[Ultimate Skinmax Guide] A-Z How to achieve Thom Strijd tier skin. Practical tips on improving skin colouring, glow, collagen and prevent photoaging

About to OD on tomato sauce now.
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I have had yellowish skin as a caucasian but ppl made fub of it, no skim color for your face
High Iq thread. Good info. Cheers.
No skincare guide will beat @benignice‘s tbh. I mean, the guy is a professional.
  • +1
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link idk if ive read t
  • +1
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I have had yellowish skin as a caucasian but ppl made fub of it, no skim color for your face
It’s not merely yellow. It’s orange a mix of red and yellow outside of the East Asia is almost universally considered more attractive
Pasty white tho I need to tan I have no choice
  • +1
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing
So the holy trinity to get all essentials in nutritions is Carrots, Tomatoes and green leafs?
  • +1
Reactions: gymislife
Fucking legit lmao
  • +1
Reactions: gymislife
This is all genetics. I have a rosy complexion with yellow/orange undertones and never did any of this.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6380
This is all genetics. I have a rosy complexion with yellow/orange undertones and never did any of this.
That's like saying, "I was born skinny without losing weight. Its all genetics"
  • +1
Reactions: Looks234, WadlowMaxxing and RecessedPrettyboy
What peptides are the best?!
its a lookism copy pasta jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: gymislife and WadlowMaxxing
Because it simply does. Just like your life doesn't revolve around this forum your life shouldn't revolve about your skincare routine.

You cannot just have a list of 1 thousand things to do everyday just for the sole purpose of having good skin. It's not realistic and it cannot and should not be followed through regardless of the legitimacy of the information.

At the end of the day although it's an informative guide you'll need to only pick what's more relevant and offers the best result with the less effort.
Good mentality bro, 80/20 principle, it's all about balance and not obsessing about little things that barely provide life improvement in the bigger picture
  • +1
Reactions: Soalian
Good mentality bro, 80/20 principle, it's all about balance and not obsessing about little things that barely provide life improvement in the bigger picture
But all the small things we routinely do ("atomic habits") eventually add up, which leads to very different outcomes in life, in some cases.
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend
But all the small things we routinely do ("atomic habits") eventually add up, which leads to very different outcomes in life, in some cases.
Yea I agree, I don't mean you shouldn't do those small things, just don't focus too much of your time and effort on one single, better to do 5 little habits with 20% input than 1 where you put 100% in but neglect the other 4, at least for most people that don't have their whole life already quite together
Does this work for every race and color
  • +1
Reactions: Soontm
Is this pointless for brown skinned currys?
Tales from the basement incoming...
Had a tinder date lately and she was commenting of my beautiful skin tone and how its possible i look so slightly tanned in this time of year.
high iq dude thanks for the thread
Sit back and get some popcorn as this is going to be a long thread

Just kidding, to continue further reading, I order you to stock up on carrots

1. Beta-Carotene
View attachment 862989

If you've been lurking in here, you should already know that beta carotene/carrots can help you get a golden glow. That should indeed be your first step to skinmaxing. Here's an interesting study:

The carotenoid beta-carotene enhances facial color, attractiveness and perceived health:

They used 30,000 IU in the study which is equivalent to approximately 4 carrots.

Besides giving you improvement in skin appearance, it will also give your skin protection from UV damage:

A very good beta-carotene transformation I've seen is from this redditor:


2. 2020 study shows that achieving a colorful, healthy skin tone is much more complex than just getting in your beta-carotene

In order to get the best results you need to incorporate all kinds of carotenoids:
(Carotenoids are a group of 600 antioxidants, a few of the most common carotenoids include: alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene).
Another important step is improving your lifestyle (fitness and health).

Skin Color Cues to Human Health - Carotenoids, Aerobic Fitness, and Body Fat:


Lifestyle factors and ways to improve them:
A. Nutrition:
View attachment 862131

B. Physical Exercise: - for maximum results I recommend combining both aerobic and anaerobic exercise

C. Bodyfat:
- caloric restriction
- intermittent fasting
- high satiety foods
- decrease refined carbs, increase fiber/healthy fats/protein
- eat only until you feel 70-80% full

D. Sleep:
- keep a sleeping routine
- reduce caffeine intake
- use a blue light blocker on phone/pc like f.lux in the evening
- sleep in complete darkness
- supplement with melatonin, magnesium, valerian

E. Stress: - do mindfulness meditation and yoga
- laugh - listen to music
- play with your pet
- supplement with ashwagandha, green tea, valerian

3. How to increase lycopene amount from tomatoes
View attachment 862376

Cooking Tomatoes Boosts Disease-Fighting Power


So - choose redder tomatoes, cook them and eat them together with a source of fat, that way a single tomato will increase it's amount of lycopene to way more than 10 mg.

4. Rosy Complexion
View attachment 862572

Rosy Complexion Is Sign of Health: A new study finds that we perceive people with rosier complexions as being healthier, and therefore more attractive.

What you can do to improve circulation in the face and get a rosy complexion:

- Improve hormonal profile
- Exercise - People who work out more have been shown to have higher blood oxygen levels, which makes their blood redder. A 2003 review noted that exercise improves the body's ability to take in and use oxygen, it also supports the health of the circulatory system and improves circulation.
- Skin massages - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=face+massage
- Cleanse and moisturize your skin and massage it for a few minutes while you do so.
- Exfoliate

- Niacin - high doses of it causes your capillaries to expand, which increases the flow of blood to the skin’s surface, however the symptoms set in 15-30 mins after taking it and taper off 1-2 hours later.
- Green tea(or black) - Green tea has been shown to promote cardiovascular health. Healthy blood vessels help improve circulation and blood flow. @GreenTea :love:
- Red wine - Helps expand blood vessels thus aid in circulation.

5. Antioxidants
View attachment 862735

Getting in antioxidants in your diet is extremely important as they can protect your skin from UV damage, preserve skin by preventing collagen loss, fight inflammation and help with acne.

- Carotenoids
- Pycnogenol - https://www.healthline.com/health/pycnogenol#for-skin
- Berries - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/blueberry-benefits-for-skin
- Green tea - https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-green-tea-for-skin
- Olive oil - https://www.healthline.com/health/olive-oil-benefits-face
- Herbs - the ones I like to add to my foods when cooking: cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, black pepper, paprika, savory, ginger
- Astaxanthin - strongest antioxidant among the carotenoids - it can provide protection against UV radiation, improve skin elasticity and help the skin retent moisture, reduce wrinkle formation. However there isn't any scientific evidence that it can give red skin undertone. Also keep in mind that it is a DHT inhibitor, so take it at your own risk, alternatively you can use a topical astaxanthin serum or cream.
- Ginseng - https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/beau...-/news-story/675ec74b4b19495a492c8b52594e32f7
- Amla - https://www.medlife.com/blog/10-health-benefits-gooseberry-skin-hair/

6. Collagen & elasticity
View attachment 862825

The first step to improving collagen should be following the advice from the above-stated points, in addition to that: cut off processed sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and reduce caffeine intake (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4206198/)

Topical Medications:

highly recommended:
- Retin-a/Retinol
- Moisturizer (Look for one that has glycerin, hyalouronic acid in it)
- Sunscreen
- Peptides (Matrixyl, GHK-Cu)

- Vitamin C Serum
- Chemical Peels
- Microneedling
- Red Light Therapy
- IPL/CO2/Fraxel Lasers

7. Sun exposure/tanning
View attachment 862898

Ultraviolet radiation, which speeds the natural aging process, is the primary cause of early wrinkling. Exposure to UV light breaks down your skin's connective tissue — collagen and elastin fibers, which lie in the deeper layer of skin (dermis).
Without the supportive connective tissue, your skin loses strength and flexibility. Skin then begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

For that reason, I'd recommend wearing a sunscreen all the time you're outdoors during the day (for additional sunblock you can wear a hat - especially if you're on retin-a).
To maintain healthy blood levels of vitamin D, exposure yourself for 15 mins a day.
If you really badly want to tan, then look into:
- Melanotan 2
- Self tanners

For further info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoaging






Honorable threads on a similar topic:
@PenileFacialSurgery https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-coloring-maxing-how-to-get-ideal-golden-caramel-glow.87887/
@eduardkoopman https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-color-improvement-eat-shitload-of-vegetables-and-fruits.49227/
@Chintuck22 https://looksmax.org/threads/golden-skin-color.222641/
@the next o'pry https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-1.78972/
@PrettyBoyMaxxing https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-2.79240/

Mentions from my previous skinmax thread: @JustBeCurry @alexjones @maximusmaxxed @thehealingfields @Matheus @16tyo @PYT @Don't Forget to mew @Justbeconfidentsrs
didnt know i was looksmaxxing by drinking my tomato soup with grilled cheese
ngl i am addicted to tomato soup so its lifefuel :feelsgood:
If you're not on retin-a, spending 15 mins under the sun without sunscreen will barely cause any damage(if any at all), if you wanna tan though, just use melanotan 2
you're actually wrong on the retin-a part it only causes sun sensitivity in the beggining but then as the dermis thickens it actually betters your skin's ability to take sun damage this is what dr. dray said in one of her videos, also change your avi it reminds me of amnesia too much
High quality thread and will read this one day

2. 2020 study shows that achieving a colorful, healthy skin tone is much more complex than just getting in your beta-carotene
Sit back and get some popcorn as this is going to be a long thread

Just kidding, to continue further reading, I order you to stock up on carrots

1. Beta-Carotene
View attachment 862989

If you've been lurking in here, you should already know that beta carotene/carrots can help you get a golden glow. That should indeed be your first step to skinmaxing. Here's an interesting study:

The carotenoid beta-carotene enhances facial color, attractiveness and perceived health:

They used 30,000 IU in the study which is equivalent to approximately 4 carrots.

Besides giving you improvement in skin appearance, it will also give your skin protection from UV damage:

A very good beta-carotene transformation I've seen is from this redditor:


2. 2020 study shows that achieving a colorful, healthy skin tone is much more complex than just getting in your beta-carotene

In order to get the best results you need to incorporate all kinds of carotenoids:
(Carotenoids are a group of 600 antioxidants, a few of the most common carotenoids include: alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene).
Another important step is improving your lifestyle (fitness and health).

Skin Color Cues to Human Health - Carotenoids, Aerobic Fitness, and Body Fat:


Lifestyle factors and ways to improve them:
A. Nutrition:
View attachment 862131

B. Physical Exercise: - for maximum results I recommend combining both aerobic and anaerobic exercise

C. Bodyfat:
- caloric restriction
- intermittent fasting
- high satiety foods
- decrease refined carbs, increase fiber/healthy fats/protein
- eat only until you feel 70-80% full

D. Sleep:
- keep a sleeping routine
- reduce caffeine intake
- use a blue light blocker on phone/pc like f.lux in the evening
- sleep in complete darkness
- supplement with melatonin, magnesium, valerian

E. Stress: - do mindfulness meditation and yoga
- laugh - listen to music
- play with your pet
- supplement with ashwagandha, green tea, valerian

3. How to increase lycopene amount from tomatoes
View attachment 862376

Cooking Tomatoes Boosts Disease-Fighting Power


So - choose redder tomatoes, cook them and eat them together with a source of fat, that way a single tomato will increase it's amount of lycopene to way more than 10 mg.

4. Rosy Complexion
View attachment 862572

Rosy Complexion Is Sign of Health: A new study finds that we perceive people with rosier complexions as being healthier, and therefore more attractive.

What you can do to improve circulation in the face and get a rosy complexion:

- Improve hormonal profile
- Exercise - People who work out more have been shown to have higher blood oxygen levels, which makes their blood redder. A 2003 review noted that exercise improves the body's ability to take in and use oxygen, it also supports the health of the circulatory system and improves circulation.
- Skin massages - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=face+massage
- Cleanse and moisturize your skin and massage it for a few minutes while you do so.
- Exfoliate

- Niacin - high doses of it causes your capillaries to expand, which increases the flow of blood to the skin’s surface, however the symptoms set in 15-30 mins after taking it and taper off 1-2 hours later.
- Green tea(or black) - Green tea has been shown to promote cardiovascular health. Healthy blood vessels help improve circulation and blood flow. @GreenTea :love:
- Red wine - Helps expand blood vessels thus aid in circulation.

5. Antioxidants
View attachment 862735

Getting in antioxidants in your diet is extremely important as they can protect your skin from UV damage, preserve skin by preventing collagen loss, fight inflammation and help with acne.

- Carotenoids
- Pycnogenol - https://www.healthline.com/health/pycnogenol#for-skin
- Berries - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/blueberry-benefits-for-skin
- Green tea - https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-green-tea-for-skin
- Olive oil - https://www.healthline.com/health/olive-oil-benefits-face
- Herbs - the ones I like to add to my foods when cooking: cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, black pepper, paprika, savory, ginger
- Astaxanthin - strongest antioxidant among the carotenoids - it can provide protection against UV radiation, improve skin elasticity and help the skin retent moisture, reduce wrinkle formation. However there isn't any scientific evidence that it can give red skin undertone. Also keep in mind that it is a DHT inhibitor, so take it at your own risk, alternatively you can use a topical astaxanthin serum or cream.
- Ginseng - https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/beau...-/news-story/675ec74b4b19495a492c8b52594e32f7
- Amla - https://www.medlife.com/blog/10-health-benefits-gooseberry-skin-hair/

6. Collagen & elasticity
View attachment 862825

The first step to improving collagen should be following the advice from the above-stated points, in addition to that: cut off processed sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and reduce caffeine intake (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4206198/)

Topical Medications:

highly recommended:
- Retin-a/Retinol
- Moisturizer (Look for one that has glycerin, hyalouronic acid in it)
- Sunscreen
- Peptides (Matrixyl, GHK-Cu)

- Vitamin C Serum
- Chemical Peels
- Microneedling
- Red Light Therapy
- IPL/CO2/Fraxel Lasers

7. Sun exposure/tanning
View attachment 862898

Ultraviolet radiation, which speeds the natural aging process, is the primary cause of early wrinkling. Exposure to UV light breaks down your skin's connective tissue — collagen and elastin fibers, which lie in the deeper layer of skin (dermis).
Without the supportive connective tissue, your skin loses strength and flexibility. Skin then begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

For that reason, I'd recommend wearing a sunscreen all the time you're outdoors during the day (for additional sunblock you can wear a hat - especially if you're on retin-a).
To maintain healthy blood levels of vitamin D, exposure yourself for 15 mins a day.
If you really badly want to tan, then look into:
- Melanotan 2
- Self tanners

For further info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoaging






Honorable threads on a similar topic:
@PenileFacialSurgery https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-coloring-maxing-how-to-get-ideal-golden-caramel-glow.87887/
@eduardkoopman https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-color-improvement-eat-shitload-of-vegetables-and-fruits.49227/
@Chintuck22 https://looksmax.org/threads/golden-skin-color.222641/
@the next o'pry https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-1.78972/
@PrettyBoyMaxxing https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-2.79240/

Mentions from my previous skinmax thread: @JustBeCurry @alexjones @maximusmaxxed @thehealingfields @Matheus @16tyo @PYT @Don't Forget to mew @Justbeconfidentsrs
Amnesia go find a trade wife
you're actually wrong on the retin-a part it only causes sun sensitivity in the beggining but then as the dermis thickens it actually betters your skin's ability to take sun damage this is what dr. dray said in one of her videos, also change your avi it reminds me of amnesia too much
source please
the best thread on here, idk why it's so abandoned and forgotten
  • Love it
Reactions: gymislife
I have some important pieces to add to this. May or may not make a megathread myself. Some useful info here but it's missing some god tier ingredients in skincare products, diet, microbiome health, light diet (what light you're exposed to) and a few other things. Your advice will definitely get the ball rolling towards having the golden glow.
  • +1
Reactions: Racky and AscendingHero
I have some important pieces to add to this. May or may not make a megathread myself. Some useful info here but it's missing some god tier ingredients in skincare products, diet, microbiome health, light diet (what light you're exposed to) and a few other things. Your advice will definitely get the ball rolling towards having the golden glow.
Make a megathread on it bro

And what god tier ingreidents/skin care products do you recommend for getting a more caramel glowing skintone

How would someones who darker whos trying to achieve this skintone go about it?
Michealy ealy

and lastly what do you recommend for achieviing those red/orange undertones besides the advice stated itt
Carrotenoid skin is disgusting and would make me look ill. How do i get red skin. I look so good after a blood pump
Make a megathread on it bro

And what god tier ingreidents/skin care products do you recommend for getting a more caramel glowing skintone

How would someones who darker whos trying to achieve this skintone go about it?
View attachment 1743203View attachment 1743204View attachment 1743206

and lastly what do you recommend for achieviing those red/orange undertones besides the advice stated itt
Eye area is everything. If i had a little bigger pfl i would be worshipped in incel forums
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero
Because it simply does. Just like your life doesn't revolve around this forum your life shouldn't revolve about your skincare routine.

You cannot just have a list of 1 thousand things to do everyday just for the sole purpose of having good skin. It's not realistic and it cannot and should not be followed through regardless of the legitimacy of the information.

At the end of the day although it's an informative guide you'll need to only pick what's more relevant and offers the best result with the less effort.
Excluding accutane retin a, legit after all the years of researching skin improvement in forums the only thing that is worth and seems to be working to me is drinking tons of water and not eating shit. Skin care is a scam
  • +1
Reactions: Bdh
Jfl found this while searching for this forum's skinmaxxing threads on google cause the search engine here is dogshit

nigga lurked here and literally just copy/pasted your thread for free
  • JFL
Reactions: CarrotMaxxer
Jfl found this while searching for this forum's skinmaxxing threads on google cause the search engine here is dogshit

nigga lurked here and literally just copy/pasted your thread for free

  • JFL
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Sit back and get some popcorn as this is going to be a long thread

Just kidding, to continue further reading, I order you to stock up on carrots

1. Beta-Carotene
View attachment 862989

If you've been lurking in here, you should already know that beta carotene/carrots can help you get a golden glow. That should indeed be your first step to skinmaxing. Here's an interesting study:

The carotenoid beta-carotene enhances facial color, attractiveness and perceived health:

They used 30,000 IU in the study which is equivalent to approximately 4 carrots.

Besides giving you improvement in skin appearance, it will also give your skin protection from UV damage:

A very good beta-carotene transformation I've seen is from this redditor:


2. 2020 study shows that achieving a colorful, healthy skin tone is much more complex than just getting in your beta-carotene

In order to get the best results you need to incorporate all kinds of carotenoids:
(Carotenoids are a group of 600 antioxidants, a few of the most common carotenoids include: alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene).
Another important step is improving your lifestyle (fitness and health).

Skin Color Cues to Human Health - Carotenoids, Aerobic Fitness, and Body Fat:


Lifestyle factors and ways to improve them:
A. Nutrition:
View attachment 862131

B. Physical Exercise: - for maximum results I recommend combining both aerobic and anaerobic exercise

C. Bodyfat:
- caloric restriction
- intermittent fasting
- high satiety foods
- decrease refined carbs, increase fiber/healthy fats/protein
- eat only until you feel 70-80% full

D. Sleep:
- keep a sleeping routine
- reduce caffeine intake
- use a blue light blocker on phone/pc like f.lux in the evening
- sleep in complete darkness
- supplement with melatonin, magnesium, valerian

E. Stress: - do mindfulness meditation and yoga
- laugh - listen to music
- play with your pet
- supplement with ashwagandha, green tea, valerian

3. How to increase lycopene amount from tomatoes
View attachment 862376

Cooking Tomatoes Boosts Disease-Fighting Power


So - choose redder tomatoes, cook them and eat them together with a source of fat, that way a single tomato will increase it's amount of lycopene to way more than 10 mg.

4. Rosy Complexion
View attachment 862572

Rosy Complexion Is Sign of Health: A new study finds that we perceive people with rosier complexions as being healthier, and therefore more attractive.

What you can do to improve circulation in the face and get a rosy complexion:

- Improve hormonal profile
- Exercise - People who work out more have been shown to have higher blood oxygen levels, which makes their blood redder. A 2003 review noted that exercise improves the body's ability to take in and use oxygen, it also supports the health of the circulatory system and improves circulation.
- Skin massages - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=face+massage
- Cleanse and moisturize your skin and massage it for a few minutes while you do so.
- Exfoliate

- Niacin - high doses of it causes your capillaries to expand, which increases the flow of blood to the skin’s surface, however the symptoms set in 15-30 mins after taking it and taper off 1-2 hours later.
- Green tea(or black) - Green tea has been shown to promote cardiovascular health. Healthy blood vessels help improve circulation and blood flow. @GreenTea :love:
- Red wine - Helps expand blood vessels thus aid in circulation.

5. Antioxidants
View attachment 862735

Getting in antioxidants in your diet is extremely important as they can protect your skin from UV damage, preserve skin by preventing collagen loss, fight inflammation and help with acne.

- Carotenoids
- Pycnogenol - https://www.healthline.com/health/pycnogenol#for-skin
- Berries - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/blueberry-benefits-for-skin
- Green tea - https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-green-tea-for-skin
- Olive oil - https://www.healthline.com/health/olive-oil-benefits-face
- Herbs - the ones I like to add to my foods when cooking: cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, black pepper, paprika, savory, ginger
- Astaxanthin - strongest antioxidant among the carotenoids - it can provide protection against UV radiation, improve skin elasticity and help the skin retent moisture, reduce wrinkle formation. However there isn't any scientific evidence that it can give red skin undertone. Also keep in mind that it is a DHT inhibitor, so take it at your own risk, alternatively you can use a topical astaxanthin serum or cream.
- Ginseng - https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/beau...-/news-story/675ec74b4b19495a492c8b52594e32f7
- Amla - https://www.medlife.com/blog/10-health-benefits-gooseberry-skin-hair/

6. Collagen & elasticity
View attachment 862825

The first step to improving collagen should be following the advice from the above-stated points, in addition to that: cut off processed sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and reduce caffeine intake (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4206198/)

Topical Medications:

highly recommended:
- Retin-a/Retinol
- Moisturizer (Look for one that has glycerin, hyalouronic acid in it)
- Sunscreen
- Peptides (Matrixyl, GHK-Cu)

- Vitamin C Serum
- Chemical Peels
- Microneedling
- Red Light Therapy
- IPL/CO2/Fraxel Lasers

7. Sun exposure/tanning
View attachment 862898

Ultraviolet radiation, which speeds the natural aging process, is the primary cause of early wrinkling. Exposure to UV light breaks down your skin's connective tissue — collagen and elastin fibers, which lie in the deeper layer of skin (dermis).
Without the supportive connective tissue, your skin loses strength and flexibility. Skin then begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

For that reason, I'd recommend wearing a sunscreen all the time you're outdoors during the day (for additional sunblock you can wear a hat - especially if you're on retin-a).
To maintain healthy blood levels of vitamin D, exposure yourself for 15 mins a day.
If you really badly want to tan, then look into:
- Melanotan 2
- Self tanners

For further info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoaging






Honorable threads on a similar topic:
@PenileFacialSurgery https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-coloring-maxing-how-to-get-ideal-golden-caramel-glow.87887/
@eduardkoopman https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-color-improvement-eat-shitload-of-vegetables-and-fruits.49227/
@Chintuck22 https://looksmax.org/threads/golden-skin-color.222641/
@the next o'pry https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-1.78972/
@PrettyBoyMaxxing https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-2.79240/

Mentions from my previous skinmax thread: @JustBeCurry @alexjones @maximusmaxxed @thehealingfields @Matheus @16tyo @PYT @Don't Forget to mew @Justbeconfidentsrs
+ do a physical peel every now and then. if you haven't done it before you'd see clear results from just one go. just buy whatever has good amazon ratings, and scrub your face during a bath / shower
legit as fuck. i take isotretinoin my skin looks ok, but when i fry 2-3 tomatoes and some eggs in a pan and eat it (plus some skin cleanser every other day) my skin looks the best
Sit back and get some popcorn as this is going to be a long thread

Just kidding, to continue further reading, I order you to stock up on carrots

1. Beta-Carotene
View attachment 862989

If you've been lurking in here, you should already know that beta carotene/carrots can help you get a golden glow. That should indeed be your first step to skinmaxing. Here's an interesting study:

The carotenoid beta-carotene enhances facial color, attractiveness and perceived health:

They used 30,000 IU in the study which is equivalent to approximately 4 carrots.

Besides giving you improvement in skin appearance, it will also give your skin protection from UV damage:

A very good beta-carotene transformation I've seen is from this redditor:


2. 2020 study shows that achieving a colorful, healthy skin tone is much more complex than just getting in your beta-carotene

In order to get the best results you need to incorporate all kinds of carotenoids:
(Carotenoids are a group of 600 antioxidants, a few of the most common carotenoids include: alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene).
Another important step is improving your lifestyle (fitness and health).

Skin Color Cues to Human Health - Carotenoids, Aerobic Fitness, and Body Fat:


Lifestyle factors and ways to improve them:
A. Nutrition:
View attachment 862131

B. Physical Exercise: - for maximum results I recommend combining both aerobic and anaerobic exercise

C. Bodyfat:
- caloric restriction
- intermittent fasting
- high satiety foods
- decrease refined carbs, increase fiber/healthy fats/protein
- eat only until you feel 70-80% full

D. Sleep:
- keep a sleeping routine
- reduce caffeine intake
- use a blue light blocker on phone/pc like f.lux in the evening
- sleep in complete darkness
- supplement with melatonin, magnesium, valerian

E. Stress: - do mindfulness meditation and yoga
- laugh - listen to music
- play with your pet
- supplement with ashwagandha, green tea, valerian

3. How to increase lycopene amount from tomatoes
View attachment 862376

Cooking Tomatoes Boosts Disease-Fighting Power


So - choose redder tomatoes, cook them and eat them together with a source of fat, that way a single tomato will increase it's amount of lycopene to way more than 10 mg.

4. Rosy Complexion
View attachment 862572

Rosy Complexion Is Sign of Health: A new study finds that we perceive people with rosier complexions as being healthier, and therefore more attractive.

What you can do to improve circulation in the face and get a rosy complexion:

- Improve hormonal profile
- Exercise - People who work out more have been shown to have higher blood oxygen levels, which makes their blood redder. A 2003 review noted that exercise improves the body's ability to take in and use oxygen, it also supports the health of the circulatory system and improves circulation.
- Skin massages - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=face+massage
- Cleanse and moisturize your skin and massage it for a few minutes while you do so.
- Exfoliate

- Niacin - high doses of it causes your capillaries to expand, which increases the flow of blood to the skin’s surface, however the symptoms set in 15-30 mins after taking it and taper off 1-2 hours later.
- Green tea(or black) - Green tea has been shown to promote cardiovascular health. Healthy blood vessels help improve circulation and blood flow. @GreenTea :love:
- Red wine - Helps expand blood vessels thus aid in circulation.

5. Antioxidants
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Getting in antioxidants in your diet is extremely important as they can protect your skin from UV damage, preserve skin by preventing collagen loss, fight inflammation and help with acne.

- Carotenoids
- Pycnogenol - https://www.healthline.com/health/pycnogenol#for-skin
- Berries - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/blueberry-benefits-for-skin
- Green tea - https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-green-tea-for-skin
- Olive oil - https://www.healthline.com/health/olive-oil-benefits-face
- Herbs - the ones I like to add to my foods when cooking: cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, black pepper, paprika, savory, ginger
- Astaxanthin - strongest antioxidant among the carotenoids - it can provide protection against UV radiation, improve skin elasticity and help the skin retent moisture, reduce wrinkle formation. However there isn't any scientific evidence that it can give red skin undertone. Also keep in mind that it is a DHT inhibitor, so take it at your own risk, alternatively you can use a topical astaxanthin serum or cream.
- Ginseng - https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/beau...-/news-story/675ec74b4b19495a492c8b52594e32f7
- Amla - https://www.medlife.com/blog/10-health-benefits-gooseberry-skin-hair/

6. Collagen & elasticity
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The first step to improving collagen should be following the advice from the above-stated points, in addition to that: cut off processed sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and reduce caffeine intake (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4206198/)

Topical Medications:

highly recommended:
- Retin-a/Retinol
- Moisturizer (Look for one that has glycerin, hyalouronic acid in it)
- Sunscreen
- Peptides (Matrixyl, GHK-Cu)

- Vitamin C Serum
- Chemical Peels
- Microneedling
- Red Light Therapy
- IPL/CO2/Fraxel Lasers

7. Sun exposure/tanning
View attachment 862898

Ultraviolet radiation, which speeds the natural aging process, is the primary cause of early wrinkling. Exposure to UV light breaks down your skin's connective tissue — collagen and elastin fibers, which lie in the deeper layer of skin (dermis).
Without the supportive connective tissue, your skin loses strength and flexibility. Skin then begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

For that reason, I'd recommend wearing a sunscreen all the time you're outdoors during the day (for additional sunblock you can wear a hat - especially if you're on retin-a).
To maintain healthy blood levels of vitamin D, exposure yourself for 15 mins a day.
If you really badly want to tan, then look into:
- Melanotan 2
- Self tanners

For further info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoaging






Honorable threads on a similar topic:
@PenileFacialSurgery https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-coloring-maxing-how-to-get-ideal-golden-caramel-glow.87887/
@eduardkoopman https://looksmax.org/threads/skin-color-improvement-eat-shitload-of-vegetables-and-fruits.49227/
@Chintuck22 https://looksmax.org/threads/golden-skin-color.222641/
@the next o'pry https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-1.78972/
@PrettyBoyMaxxing https://looksmax.org/threads/coloring-and-contrast-theory-part-2.79240/

Mentions from my previous skinmax thread: @JustBeCurry @alexjones @maximusmaxxed @thehealingfields @Matheus @16tyo @PYT @Don't Forget to mew @Justbeconfidentsrs
I got pimples from taking beta carotene
Anyone have good results with this?
does lycopene reduce igf-1 production or is that a lie?
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