Why do i look so weird/ugly

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Lil bro u sound just like me lol. I had braces for an “overjet” when I was young now I’m planing for jaw surgery.

The reason you have a overjet to begin with is because your jaws are recessed and didn’t develop properly. Once you are 18 or older you have no more jaw development left.

The only thing to do is Orthogatic Sue where the cut your jaws ad move them forward. Then wire your mouth shut.

It costs 10s of thousands of dollars and you will be swollen for months.

Double jaw surgery result on a black woman:

Low tier Subhuman to mid tier subhuman
  • JFL
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Ngl I thought you were 13-14 at first lol and that’s in a horrendous way. And don’t try arguing with anybody on here, the first step to improving is admitting you’re not good. Take all the advice u can get cus ur gonna need it. If I were u I’d change literally everything. The dreads ain’t even doing you Justice man
Holy shi I’m not tryna put you down but how are you 17? How tall r u
Holy shi I’m not tryna put you down but how are you 17? How tall r u
Im 5’9 also like i said earlier im still 16 but really close to 17 so i say it to avoid confusion
Ngl I thought you were 13-14 at first lol and that’s in a horrendous way. And don’t try arguing with anybody on here, the first step to improving is admitting you’re not good. Take all the advice u can get cus ur gonna need it. If I were u I’d change literally everything. The dreads ain’t even doing you Justice man
I literally said im not good, but tbh alot of people here suck ass at rating, no girl irl has said half the shit the niggas here say
  • So Sad
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Biggest flaw.
Midface is recessed alot.
😭😭 one of my friends is a bitcoin bandit and were tight so he can hook me up. Is my browridge fine? Will it develop anymore since im a really late bloomer. What abt injecting.
sim swapper?
Someone told me i need lefort. Am i fine with just bsso and genio or should i get lefort as well
U need a lefort to not having a fucking underbite u nigglet. (Well depends)
imma just ask my dentist
A fucking dentist doesnt know how many mms u need ur lower jaw moved to look good therefore they cant know if u r gonna need a lefort to not have an underbite. U literally have a black person IQ
A fucking dentist doesnt know how many mms u need ur lower jaw moved to look good therefore they cant know if u r gonna need a lefort to not have an underbite. U literally have a black person IQ
only a monkey retard would get a surgery because looksmax.org users told him to.
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be fr my nigga do you think im gonna get surgery cus a nigga on looksmax.org told me to. im gonna ask the orthodontist lmaoooo
Yeah ure a dumb nigger stay ugly u dumb fuck
  • JFL
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I know that but my overjet pushes my lip up and forward which decreases my chin protrusion. When i move my chin below my front tooth my chin looks normal so fixing overjet will give me a normal chin.
im legit doing a dentist degree rn bro... go for the genioplasty or at the very least get fillers + grow a beard... if u dont do anything to increase chin mass orthodontics wont do shit for u.
also i had your level of neotony when i was 17 and now i look much more normal after 2 years of chewing and a lot of chin fillers... neck training also helps. the rest of ur features look fine, u got nice hair and eyes too, dont worry.
also fuck everyone saying bimax, ur black lmao, it will be bad cause ur maxilla is already in perfect place and i doubt u have a bad malloclusion
You look like Alton Mason if he had all his face bones removed
im legit doing a dentist degree rn bro... go for the genioplasty or at the very least get fillers + grow a beard... if u dont do anything to increase chin mass orthodontics wont do shit for u.
So just genio?
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Im pretty sure i have mostly good features like high cheekbones and good forward growth yet i look like a mtn at best. I know i look neotenous but it still confuses me.

Can someone help me?
How old are you? You look a bit young ngl
Lowerthirdmaxx ASAP.

Chew gums and hard food. It helped me a lot at 16. You have less time however to make gains, however. You're unfortunately also not going to fully reverse the unideal growth of your jaw/chin.
My opinion, you're fine. You could pull decently.
Your frame is fucking tiny, like wow! That's what I see from that photograph of you with your friends by your sides. Contracted skeleton.
As for your face, your eyes are big and the rest of your face is smaller to them. You have sufficent foward growth, but your face is flat. There is also a recessed jaw, but it doesn't seem problematic to me for whatever reason. You seem to have no browridge and no frontal sinus.
I suggest you cutemaxx until your development comes through, it seems really late.
I have no idea what the other commenters are writing about, you're not repulsive looking.
or fillers, cause i know u wont do shit if its surgery
Ill do surgery when im 18 my friend said hed pay it. hopefully i can get it dont earlier. Ill ask the orthodontist

Lowerthirdmaxx ASAP.

Chew gums and hard food. It helped me a lot at 16. You have less time however to make gains, however. You're unfortunately also not going to fully reverse the unideal growth of your jaw/chin.
Ok thank you
My opinion, you're fine. You could pull decently.
Your frame is fucking tiny, like wow! That's what I see from that photograph of you with your friends by your sides. Contracted skeleton.
As for your face, your eyes are big and the rest of your face is smaller to them. You have sufficent foward growth, but your face is flat. There is also a recessed jaw, but it doesn't seem problematic to me for whatever reason. You seem to have no browridge and no frontal sinus.
I suggest you cutemaxx until your development comes through, it seems really late.
I have no idea what the other commenters are writing about, you're not repulsive looking.
that picture is super old, ive grown ALOT since then
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If yov'e grown a lot, why would you post an old ass photo? When I ask for looksmaxing advice, I should posta picture of myself at 12 OK.
If yov'e grown a lot, why would you post an old ass photo? When I ask for looksmaxing advice, I should posta picture of myself at 12 OK.
The only old photo is me with my friends, i posted it to show how much i grew
I havent ever tried which is why i cant complain about not getting girls. Everyone i talk to says i look like a 12 yr old. Im 5’9 and taller than most ppl in my school.
Do you go to school in Mumbai? 5’9 is below avg for a 17 year old
no its not + im still 16 just turning 17 soon. im taller than most people here and equal height to most.
Pray for a growth spurt
Bro you’re 5’9 at (basically) 17. I get you’ve grown 5 inches thus far but puberty works differently for everyone so don’t expect to grow to 6ft just cos you’ve grown within the last year.
Bro you’re 5’9 at (basically) 17. I get you’ve grown 5 inches thus far but puberty works differently for everyone so don’t expect to grow to 6ft just cos you’ve grown within the last year.
Bro im not below average height + im obviously gonna grow alot more
OP could cutemax.
You have insane harmony. Go get a girlfriend
Have a good puberty and fix your chin in adulthood
fucking hell it might be genuinely over for you if you dont Gymmax and get surgery bro your in your prime years you should be slaying highschool bitches but you look like you go on fucking discord debates🤣🤣😭
No neck for your face
IMG 4129

Unironically there is neck for your face though
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