Why not take the whitepill?



Aug 22, 2024
It’s more fulfilling to not care about the BP.
A healthy mind nurtures a healthy body.
I won’t deny the BP, But I will say that it is horrible for mental health, especially when it’s an ongoing crisis with men, and male suicide rates are higher then ever before in history
The whitepill offers an opportunity, happiness for incels.

Focus on improving your interpersonal relationships, and making those connections stronger, if you don’t have any, build some, it isn’t impossible.

Go out in nature, Smoke some weed, call your grandparents and tell them you love them, try airsoft. Anything to distance your self from the BP, while accepting it at a farther distance.
I’d like to hear your thoughts. I’m open to any criticism or counter arguments.
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Not that simple, once you've taken it and it's gotten a strong hold on you you can't just live as if you never heard anything about it or that it's a lie... either it has an effect on you that is hard to ignore and break free from or it doesn't, you don't choose how it affects you and if you're unfortunate enough to have been exposed to it while getting the negative effects from it then ignoring it is just a cop out that won't work
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You dont choose to take the white pill it just happens.

For me I became white pilled after an existential crisis. I realized nothing really matters as long as you have friends and family to love and you can feel the grass on your feet and the wind on your body.

You cannot take money and looks to your grave. Everybody knows this but it will hit you 1000x harder than ever before at some point in your life, maybe after a death of a loved one, or wondering about what happens after death.

With this realization the importance of the blackpill, anxiety, depression, hopelessness just disappeared in one night after struggling with them for so long.

Not to say the blackpill, importance of money and looks don't matter or exist. Just with the whitepill it doesn't affect your mental state anymore. You have more love, empathy, and gratuity.
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  • +1
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We all only have one shot at the perspective of our existence. One shot at free will. Why not maxx that experience?
because it suggests that the BP is not neutral truth but actually an arbiter of bad omen or something
it's just self righteous cope
  • +1
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It’s more fulfilling to not care about the BP.
A healthy mind nurtures a healthy body.
I won’t deny the BP, But I will say that it is horrible for mental health, especially when it’s an ongoing crisis with men, and male suicide rates are higher then ever before in history
The whitepill offers an opportunity, happiness for incels.

Focus on improving your interpersonal relationships, and making those connections stronger, if you don’t have any, build some, it isn’t impossible.

Go out in nature, Smoke some weed, call your grandparents and tell them you love them, try airsoft. Anything to distance your self from the BP, while accepting it at a farther distance.
I’d like to hear your thoughts. I’m open to any criticism or counter arguments.
I must mog.
Whitepiller death!
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I’d argue it’s more of an extension to the blackpill itself. No coping or denying the truth, but accepting it in a different perspective. White pill is the light side of the Blackpill.
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You dont choose to take the white pill it just happens.

For me I became white pilled after an existential crisis. I realized nothing really matters as long as you have friends and family to love and you can feel the grass on your feet and the wind on your body.

You cannot take money and looks to your grave. Everybody knows this but it will hit you 1000x harder than ever before at some point in your life, maybe after a death of a loved one, or wondering about what happens after death.

With this realization the importance of the blackpill, anxiety, depression, hopelessness just disappeared in one night after struggling with them for so long.

Not to say the blackpill, importance of money and looks don't matter or exist. Just with the whitepill it doesn't affect your mental state anymore. You have more love, empathy, and gratuity.
Tbh ye I just forgot about the BP and stopped really caring after my best friend died, never really made the connection :what:
  • +1
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I’m sorry that happened to you, how has the grief process affected you?
Tbh ye I just forgot about the BP and stopped really caring after my best friend died, never really made the conn
I’m sorry that happened to you, how has the grief process affected you?
I am unemotional person so I'm fine now tbh

But I left college and just bummed out for a bit, smoked more weed

Going back to college now. Will mog harder than ever.

The blackpill is back. Fuck you :chad:
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I believe in you brother, Become unstoppable, in the greatest respect, for your friend.
  • +1
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It’s more fulfilling to not care about the BP.
A healthy mind nurtures a healthy body.
I won’t deny the BP, But I will say that it is horrible for mental health, especially when it’s an ongoing crisis with men, and male suicide rates are higher then ever before in history
The whitepill offers an opportunity, happiness for incels.

Focus on improving your interpersonal relationships, and making those connections stronger, if you don’t have any, build some, it isn’t impossible.

Go out in nature, Smoke some weed, call your grandparents and tell them you love them, try airsoft. Anything to distance your self from the BP, while accepting it at a farther distance.
I’d like to hear your thoughts. I’m open to any criticism or counter arguments.
With whitepill you still are blackpilled tho. You can't forget it, you can only temporarily cope also its really hard to accept things like huge physical failos , maybe something like heavy balding in late teens early 20s .
Some shit fuck your brain until you die or you solve it
We all only have one shot at the perspective of our existence. One shot at free will. Why not maxx that experience?
it all comes down to what whats really important and that is what you should put the majority of our focus on. I believe this to be family and human relationships in general.

If you could manage doing it all at once great, however going down the path of the black pill is a path to nihilism.

With nihilism you lack love, and that affects your relationships.
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Reactions: judas_wolve
I understand your frustration and perspective, I offer you my empathy.
If that happened, (premature balding), or like you said some shit to fuck with my brain, i would change the way my brain. reacts. “Yeah im balding, it’s really messing with me.” “People treat me different.” Those thoughts, if the came to mind at anytime i would make it a habit to respond to them with “do these people really matter to me” and if they don’t, it won’t matter.
With whitepill you still are blackpilled tho. You can't forget it, you can only temporarily cope also it’s really hard to accept things like huge physical failos , maybe something like heavy balding in late teens early 20s .
Some shit fuck your brain until you die or you solve it
it all comes down to what whats really important and that is what you should put the majority of our focus on. I believe this to be family and human relationships in general.

If you could manage doing it all at once great, however going down the path of the black pill is a path to nihilism.
We are extremely social animals. I believe it’s biological, whats driven us forward. Depending on what you believe, We could agree to say we are all naturally social. We are also so extremely lucky that we’ve been gifted in socializing in the most intelligent and intimate ways possible.

We are also intelligent enough to form, comprehend and communicate forms of belief and philosophy.

Nihilistic perspectives are controllable.
Genetics aren’t.
I understand your frustration and perspective, I offer you my empathy.
If that happened, (premature balding), or like you said some shit to fuck with my brain, i would change the way my brain. reacts. “Yeah im balding, it’s really messing with me.” “People treat me different.” Those thoughts, if the came to mind at anytime i would make it a habit to respond to them with “do these people really matter to me” and if they don’t, it won’t matter.
I was nw4 at like 21 with heavy thinning i reversed it to nw2 medium density in like 4 years , they still look like kinda shit tho.
Very hard to manipulate ur brain like that tho , when people used to look at me i could tell they were disgusted and in pity thats one of the worst feeling you can have regardless if those people matter or not to you
u are not even remotely blackpilled.
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All of us, all humans have been both blessed and cursed with the ability to,
Look into someone else’s eyes and understand.
When you looked into their eyes and understood they were disgusted with you, i would assume a lot of things were racing in your mind. “Why”, “What did I do” , “What’s my fault”. And when you understood it came to be, “Me”

Nobody is alike. Not everyone will find you disgusting. There’s a lot of people, and they outway the people don’t, that see you in a different light, and appreciate things that matter about you.

I can understand you, and at the end of the day, time moves forward.
why do u think u ended up here
I originally wanted a rating.

But then as i explored the app more I wanted publicly available information on style, gym related training tips/progress and to see other people’s perspectives on different topics.

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