Why tf do people here consider Slavs as "not White" ?

Nah, native dutch people consider slavs lowIQ, uncivilized, thuggish, propensity for criminality/violence, etc.
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  • JFL
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their genetics is pretty similar to germanic people but hitler put them as lower than even asians ...

maybe its because they're not as smart or something? their countries are shit and they're poor
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This is a common trait of sfcels, most are off brand whites claiming a race that doesn't even acknowledge them

Yeah this, have observed this a lot in sfcels, especially in latam, u get guys dressing up and doing nazi salutes talking their heritage and how their grand dad was a nazi and threatening to beat up Korean and Chinese immigrants, and those niggas look like little andean chimpanzees themselves
  • JFL
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Nah, native dutch people consider slavs lowIQ, uncivilized, thuggish, propensity for criminality/violence, etc.
I think they're low iq mainly cos they're poor. 60 years ago they did loads of high iq shit.

Main thing that stands out for me about them is I just find the men incredibly ugly
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their genetics is pretty similar to germanic people but hitler put them as lower than even asians ...

maybe its because they're not as smart or something? their countries are shit and they're poor
I agree , High IQ user , btw Slavs have the highest percentage of Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes after Scandinavians , if you count Finns as Slavs , they have the highest percentage of Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes in the world
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their genetics is pretty similar to germanic people but hitler put them as lower than even asians ...

maybe its because they're not as smart or something? their countries are shit and they're poor
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I agree , High IQ user , btw Slavs have the highest percentage of Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes after Scandinavians , if you count Finns as Slavs , they have the highest percentage of Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes in the world
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Only slavic women are white. Men are in the same category as nigger monkeys
  • JFL
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I think they're low iq mainly cos they're poor. 60 years ago they did loads of high iq shit.

Main thing that stands out for me about them is I just find the men incredibly ugly
60 years ago, slavlands were even more poor. Countries like Poland didn't even have ANY highways back then. It's improved over the decades.

And yeah, slavs are ugly and therefore also discriminated
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60 years ago, slavlands were even more poor. Countries like Poland didn't even have ANY highways back then. It's improved over the decades.

And yeah, slavs are ugly and therefore also discriminated
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@Dr. Bruh
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  • JFL
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dnr but Slavs>>>>>>>Every other European.
Why be "White" when you can be better? Slavs are easily the best people on the internet. And all that piracy is nice too, Slavs always seed.
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dnr but Slavs>>>>>>>Every other European.
Why be "White" when you can be better? Slavs are easily the best people on the internet. And all that piracy is nice too, Slavs always seed.
IMG 20230405 WA00102

Hell Yeah
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he looks like shit facially
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Asian noses and weird skulls are common, if you are slavic and have a normal caucasoid skull and a normal nose you're fine
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They have some asian admixture from when the mongols conquered them. They were also always enemies of the west since roman and greek times
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slaves are very mixed with gooks, jews, churkas and gypsys
basically mutts
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They have some asian admixture from when the mongols conquered them. They were also always enemies of the west since roman and greek times
No they dont, moron. You can never post any evidence of that asian admixture even if your life depended on it.
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No they dont, moron. You can never post any evidence of that asian admixture even if your life depended on it.
They literally have it in their face with monolid eyes, flat maxillas, and flat noses. The ones without those features are just regular whites but are brought down by being born in slav land
They literally have it in their face with monolid eyes, flat maxillas, and flat noses. The ones without those features are just regular whites but are brought down by being born in slav land

No they dont, and i noticed you didnt provide genetic evidence for them being asian. So even if what youre saying was true, those features would only accidently look asian.
  • Hmm...
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Aryan > Anglo(yeah good looking anglos are above good looking scandinavians, but the avarage scandinavian is better good looking than the avarage anglo) > scandinavians > slavs > med > latinos > asians > niggers > curries. You're welcome
Aryan > Anglo(yeah good looking anglos are above good looking scandinavians, but the avarage scandinavian is better good looking than the avarage anglo)
Yeah Exactly
> scandinavians > slavs > med > latinos > asians > niggers > curries. You're welcome
Aryan/Germanic/Scandinavian > Slav > Asian > Med > Curries > Latinos > Niggers
Because of their nigger tier culture.
Slavs have the second highest percentage of Blue Eyes and Blonde Hair after Scandinavians , and if you count Finns as Slavs then just know that Finland has the highest percentage of Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes in the world
Slavs also tend to be Tall and Framemoggers , The Czech Republic has an average height for Men of 6 Foot , same as Denmark , one of the Tallest in the world
blonde men look gay and blonde women want to get inseminated by darker men from more southerly countries, blonde women dont like blonde men fucking lol, look at any street interview from Scandinavia where they ask the girl what is her type, they always describe med men. Scandanavian men are cucked by meds lol
slaves are very mixed with gooks, jews, churkas and gypsys
basically mutts
Wow I never knew this, I always thought the opposite, that they were a super pure inbred white people.

If they are so mixed how come the men are so facially ugly?
Wow I never knew this, I always thought the opposite, that they were a super pure inbred white people.

If they are so mixed how come the men are so facially ugly?
Slavs aren't mixed , don't trust that retarded faggot

Slavs are ironically the most pure Whites after Scandinavians these days
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blonde men look gay and blonde women want to get inseminated by darker men from more southerly countries, blonde women dont like blonde men fucking lol, look at any street interview from Scandinavia where they ask the girl what is her type, they always describe med men. Scandanavian men are cucked by meds lol
Stfu Shitskin , no one wants you , kys , keep coping shitskin

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Slavs aren't mixed , don't trust that retarded faggot

Slavs are ironically the most pure Whites after Scandinavians these days
View attachment 2206133

Ah got u.

I always wondered a few things about slavs:

1. How do they go from putting niggas in space and building hypersonic bombers, to being low iq and making meme videos of their low iq?

2. How r the women so hot and the men so ugly?

3. How have they managed, even in 2023 to keep the women so loyal and so uninterested in How men look, and only value men based on their money and their ogre/size?? Do the women just not have exposure to western media??
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Ah got u.

I always wondered a few things about slavs:

1. How do they go from putting niggas in space and building hypersonic bombers, to being low iq and making meme videos of their low iq?
Natural selection , after so many Wars , Revolutions , Dictatorships and generally dark and rough times , instead of Intellectualism , it was Survivalness that was selected for and needed
2. How r the women so hot and the men so ugly?
This one I don't know why tbh but it is true
3. How have they managed, even in 2023 to keep the women so loyal and so uninterested in How men look, and only value men based on their money and their ogre/size?? Do the women just not have exposure to western media??
They aren't infected by (((American))) poison , in Slavic countries , Frame , Height and Money is what matter the most , meanwhile in (((Western))) countries especially in America , Men are expected to have 10/10 Faces ignoring the fact that Models , Actors , Celebrities etc most have a ton of plastic surgeries

@cloUder @Dr. Bruh

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