15y | Last update on my stack

Ik I just wanted a second eye to see it
It's good
What's the best way to cycle mk to prevent diabetes and maximize height
4 days on 1 days off right?
I don't think you should cycle mk it doesn’t require breaks and for growth you should totally not cycle it just like hgh (not the effects) you should do it everyday.
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How much height did u gain and how long was ur cycle
I don't think that test, var and ai are mainly for height. Don’t really know vars effect on height but the only thing helping should be ai which is cause of delayed plate closure. Someone said that test MAY increase growth velocity but thats all.
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I don't think that test, var and ai are mainly for height. Don’t really know vars effect on height but the only thing helping should be ai which is cause of delayed plate closure. Someone said that test MAY increase growth velocity but thats all.
In a study it increased height by 2 inches in a very short amount
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In a study it increased height by 2 inches in a very short amount
Test may has aged him quicker, btw i’m not saying it wont work i believe it will but it wont mainly help height.
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Test may has aged him quicker, btw i’m not saying it wont work i believe it will but it wont mainly help height.
Ik I will block some dht
I will take fin 1.25mg 3x per week
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Blocking dht is not the best idea tho just do it normally imo. Most of your goals require dht.
Ik I will still have superphysialogical dht lvls
I may lower it to 2x per week only
I am ethnic I have high dht asf I can grow a full beard in 10days
But my tanner stage is low bc I have no adductor hair or the hair on my abs
But I have hair and a good frame and 850 test before letro
And maybe 1300 afterbor something no signs of balding thank god
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Ik I will still have superphysialogical dht lvls
I may lower it to 2x per week only
I am ethnic I have high dht asf I can grow a full beard in 10days
But my tanner stage is low bc I have no adductor hair or the hair on my abs
But I have hair and a good frame and 850 test before letro
And maybe 1300 afterbor something no signs of balding thank god
Yeah ig then it could benefit you but still i don’t recommend it. Your sensivity to dht is also important man, but i don’t really know about the effects of fin or at 16.
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Yeah ig then it could benefit you but still i don’t recommend it. Your sensivity to dht is also important man, but i don’t really know about the effects of fin or at 16.
I am extremely sensitive bro I swear I have been on letro for like 10 days
When I bonesmash my bones are way harder and I grow hair way faster and voice got a lil bit deeeper
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Yeah ig then it could benefit you but still i don’t recommend it. Your sensivity to dht is also important man, but i don’t really know about the effects of fin or at 16.
Not glazing or anything but I developed some acne that doesn't go away even tho I put retinol
And my skin is dry asf like it used to be 1_2yr ago
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if ur already set on peptides then just run those first and see how u respond, ur 15 so ur literally swimming in natural GH and test already, blasting 500mg test e at that age is just gonna nuke ur HPTA for no reason, if u wanna experiment with anabolics at least start with something mild like low dose primo or low test, even 100-150mg test e weekly would already put u way above natural levels without full shutdown, Anadrol at 100mg eod is just straight overkill tho, that’s what 30 yo bodybuilders use to break plateaus, not something u start with

telmisartan and ezetimibe are smart to keep, if u do end up running anything keep an eye on lipids and BP, peptides alone should already give good gains

Also are u planning to stay on long term or just cycle it? cuz if ur thinking of cruising after this then ur basically committing to TRT for life, not that it’s the worst thing but at 15 ur still in peak natural production, even low dose test could mess with that long term, also what’s ur goal with this? just size or are u looking for performance too
my plates are almost closed and i already bought letro and i cant return it my testosterone is 743 and e2 is 56 so taking letro would probably push my test in the 1000s range but there will still be bone density loss
so should i take it or no?
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Just kickstart the first 4 weeks
my plates are almost closed and i already bought letro and i cant return it my testosterone is 743 and e2 is 56 so taking letro would probably push my test in the 1000s range but there will still be bone density loss
so should i take it or no?or is it useless to just take it for the test and the hope of having only 4% of my plates open
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my plates are almost closed and i already bought letro and i cant return it my testosterone is 743 and e2 is 56 so taking letro would probably push my test in the 1000s range but there will still be bone density loss
so should i take it or no?or is it useless to just take it for the test and the hope of having only 4% of my plates opena
Aslong your estrogen isn’t lower then 15 boneloss is myth
Oestoclast is copium

If that was true women wouldn’t suffer from oestroposis
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