You NEED to be NT to have a gf



Feb 19, 2024
I don't understand how this is so controversial here.

Foids are lifelong children that need constant entertainment and excitement. This doesn't really matter if it's a random hookup from a club or app or whatever where you have to fake being a human for a few hours, but in a relationship, you being an aspie whose wild Saturday night consists of running pedo Chad tinder experiments simply isn't going to pass.

My life is just too different from the average foid's, in fact our lives diverged almost completely right out of the womb. I spent most of my teen years rotting in my basement playing vidya and posting on autism forums. There's just simply nothing I can do that will excite the Frappucino-polluted ADHD brain of a foid.

Unless you find a genuine aspie engineer bug collector foid (who's going to be PSL 3.5 max and smell like donkey cock) she'll quickly dump your ass for some neurotypical guy. It is how it is.
Even autist Chad is going to get cucked for NT Chad.
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  • JFL
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this nigga has a war to fight but he would rather rot on .org 💀💀
  • JFL
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Nt pill deniers someone with Down syndrome can maintain an LTR with a Normie foid
  • Hmm...
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nt can help you find a gf but u dont need it, there are lot of aspie girls especially today who u can maintain ltr way easier than with normie foid
nt can help you find a gf but u dont need it, there are lot of aspie girls especially today who u can maintain ltr way easier than with normie foid
aspie foids are all ugly as shit.
I don't understand how this is so controversial here.

Foids are lifelong children that need constant entertainment and excitement. This doesn't really matter if it's a random hookup from a club or app or whatever where you have to fake being a human for a few hours, but in a relationship, you being an aspie whose wild Saturday night consists of running pedo Chad tinder experiments simply isn't going to pass.

My life is just too different from the average foid's, in fact our lives diverged almost completely right out of the womb. I spent most of my teen years rotting in my basement playing vidya and posting on autism forums. There's just simply nothing I can do that will excite the Frappucino-polluted ADHD brain of a foid.

Unless you find a genuine aspie engineer bug collector foid (who's going to be PSL 3.5 max and smell like donkey cock) she'll quickly dump your ass for some neurotypical guy. It is how it is.
Even autist Chad is going to get cucked for NT Chad.
To keep a gf, but yeah more or less
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if by nt you mean status, yeah. if youre friendless, no social media etc its game over
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if by nt you mean status, yeah. if youre friendless, no social media etc its game over
social media is also useless for foids over late 20s. Friendless also doesnt matter as long as you’re not clingy and okay with doing things on your own when she’s not around, also everyone knows the “friends” you had when you were younger drift away as you get older, and many werent even real friends to begin with
Gf is cope unless she’s a virgin

pump and dump

sub chad? bait mentally ill girls into situationships then bail out without extending the contract
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I don't understand how this is so controversial here.

Foids are lifelong children that need constant entertainment and excitement. This doesn't really matter if it's a random hookup from a club or app or whatever where you have to fake being a human for a few hours, but in a relationship, you being an aspie whose wild Saturday night consists of running pedo Chad tinder experiments simply isn't going to pass.

My life is just too different from the average foid's, in fact our lives diverged almost completely right out of the womb. I spent most of my teen years rotting in my basement playing vidya and posting on autism forums. There's just simply nothing I can do that will excite the Frappucino-polluted ADHD brain of a foid.

Unless you find a genuine aspie engineer bug collector foid (who's going to be PSL 3.5 max and smell like donkey cock) she'll quickly dump your ass for some neurotypical guy. It is how it is.
Even autist Chad is going to get cucked for NT Chad.
What's vidya? It's VIDEO!
  • Ugh..
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finaly someone that gets it
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You don't. Just be 6'4 and have a good face
They don't
Yes, they do. Most women could only ever hope to love Chad half as much as the bisexual dalits like you who post on autism forums do.
Average couple looks something like this.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Nick.Harte
To a degree this is correct. If she likes you theres a broad range of retardedness and non NT shit shes willing to ignore, but if you push it too far dont get surprised some NTfag cucks you jfl
based retard
Says the Guy with 0 Bitches to the Guy that Had multiple gfs while talking about facial measurements, gaming and lego and even way more autistic Shit. Sure bud, you know everything with 0 experience
To a degree this is correct. If she likes you theres a broad range of retardedness and non NT shit shes willing to ignore, but if you push it too far dont get surprised some NTfag cucks you jfl
Depends what kind of retardation. Foids will simply not put up with an abused dog.

Says the Guy with 0 Bitches to the Guy that Had multiple gfs while talking about facial measurements, gaming and lego and even way more autistic Shit. Sure bud, you know everything with 0 experience
you are subhuman trash posting on an autism forum alongside me. I don't give a fuck about your one single anecdote, you narcissistic nigger retard. I'm talking about how normal people behave outside of forums, ie what makes a normie a normie. Go slit your pencil wrists.
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These guys are being cheated on. The guys in these pictures are outliers
They are not outliers. That's what the average couple looks like. Nothing out of the ordinary in those pictures. Modern women will fuck just about anything that's not autistic and that's the result. They literally fuck niggers and dogs lol.
Getting cheated on is a cope too. Men cheat more than women.
These women adore their LTN boyfriends. They brag about them behind their backs like they're the prize in the relationship.
  • JFL
Reactions: Nick.Harte
OP is completely right. Anyone who denies that has zero relationship experience.

"But... but muh Chad doesn't need to be neurotypical." Are you a Chad? No? So you WILL need to be neurotypical for your relationship with a woman to work.

People here think it's only about looks because they have the slayer mentality of attracting, pumping and dumping. A serious relationship can't be maintained only by the size of your jaw or your hair texture. It's a lot of work that many autists and neurodivergents in general can't put up with.

So yes, you need to be neurotypical.
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  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel and Zelenskyiv
Modern women will fuck just about anything that's not autistic and that's the result.
o.You're delusional. Makes 0 sense what you're saying.
if nt pill was not real then 90 percent of man shouldve been virgins most men irl are skinnyfat and are between 5"9-10
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Reactions: Zelenskyiv
If by NT you mean as in you need to be social and actively down to go out then it’s true.

But if you’re attractive enough she’ll provide you a social life for you. Wym.
A serious relationship can't be maintained only by the size of your jaw or your hair texture.
She will put up with your bad personality if you're gl, and will monkey branch to better options later on
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o.You're delusional. Makes 0 sense what you're saying.
I'm not. If you don't see this, you legit don't go outside. Women's attraction is absolutely dysgenic. They'll fuck anything as you saw in the thread. Dogs, niggers, curries, manlets. Chad is a sewer dweller dalit cope for friendless forum subhumans who have to compete in environments where only looks matter like OLD. Normies don't need to do this.
At some point when you are pleasant to look at attraction doesn't depend on looks anymore and it goes to personality and money. Looks are law to get ONC but not LTR, imagine a man who wants to date but doesn't have a car, doesn't have his own place... I explained the requirements to have a girlfriend in these times and they're fucking high, everything matters.

Unless you're Chad (which is very rare) you can't get away with being poor or non NT. Foids don't need men so they might have to date older men who actually fits their requirements. Remember foids don't love you.
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  • +1
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They are not outliers. That's what the average couple looks like. Nothing out of the ordinary in those pictures. Modern women will fuck just about anything that's not autistic and that's the result. They literally fuck niggers and dogs lol.
Getting cheated on is a cope too. Men cheat more than women.
These women adore their LTN boyfriends. They brag about them behind their backs like they're the prize in the relationship.
I've been outside a lot in the past and observed a lot of blackpill. Women will go out of their way to tell the tall guys(6'6) how sexy they look, and ask them for thier socials. Where is NT pill ? It;s LOOKS, LOOKS, AND LOOKS.Face and Height.
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  • JFL
Reactions: XtrovertNTnormalfag, HTN_Mentalcel and Zelenskyiv
nt can help you find a gf but u dont need it, there are lot of aspie girls especially today who u can maintain ltr way easier than with normie foid
aspie foids are mentally ill
  • +1
I've been outside a lot in the past and observed a lot of blackpill. Women will go out of their way to tell the tall guys(6'6) how sexy they look, and ask them for thier socials. Where is NT pill ? It;s LOOKS, LOOKS, AND LOOKS.Face and Height.
You're paying too much attention to guys who you yourself want to get bred by.
You think foids walking up and telling someone they look sexy is reserved for 6'6 guys? lmao. 5'10 MTNs get that too. In my entire life I experienced that dozens of times and i'm nothing special.
Only autistic forum niggers overexaggerate the importance of looks and that's because like I said they're friendless subhumans so they have to go on Tinder to get laid where it is mostly looks.
You're paying too much attention to guys who you yourself want to get bred by.
I'm not gay nigga.
5'10 MTNs get that too. In my entire life I experienced that dozens of times and i'm nothing special.
They would've chosen the 6'4 pretty boys over you if they were given the choice.It doens;t mean that lookism doesn;t matter
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they're friendless subhumans so they have to go on Tinder to get laid where it is mostly looks.
If you have to focus on RL to get laid, you're a subhuman. Good looking guys only need to post a few pics online to get laid.
not to mention the idea of marriage and children doesn't appeal to non nt. i can only see it from a perspective of dna replication. children are annoying and i would dash them against the wall rather than take care of them. you can't be motivated to marry and have children when you don't have normie brains, unless you're rich and can just have your wife and a bunch of nannies do all the work.
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I'm not gay nigga.
This whole forum is gay as shit. People are more obsessed with twink models than any woman could hope to be.
They would've chosen the 6'4 pretty boys over you if they were given the choice.It doens;t mean that lookism doesn;t matter
"i'm not gay"

Another victim of jews polluting the water with estrogen. RIP.

Real life attraction isn't an autistic math equation. Hope you can understand that some day.
If you have to focus on RL to get laid, you're a subhuman. Good looking guys only need to post a few pics online to get laid.
Good looking guys go outside and socialize and meet women that way. For normal people OLD is something they use to pass the time while they're on the toilet. It's only life or death for forum dwellers.
not to mention the idea of marriage and children doesn't appeal to non nt. i can only see it from a perspective of dna replication. children are annoying and i would dash them against the wall rather than take care of them. you can't be motivated to marry and have children when you don't have normie brains, unless you're rich and can just have your wife and a bunch of nannies do all the work.
Never appealed to me either. I just don't like people, especially women, enough to want to permanently live with one and raise kids with her who'd most likely turn out to be whores and NPCs. I like living for myself tbh. All my money and free time goes towards me.
it is to you because you're a forum assburger. It is not to normal people. That's why the vast majority of sexually active men are plain boneless normies.
  • JFL
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Good looking guys go outside and socialize and meet women that way
JFL. Most of the guys on OLD are above average. OF course, they don;t rot inside but they don';t need to go outside and socialize to get laid.This is for deformed tryhard normie guys.
  • Hmm...
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JFL. Most of the guys on OLD are above average. OF course, they don;t rot inside but they don';t need to go outside and socialize to get laid.This is for deformed tryhard normie guys.
There's all kinds of people on OLD, Chads and incels with dirty mirror selfies. The difference is that the Chads only use it as a backup, incels rely on it because nobody likes a forum rotter in real life.
it is to you because you're a forum assburger. It is not to normal people. That's why the vast majority of sexually active men are plain boneless normies.
no. You're spitting bluepill stuff now
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no. You're spitting bluepill stuff now
The real blackpill is that most women have almost no standards for men who are normal - men who don't end up on incel forums. If you're an incel, it's because you're the absolute bottom of the barrel trash, an absolute subanimal, not because you're not this le mythical chad that indians jerk off to online.
nobody likes a forum rotter in real life.
You won't rot on forums if you're good looking, but if you do, foids won't care about it as long as you don't look like a school shooter
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