You still don't believe in God?

And what did Jesus Christ go through?

The problem of evil is root of the bible
Just one life to compensate for many such cases very pathetic argument
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Just one life to compensate for many such cases very pathetic argument
It’s not to compensate anything but to show horrible things happen even to the Son of God, and you are not above him, so they might happen to you.

More clear?
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It’s not to compensate anything but to show horrible things happen even to the Son of God, and you are not above him, so they might happen to you.

More clear?
Hmm actually a good point bhai
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@BigBiceps What's the point of Christianity?
No, I dont believe in an invisible man who's watching and judging me. How crazy huh
Agnostism mogs honestly cuz then if you are a good person then you are a genuine one not becuz of muh heaven
Heaven and hell is a flawed concept, the concept of good and morals is human made, and nobody is "good" or "bad", it always depends on culture and time.
Not really much. Language for a species like ours is more like a necessity for survival. And the reason Africa, the American native people etc. are so primitive is because they have no need for a civilization. It's not that they could not have made any kind of impact if they were thrown in central asia for example, where the environment is more harsh and there's need for more innovation to survive. You can see it easily from the fact that there were the Aztecs with their tecnotetlan (maybe misspelling) which was a city that had HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, and a little more north there were the North American natives who lived in tents, because they had plenty of food anyway.
Native american lived in the far north, inuits lived in the canadian artic.
Some natives lived in extremely harsh condition yet never developed any agriculture and writing.
Oh wow, now you are coming in range ?

You earlier told me how scientists can give a range among dates but now you are telling it's between 6000-12000 lol
Not said in bible how old humanity is. It's estimate of various scholars.
Did god wanted to troll its population by putting dinosaurs bones on the ground ?
God speaks of dinosaurs or beings like such iirc in book of Job. He said he had created such beings like Behemoth and Goliath when talking about his powers.

Is there any religions that actually love eachothers ? Every religion hates the others because they believe anyone who doesnt believe like them go to hell
I guess 1.5 billions muslim are going to hell damn
Christianity. What does a christian street preacher get for warning people about the danger of hell? Nothing, he does it out of concern and love for one-another.
Hitler was a based nationalist, he knew religion was a scam to fool low iq monkeys
View attachment 2775425
@mogstars @BigBiceps
That's one of those things that's hard to confirm. What we do know is that Hitler made absolutely 0 attempts at making Germany atheistic. So I guess he considered his countrymen slaves. Also the belt buckle of every single german soldier had the text ''Gott Mitt Uns'' meaning God with us.

Do you realise that the people who go through gore torture vidoes are actual humans? What did they do then do deserve that? Nothing , only probable answer would be reincarnation
It's not about who deserves what. Jesus Christ didn't deserve to get nailed on the cross, and he is perfect son of God. Bad things happen, but this world is not our soul's permanent resting place. Our souls are created eternal by God.
Not said in bible how old humanity is. It's estimate of various scholars.

God speaks of dinosaurs or beings like such iirc in book of Job. He said he had created such beings like Behemoth and Goliath when talking about his powers.
View attachment 2775937

Christianity. What does a christian street preacher get for warning people about the danger of hell? Nothing, he does it out of concern and love for one-another.

That's one of those things that's hard to confirm. What we do know is that Hitler made absolutely 0 attempts at making Germany atheistic. So I guess he considered his countrymen slaves. Also the belt buckle of every single german soldier had the text ''Gott Mitt Uns'' meaning God with us.

It's not about who deserves what. Jesus Christ didn't deserve to get nailed on the cross, and he is perfect son of God. Bad things happen, but this world is not our soul's permanent resting place. Our souls are created eternal by God.
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Don't tag me anymore, believe in what you wanna do with your life. I don't care
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Heaven and hell is a flawed concept, the concept of good and morals is human made, and nobody is "good" or "bad", it always depends on culture and time.
Somehow though all cultures have found pretty much the same morals. Morals are not man-made, but God-made.
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blud got his believes from horror movies 💀 @thenewhebbe
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Religion is cope.. if you still believe in god after 18 it means you have low iq. Its like believing santa claus is real
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He did know. Like if you some day have children, you will know some of their actions will lead to bad results. But if you stop them, they'll hate you.
He created mankind as his own image, special in all creation. He could have us be like pigs, always doing the programmed thing, but he wanted something more for us. Higher understanding.
Average atheist cuck who thinks his personal views on morality shall be an absolute truth. Who says only the homos will by sentenced to eternal damnation? And btw:

Dios no existe. Cálmate.
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