You still don't believe in God?

God isn't real,

Satan is real
Our wish. God's own kingdom, Israel didn't use to have a king other than him. People complained until God gave them a king, Saul.
We want people to rule over ourself, and we want to rule over other people. It's some corruption, that we crave power, God did not create Adam like this.
God created Adam and the enverioment Adam grow up and know what Adam would do God created Adam to fail and God Is completly at fault
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I have seen priests tell people who have lost their loved ones to brutality that ' muh god is testing ' imagine taking away someone's loved for a damned test for validating God himself that sounds so egotistical
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  • JFL
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Source: bible lmao 😂
Source: logical reasoning. Current scientific estimate of how old homo sapiens is as a species, is 200 000 years old.
Biblical estimates are 6000-12000 years old. So show me any archaeological proof that is actually known to be older than 10 000 years old. Any world wonder, even stone henge is no older than 5000 years old.

Sure, you will find some chipped stones that would point to a more primitive way of life. But there's no proof that these arrowheads or cave paintings would be tens of thousands of years old. There are people who live like that TODAY. 1000 years ago that was relatively common in many areas considered today as civilized world.

In the mountains of ararat there was found few decades ago a boat-like formation that matches the size Noah's ark was EXACTLY. Noah's ark was said to have landed somewhere around there. The scientific community is also starting to lean toward there being a massive global flood less than 10 000 years ago.

I could write way longer, but why bother? Nothing will convince you. Not all the proof in the world once you're not open for debate.
I have seen priests tell people who have lost their loved ones to brutality that ' muh god is testing ' imagine taking away someone's loved for a damned test for validating God himself that sounds so egotistical
Taken away to better place, one could assume. And who are you to question what almighty GOD does? He has all the power, we're completely at his mercy and yet that is the worst that happens in his hands, someone gets a disease.
God is so good we have no idea.
  • JFL
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Then he allowed the holocaust since he knew everything?
Yes, he could've stopped the holocaust. What is your point? You are finding excuses to be mad at the lord, excuses that did not even happen to you or any of your close ones.
Source: logical reasoning. Current scientific estimate of how old homo sapiens is as a species, is 200 000 years old.
Biblical estimates are 6000-12000 years old. So show me any archaeological proof that is actually known to be older than 10 000 years old. Any world wonder, even stone henge is no older than 5000 years old.

Sure, you will find some chipped stones that would point to a more primitive way of life. But there's no proof that these arrowheads or cave paintings would be tens of thousands of years old. There are people who live like that TODAY. 1000 years ago that was relatively common in many areas considered today as civilized world.

In the mountains of ararat there was found few decades ago a boat-like formation that matches the size Noah's ark was EXACTLY. Noah's ark was said to have landed somewhere around there. The scientific community is also starting to lean toward there being a massive global flood less than 10 000 years ago.

I could write way longer, but why bother? Nothing will convince you. Not all the proof in the world once you're not open for debate.
Homo sapiens age 300,000 years ago to present.

The Bible records roughly 4,000 years until the time of Christ, approximately 2,000 years ago. If we go by the biblical record, this would make the Earth about 6,000 years old.

I don't need to write an essay to prove that religion is a propaganda created by rich high class people to control mass population.
Yes, he could've stopped the holocaust. What is your point? You are finding excuses to be mad at the lord, excuses that did not even happen to you or any of your close ones.
Wow, so according to you, your lord allowed the death of 11 million people.

I don't think any father would want their children to die in such a horrible way
Homo sapiens age 300,000 years ago to present.

The Bible records roughly 4,000 years until the time of Christ, approximately 2,000 years ago. If we go by the biblical record, this would make the Earth about 6,000 years old.

I don't need to write an essay to prove that religion is a propaganda created by rich high class people to control mass population.
Early christians were dirt poor. You don't know what you're talking about.
And show me proof of human life before 6000 years then. Archaeological proof that is, no guesstimating.
Early christians were dirt poor. You don't know what you're talking about.
And show me proof of human life before 6000 years then. Archaeological proof that is, no guesstimating.
The oldest known evidence for anatomically modern humans (as of 2017) are fossils found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated about 360,000 years old
schizo attack
  • JFL
Reactions: Lynxress
Wow, so according to you, your lord allowed the death of 11 million people.

I don't think any father would want their children to die in such a horrible way
70 million people died in WW2. That's the type of suffering we've always invited upon ourselves. God doesn't want brother to kill brother. It is our own wish, and sometimes God sees it as best to not intervene for ultimately a better result or the sort. I have no access to God's mind, I can't say what was the reasoning, other than that it lead to a better result ultimately than the alternative. God truly works in mysterious ways.
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The oldest known evidence for anatomically modern humans (as of 2017) are fossils found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated about 360,000 years old
Bro. I said proof, not guesstimates. Like something manmade, not a worn down human skeleton estimated to be gazillion years old.
70 million people died in WW2. That's the type of suffering we've always invited upon ourselves. God doesn't want brother to kill brother. It is our own wish, and sometimes God sees it as best to not intervene for ultimately a better result or the sort. I have no access to God's mind, I can't say what was the reasoning, other than that it lead to a better result ultimately than the alternative. God truly works in mysterious ways.
"God sees it as best to not intervene"

If you see your own child killing your another child with an axe would you not interfere? Or would you just watch it for any mysterious reason?
"God sees it as best to not intervene"

If you see your own child killing your another child with an axe would you not interfere? Or would you just watch it for any mysterious reason?
I'm not God, I don't see alternate realities resulting from each action. Thus I act like a man and stop any violence I can stop.
Bro. I said proof, not guesstimates. Like something manmade, not a worn down human skeleton estimated to be gazillion years old.
Lol no one can accurately predict the exact year or date. We can only just estimate
I'm not God, I don't see alternate realities resulting from each action. Thus I act like a man and stop any violence I can stop.
It's only logical to interfere and not your children kill each other.

Now if I ask you why God doesn't interfere, you will say for some "Mysterious reason"

But what is that mysterious reason??? It makes no sense.

Imagine someone robbing a bank and when the police asked why did you robbed then he says "I robbed it for some Mysterious reason" wtf
Schizo to believe in God? World is fucked lol
Nah the lady in the vid got a schizo attack. You can see it in every bull’s video
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It's only logical to interfere and not your children kill each other.

Now if I ask you why God doesn't interfere, you will say for some "Mysterious reason"

But what is that mysterious reason??? It makes no sense.

Imagine someone robbing a bank and when the police asked why did you robbed then he says "I robbed it for some Mysterious reason" wtf
Mysterious to us. Not to him.
Mysterious to us. Not to him.
Images   2024 02 29T175542815
Lol no one can accurately predict the exact year or date. We can only just estimate
And that's the problem. You believe in estimates which are not backed by any proof. There's nothing built that is even estimated to be way over 6000 years old. No weapon, no stone tablet, no wheel or anything. Chipped stone can be billion or 200 years old, literally no way to accurately tell.
And that's the problem. You believe in estimates which are not backed by any proof. There's nothing built that is even estimated to be way over 6000 years old. No weapon, no stone tablet, no wheel or anything. Chipped stone can be billion or 200 years old, literally no way to accurately tell.
Archeologists literally do excavation and analyse the surrounding environment to estimate.

You literally believe a non scientific book with no proof but stories.

Also remember your job, god literally made his life hell just to prove that he was loyal. Imagine making a man's life hell just to feed your own ego.

If God existed then he would have never done that

but who said god needs to be good to exist?

for all we know, if god is real he could very well be the biggest piece of shit ever who just enjoys watching suffering. That's what the gnostics believed actually. ''God'' wasn't a real god but some evil entity instead in control of the world.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Archeologists literally do excavation and analyse the surrounding environment to estimate.

You literally believe a non scientific book with no proof but stories.
Ahahahah. Wow! That's the problem isn't it, so if I transfer a 200 year old skeleton and place some roman artifacts next to it, and bury it here in Finland, the very same architects will believe there was a roman traveller in Finland. Or better yet there's a stone spear next to him and based on how the stone is chipped and what kind of leather he has, he's either 20 or 40 thousand years old.
You see where the problem is? There's this widely accepted bias that certain types of markings or items are a mark of what period he is from which was guesstimated some 100 years ago and is now an accepted fact. And now that there is a man who has even more primitive gear in Morocco, he must be the oldest man ever.

Biblical facts are supported by proof. There is archeological findings to support the events, and they're even talked about across cultures. People laugh when bible says humanity is estimated at 6000 years old, because they're so used to these large numbers they were taught. When I was in elementary school like little over 10 years ago, I vividly remember they said homo sapiens was 40 000 years old. Then they estimated a new number, 200k, and now apparently 300k+. There is no concensus. And yet there is nothing to indicate that humans would have been around that long. Humanity is incredibly innovative, we know how to leave a mark of our existence by building impressive things.
Yet... nothing. And before you say agriculture was not invented then, Mongols didn't practice it either yet left a mark.
Taken away to better place, one could assume. And who are you to question what almighty GOD does? He has all the power, we're completely at his mercy and yet that is the worst that happens in his hands, someone gets a disease.
God is so good we have no idea.
Cuz I have a damn functioning brain , if God is so competent then he could not even know heliocentric systems? Outwited by his own creation , not so almighty then now huh?

Also remember your job, god literally made his life hell just to prove that he was loyal. Imagine making a man's life hell just to feed your own ego.

If God existed then he would have never done that

I remember book of Job. It is about satan claiming to God that Job is only good because God has blessed him so much, and if Job had nothing but pain and misery, he would curse God.
Satan wanted to prove to God humanity can't be loyal to him and there's no need to bless them, so God proved to satan that Job was loyal and after this blessed Job tenfold, giving him more children, more wealth, more health than he ever had.
Cuz I have a damn functioning brain , if God is so competent then he could not even know heliocentric systems? Outwited by his own creation , not so almighty then now huh?
Tell me where in the bible it says earth doesn't orbit the sun.
Catholic church obviously wanted to say it is not, because they had made such claims independent from the word of God, the bible.
Ahahahah. Wow! That's the problem isn't it, so if I transfer a 200 year old skeleton and place some roman artifacts next to it, and bury it here in Finland, the very same architects will believe there was a roman traveller in Finland. Or better yet there's a stone spear next to him and based on how the stone is chipped and what kind of leather he has, he's either 20 or 40 thousand years old.
You see where the problem is? There's this widely accepted bias that certain types of markings or items are a mark of what period he is from which was guesstimated some 100 years ago and is now an accepted fact. And now that there is a man who has even more primitive gear in Morocco, he must be the oldest man ever.

Biblical facts are supported by proof. There is archeological findings to support the events, and they're even talked about across cultures. People laugh when bible says humanity is estimated at 6000 years old, because they're so used to these large numbers they were taught. When I was in elementary school like little over 10 years ago, I vividly remember they said homo sapiens was 40 000 years old. Then they estimated a new number, 200k, and now apparently 300k+. There is no concensus. And yet there is nothing to indicate that humans would have been around that long. Humanity is incredibly innovative, we know how to leave a mark of our existence by building impressive things.
Yet... nothing. And before you say agriculture was not invented then, Mongols didn't practice it either yet left a mark.
"humanity is estimated at 6000 years old"

How can you believe this even lol ? Then how they hell do even explain early civilizations if humanity is only 6000 years old.

Civilizations first appeared in Mesopotamia (what is now Iraq) and later in Egypt. Civilizations thrived in the Indus Valley by about 2500 B.C.E., in China by about 1500 B.C.E. and in Central America (what is now Mexico) by about 1200 B.C.E. Civilizations ultimately developed on every continent except Antarctica.

B.C.E means before christ and many civilizations were going on before christianity, so humanity is no way 6000 years old.

Even hinduism(the world's oldest religion) was founded between 2300 BC and 1500 BC in the indus valley.
I remember book of Job. It is about satan claiming to God that Job is only good because God has blessed him so much, and if Job had nothing but pain and misery, he would curse God.
Satan wanted to prove to God humanity can't be loyal to him and there's no need to bless them, so God proved to satan that Job was loyal and after this blessed Job tenfold, giving him more children, more wealth, more health than he ever had.
Dosent even makes sense its shows satan is a fool . No smart creature would go against an all powerfull and all knowing thing
I remember book of Job. It is about satan claiming to God that Job is only good because God has blessed him so much, and if Job had nothing but pain and misery, he would curse God.
Satan wanted to prove to God humanity can't be loyal to him and there's no need to bless them, so God proved to satan that Job was loyal and after this blessed Job tenfold, giving him more children, more wealth, more health than he ever had.
God could have discarded Satan's claims and would have trusted job instead of making him go through the sufferings.

Just lol.
God exists because... person (who could be on drugs, doing random shit for attention or be mentally ill) did le weird thing?
Oh wait, i almost forgot the biggest proof of it, some random pastor (biggest grifters on the planet) said he went to hell!!
If he also said he saw you raping 25 children in a row he must be saying the truth right
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God could have discarded Satan's claims and would have trusted job instead of making him go through the sufferings.
Could have would have should have. Safe to say we can end the argument here, it's fruitless.
I have seen priests tell people who have lost their loved ones to brutality that ' muh god is testing ' imagine taking away someone's loved for a damned test for validating God himself that sounds so egotistical
"bro, you dont understand, he just NEEDS to test you even though he knows whats gonna happen already"
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mayo mogger and Lynxress
Dosent even makes sense its shows satan is a fool . No smart creature would go against an all powerfull and all knowing thing
What choice does satan have? He's doomed, he's relentlessly trying to find new evidence about rottenness of humanity who have his salvation, so he could be saved too.
He is the prosecutor and he knows his case is doomed, but would you give up either? He's about to go to hell for eternity.
What choice does satan have? He's doomed, he's relentlessly trying to find new evidence about rottenness of humanity who have his salvation, so he could be saved too.
He is the prosecutor and he knows his case is doomed, but would you give up either? He's about to go to hell for eternity.
Become good and get forgiven or never turn evil
"humanity is estimated at 6000 years old"

How can you believe this even lol ? Then how they hell do even explain early civilizations if humanity is only 6000 years old.

Civilizations first appeared in Mesopotamia (what is now Iraq) and later in Egypt. Civilizations thrived in the Indus Valley by about 2500 B.C.E., in China by about 1500 B.C.E. and in Central America (what is now Mexico) by about 1200 B.C.E. Civilizations ultimately developed on every continent except Antarctica.

B.C.E means before christ and many civilizations were going on before christianity, so humanity is no way 6000 years old.

Even hinduism(the world's oldest religion) was founded between 2300 BC and 1500 BC in the indus valley.
You say BC, but I don't think you know what it means. When you say civilization thrived in indus valley 2500 BC, that's 4500 years ago. China by 3500y, Central America 3200y, hinduism founded 4300 years ago, 3500 years ago in indus valley.

NONE of the dates you gave were more than 6000 years. Thanks for proving my point.
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Become good and get forgiven or never turn evil
But being good doesn't save you + God inspects hearts. He probably cannot hide his malevolence from God and even if he did, he can only be saved through God's forgiveness which has been written not to come. He can only try to fight God, destroy everything God holds dear so God would be tired of him and kill him or something like this. Satan probably wants to die by hand of God rather than go to hell for eternity.
You say BC, but I don't think you know what it means. When you say civilization thrived in indus valley 2500 BC, that's 4500 years ago. China by 3500y, Central America 3200y, hinduism founded 4300 years ago, 3500 years ago in indus valley.

NONE of the dates you gave were more than 6000 years. Thanks for proving my point.
Yeah since Jesus was born 2000 years ago so all those dates come under 6000 years.

But what is your point ??? I never said that Jesus was not real. Jesus was real but he was a normal human born in middle east
You say BC, but I don't think you know what it means. When you say civilization thrived in indus valley 2500 BC, that's 4500 years ago. China by 3500y, Central America 3200y, hinduism founded 4300 years ago, 3500 years ago in indus valley.

NONE of the dates you gave were more than 6000 years. Thanks for proving my point.
I forgot to mention the mehrgarh civilization.

Before Indus Valley Civilization their was Mehrgarh Civilization (7000 BCE) which by many historians and archaeologist is considered as the pre Harrapan Civilization or IVC. The traces of this Civilization can be found in modern day Balochistan, this was a Neolithic Civilization.

Now count it, it will be 9000 years
But being good doesn't save you + God inspects hearts. He probably cannot hide his malevolence from God and even if he did, he can only be saved through God's forgiveness which has been written not to come. He can only try to fight God, destroy everything God holds dear so God would be tired of him and kill him or something like this. Satan probably wants to die by hand of God rather than go to hell for eternity.
Also Jericho in the West Bank which is dated to be 9000 BCE
But being good doesn't save you + God inspects hearts. He probably cannot hide his malevolence from God and even if he did, he can only be saved through God's forgiveness which has been written not to come. He can only try to fight God, destroy everything God holds dear so God would be tired of him and kill him or something like this. Satan probably wants to die by hand of God rather than go to hell for eternity.
He was an angel first then revolted why would he do that if he is smart
I'll only believe in God if he helps pay for my surgeries. Otherwise I don't care about him.
  • JFL
Reactions: pig_face
Yeah since Jesus was born 2000 years ago so all those dates come under 6000 years.

But what is your point ??? I never said that Jesus was not real. Jesus was real but he was a normal human born in middle east
Point is that no civilization is significantly older than 6000 years old. Biblical scholars estimate humanity as 6000-12000 years old.
You say BC, but I don't think you know what it means. When you say civilization thrived in indus valley 2500 BC, that's 4500 years ago. China by 3500y, Central America 3200y, hinduism founded 4300 years ago, 3500 years ago in indus valley.

NONE of the dates you gave were more than 6000 years. Thanks for proving my point.
You need to take account the flood not when tje earth was created according to tje bible
You want proof how old humanity is ??? Here take more

IMG 20240229 203523

Also Jericho in the West Bank which is dated to be 9000 BCE
So does that fit more along the lines of biblical estimate 6000-12000 years old, or scientific estimate which says that humans spent 360 000 years doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, but then around 6000 years ago started to do everything in a massive speed until it lead to us chatting in completely different places with these marvelous machines?

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