Why trying too hard is ruining your sex appeal



May 3, 2023
You NEVER want to look like you are trying too hard for your looks.

This might seem counter-intuitive to some of you brain fried PSL-ers, but looking like a tryhard with your looks, in ANY category, is extremely feminine.

Before I continue, I want to show you examples of what being a tryhard at looking good looks like:
-Eyebrow removal
-Dressing with oversided "I look like a fucking geek" clothes
-Being in "bodybuilder"/fitness model(juiced single digit year round) level shape
-Excessive feminine accessories like earrings
Etc you get the idea.

I am not saying absolutely avoid all of these at all costs, but if you do decide that you need to do them, you NEED to make it seem like it is effortless.

-Dont have dorkish ass hairstyles like fringes,shit that covers your forehead, or any style that looks like it needs 30 minutes to get done. You need a low maintanance hairstyle.
-Do skincare if your skin is really shit (you are wasting your time tho, fix your diet, if that doesnt work, you are genetically doomed in that regard), but dont seem like you put semen on your face.
-Gymmax by all means but don't EVER think to roidmax or be unhealthily low bf as a natural thinking it is maximising your appeal. The reason girls dont like bodybuilders, well one of the biggest reasons why, is because they look way too unnatural and tryhard.
-Remove your eyebrows in some areas if they are really bushy or have a shitty shape, or use something to thicken them, but dont look like you go to the saloon to get them done like a bitch FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Etc etc etc

When you see guys with these kind of traits they look very "kept" and "maintained", and not in a good way.
Sure women will find you attractive if you are objectively attractive, after all, you are an objective attractive person of the opposite sex.
But this doesn't mean that its ideal and your sex appeal is anywhere near where it should be.

There is a reason why rugged masculinity has, is, and will forever be peak male sex appeal. There is a reason why guys like Jason Momoa sorta phenotype is one of the most lust inducing one and is literally unmoggable in real life.

Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.

Apart from Jason's good genetics, sure, plenty of people have good genetics. Does not mean they are peak appeal.

It is because his phenotype embeds the highest form of genetic material in a seamless way. He is obviously put together, but NOTHING looks tryhard.

-He has long hair, which contrary to what you might think, is not feminine, rather the opposite. Men are also supposed to be having long hair despite modern slavecuck society. He wears it in a bun or free flowing all the time, again not putting much effort into it.
-Beard is either a stubble or a longer, but scruffy and not extremely well trimmed, again, displaying low levels of maintanance.
-Does not fraud anything in his face
-Has a muscular physique (which is likely roidmaxxed for certain roles) but even then never anything beyond single digit bf% really, even for Aquaman it probably was 10-12%. He usually walks around at 15% bf or so.
-Has a casual style of clothing, nothing complicated
Etc etc

There are other elements of his sex appeal unrelated to not "tryharding" of course, like skin tone, voice, height, demeanor etc. but looking non-tryhard and seamlessly put together is a HUGE part of it.

I tested this out myself when I MOGGED an entire beach this year. Keep in mind the place was full of tourists, but predominanty white.
I am 6'1, Med-looking, lean muscular physique, longer hair, but with all of these things put together in a non-tryhard way. Not insanely jacked or lean, long hair but simple hairstyle, a simply groomed disconnected goattee.
I mogged prettyboys, Germans and Nordics, some were taller than me but with way less appeal, having way lighter features.
Now you might say oh dark features play a big part in sex appeal, so that was why. Sure, but I did also mog other Latino, Italian and Med looking guys with pretty similar pheno to me, a few might get rated PSL wise higher than me here, but as I am explaining in this post, looked TOO highly maintained.
Especially those Italians. Those mfs looked like a girl ffs. Clean shaven, eyebrows done, earrings, skin looking like they got a facial from all the skincare they prob did, unnessecary jewelery etc.
How do I know I mogged? Because all the girls in the vicinity were choosing me, and all the dudes I mentioned that were there with gfs, I constanly caught them checking me out.
I can PM you pictures if you think I am lying.

Went a little off topic but the main point is, you want to look as best as you genetically can without looking like you are trying.
This goes for anything in life and not just looks/attracting women. It's like those dorks who tryhard at gaming, and even though they are extremely good, people usually despise them for trying so hard and taking such thing so seriously.
It is the same for dating as well. After all, dating is a game too, and you NEVER want to look like you are playing it too seriously. You want to seem like someone who just happens to be great at it seamlessly, even if underneath you have put effort to it.

I also want to make some clarifications as you mfs here take every word at face value and fail to extrapolate.
You obviously have to look at yourself and decide what you absolutely can and cannot afford to do.
For example, yes I said that haircuts that fringe haircuts are unideal, but if you have a heavily receding hairline, it is in your better interest to keep the hair for now.
If you are a little flabby, it is better to wear something more regular sized rather than fitted, until you lose your bodyfat.
You get the idea.

You might say, worthless post, this only applies if you are goodlooking or tall.
But NO, it is in fact the exact OPPOSITE.
If you are short or ugly, anything you do that is overt and clearly shows you are trying to look better, will in fact make you less appealing. Like gymcelling as a 5'6 dude for example, you need to be careful not to put much mass (which is easy to do at that height), as most people will automatically assume you are coping for your height with physique.
If you are goodlooking, you will be perceived as a narcissist and even gay if you look like you take too much care of yourself.

As I previously mentioned, you need to experience with yourself and assess your own situation. Find out what you ABSOLUTELY cannot afford to do, and work around everything else. Don't do every "looksmax" you see here.
I see people in the street who I can tell with almost certainty are on this forum, or at least tiktokcel looksmaxxers. You can straight up tell by their hair, what they wear, their fucking forced squinted expression etc. It looks fucking cringe in real life and is NOT getting any women wet.

You need to effortlessly look as good as you genetically can.
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5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: CelestialEmpire, Reiatsu, floopmaxxed and 9 others
  • +1
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exactly what I said, being in bodybuilder/fitness model conditioning year round implies either roid usage or if natty unhealithy low bf. In both cases it is extremely tryhard
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exactly what I said, being in bodybuilder/fitness model conditioning year round implies either roid usage or if natty unhealithy low bf. In both cases it is extremely tryhard
nobody here does that retard
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nobody here does that retard
thats besides the point you moron, that was an example of what I meant. And I have come across people here who have done that
Tldr, you wanna looksmax so your skin and features look good without doing much styling
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Just health indicator max
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Just health indicator max
true, sex appeal maxxing is basically health indicator maxxing. Thats why long hair actually increases sex appeal and not decrease, because its a big indicator of health.
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even if a curry will try, he will fail. just get white
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Robert Greene level ramblings
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Reactions: niqfan625 and floopmaxxed
Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.
stopped reading from here(y)
  • +1
  • JFL
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I agree, if you look tryhard, it means your genetic potential is so bad you need to cope with looks, however, looking good seemingly effortlessly gives you manly aura, a idgaf attitude and girls love that. You still need to look put together tho.
On the other hand, it is kinda stupid that in our society, efforts are shamed and only genetics matter, for example, hairstyle today you must look like you wore up like that but before, comb lines in hair were a halo, now you'd look tryhard, imo that's the results of globalisation and looks inflation
  • +1
Reactions: niqfan625, porn, itzyaboyJJ and 4 others
I agree, if you look tryhard, it means your genetic potential is so bad you need to cope with looks, however, looking good seemingly effortlessly gives you manly aura, a idgaf attitude and girls love that. You still need to look put together tho.
On the other hand, it is kinda stupid that in our society, efforts are shamed and only genetics matter, for example, hairstyle today you must look like you wore up like that but before, comb lines in hair were a halo, now you'd look tryhard, imo that's the results of globalisation and looks inflation
true, and its only for men. Society appreciates women for trying and shames men who try. Hair transplant is an example, if you have hair naturally, good, if you don't and get them transplanted, its trying too hard
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You have to tryhard without looking like you tryhard.
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You NEVER want to look like you are trying too hard for your looks.

This might seem counter-intuitive to some of you brain fried PSL-ers, but looking like a tryhard with your looks, in ANY category, is extremely feminine.

Before I continue, I want to show you examples of what being a tryhard at looking good looks like:
-Eyebrow removal
-Dressing with oversided "I look like a fucking geek" clothes
-Being in "bodybuilder"/fitness model(juiced single digit year round) level shape
-Excessive feminine accessories like earrings
Etc you get the idea.

I am not saying absolutely avoid all of these at all costs, but if you do decide that you need to do them, you NEED to make it seem like it is effortless.

-Dont have dorkish ass hairstyles like fringes,shit that covers your forehead, or any style that looks like it needs 30 minutes to get done. You need a low maintanance hairstyle.
-Do skincare if your skin is really shit (you are wasting your time tho, fix your diet, if that doesnt work, you are genetically doomed in that regard), but dont seem like you put semen on your face.
-Gymmax by all means but don't EVER think to roidmax or be unhealthily low bf as a natural thinking it is maximising your appeal. The reason girls dont like bodybuilders, well one of the biggest reasons why, is because they look way too unnatural and tryhard.
-Remove your eyebrows in some areas if they are really bushy or have a shitty shape, or use something to thicken them, but dont look like you go to the saloon to get them done like a bitch FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Etc etc etc

When you see guys with these kind of traits they look very "kept" and "maintained", and not in a good way.
Sure women will find you attractive if you are objectively attractive, after all, you are an objective attractive person of the opposite sex.
But this doesn't mean that its ideal and your sex appeal is anywhere near where it should be.

There is a reason why rugged masculinity has, is, and will forever be peak male sex appeal. There is a reason why guys like Jason Momoa sorta phenotype is one of the most lust inducing one and is literally unmoggable in real life.

Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.

Apart from Jason's good genetics, sure, plenty of people have good genetics. Does not mean they are peak appeal.

It is because his phenotype embeds the highest form of genetic material in a seamless way. He is obviously put together, but NOTHING looks tryhard.

-He has long hair, which contrary to what you might think, is not feminine, rather the opposite. Men are also supposed to be having long hair despite modern slavecuck society. He wears it in a bun or free flowing all the time, again not putting much effort into it.
-Beard is either a stubble or a longer, but scruffy and not extremely well trimmed, again, displaying low levels of maintanance.
-Does not fraud anything in his face
-Has a muscular physique (which is likely roidmaxxed for certain roles) but even then never anything beyond single digit bf% really, even for Aquaman it probably was 10-12%. He usually walks around at 15% bf or so.
-Has a casual style of clothing, nothing complicated
Etc etc

There are other elements of his sex appeal unrelated to not "tryharding" of course, like skin tone, voice, height, demeanor etc. but looking non-tryhard and seamlessly put together is a HUGE part of it.

I tested this out myself when I MOGGED an entire beach this year. Keep in mind the place was full of tourists, but predominanty white.
I am 6'1, Med-looking, lean muscular physique, longer hair, but with all of these things put together in a non-tryhard way. Not insanely jacked or lean, long hair but simple hairstyle, a simply groomed disconnected goattee.
I mogged prettyboys, Germans and Nordics, some were taller than me but with way less appeal, having way lighter features.
Now you might say oh dark features play a big part in sex appeal, so that was why. Sure, but I did also mog other Latino, Italian and Med looking guys with pretty similar pheno to me, a few might get rated PSL wise higher than me here, but as I am explaining in this post, looked TOO highly maintained.
Especially those Italians. Those mfs looked like a girl ffs. Clean shaven, eyebrows done, earrings, skin looking like they got a facial from all the skincare they prob did, unnessecary jewelery etc.
How do I know I mogged? Because all the girls in the vicinity were choosing me, and all the dudes I mentioned that were there with gfs, I constanly caught them checking me out.
I can PM you pictures if you think I am lying.

Went a little off topic but the main point is, you want to look as best as you genetically can without looking like you are trying.
This goes for anything in life and not just looks/attracting women. It's like those dorks who tryhard at gaming, and even though they are extremely good, people usually despise them for trying so hard and taking such thing so seriously.
It is the same for dating as well. After all, dating is a game too, and you NEVER want to look like you are playing it too seriously. You want to seem like someone who just happens to be great at it seamlessly, even if underneath you have put effort to it.

I also want to make some clarifications as you mfs here take every word at face value and fail to extrapolate.
You obviously have to look at yourself and decide what you absolutely can and cannot afford to do.
For example, yes I said that haircuts that fringe haircuts are unideal, but if you have a heavily receding hairline, it is in your better interest to keep the hair for now.
If you are a little flabby, it is better to wear something more regular sized rather than fitted, until you lose your bodyfat.
You get the idea.

You might say, worthless post, this only applies if you are goodlooking or tall.
But NO, it is in fact the exact OPPOSITE.
If you are short or ugly, anything you do that is overt and clearly shows you are trying to look better, will in fact make you less appealing. Like gymcelling as a 5'6 dude for example, you need to be careful not to put much mass (which is easy to do at that height), as most people will automatically assume you are coping for your height with physique.
If you are goodlooking, you will be perceived as a narcissist and even gay if you look like you take too much care of yourself.

As I previously mentioned, you need to experience with yourself and assess your own situation. Find out what you ABSOLUTELY cannot afford to do, and work around everything else. Don't do every "looksmax" you see here.
I see people in the street who I can tell with almost certainty are on this forum, or at least tiktokcel looksmaxxers. You can straight up tell by their hair, what they wear, their fucking forced squinted expression etc. It looks fucking cringe in real life and is NOT getting any women wet.

You need to effortlessly look as good as you genetically can.
Good thread but it has some cope,
there is nothing wrong with being well groomed or looking like it unless you take it to the extreme level and look like bogdanoff, Also HEAVY on the squinting/frauding part, i used to be doing that shi thinking i like good but all i got was narcissist and gay accusations by women (JFL).
Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.

Apart from Jason's good genetics, sure, plenty of people have good genetics. Does not mean they are peak appeal.

It is because his phenotype embeds the highest form of genetic material in a seamless way. He is obviously put together, but NOTHING looks tryhard.
Also about this, it depends on the age and the maturity of the women, not all of them will pick jason momoa, most likely middle aged or in the bit older side.
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I would disagree on the oversized clothes, they make you look less like a tryhard and that you show some nonchalantness instead kf looking like you are trying too much to show your body and muscles
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  • +1
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Italians would call this sprezzatura.
You must make your exceptionality appear effortless and natural, as if it was part of your very being and not something you painstakingly put together. I can see this applying to looks, too, but the difference here lies in the fact that you should put the maximum effort in your looks while also making it look as spontaneous as possible
  • +1
Reactions: Reiatsu, greywind, NitoRump and 2 others
ahahahaha no way you really think in a village of 18-25 yo woman they would pick jason momoa because he doesn't look like tryhard.what you say is true that you need to look good while making it effortless but YOU NEED TO BE GOOD LOOKING first
ahahahaha no way you really think in a village of 18-25 yo woman they would pick jason momoa because he doesn't look like tryhard.what you say is true that you need to look good while making it effortless but YOU NEED TO BE GOOD LOOKING first
obv not only because of that, all men I mentioned would be considered good looking. Momoa would slay because he is the manliest out of all; and I dont only mean in a dimophism maxxed type of way which he is, but also in a "I just happen to have good genes" type of way, he looks he just gets out of bed like that. All the other guys look tryhard/feminine/gay compared to him since it clearly looks like they are trying hard for their looks
I would disagree on the oversized clothes, they make you look less like a tryhard and that you show some nonchalantness instead kf looking like you are trying too much to show your body and muscles
wearing fitted clothes, even if you have muscles is not tryhard at all. Its a professional/manly way of dressing. There is a difference between wearing clothes that hug the skin, and wearing blood-restricting clothes. Its like those girls who wear tight ass leggings, it obv looks tryhard and a crying for attention slut. Whereas a fitted pair of nice pants can let her show her femininity in a elegant way
Also about this, it depends on the age and the maturity of the women, not all of them will pick jason momoa, most likely middle aged or in the bit older side.
nah trust me, a top tier dimorphism maxxed male with great health indicators (good hair, muscle mass + low bf, good skin) is the most primal form of attraction women enjoy in men. We are all mammals at the end of the day, and even with modern society normalising men looking more feminine, we are encoded genetically to find high dimorphism + health indicators the most attractive. I see people saying older men are seen as ogre and mature women appeal that is simple cope and not true. Getting older as a man literally increases dimophism and boosts your sex appeal. Its only because some guys lose their health indicators (lose hair, get fat get wrinkles etc) that they lose attraction points. Which if they had good genes and lifestyle habits, it shouldnt happen
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Reactions: likenesss, freshpeppermint and SDPmaggot
'Men are supposed to have long hair'

Meanwhile chad slays effortlessly with a buzz/crew fade ... what is this retarded cope, yeah don't look like a metrosexual faggot but don't hobo max just to appear like you're not trying
  • +1
Reactions: Surgerymaxxer1998
'Men are supposed to have long hair'

Meanwhile chad slays effortlessly with a buzz/crew fade ... what is this retarded cope, yeah don't look like a metrosexual faggot but don't hobo max just to appear like you're not trying
I heard this a zillion times in this forum, chad slays with this, chad slays with that. Yeah, he would slay no matter what, but he would have MAXIMUM appeal with long hair. Hair is a very strong health indicator, coupled with good dimorphism and its a deadly combo. Jason Momoa, Vito Basso, Roman Reigns etc. are great examples of what hair can do to sex appeal.
  • +1
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obv not only because of that, all men I mentioned would be considered good looking. Momoa would slay because he is the manliest out of all; and I dont only mean in a dimophism maxxed type of way which he is, but also in a "I just happen to have good genes" type of way, he looks he just gets out of bed like that. All the other guys look tryhard/feminine/gay compared to him since it clearly looks like they are trying hard for their looks
yes but the fact he look the most manliest in a 18-25 yo girl range would not make him the guy who slay the most
yes but the fact he look the most manliest in a 18-25 yo girl range would not make him the guy who slay the most
he would slay the most. Very high dimophism + great health indicators is ultimate slayer pheno. I said this about 1000 times by now, but we are MAMMALS at the end of the day, and we sexually behave like one. Sure appeal is now influenced by society and modern culture but being attracted to a healthy highly dimorphic person of opposite sex is what our genes ultimately tell us.
he would slay the most. Very high dimophism + great health indicators is ultimate slayer pheno. I said this about 1000 times by now, but we are MAMMALS at the end of the day, and we sexually behave like one. Sure appeal is now influenced by society and modern culture but being attracted to a healthy highly dimorphic person of opposite sex is what our genes ultimately tell us.
ok now do the same with woman,take 5 woman and i will tell you who i choose we wil see if my instinct or my logic will reply
ok now do the same with woman,take 5 woman and i will tell you who i choose we wil see if my instinct or my logic will reply
cant be bothered that far, just imagine a tall high PSL runway model and a pornstar, which one ignites primal desire to fuck. Obv the pornstar, because of highly dimorphic body with insane high E markers.
You NEVER want to look like you are trying too hard for your looks.

This might seem counter-intuitive to some of you brain fried PSL-ers, but looking like a tryhard with your looks, in ANY category, is extremely feminine.

Before I continue, I want to show you examples of what being a tryhard at looking good looks like:
-Eyebrow removal
-Dressing with oversided "I look like a fucking geek" clothes
-Being in "bodybuilder"/fitness model(juiced single digit year round) level shape
-Excessive feminine accessories like earrings
Etc you get the idea.

I am not saying absolutely avoid all of these at all costs, but if you do decide that you need to do them, you NEED to make it seem like it is effortless.

-Dont have dorkish ass hairstyles like fringes,shit that covers your forehead, or any style that looks like it needs 30 minutes to get done. You need a low maintanance hairstyle.
-Do skincare if your skin is really shit (you are wasting your time tho, fix your diet, if that doesnt work, you are genetically doomed in that regard), but dont seem like you put semen on your face.
-Gymmax by all means but don't EVER think to roidmax or be unhealthily low bf as a natural thinking it is maximising your appeal. The reason girls dont like bodybuilders, well one of the biggest reasons why, is because they look way too unnatural and tryhard.
-Remove your eyebrows in some areas if they are really bushy or have a shitty shape, or use something to thicken them, but dont look like you go to the saloon to get them done like a bitch FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Etc etc etc

When you see guys with these kind of traits they look very "kept" and "maintained", and not in a good way.
Sure women will find you attractive if you are objectively attractive, after all, you are an objective attractive person of the opposite sex.
But this doesn't mean that its ideal and your sex appeal is anywhere near where it should be.

There is a reason why rugged masculinity has, is, and will forever be peak male sex appeal. There is a reason why guys like Jason Momoa sorta phenotype is one of the most lust inducing one and is literally unmoggable in real life.

Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.

Apart from Jason's good genetics, sure, plenty of people have good genetics. Does not mean they are peak appeal.

It is because his phenotype embeds the highest form of genetic material in a seamless way. He is obviously put together, but NOTHING looks tryhard.

-He has long hair, which contrary to what you might think, is not feminine, rather the opposite. Men are also supposed to be having long hair despite modern slavecuck society. He wears it in a bun or free flowing all the time, again not putting much effort into it.
-Beard is either a stubble or a longer, but scruffy and not extremely well trimmed, again, displaying low levels of maintanance.
-Does not fraud anything in his face
-Has a muscular physique (which is likely roidmaxxed for certain roles) but even then never anything beyond single digit bf% really, even for Aquaman it probably was 10-12%. He usually walks around at 15% bf or so.
-Has a casual style of clothing, nothing complicated
Etc etc

There are other elements of his sex appeal unrelated to not "tryharding" of course, like skin tone, voice, height, demeanor etc. but looking non-tryhard and seamlessly put together is a HUGE part of it.

I tested this out myself when I MOGGED an entire beach this year. Keep in mind the place was full of tourists, but predominanty white.
I am 6'1, Med-looking, lean muscular physique, longer hair, but with all of these things put together in a non-tryhard way. Not insanely jacked or lean, long hair but simple hairstyle, a simply groomed disconnected goattee.
I mogged prettyboys, Germans and Nordics, some were taller than me but with way less appeal, having way lighter features.
Now you might say oh dark features play a big part in sex appeal, so that was why. Sure, but I did also mog other Latino, Italian and Med looking guys with pretty similar pheno to me, a few might get rated PSL wise higher than me here, but as I am explaining in this post, looked TOO highly maintained.
Especially those Italians. Those mfs looked like a girl ffs. Clean shaven, eyebrows done, earrings, skin looking like they got a facial from all the skincare they prob did, unnessecary jewelery etc.
How do I know I mogged? Because all the girls in the vicinity were choosing me, and all the dudes I mentioned that were there with gfs, I constanly caught them checking me out.
I can PM you pictures if you think I am lying.

Went a little off topic but the main point is, you want to look as best as you genetically can without looking like you are trying.
This goes for anything in life and not just looks/attracting women. It's like those dorks who tryhard at gaming, and even though they are extremely good, people usually despise them for trying so hard and taking such thing so seriously.
It is the same for dating as well. After all, dating is a game too, and you NEVER want to look like you are playing it too seriously. You want to seem like someone who just happens to be great at it seamlessly, even if underneath you have put effort to it.

I also want to make some clarifications as you mfs here take every word at face value and fail to extrapolate.
You obviously have to look at yourself and decide what you absolutely can and cannot afford to do.
For example, yes I said that haircuts that fringe haircuts are unideal, but if you have a heavily receding hairline, it is in your better interest to keep the hair for now.
If you are a little flabby, it is better to wear something more regular sized rather than fitted, until you lose your bodyfat.
You get the idea.

You might say, worthless post, this only applies if you are goodlooking or tall.
But NO, it is in fact the exact OPPOSITE.
If you are short or ugly, anything you do that is overt and clearly shows you are trying to look better, will in fact make you less appealing. Like gymcelling as a 5'6 dude for example, you need to be careful not to put much mass (which is easy to do at that height), as most people will automatically assume you are coping for your height with physique.
If you are goodlooking, you will be perceived as a narcissist and even gay if you look like you take too much care of yourself.

As I previously mentioned, you need to experience with yourself and assess your own situation. Find out what you ABSOLUTELY cannot afford to do, and work around everything else. Don't do every "looksmax" you see here.
I see people in the street who I can tell with almost certainty are on this forum, or at least tiktokcel looksmaxxers. You can straight up tell by their hair, what they wear, their fucking forced squinted expression etc. It looks fucking cringe in real life and is NOT getting any women wet.

You need to effortlessly look as good as you genetically can.
hey r picking vinnie over jason
  • +1
Reactions: Goldenlightskin
You NEVER want to look like you are trying too hard for your looks.

This might seem counter-intuitive to some of you brain fried PSL-ers, but looking like a tryhard with your looks, in ANY category, is extremely feminine.

Before I continue, I want to show you examples of what being a tryhard at looking good looks like:
-Eyebrow removal
-Dressing with oversided "I look like a fucking geek" clothes
-Being in "bodybuilder"/fitness model(juiced single digit year round) level shape
-Excessive feminine accessories like earrings
Etc you get the idea.

I am not saying absolutely avoid all of these at all costs, but if you do decide that you need to do them, you NEED to make it seem like it is effortless.

-Dont have dorkish ass hairstyles like fringes,shit that covers your forehead, or any style that looks like it needs 30 minutes to get done. You need a low maintanance hairstyle.
-Do skincare if your skin is really shit (you are wasting your time tho, fix your diet, if that doesnt work, you are genetically doomed in that regard), but dont seem like you put semen on your face.
-Gymmax by all means but don't EVER think to roidmax or be unhealthily low bf as a natural thinking it is maximising your appeal. The reason girls dont like bodybuilders, well one of the biggest reasons why, is because they look way too unnatural and tryhard.
-Remove your eyebrows in some areas if they are really bushy or have a shitty shape, or use something to thicken them, but dont look like you go to the saloon to get them done like a bitch FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Etc etc etc

When you see guys with these kind of traits they look very "kept" and "maintained", and not in a good way.
Sure women will find you attractive if you are objectively attractive, after all, you are an objective attractive person of the opposite sex.
But this doesn't mean that its ideal and your sex appeal is anywhere near where it should be.

There is a reason why rugged masculinity has, is, and will forever be peak male sex appeal. There is a reason why guys like Jason Momoa sorta phenotype is one of the most lust inducing one and is literally unmoggable in real life.

Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.

Apart from Jason's good genetics, sure, plenty of people have good genetics. Does not mean they are peak appeal.

It is because his phenotype embeds the highest form of genetic material in a seamless way. He is obviously put together, but NOTHING looks tryhard.

-He has long hair, which contrary to what you might think, is not feminine, rather the opposite. Men are also supposed to be having long hair despite modern slavecuck society. He wears it in a bun or free flowing all the time, again not putting much effort into it.
-Beard is either a stubble or a longer, but scruffy and not extremely well trimmed, again, displaying low levels of maintanance.
-Does not fraud anything in his face
-Has a muscular physique (which is likely roidmaxxed for certain roles) but even then never anything beyond single digit bf% really, even for Aquaman it probably was 10-12%. He usually walks around at 15% bf or so.
-Has a casual style of clothing, nothing complicated
Etc etc

There are other elements of his sex appeal unrelated to not "tryharding" of course, like skin tone, voice, height, demeanor etc. but looking non-tryhard and seamlessly put together is a HUGE part of it.

I tested this out myself when I MOGGED an entire beach this year. Keep in mind the place was full of tourists, but predominanty white.
I am 6'1, Med-looking, lean muscular physique, longer hair, but with all of these things put together in a non-tryhard way. Not insanely jacked or lean, long hair but simple hairstyle, a simply groomed disconnected goattee.
I mogged prettyboys, Germans and Nordics, some were taller than me but with way less appeal, having way lighter features.
Now you might say oh dark features play a big part in sex appeal, so that was why. Sure, but I did also mog other Latino, Italian and Med looking guys with pretty similar pheno to me, a few might get rated PSL wise higher than me here, but as I am explaining in this post, looked TOO highly maintained.
Especially those Italians. Those mfs looked like a girl ffs. Clean shaven, eyebrows done, earrings, skin looking like they got a facial from all the skincare they prob did, unnessecary jewelery etc.
How do I know I mogged? Because all the girls in the vicinity were choosing me, and all the dudes I mentioned that were there with gfs, I constanly caught them checking me out.
I can PM you pictures if you think I am lying.

Went a little off topic but the main point is, you want to look as best as you genetically can without looking like you are trying.
This goes for anything in life and not just looks/attracting women. It's like those dorks who tryhard at gaming, and even though they are extremely good, people usually despise them for trying so hard and taking such thing so seriously.
It is the same for dating as well. After all, dating is a game too, and you NEVER want to look like you are playing it too seriously. You want to seem like someone who just happens to be great at it seamlessly, even if underneath you have put effort to it.

I also want to make some clarifications as you mfs here take every word at face value and fail to extrapolate.
You obviously have to look at yourself and decide what you absolutely can and cannot afford to do.
For example, yes I said that haircuts that fringe haircuts are unideal, but if you have a heavily receding hairline, it is in your better interest to keep the hair for now.
If you are a little flabby, it is better to wear something more regular sized rather than fitted, until you lose your bodyfat.
You get the idea.

You might say, worthless post, this only applies if you are goodlooking or tall.
But NO, it is in fact the exact OPPOSITE.
If you are short or ugly, anything you do that is overt and clearly shows you are trying to look better, will in fact make you less appealing. Like gymcelling as a 5'6 dude for example, you need to be careful not to put much mass (which is easy to do at that height), as most people will automatically assume you are coping for your height with physique.
If you are goodlooking, you will be perceived as a narcissist and even gay if you look like you take too much care of yourself.

As I previously mentioned, you need to experience with yourself and assess your own situation. Find out what you ABSOLUTELY cannot afford to do, and work around everything else. Don't do every "looksmax" you see here.
I see people in the street who I can tell with almost certainty are on this forum, or at least tiktokcel looksmaxxers. You can straight up tell by their hair, what they wear, their fucking forced squinted expression etc. It looks fucking cringe in real life and is NOT getting any women wet.

You need to effortlessly look as good as you genetically can.
This autist you are over complicating existing
cant be bothered that far, just imagine a tall high PSL runway model and a pornstar, which one ignites primal desire to fuck. Obv the pornstar, because of highly dimorphic body with insane high E markers.
you assume Sophie Rain>Adriana Lima :)
you assume Sophie Rain>Adriana Lima :)
sophie rain is a fuckdoll, adriana lima is what you would want your wife to look like. adriana lima is more objectively attractive but sophie rain is more sexually attractive
sophie rain is a fuckdoll, adriana lima is what you would want your wife to look like. adriana lima is more objectively attractive but sophie rain is more sexually attractive
yes and we are looking for a wife JFL if people want to look good just to fuck every woman with big ass
  • +1
Reactions: EthiopianMaxxer
yes and we are looking for a wife JFL if people want to look good just to fuck every woman with big ass
the entire point of this site is to maximise your sexual attraction to the opposite sex as much as possible. but this site has done the opposite and is teaching men how to be more attractive in autists eyes
  • +1
Reactions: likenesss, EthiopianMaxxer and Goldenlightskin
the entire point of this site is to maximise your sexual attraction to the opposite sex as much as possible. but this site has done the opposite and is teaching men how to be more attractive in autists eyes
true that why the PSL scale doesn't make any sense to me and you should just aim to look like an actor or a tiktok prettyboy
  • +1
Reactions: likenesss, EthiopianMaxxer and NitoRump
true that why the PSL scale doesn't make any sense to me and you should just aim to look like an actor or a tiktok prettyboy
at least I can 100% agree with you on the first part, however looking like a tiktok prettyboy seems good on screen but IRL has no appeal. You will look gay and feminine. Actors I agree but even them are heavily being bluepilled as much as possible by the mainstream media in the recent years
at least I can 100% agree with you on the first part, however looking like a tiktok prettyboy seems good on screen but IRL has no appeal. You will look gay and feminine. Actors I agree but even them are heavily being bluepilled as much as possible by the mainstream media in the recent years
i think prettyboy is good still you are in high school but then you should aim to be robust prettyboy
  • +1
Reactions: NitoRump
until you get in a fight in front of your bitch and some nigga pulls your hair
until you get in a fight in front of your bitch and some nigga pulls your hair
that is not how fights between men look like lol, you either hit or get hit. Aint no one grabbing a dudes hair in a fight this isnt WWE
that is not how fights between men look like lol, you either hit or get hit. Aint no one grabbing a dudes hair in a fight this isnt WWE
Yeah u never been in a street fight, cooked
sophie rain is a fuckdoll, adriana lima is what you would want your wife to look like. adriana lima is more objectively attractive but sophie rain is more sexually attractive
its the opposite Sophie is marriage material. Adriana ONS only. she looks cheap without make up
You NEVER want to look like you are trying too hard for your looks.

This might seem counter-intuitive to some of you brain fried PSL-ers, but looking like a tryhard with your looks, in ANY category, is extremely feminine.

Before I continue, I want to show you examples of what being a tryhard at looking good looks like:
-Eyebrow removal
-Dressing with oversided "I look like a fucking geek" clothes
-Being in "bodybuilder"/fitness model(juiced single digit year round) level shape
-Excessive feminine accessories like earrings
Etc you get the idea.

I am not saying absolutely avoid all of these at all costs, but if you do decide that you need to do them, you NEED to make it seem like it is effortless.

-Dont have dorkish ass hairstyles like fringes,shit that covers your forehead, or any style that looks like it needs 30 minutes to get done. You need a low maintanance hairstyle.
-Do skincare if your skin is really shit (you are wasting your time tho, fix your diet, if that doesnt work, you are genetically doomed in that regard), but dont seem like you put semen on your face.
-Gymmax by all means but don't EVER think to roidmax or be unhealthily low bf as a natural thinking it is maximising your appeal. The reason girls dont like bodybuilders, well one of the biggest reasons why, is because they look way too unnatural and tryhard.
-Remove your eyebrows in some areas if they are really bushy or have a shitty shape, or use something to thicken them, but dont look like you go to the saloon to get them done like a bitch FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Etc etc etc

When you see guys with these kind of traits they look very "kept" and "maintained", and not in a good way.
Sure women will find you attractive if you are objectively attractive, after all, you are an objective attractive person of the opposite sex.
But this doesn't mean that its ideal and your sex appeal is anywhere near where it should be.

There is a reason why rugged masculinity has, is, and will forever be peak male sex appeal. There is a reason why guys like Jason Momoa sorta phenotype is one of the most lust inducing one and is literally unmoggable in real life.

Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.

Apart from Jason's good genetics, sure, plenty of people have good genetics. Does not mean they are peak appeal.

It is because his phenotype embeds the highest form of genetic material in a seamless way. He is obviously put together, but NOTHING looks tryhard.

-He has long hair, which contrary to what you might think, is not feminine, rather the opposite. Men are also supposed to be having long hair despite modern slavecuck society. He wears it in a bun or free flowing all the time, again not putting much effort into it.
-Beard is either a stubble or a longer, but scruffy and not extremely well trimmed, again, displaying low levels of maintanance.
-Does not fraud anything in his face
-Has a muscular physique (which is likely roidmaxxed for certain roles) but even then never anything beyond single digit bf% really, even for Aquaman it probably was 10-12%. He usually walks around at 15% bf or so.
-Has a casual style of clothing, nothing complicated
Etc etc

There are other elements of his sex appeal unrelated to not "tryharding" of course, like skin tone, voice, height, demeanor etc. but looking non-tryhard and seamlessly put together is a HUGE part of it.

I tested this out myself when I MOGGED an entire beach this year. Keep in mind the place was full of tourists, but predominanty white.
I am 6'1, Med-looking, lean muscular physique, longer hair, but with all of these things put together in a non-tryhard way. Not insanely jacked or lean, long hair but simple hairstyle, a simply groomed disconnected goattee.
I mogged prettyboys, Germans and Nordics, some were taller than me but with way less appeal, having way lighter features.
Now you might say oh dark features play a big part in sex appeal, so that was why. Sure, but I did also mog other Latino, Italian and Med looking guys with pretty similar pheno to me, a few might get rated PSL wise higher than me here, but as I am explaining in this post, looked TOO highly maintained.
Especially those Italians. Those mfs looked like a girl ffs. Clean shaven, eyebrows done, earrings, skin looking like they got a facial from all the skincare they prob did, unnessecary jewelery etc.
How do I know I mogged? Because all the girls in the vicinity were choosing me, and all the dudes I mentioned that were there with gfs, I constanly caught them checking me out.
I can PM you pictures if you think I am lying.

Went a little off topic but the main point is, you want to look as best as you genetically can without looking like you are trying.
This goes for anything in life and not just looks/attracting women. It's like those dorks who tryhard at gaming, and even though they are extremely good, people usually despise them for trying so hard and taking such thing so seriously.
It is the same for dating as well. After all, dating is a game too, and you NEVER want to look like you are playing it too seriously. You want to seem like someone who just happens to be great at it seamlessly, even if underneath you have put effort to it.

I also want to make some clarifications as you mfs here take every word at face value and fail to extrapolate.
You obviously have to look at yourself and decide what you absolutely can and cannot afford to do.
For example, yes I said that haircuts that fringe haircuts are unideal, but if you have a heavily receding hairline, it is in your better interest to keep the hair for now.
If you are a little flabby, it is better to wear something more regular sized rather than fitted, until you lose your bodyfat.
You get the idea.

You might say, worthless post, this only applies if you are goodlooking or tall.
But NO, it is in fact the exact OPPOSITE.
If you are short or ugly, anything you do that is overt and clearly shows you are trying to look better, will in fact make you less appealing. Like gymcelling as a 5'6 dude for example, you need to be careful not to put much mass (which is easy to do at that height), as most people will automatically assume you are coping for your height with physique.
If you are goodlooking, you will be perceived as a narcissist and even gay if you look like you take too much care of yourself.

As I previously mentioned, you need to experience with yourself and assess your own situation. Find out what you ABSOLUTELY cannot afford to do, and work around everything else. Don't do every "looksmax" you see here.
I see people in the street who I can tell with almost certainty are on this forum, or at least tiktokcel looksmaxxers. You can straight up tell by their hair, what they wear, their fucking forced squinted expression etc. It looks fucking cringe in real life and is NOT getting any women wet.

You need to effortlessly look as good as you genetically can.
DNR :soy:
that is not how fights between men look like lol, you either hit or get hit. Aint no one grabbing a dudes hair in a fight this isnt WWE
Yeah u never been in a street fight, cooked
im a wrestler and there is a rule where you need to cut you hair or you get slapped from coach before and after warmup and training
You NEVER want to look like you are trying too hard for your looks.

This might seem counter-intuitive to some of you brain fried PSL-ers, but looking like a tryhard with your looks, in ANY category, is extremely feminine.

Before I continue, I want to show you examples of what being a tryhard at looking good looks like:
-Eyebrow removal
-Dressing with oversided "I look like a fucking geek" clothes
-Being in "bodybuilder"/fitness model(juiced single digit year round) level shape
-Excessive feminine accessories like earrings
Etc you get the idea.

I am not saying absolutely avoid all of these at all costs, but if you do decide that you need to do them, you NEED to make it seem like it is effortless.

-Dont have dorkish ass hairstyles like fringes,shit that covers your forehead, or any style that looks like it needs 30 minutes to get done. You need a low maintanance hairstyle.
-Do skincare if your skin is really shit (you are wasting your time tho, fix your diet, if that doesnt work, you are genetically doomed in that regard), but dont seem like you put semen on your face.
-Gymmax by all means but don't EVER think to roidmax or be unhealthily low bf as a natural thinking it is maximising your appeal. The reason girls dont like bodybuilders, well one of the biggest reasons why, is because they look way too unnatural and tryhard.
-Remove your eyebrows in some areas if they are really bushy or have a shitty shape, or use something to thicken them, but dont look like you go to the saloon to get them done like a bitch FOR FUCKS SAKE.
Etc etc etc

When you see guys with these kind of traits they look very "kept" and "maintained", and not in a good way.
Sure women will find you attractive if you are objectively attractive, after all, you are an objective attractive person of the opposite sex.
But this doesn't mean that its ideal and your sex appeal is anywhere near where it should be.

There is a reason why rugged masculinity has, is, and will forever be peak male sex appeal. There is a reason why guys like Jason Momoa sorta phenotype is one of the most lust inducing one and is literally unmoggable in real life.

Picture this, imagine a village of 18-25 year old women. Ready to be impregnated.

5 men walk in
Vinnie Faggott
Jason Momoa

Who would you think every girl would want to be impregnated by?

Ofc it would be Jason Momoa, and you are completely delusional and have spent too much time on this forum if you choose any other one.

Apart from Jason's good genetics, sure, plenty of people have good genetics. Does not mean they are peak appeal.

It is because his phenotype embeds the highest form of genetic material in a seamless way. He is obviously put together, but NOTHING looks tryhard.

-He has long hair, which contrary to what you might think, is not feminine, rather the opposite. Men are also supposed to be having long hair despite modern slavecuck society. He wears it in a bun or free flowing all the time, again not putting much effort into it.
-Beard is either a stubble or a longer, but scruffy and not extremely well trimmed, again, displaying low levels of maintanance.
-Does not fraud anything in his face
-Has a muscular physique (which is likely roidmaxxed for certain roles) but even then never anything beyond single digit bf% really, even for Aquaman it probably was 10-12%. He usually walks around at 15% bf or so.
-Has a casual style of clothing, nothing complicated
Etc etc

There are other elements of his sex appeal unrelated to not "tryharding" of course, like skin tone, voice, height, demeanor etc. but looking non-tryhard and seamlessly put together is a HUGE part of it.

I tested this out myself when I MOGGED an entire beach this year. Keep in mind the place was full of tourists, but predominanty white.
I am 6'1, Med-looking, lean muscular physique, longer hair, but with all of these things put together in a non-tryhard way. Not insanely jacked or lean, long hair but simple hairstyle, a simply groomed disconnected goattee.
I mogged prettyboys, Germans and Nordics, some were taller than me but with way less appeal, having way lighter features.
Now you might say oh dark features play a big part in sex appeal, so that was why. Sure, but I did also mog other Latino, Italian and Med looking guys with pretty similar pheno to me, a few might get rated PSL wise higher than me here, but as I am explaining in this post, looked TOO highly maintained.
Especially those Italians. Those mfs looked like a girl ffs. Clean shaven, eyebrows done, earrings, skin looking like they got a facial from all the skincare they prob did, unnessecary jewelery etc.
How do I know I mogged? Because all the girls in the vicinity were choosing me, and all the dudes I mentioned that were there with gfs, I constanly caught them checking me out.
I can PM you pictures if you think I am lying.

Went a little off topic but the main point is, you want to look as best as you genetically can without looking like you are trying.
This goes for anything in life and not just looks/attracting women. It's like those dorks who tryhard at gaming, and even though they are extremely good, people usually despise them for trying so hard and taking such thing so seriously.
It is the same for dating as well. After all, dating is a game too, and you NEVER want to look like you are playing it too seriously. You want to seem like someone who just happens to be great at it seamlessly, even if underneath you have put effort to it.

I also want to make some clarifications as you mfs here take every word at face value and fail to extrapolate.
You obviously have to look at yourself and decide what you absolutely can and cannot afford to do.
For example, yes I said that haircuts that fringe haircuts are unideal, but if you have a heavily receding hairline, it is in your better interest to keep the hair for now.
If you are a little flabby, it is better to wear something more regular sized rather than fitted, until you lose your bodyfat.
You get the idea.

You might say, worthless post, this only applies if you are goodlooking or tall.
But NO, it is in fact the exact OPPOSITE.
If you are short or ugly, anything you do that is overt and clearly shows you are trying to look better, will in fact make you less appealing. Like gymcelling as a 5'6 dude for example, you need to be careful not to put much mass (which is easy to do at that height), as most people will automatically assume you are coping for your height with physique.
If you are goodlooking, you will be perceived as a narcissist and even gay if you look like you take too much care of yourself.

As I previously mentioned, you need to experience with yourself and assess your own situation. Find out what you ABSOLUTELY cannot afford to do, and work around everything else. Don't do every "looksmax" you see here.
I see people in the street who I can tell with almost certainty are on this forum, or at least tiktokcel looksmaxxers. You can straight up tell by their hair, what they wear, their fucking forced squinted expression etc. It looks fucking cringe in real life and is NOT getting any women wet.

You need to effortlessly look as good as you genetically can.
bros tryna decrease comp give the man 3 cheers

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