''You need hunter eyes bro!!!111, low set eyebrows and full hooded eyes is what women want!!!''



Sep 5, 2018
Thats what the typical retarded psler says.

You are crying about hunter eyes but dont realize that the most popular mm has high arched and high set eyebrows as well as slight eyelid exposure.

aka Lachowski



Girls would prefer prime chico over prime gandy every time. Chico is the ideal guy, he isnt too masculine looking but also not too feminine. He has pretty and soft eyes, which are mainly becaues of his high set and high arched eyebrows and its dense

PCT hooded eyes is disgusting. A good eye area is a NEUTRAL tilt with slight hooded eyes(1|3 of the eye should be covered), and narrow eyes

Girls will prefer @JustChris (if its rly him) pretty eyes with slight eyelid exposure over this guy below which has full hooding, low set eyebrows, browridge. PSLer are too retarded to understand that.

Girls want this:


not this:


Psler are all on suicidewatch rn
Last edited:
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Eye area 2

Hooding is only ideal if it's positive hooding, else your eyes look like they have NCT. I want to get my droopy eyelids fixed some day too btw
View attachment 2457

Hooding is only ideal if it's positive hooding, else your eyes look like they have NCT. I want to get my droopy eyelids fixed some day too btw

i think your eyes arent bad. Can you put your finger on your eyelid and press it up? I wanna see your eye shape.
Your eye are looks good, its kinda unique. You dont need an eyelid surgery. Myb when you are like over 50 when your eyelids will drop extremely due to aging.

Now its fine
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Thats what the typical retarded psler says.

You are crying about hunter eyes but dont realize that the most popular mm has high arched and high set eyebrows as well as slight eyelid exposure.

aka Lachowski


Girls would prefer prime chico over prime gandy every time. Chico is the ideal guy, he isnt too masculine looking but also not too feminine. He has pretty and soft eyes, which are mainly becaues of his high set and high arched eyebrows and its dense

PCT hooded eyes is disgusting. A good eye area is a NEUTRAL tilt with slight hooded eyes(1|3 of the eye should be covered), and narrow eyes

Girls will prefer @JustChris pretty eyes with slight eyelid exposure than guys with extremely hooded and low set eyebrows. PSLer are too retarded to understand that.


Psler are all on suicidewatch rn

High (moderately) set eyebrows, especially arched ones (think Superman or other cartoon characters such as Terry McGinnis) actually look quite suave irl. The thing is that there needs to be hooding for it to offset the feminine look, by balancing it with a masculine aura. Also, many ethnics/arabs have droopy/low set eyebrows along with desired eye area in general by this forums standard.

Why doesn't it stand out ? It's simple, eye color. The darker your eyebrows are in relation to the color of the eyes, the better it will look in general and the more haloed you become. Imagine the man in my profile pic with dark eyes instead of blue, he wouldn't have had the same stylish/dominant look if he had dark eyes instead.

When you say women prefer chico eye area over gandy, which type of women are you referring to ?
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I agree unless you have bug eyes or terrible canthal tilt you should focus more on having a strong lower third, that’s what really gives the halo to the whole face and makes it really attractive regardless of eyes (unless again they’re buggy eyes)
Why are you making the same coping threads again and again ? You made a thread about hunter eyes yesterday and today you’re back with the same shit. People, majority, disagree with you and your experiment with a bunch of girls in your university. Posting multiple threads won’t change that.
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Artworks 000120332337 d56y28 t500x500 xlujtp

Perfect eye are. And look with upper eye lid exposure. Should be incel according to psl lmao. Look at his Shape perfectly almond shape thats what makes it so beautiful. Not "HoODed eYeS"
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View attachment 2462

Perfect eye are. And look with upper eye lid exposure. Should be incel according to psl lmao. Look at his Shape perfectly almond shape thats what makes it so beautiful. Not "HoODed eYeS"
He’s good looking no doubt but to say that that eye area is perfect is cope

76C629BC 0703 41B4 B412 39085F62CE8A

This is the perfect eye area. @Tony
He’s good looking no doubt but to say that that eye area is perfect is cope

View attachment 2463

This is the perfect eye area. @Tony

Show all the females you know or Maybe 3. Both pics. I bet 100€ they will all say zayn has better looking eyes
Show all the females you know or Maybe 3. Both pics. I bet 100€ they will all say zayn has better looking eyes
Zayn Malik is obviously so famous and so they’d say he has better eyes. They might also say Pitbull or any other music star has better eyes. They might also say that personality and humor is more important than looks.

Go to r/ladyboners and guys like Benedict Cumberbatch who are ogre get tons of votes while unknown 100 times better looking guys get few votes. Lol at trusting women with what they say. If you trust them so much then you might also believe that looks don’t matter, personality matters, height is a number, hobbymax, passionmax and so on.
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Zayn Malik is obviously so famous and so they’d say he has better eyes. They might also say Pitbull or any other music star has better eyes. They might also say that personality and humor is more important than looks.

Go to r/ladyboners and guys like Benedict Cumberbatch who are ogre get tons of votes while unknown 100 times better looking guys get few votes. Lol at trusting women with what they say. If you trust them so much then you might also believe that looks don’t matter, personality matters, height is a number, hobbymax, passionmax and so on.

While this is True you can hide the Rest of the face and Show it to them so they wont know who they are. But just ask yourself which of the 2 eye areas do you find objectively more beautiful. Without biased psl knowledge
While this is True you can hide the Rest of the face and Show it to them so they wont know who they are. But just ask yourself which of the 2 eye areas do you find objectively more beautiful. Without biased psl knowledge
Dude the second one is my favourite. While people can have difference in preferences, hooded eyes are conventionally considered attractive especially for men by people who might not even browse incel forums.

This article was written by a woman.

it's all about eye shape boyo
Major fucking cope bro. Eye shape matters much more, but in general hooded eyes will look better on men. Prob sad because your eyes are chit huh?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685, Sean O'Aspie and Never_Began
Major fucking cope bro. Eye shape matters much more, but in general hooded eyes will look better on men. Prob sad because your eyes are chit huh?

kek i have completely hooded eyes. trashtalker
Zayn Malik is obviously so famous and so they’d say he has better eyes. They might also say Pitbull or any other music star has better eyes. They might also say that personality and humor is more important than looks.

Go to r/ladyboners and guys like Benedict Cumberbatch who are ogre get tons of votes while unknown 100 times better looking guys get few votes. Lol at trusting women with what they say. If you trust them so much then you might also believe that looks don’t matter, personality matters, height is a number, hobbymax, passionmax and so on.

Yea and you probably think that he gets these likes for his looks and not his role. Post a psl 9 who is unknown in the western society and post him there, he will barely get over 50 likes lmao. There are, but its very rare ;)

Stupid example
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So do I man, so we’re both winning. :feelsokman:

Not if you would look better with less hooded eyes. I dont know how your hooding is but mine is covering 40% of my eye and you can barely see my almond shaped eyes which are much prettier than hooded eyes
negative IQ thread.

Ramirez jaw 2
  • +1
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almost 0 eyelid exposure with head tilted back.
best eye area by FAR
View attachment 2473

btw if you think his eye area is the best then you agree with me.
He has slight eyelid exposure if you compare him with models like gandy that have fully hooded eyes in every angle.

Ramirez does also have slightly high set eyebrows and they are arched as chicos, which i also supported in my thread if you readt it.
btw if you think his eye area is the best then you agree with me.
He has slight eyelid exposure if you compare him with models like gandy that have fully hooded eyes in every angle.

Ramirez does also have slightly high set eyebrows and they are arched as chicos, which i also supported in my thread if you readt it.
slight eyelid exposure doesnt matter. Its all about the under eye support, look at ramirez eyes. very tight lower eyelid and ofc zero scleral show.

Also ramirez doesnt have high set eyebrows. its kinda odd. his eye brows start low and end high, which is the best eyebrow shape by far.

slight eyelid exposure doesnt matter. Its all about the under eye support, look at ramirez eyes. very tight lower eyelid and ofc zero scleral show.

Also ramirez doesnt have high set eyebrows. its kinda odd. his eye brows start low and end high, which is the best eyebrow shape by far.

View attachment 2487
yea i consider that as slightlz high set. Its the same with ballou. Those eyes are imo also the best. Ballou eyemogs him imo
his eyes do not even look top tier lmao

furthermore he has slight eyelid exposure.
Now kys
r u retarded? that is pic when he is oldcel show the pics and videos when he is in his prime. Richard Ramirez had the best bones.
r u retarded? that is pic when he is oldcel show the pics and videos when he is in his prime. Richard Ramirez had the best bones.

Had the best bones but is not attractive tho.
Looks like a malnourished adult
Even eating candy his whole life and being on drugs he looked model tier. Thats why he mogs all models imo. Those pics and videos you see are candids with worst camera, worst lighting, no squinting, make up, angles
  • +1
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@everyone ITT

It's about HARMONY not whether it's hooded or not. It DEPENDS on the SPECIFIC CASE
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Opry or death tbh
Bro, don't destroy PSL'ers like this.
Thats what the typical retarded psler says.

You are crying about hunter eyes but dont realize that the most popular mm has high arched and high set eyebrows as well as slight eyelid exposure.

aka Lachowski



Girls would prefer prime chico over prime gandy every time. Chico is the ideal guy, he isnt too masculine looking but also not too feminine. He has pretty and soft eyes, which are mainly becaues of his high set and high arched eyebrows and its dense

PCT hooded eyes is disgusting. A good eye area is a NEUTRAL tilt with slight hooded eyes(1|3 of the eye should be covered), and narrow eyes

Girls will prefer @JustChris (if its rly him) pretty eyes with slight eyelid exposure over this guy below which has full hooding, low set eyebrows, browridge. PSLer are too retarded to understand that.

Girls want this:


not this:


Psler are all on suicidewatch rn
Last guy looks like a retarded alien
View attachment 2457

Hooding is only ideal if it's positive hooding, else your eyes look like they have NCT. I want to get my droopy eyelids fixed some day too btw

I Honestly recommend getting your eyebrows done (threaded). Not a huge fan of waxing. Yours are pretty bold & dark which is a perk, aslong as they are shaped correctly & don’t look messy.
Kinda like Barrett. Except Barret looks like a reptile.
Barrett looks like my pet cat lol,except my cat absolutely mogs him
  • +1
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Barrett looks like my pet cat lol,except my cat absolutely mogs him
Based. Barett is overrated, IMO. We'll use Nibba's cat now for PSL standards.
Based. Barett is overrated, IMO. We'll use Nibba's cat now for PSL standards.
My cat is wide framed. Has bigger wrists than half this forum
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My cat is wide framed. Has bigger wrists than half this forum
I have always been underweight but my shoulders are relatively wide. I remember when I was in elementary school, a man once came up to me and said I had wide shoulders.
I have always been underweight but my shoulders are relatively wide. I remember when I was in elementary school, a man once came up to me and said I had wide shoulders.
Yeah this happens to me a lot lol
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