Why tf do people here consider Slavs as "not White" ?

Natural selection , after so many Wars , Revolutions , Dictatorships and generally dark and rough times , instead of Intellectualism , it was Survivalness that was selected for and needed

This one I don't know why tbh but it is true

They aren't infected by (((American))) poison , in Slavic countries , Frame , Height and Money is what matter the most , meanwhile in (((Western))) countries especially in America , Men are expected to have 10/10 Faces ignoring the fact that Models , Actors , Celebrities etc most have a ton of plastic surgeries
Very good observations bhai
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Natural selection , after so many Wars , Revolutions , Dictatorships and generally dark and rough times , instead of Intellectualism , it was Survivalness that was selected for and needed

This one I don't know why tbh but it is true

They aren't infected by (((American))) poison , in Slavic countries , Frame , Height and Money is what matter the most , meanwhile in (((Western))) countries especially in America , Men are expected to have 10/10 Faces ignoring the fact that Models , Actors , Celebrities etc most have a ton of plastic surgeries

@cloUder @Dr. Bruh
Btw bhai u look like u know a lot about slavs, do I think I can do ok with Slavic foids?

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@Chinacurry What's your height ?
Oh about the non-White part , The Anglos hated the Irish and even enslaved them for a lot of time , they considered them "non-White" even though they are in the North and have one of the highest percentages of Blue Eyes and Red Hair in the world , they also have the fairest skin

@Chinacurry Anglos even considered Scandinaviane "non-White" a long time ago , peak irony
C1c 6

Anglos even considered the Germans as "non-White"

Oh about the non-White part , The Anglos hated the Irish and even enslaved them for a lot of time , they considered them "non-White" even though they are in the North and have one of the highest percentages of Blue Eyes and Red Hair in the world , they also have the fairest skin

Yea this I know. When I say white I basically mean angles, Germans, Dutch, Danes.

I don't count anyone with dark features like Spanish or Italian or Greek or turkish, cos in Asia they are hated for being too tanned/ swarthy
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Yea this I know. When I say white I basically mean angles, Germans, Dutch, Danes.

I don't count anyone with dark features like Spanish or Italian or Greek or turkish, cos in Asia they are hated for being too tanned/ swarthy
In Asia , it's dark/swarthy skin that's hated but the combination of fair skin and dark hair/eyes is an Asian Beauty Standard , look at Korean and Japanese celebrities and the history of those countries
Pretty white to me
They're about as white as jews
because nazi muricans and germans larp as if only germanic people (including anglos) are white

based on complexion slavs are whiter than anglos
Because jewish propaganda is the strongest propaganda. Hail hitler.

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