics and ethics that was my reason for bringing up my EO worldview you still have yet to state what kind of Gaytheiet you are but either way you have lost as you have yet presented a credible account for any of the 4 things mentioned other than “It just is broooooo”
Won't read. End it, you're dumber than a rock.
Won't read. End it, you're dumber than a rock.
The irony of a guy who uses presups arguments for a worldview he cannot justify and acts as if that’s an justification which proves his worldview is entirely relative meaning he has no basis for truth claims which means his position is ultimately untenable and thus self refuting as he can’t even prove his worldview to be true.
The irony of a guy who uses presups arguments for a worldview he cannot justify and acts as if that’s an justification which proves his worldview is entirely relative meaning he has no basis for truth claims which means his position is ultimately untenable and thus self refuting as he can’t even prove his worldview to be true.
Stop using terms you dont understand you gigantic fucking retard it's you who's using presuppositionalism in the most glaring and painfully obvious way, you don't understand VALID VS SOUND and you argue in circles within an internal model do you not fucking understand what INTERNAL MODEL means and why it's fallacious??? This is kindergarten level of epistemology
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
After analysing both science and religion the truth is you need faith for both

If ur an atheist you need to believe that space and time and life could literally come from an explosion in nothing

You have to believe life came to be from non life

Both of these require faith as if u remove a creator from the equation shit hardly makes any more sense
I don't really care about religion or atheism, but this is an IQ83 take

atheism = all of science

religion = all of science + an omnipotent creator of everything
Stop using terms you dont understand you gigantic fucking retard it's you who's using presuppositionalism in the most glaring and painfully obvious way, you don't understand VALID VS SOUND and you argue in circles within an internal model do you not fucking understand what INTERNAL MODEL means and why it's fallacious??? This is kindergarten level of epistemology
The fucking irony. This twat who doesn’t know what the word presupposition means (which is what your doing your presupposing that these foundational things which exist are there because THEY ARE JUST THERE the same way your dumbass asked why the universe cannot be eternal lol) you don’t even know the 4 rules of Logic and you misrepresented Occam’s Razor Something I had to correct you on my little pet 😉

Your a Gaytheist I made you my bitch and if I saw you irk I’d also make you my little white girl now know your place bitch you got schooled and just repeated the same shit over and over with your incoherent circular babble your a little bitch
The fucking irony. This twat who doesn’t know what the word presupposition means (which is what your doing your presupposing that these foundational things which exist are there because THEY ARE JUST THERE the same way your dumbass asked why the universe cannot be eternal lol) you don’t even know the 4 rules of Logic and you misrepresented Occam’s Razor Something I had to correct you on my little pet 😉

Your a Gaytheist I made you my bitch and if I saw you irk I’d also make you my little white girl now know your place bitch you got schooled and just repeated the same shit over and over with your incoherent circular babble your a little bitch
The nerve on the person who's been using AI to respond to me this whole time and still think he's humiliating or making anyone his bitch. Want to see how it's so easy for me to expose you and put you on the spot by watching you run away for obvious reasons? I invite you to debate this IN VIDEO, I can make a live stream where people on here can watch. We'll see how much you can humilate me.
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The nerve on the person who's been using AI to respond to me this whole time and still think he's humiliating or making anyone his bitch. Want to see how it's so easy for me to expose you and put out on the spot by watching you run away for obvious reasons? I invite you to debate this IN VIDEO, I can make a live stream where people on here can watch. We'll see how much you can humilate me.
Not the whole time I already have transcripts of debating atheists in my folder you idiots all make the same arguments all I need do is grab them change a few words and bamn new argument. It’s just annoying to do so. In fact I have even saved some of the new points I have made here against you so thanks for that I guess. Most Gaytheiests state their position clearly but you didn’t do it was harder 🤷‍♂️

Why you got a YT video? If you think you’re so good why don’t you debate Jay dyer? You scared your worldview willl be shattered ? You scared you’ll be raped
Not the whole time I already have transcripts of debating atheists in my folder you idiots all make the same arguments all I need do is grab them change a few words and bamn new argument. It’s just annoying to do so. In fact I have even saved some of the new points I have made here against you so thanks for that I guess. Most Gaytheiests state their position clearly but you didn’t do it was harder 🤷‍♂️
Hahahaha. You're so fucking pathetic. That's why you're so convinced of your stupidity, you've never been humbled in a true face to face debate, you can only hide behind the keyboard with prompt commands and scripts. Run away like the little fraud deluded bitch you are.
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Hahahaha. You're so fucking pathetic. That's why you're so convinced of your stupidity, you've never been humbled in a true face to face debate, you can only hide behind the keyboard with prompt commands and scripts. Run away like the little fraud deluded bitch you are.
Why don’t you go debate Jay dyer? Or Jim Bob? Are you scared they prob already raped you haven’t they LOL your my bitch stfu you Gaytheist I’ll raoe youn
Why don’t you go debate Jay dyer? Or Jim Bob? Are you scared they prob already raped you haven’t they LOL your my bitch stfu you Gaytheist I’ll raoe youn
I don't have a channel you absolute idiot I need to have credentials to debate these people, I proposed a random LIVE STREAM, this has nothing to do with a structured moderated debate on Youtube. Holy shit the things you'll run to to mask your cop out, mf thinks he'll look better if he points out I'm not debating "Jay Dier" :lul::lul::lul:. If you're scared of being exposed then go to "the line" or the atheist experience channel and call them, they have a call in show about this where they're on every Sunday. See how much you can humiliate them and walk away content with your performance.

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