Would you ever live in Switzerland or Japan

Very. Though east Aisia is very far from europe your looking at 24hr flights. Better to get a job in USA that’s high paying so you can get to Jason in 3-6 hours
@AlexBrown84 well it takes 12 hours but still super long
I would still be overworked in Switzerland I am more concerned about social life and what country has to offers
Both are autistic shitholes, you will be seen a a foreign race and thus inferior if you go to Japan and as people are aspie there gl getting buddies esp as most japs cannot speak English. Or Switzerland aspie central but it’s diverse enough where your English will be understood and your the same race so locals won’t believe your inferior racially as for everything else. Hoendtly depends, if you want a completley new life exp then Japan due to alien culture theory. If you want a place that’s different but not too culturally desperate from the west then Switzerland, just remeber Switzs don’t have a concept of PC or government support etc so if you fail there your fucked
So I live in Switzerland and study law & econ so I know the system pretty well.

But to sort it out directly: If you are rice or east Asian, go to Japan no question. Swiss society is VERY reserved and I know many foreigners, even Germans who only lived like 10km from the border before they moved here and are culturally very close, who became desperate after a few years and have given up socially.
So you will have a VERY hard time to find friends not to mention a GF.

Hypergamy is through the roof I had more matches in New York, LA or London than in Zurich.

Concerning working hours: 42 hours is standard, but of course there are some sectors where 80-100 hours is standard and not really protected by law in practice.

Forget to ever be able to afford a house or a nice flat. You will have to rent. If you earn 10k/month in Zurich you will be poor.
Even with 15k/month you will live a very basic life. My parents together make ~25k and we still have a standard life.

Everybody says Switz has nice nature etc but that is only true for some regions. The economically important regions are mostly the German speaking part and of that Zurich and Basel which are not too beautiful and these cities are also not exciting/good for lifestyle compared to Tokyo.

So TLDR: As a rice foreigner who doesn't speak German and is a poor fuck, you will have a hard time to become happy in Switzerland. Therefore I say go to Japan.
How are the salaries so high?? This is like Silicon Valley level
  • JFL
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I have a job opportunity to be working in both

View attachment 1794685View attachment 1794686

I have been contemplating about this for a month now and have done a lot of research but haven't come to conclusion by myself.

Where would you live?:feelshah:
I would chose japan but thats just me. Im not into white women and switzerland seems like a very hard place to date. Also are you asian or white?
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Both sounds good however depending on your looks japan probably mogs since yellow fever max
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I would chose japan but thats just me. Im not into white women and switzerland seems like a very hard place to date. Also are you asian or white?
Asian I agree dating Switzerland in hard mode. Tbh I should stay out of the lane:forcedsmile:
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Both sounds good however depending on your looks japan probably mogs since yellow fever max
I would slay in Japan according to some folks here:owo:
NHS is notoriously known for low compensation it is the opposite of Ireland. I will be finished by the age of 31 if everything goes as planned.
Why don’t all the doctors from the UK just go to work in Switzerland then?
Why don’t all the doctors from the UK just go to work in Switzerland then?
They don’t wanna learn the language, healthcare system. Many UK doctors migrated to either Australia or Newzealand I’ve heard
They don’t wanna learn the language, healthcare system. Many UK doctors migrated to either Australia or Newzealand I’ve heard
I should’ve studied medicine wtf. Are you from Ireland?
I should’ve studied medicine wtf. Are you from Ireland?
6 years med school + 6 years of residency :bigbrain::mask:starting from the bottom like a drake. Nope
6 years med school + 6 years of residency :bigbrain::mask:starting from the bottom like a drake. Nope
But after 6 years of med school you make 200k CHF, and then after another 6 years you make 400k CHF so what’s the problem? And where are you from?
But after 6 years of med school you make 200k CHF, and then after another 6 years you make 400k CHF so what’s the problem? And where are you from?
But grew up in the west

Wage slaving in Thailand is no joke for the doctor

Pay is okay 80 000-110 000$ but responsibility is paramount.

My Pheno is more kazakh so Japan is the closest place I can LARP:owo:
Switzerland is hypergamous as fuck
  • JFL
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Switzerland is hypergamous as fuck
I thought the swiss are socially conservative compared to Scandinavians. Talking about like foids showing cleavage would get stares from the local
Have you lived there? It seems like only @Acromegaly_Chad amd @subhuman incel live there but then again they are in the german speaking canton
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But after 6 years of med school you make 200k CHF, and then after another 6 years you make 400k CHF so what’s the problem? And where are you from?
These numbers are not true hahahahaha
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I thought the swiss are socially conservative compared to Scandinavians. Talking about like foids showing cleavage would get stares from the local
The young generations arent. Body count of 25 by 20 is standard here
  • JFL
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Both are very very good.

I'd say Switzerland slightly better to live, Japan to visit
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The young generations arent. Body count of 25 by 20 is standard here
Tbh their Japanese counterpart has only 3 body counts by 20. The 1st one is their high school senoir:owo:, 2nd is after the breakup and the 3rd one is their waggie:forcedsmile:
  • JFL
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The real question is, are you white.
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The real question is, are you white.

to be more specific the right one:feelswhy:
Is brown rice better than white rice for weight loss?
@your smile
Yeah well JFL residency in Switzerland is 6+ years in hospitals with the salary going from 80k-110k and while the law technically says 50 hours you will be there for at least 60/hours a week.

After residency you will be "Oberarzt" and then "leitender Oberarzt" with salaries for these topping out at 200k at age of ~45. If you are very lucky you will reach the highest rank by 50 and then eventually earned the claimed 490k.

But yeah if you graduated from a good uni you shall come we have shortage of docs

If you are this lazy to even look up the previous post I don't think being a doctor is your cup of tea:)@jahsuuu
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Yes it is crazy how many users are from this small country.
Are you from Deutschschweiz or Romande? Beautiful country it’s unfortunate that you guys have to compete with amongst the best
Are you from Deutschschweiz or Romande? Beautiful country it’s unfortunate that you guys have to compete with amongst the best
there are gl and ugly people anywhere, I don't personally think that Switzerland is special in that regard.
there are gl and ugly people anywhere, I don't personally think that Switzerland is special in that regard.
Yeah but since the typical Swiss are reserved it makes your dating life much harder which led you here in the first place. Swiss and Norwegian are the same in this regard imo.
Imagine choosing Japan due to those pancake women when you could slay legit white stacies in Switzerland :feelspepo: users here are a joke, and these are the same guys who say curry and black women are subhuman :feelsgah: but simp for Azn girls
You gotta think of it objectively. Switzerland most definitely has more stacies, But more stacies means more chads. idk what race Op is and how good looking he is, But if he's a white normie, Japan would definitely be the move
You gotta think of it objectively. Switzerland most definitely has more stacies, But more stacies means more chads. idk what race Op is and how good looking he is, But if he's a white normie, Japan would definitely be the move
Op is a normie tier rice
You gotta think of it objectively. Switzerland most definitely has more stacies, But more stacies means more chads. idk what race Op is and how good looking he is, But if he's a white normie, Japan would definitely be the move
But Japanese women are not that attractive. I mean I’d fuck them but I am the resident ethnic fucker it’s my god given right to slay ethnic women but for Normies like him slaying Asian women would be an L
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But Japanese women are not that attractive. I mean I’d fuck them but I am the resident ethnic fucker it’s my god given right to slay ethnic women but for Normies like him slaying Asian women would be an L
Beggars cannot be choosers I would take slaying Asian women as a W as well
Beggars cannot be choosers I would take slaying Asian women as a W as well
I am a beggar and I still choose 😎 because anything lower than a 6 isn’t worth fucking.
mf I live in japan ask me anything
1C4E7B2C 909D 410A 962C 663E28677B17

Here proof:
also if your over 180cm you will be mogging 80% of japanese
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That's really hard to choose from because both countries are so inherently different in every way. My own first impulsive choice would be Japan. The girls may be less hot than swiss girls but you will be able to get more sex especially as a white foreigner. Also you will mog japanese men while you will have competition from swiss capitalist chads.
Switzerland, while beautiful and peaceful, might get boring faster while Tokio is a city that never sleeps. I feel like I would end up alone in Switzerland most of the time while I could find myself around people in Japan as you need less social skills to get around in a more shy and reserved culture like Japan while Switzerland is NT as fuck.
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