Why is this website and the blackpill treated as some holy grail?

I found this site after I did a Google search when a girl called me ugly in bed.

I admit I was a normie, hell maybe even worse cos I thought I was reasonably high value cos a lot of Becky's were into me.

This site taught me about JBW, 95-5 theory, race/ locationmaxxing, ethnic failos, AF/BB, really opened my eyes.

So no I don't think normies know much at all
Still taught us nothing about aesthetics that we didn't know. All of that is common redpill-ish knowledge. I knew about af/bf, 95-5, ethnic failos, etc far before finding this site. It's just disguised as other things like "gold-digger", "setlle down", and "fuckboy" by normies. Indian people are mocked by pop culture as well so should be obvious.

I guess this site is good for people with 0 self awareness or critical thinking skills, which in that case it's over anyways.
we know significantly more than normies. remember, normies get rhino for their recessed maxillae :owo:
95% of people don't have clinically recessed maxillas.
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Personality only give you around 1 SMV point, if you see dudes scoring above that is thanks to status/money (which btw also give you only 1 SMV point for LTR)
Nobody here is sub5. 1 SMV point is ascension.
Most of what you say is true but you are underestimating how many ugly people there are here.
I am one of them.
I am not happy to be ugly but without this site i would have never realised many things. I have not been on incel forums since 2010(or whenever you started), i've been living my normie-maxed out life with my ugly ass face in this time.
But at a certain age, it gets to you. If you can't take all the fakeness of 30 year old washed out foids who want to start a family and settle then there is not much you can do with your social/sexual life, if you are ugly. And it just so happens that i am in this "niche".

I did most if not all the "normie-tier" shit you mention and it only gets you so far.
Do you really think whitening your teeth and fashion maxxing will help you slay if you have prey eyes and 404 jaw not found? You're dellusional.

You say that people here say that if only they were in the 0.1% good looking percent of the population they would slay. It's not entirely accurate but close.
I would argue that the best 5% looking men fuck whatever they want and i have numerous things that prove this.

If you are not a retarded human being who can not make the difference between living a "normie life" and actually having women lust for you then yes, this site is useless. If you live an entire life without 1-2-5 women actually lusting for you than you are missing out on some very important things. I think this is the main goal of this community, but ofc i might be wrong.
I've seen your face. You're a normie with greasy hair and unkempt beard. Probably poor social skills and unassimilated in society.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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Yeah everything is available on internet but not compiled everything like on this site imagine searching about skincare on youtube and try all normie stuff lose bunch of time. Imagine ask about jaw surgeries on r/jawsurgery and take answers like no bro you look good no need surgery imo. Meanwhile there is one plastic surgeon, one maxfax and dozens of autistic psl scientist to help you. This is what make this site valuable it's community.
  • +1
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Yeah everything is available on internet but not compiled everything like on this site imagine searching about skincare on youtube and try all normie stuff lose bunch of time. Imagine ask about jaw surgeries on r/jawsurgery and take answers like no bro you look good no need surgery imo. Meanwhile there is one plastic surgeon, one maxfax and dozens of autistic psl scientist to help you. This is what make this site valuable it's community.
Nobody has any advice here that bluepilled doctors can't give you. I went to an ortho and he sent me to a maxfac who gave me a detailed surgery plan. 99% of people who get bimax are bluepilled normies.
Most users here are super arrogant
  • JFL
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The truth tbh
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Problem is people will read and research but never actually do anything I guess.
The longer you spend here without ascending the less credibility you should have imo :feelsthink:
Normie don't even know the important of looks outside of dating life.

If you ask normies why you ignored that ugly guy he will probably told you

Normie think = "bro that guy is annoying or he is a weird or I have nothing to talk with him etc.

the truth aka the blackpill is = "I don't want to spend time around that guy because he is ugly with low status and will most likely bring my social herashies down."

What blackpilled is so special isn't dating advice but life advice in general, social herashies, halo effect, dopamine seritonin, we as a human need attention from another people, your life quality is hugely effecting by looks etc.
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Normie don't even know the important of looks outside of dating life.

If you ask normies why you ignored that ugly guy he will probably told you

Normie think = "bro that guy is annoying or he is a weird or I have nothing to talk with him etc.

the truth aka the blackpill is = "I don't want to spend time around that guy because he is ugly with low status and will most likely bring my social herashies down."

What blackpilled is so special isn't dating advice but life advice in general, social herashies, halo effect, dopamine seritonin, we as a human need attention from another people, your life quality is hugely effecting by looks etc.
Not at all. They just don't want to be rude. Piss a normie off and the first thing they will do is call you ugly.
Most of my blackpill knowledge comes from scientific studies & articles tbh. This site has mostly made me depressed and more autistic.
this place was fucking amazing in 2019-20 in the dyorotic and extra chromosome heightmaxxing days and Nate and his oneitis. It's over for this place now ngl it's 1/10th as good
The site had more autists that’s why. They made the most dedicated looksmaxxers.

I remember one user @ZyzzReincarnate did everything OP said and ascended. He gymcelled, roidmaxxed, changed style and got a perm.
Everyone here is either a failed normie+ and/or autistic. They point to guys who make up 0.1% of the population and say "muh if I looked like that I could slay" as an excuse to void fixing their shit non-NT personality. I'm unironically the only actual in(voluntarily)cel(ibate) person who stumbled onto here and it's sad since I can't even relate to anyone.
What makes you think every normie-looking "autist" can become/fraud NT?

I think that's why a lot of 'em are improving their looks cuz the train to being NT passed a long time ago (childhood development) so the only option left is to become as good looking as possible to offset the lack of social skills.

This isn't any kind of secret knowledge. We know nothing more than normies, we actually know less. Normies get perms, tans, stylemaxxing, etc which is not discussed on here at all.
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Most of what you say is true but you are underestimating how many ugly people there are here.
I am one of them.
I am not happy to be ugly but without this site i would have never realised many things. I have not been on incel forums since 2010(or whenever you started), i've been living my normie-maxed out life with my ugly ass face in this time.
But at a certain age, it gets to you. If you can't take all the fakeness of 30 year old washed out foids who want to start a family and settle then there is not much you can do with your social/sexual life, if you are ugly. And it just so happens that i am in this "niche".

I did most if not all the "normie-tier" shit you mention and it only gets you so far.
Do you really think whitening your teeth and fashion maxxing will help you slay if you have prey eyes and 404 jaw not found? You're dellusional.

You say that people here say that if only they were in the 0.1% good looking percent of the population they would slay. It's not entirely accurate but close.
I would argue that the best 5% looking men fuck whatever they want and i have numerous things that prove this.

If you are not a retarded human being who can not make the difference between living a "normie life" and actually having women lust for you then yes, this site is useless. If you live an entire life without 1-2-5 women actually lusting for you than you are missing out on some very important things. I think this is the main goal of this community, but ofc i might be wrong.
what was the problems with dating these 30 year old women
Yeah everything is available on internet but not compiled everything like on this site imagine searching about skincare on youtube and try all normie stuff lose bunch of time. Imagine ask about jaw surgeries on r/jawsurgery and take answers like no bro you look good no need surgery imo. Meanwhile there is one plastic surgeon, one maxfax and dozens of autistic psl scientist to help you. This is what make this site valuable it's community.
The mog battles are invaluable. It's like Pokemon battles
What makes you think every normie-looking "autist" can become/fraud NT?

I think that's why a lot of 'em are improving their looks cuz the train to being NT passed a long time ago (childhood development) so the only option left is to become as good looking as possible to offset the lack of social skills.

Not even Chads can be non-NT. Unless you're a 7+ PSL GigaChad then you need to be NT. Every single Chad is extremely social and neurotypical with great social skills.

And no, you can easily become NT at any age assuming you don't have autism. Just leave your house for once. You can even fraud NT-ness with haircuts and clothes. It's just easier to mental-masturbate over becoming a PSL god after getting 20 obscure surgeries.
  • Hmm...
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I agree wholeheartedly. I even see normies on here discussing dates (wtf) why would ppl even be on this site if they have girlfriend or are getting dates. Beyond tired of this shit
  • +1
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I agree wholeheartedly. I even see normies on here discussing dates (wtf) why would ppl even be on this site if they have girlfriend or are getting dates. Beyond tired of this shit
They'll talk about getting bimax for 2mm of recession and then a few weeks later make threads about their Tinder matches and girls they meet with. Pisses me off.
  • +1
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They'll talk about getting bimax for 2mm of recession and then a few weeks later make threads about their Tinder matches and girls they meet with. Pisses me off.
You kind of hit the nail on the head with this post
The site had more autists that’s why. They made the most dedicated looksmaxxers.

I remember one user @ZyzzReincarnate did everything OP said and ascended. He gymcelled, roidmaxxed, changed style and got a perm.
No perm natural curly hair
I learned about this from Weston Price. He expanded the maxilla of a down syndrome patient and the patient grew 3 inches taller and became more dimorphic and better functioning.

Then I researched the pituitary gland and found out it's the master gland and it influences all other glands.
do you have a link, please
fuck off with that shit. Incels.is is not a suitable alternative for Looksmax.org. The site that I want to exist is a Looksmax, with the same Looksmax.org/Lookism.net/PSL culture, with a user base made up of all ugly people and no normie+s.
That would just show that looksmaxxing and PSL is cope
Normie don't even know the important of looks outside of dating life.

If you ask normies why you ignored that ugly guy he will probably told you

Normie think = "bro that guy is annoying or he is a weird or I have nothing to talk with him etc.

the truth aka the blackpill is = "I don't want to spend time around that guy because he is ugly with low status and will most likely bring my social herashies down."

What blackpilled is so special isn't dating advice but life advice in general, social herashies, halo effect, dopamine seritonin, we as a human need attention from another people, your life quality is hugely effecting by looks etc.
this is a brutal pill even many hardcore blackpillers on here are unwilling to swallow. looks matter even to other guys, no guy wants to associate with an ugly guy

go to any college and you will see how most people in friend groups are looksmatched, and if not, there is one or 2 guys there with incredibly high levels of NT/charisma to compensate (the type that is genetic and can't be attained through regular socialmaxxing)
  • +1
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do you have a link, please

It's in his book. Just google weston price pdf.

Also check these threads
  • Love it
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tbh this site’s current userbase is shit (way too normie) and should be composed wholly of subhuman truecels. I’d like the forum’s activities to consist of a bunch of deformed truecels discussing Le Fort III and kings-of-manlets discussing limb-lengthening.
bro there are normies here trying to looksmax but they find u niggas and turn into you niggas more like u niggas should make someshit called surgeryforums or someshit or move to incels.is or whatever that fuckshit site for losers is 🤷‍♂️ ur lazy sissy faggot personalities and habits rub on people contagious as shit
bro there are normies here trying to looksmax but they find u niggas and turn into you niggas more like u niggas should make someshit called surgeryforums or someshit or move to incels.is or whatever that fuckshit site for losers is 🤷‍♂️ ur lazy sissy faggot personalities and habits rub on people contagious as shit
This site is for surgerymaxxing. Softmaxxing is literally called being a normal NT person with some sense of self awareness. I've been doing every softmaxx on this website since I was in middle school.

Imagine needing an autistic website to tell you to the gym, whiten your teeth, etc. Fucking neurodivergent autists.
This site is for surgerymaxxing. Softmaxxing is literally called being a normal NT person with some sense of self awareness. I've been doing every softmaxx on this website since I was in middle school.

Imagine needing an autistic website to tell you to the gym, whiten your teeth, etc. Fucking neurodivergent autists.
Nigga using incel terms ion understand shit ur saying NT 🤓
there is utube for soft maxes there is better "soft maxes" then that ofc "Fucking neurodivergent autists."
ur spending ur life on here ur not so smart either LMAO 11k post dont shit on other people 🤦‍♂️
cuck :trepidation:
Nigga using incel terms ion understand shit ur saying NT 🤓
there is utube for soft maxes there is better "soft maxes" then that ofc "Fucking neurodivergent autists."
ur spending ur life on here ur not so smart either LMAO 11k post dont shit on other people 🤦‍♂️
cuck :trepidation:
My face is ugly and I need multiple surgeries, hence why I spend time on here. If you don't need surgery, this site really has nothing of value. Just a bunch of autists preaching about thumb sucking and face thrusting while drinking pasteurized milk and bag-breathing.

If you need YouTube for softmaxxes, it's already over. Normies just look at other people like neurotypical people do and follow them. You don't need to soulless ad collecting youtuber to tell you to hit the gym and comb your hair unless you're a hyper-neurodivergent autist.
What makes you think every normie-looking "autist" can become/fraud NT?

I think that's why a lot of 'em are improving their looks cuz the train to being NT passed a long time ago (childhood development) so the only option left is to become as good looking as possible to offset the lack of social skills.

This is the absolute truth. OP is a fucking ignorant dick. He's right that most of us are Non NT failed normies but we cant simply just change our "Non NT" personality. And even if we do somehow, most of us are arleady out of middle school where our non NT reputations have been cemented. So we are trying to up our looks threshold as our final hope to be accepted back into social groups and live the normie lifestyle again. You cant really become successful in life without having good connections with high status normies. @LooksOverAll
this place was fucking amazing in 2019-20 in the dyorotic and extra chromosome heightmaxxing days and Nate and his oneitis. It's over for this place now ngl it's 1/10th as good
heightmaxxing is the only decent advice this piece of shithole forum gives, lefort 3 mewing all that shit is cope

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