15y | Last update on my stack

Never used it so cant say. Quick google search shows mixed reviews and some counterfeit which always happens when you have a steroid maker or drug maker with good reviews.
Just gonna stick to testoviron then
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1) bro your retarded jfl wtf You confused androgenicity of a compound with anabolism of a compound jfl + when did i say it cancel out testosterone i said it lower its anabolism

2)your retarded they cause oestroposis in antty old men with already high Bo because they already have fckd hormones low igf-1 low T low E2 and poor Mtor signaling because of age lack of exercise and low protein diet so when you add sartan they get oestroposis
If sartan had no effect on anabolism then it wouldn’t have cause oestroposis in men

Nigga yiur a tiktok cell if yiu were actually browsing pubmed you’ll know you could run gear without ever using sartan ezitimbe or nebivolol
Bro its your running a Sprint and you have a rock attached to your legs and you are like uhm should i run like this with my elbows flat or like that with my elbows to the side nigga you should remove the rock
Same thing with roids you should fix the core problem not start using ancillaries

Im gonna finish of with the word “androgen metabolism”

Jfl look at the iq of this retard


1) bro your retarded jfl wtf You confused androgenicity of a compound with anabolism of a compound jfl + when did i say it cancel out testosterone i said it lower its anabolism
Strawman. i never claimed you said telmisartan cancels testosterone. my point is telmisartans mild mtor inhib is not strong enough to erase the anabolic effects of 500mg+ test. if it did then trt patients using telmisartan would struggle to gain muscle yet they dont. no studies show telmisartan significantly reducing muscle growth in those using supraphysiological test doses. if telmisartan truly made test ineffective then body builders wouldnt be using it yet guess what.. they do :feelswat::feelswat:

2)your retarded they cause oestroposis in antty old men with already high Bo because they already have fckd hormones low igf-1 low T low E2 and poor Mtor signaling because of age lack of exercise and low protein diet so when you add sartan they get oestroposis
If sartan had no effect on anabolism then it wouldn’t have cause oestroposis in men
misleading. yes elderly men with already low compromised hormones (low igf-1, low t, low e2) may develop osteoporosis. that doesnt mean telmisartan causes osteoporosis in healthy individuals with normal hormone levels. wheres your study showing telmisartan directly causing osteoporosis in young hormonally balanced men?? telmisartan has anti inflammatory and endothelial protective properties. it actually has bone protective effects in certain cases. ur completely ignoring the context of those osteoporosis cases.

Nigga yiur a tiktok cell if yiu were actually browsing pubmed you’ll know you could run gear without ever using sartan ezitimbe or nebivolol

"you can run gear without health management :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:" isnt a flex its just autism. yeah you can run gear without protecting your bp and lipids but youll just accelerate cardiovascular damage. just because some people dont use protective drugs doesnt mean they are unnecessary. this is the "i dont use a seatbelt because ive never crashed" argument. risk management matters.

Bro its your running a Sprint and you have a rock attached to your legs and you are like uhm should i run like this with my elbows flat or like that with my elbows to the side nigga you should remove the rock
bad take. telsmisartan is not a "rock" holding you back its a seatbelt preventing a crash. if you think the "rock" is steroids themselves then your logic would say just dont use peds at all. you cant just "fix the core problem" when the problem itself is using peds.

Same thing with roids you should fix the core problem not start using ancillaries
fixing te core problem = not using gear at all. the core problem is that peds wreck cardiovascular health. protective drugs exist to mitigate that risk while still allowing ped use. nobody is taking telmisartan, ezetimibe, or nebivolol "for fun"

stay mad stay misinformed :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
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Estrogen isn’t fckn cardio protective retard
If its too low you have sides
If its too high you have sides

So i cringe when people say muhh i keep my estrogen high for protection Copium
Estrogen isn’t fckn cardio protective retard
estrogen plays a key role in vascular function, cholesterol metabolism, and endothelial health. multiple studies confirmed that low estrogen is associated with higher cardiovascular disease risk in men. ai overuse leading to excessively low estrogen is linked to increased arterial stiffness and poor lipid profiles.

low estrogen in men = higher ldl, lower hdl, increased arterial plaque formation. estrogen helps maintain nitric oxide levels which reduces bp and vascular stress.

If its too low you have sides
If its too high you have sides

yeah no shit thats why blindly nuking estrogen is retarded. nobody said "keep estrogen high for protection" the point is balance. too low = increased bone loss, joint pain, cardiovascular risks. too high = water retention, gyno, mood swings. thats why ai doses need to be based on bloodwork and not brah science!! :eek::eek:

So i cringe when people say muhh i keep my estrogen high for protection Copium
whats actually cringe is dismissing endocrinology because it doesnt fit your narrative :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::(nobody is saying "keep estrogen high" the goal is optimal levels. you are mocking a basic medical principle that even ped using body builders understand
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Well their is studies on people using 2.5 mg women and men longterm so its kinda safe
So I don’t see a problem seeing someone running 1 mg of letro in puberty to grow taller

If it wasn’t for heightmaxxing purposes i would never use Letro i would just use dht derivatives like primo and masteron to control my E2

Ill argue with you nigga your acting like letrozole gonna kill you or smth jfl this shit is prescribed to women with breast cancer imagine a women going through chemi therapy using letrozole and your here muhh muhh go fuck yourself
Well their is studies on people using 2.5 mg women and men longterm so its kinda safe
studies monitor bone density and hormone levels closely when ais are used in medical cases. "kinda safe" doesnt mean risk free bcus bone loss still happens which is why calcium, vit d, bisphosphonates are often prescribed alongside ais. also women are not men their baseline estrogen levels and bone metabolism are different.

So I don’t see a problem seeing someone running 1 mg of letro in puberty to grow taller
growth plate closure is regulated by estrogen.. DUNN DUNN DUNNNN!!! nuking estrogen can actually accelerate fusion not delay it. ai protocols for height are carefully dosed based on bloodwork not blindly dosing. letrozole is a blunt tool compared to milder ais like anastrozole which is why its not the go to choice.

If it wasn’t for heightmaxxing purposes i would never use Letro i would just use dht derivatives like primo and masteron to control my E2
finally you are being reasonable but still for height protocols the goal isnt just crushing estrogen its regulating it within an optimal range.

Ill argue with you nigga your acting like letrozole gonna kill you or smth jfl this shit is prescribed to women with breast cancer imagine a women going through chemi therapy using letrozole and your here muhh muhh go fuck yourself
your "its prescribed to cancer patients" argument is irrelevant. chemotherapy patients take it to suppress estrogen for medical reasons not to grow taller. side effects still exist like bone loss, joint pain, cardiovascular impact. thats why cancer patients on ais are monitored and given bone protective treatments. your argument is basically "well ermm cancer patients use it so why worry:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" thats like saying "people take chemotherapy drugs so its fine for general use. you are completely missing context.
  • +1
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Go for SARM cycle ( which has 1/10 of the side effects and will give you very good results).
JFL sarm only goblin spotted. sarms shut down ur test as much as taking exogenous test and they have the same side effects of roids for a fraction of the benefit
Last edited:
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JFL sarm only goblin spotted. sarms shut down ur test as much as taking exogenous test and they have the same side effects of roids for a fraction of the benefit
Did the heightmaxxing even work bhai
This is the stack i will use, so last time that i will bother any of you. What do y’all think? Right now i’m busy with making a crypto account to buy these everything else is already ready.

Roid / Peptide / Sarm stack :

6iu hgh ed
6.25mg aromasin ed
t4 100mcg
2x250mg test e weekly
2x150mg masteron weekly
2x250iu hcg weekly
Anadrol 100mg eod

Vitamins / Minerals / Acids stack :

Cod liver oil 1g
Vitamine D 5000iu
Vitamine K 200mcg
Magnesium 300mg
MSM 750mg
TUDCA 250mg
Berberine 500mg
olm gelecegine veya sagligina onem veriyosan beni dinlersin detay istersen pm gel ama hicbir kosulda yapmamani oneririm
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First of all not sure how are you getting this thing at 15yo- getting them and then storing them is a huge accomplishment. You will need needles , to store the actual bottles , and bloodwork. All of these thing need you to be adult to buy or someone else to buy them for you. Here only you can help yourself because we dont live with you.
Second you are doing too much. Too heavy cycle which will nuke you natural hormones and fertility. Go for SARM cycle ( which has 1/10 of the side effects and will give you very good results). HGH is expensive asf if not prescribed by a doctor.
Make sure that you also have a good split and know how to exercise properly because on any PEDs you muscles will surpass your joints.
His cycle isnt heavy at all but he should lower the anadrol to 50mg and dump the masteron which will give no benefit and just cause hair loss.

Sarm users are retarded lol. Taking a bunch of drugs that provide less benefits than roids but the same sides vs taking roids which we have 40 years of scientific literature and anecdotal experience to read about.
  • +1
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For 1 percent of males, and even if they do grow its an inch at maximum and thats stretching it too
Some people recorded grew shit tons with gh late 10s early 20s just depends on you
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Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM and Zagro
His cycle isnt heavy at all but he should lower the anadrol to 50mg and dump the masteron which will give no benefit and just cause hair loss.

Sarm users are retarded lol. Taking a bunch of drugs that provide less benefits than roids but the same sides vs taking roids which we have 40 years of scientific literature and anecdotal experience to read about.
This was old stack bhai ❤️
  • +1
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Some people recorded grew shit tons with gh late 10s early 20s just depends on you
20+ in mumbai

Only if they had like a severe disease that made him hit puberty at like 19
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olm gelecegine veya sagligina onem veriyosan beni dinlersin detay istersen pm gel ama hicbir kosulda yapmamani oneririm
Tamam reis bilgilendirebilirsin ama kafayı taktım ya yapıcam bu işi
Strawman. i never claimed you said telmisartan cancels testosterone. my point is telmisartans mild mtor inhib is not strong enough to erase the anabolic effects of 500mg+ test. if it did then trt patients using telmisartan would struggle to gain muscle yet they dont. no studies show telmisartan significantly reducing muscle growth in those using supraphysiological test doses. if telmisartan truly made test ineffective then body builders wouldnt be using it yet guess what.. they do :feelswat::feelswat:

misleading. yes elderly men with already low compromised hormones (low igf-1, low t, low e2) may develop osteoporosis. that doesnt mean telmisartan causes osteoporosis in healthy individuals with normal hormone levels. wheres your study showing telmisartan directly causing osteoporosis in young hormonally balanced men?? telmisartan has anti inflammatory and endothelial protective properties. it actually has bone protective effects in certain cases. ur completely ignoring the context of those osteoporosis cases.

"you can run gear without health management :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:" isnt a flex its just autism. yeah you can run gear without protecting your bp and lipids but youll just accelerate cardiovascular damage. just because some people dont use protective drugs doesnt mean they are unnecessary. this is the "i dont use a seatbelt because ive never crashed" argument. risk management matters.

bad take. telsmisartan is not a "rock" holding you back its a seatbelt preventing a crash. if you think the "rock" is steroids themselves then your logic would say just dont use peds at all. you cant just "fix the core problem" when the problem itself is using peds.

fixing te core problem = not using gear at all. the core problem is that peds wreck cardiovascular health. protective drugs exist to mitigate that risk while still allowing ped use. nobody is taking telmisartan, ezetimibe, or nebivolol "for fun"

stay mad stay misinformed :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
When did i wtite “telmisartan erase 500 test effects”
Guys on Trt don’t use sartan you idot why would you use sartan if your using 200 test

Well the old men were healthy prior to telmisartan introduction so yeah oestroposis was 100% cause by the sartan

If we took 2 identical twins 1 took 500 test + sartan the iger took 500 test no sartan
The guy using 500 test with no sartan would make slighly more gains than 500 test with sartan

Also i doubt peopel would actually need sartan
For amth like 500 test just basica ancillaries could help

Your misinformed
You don’t look into that stuff deeply you just follow the meta blindly jfl

I already know what your cycles are like from the 5 min i spent reading your posts that genuinely is scary
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
Strawman. i never claimed you said telmisartan cancels testosterone. my point is telmisartans mild mtor inhib is not strong enough to erase the anabolic effects of 500mg+ test. if it did then trt patients using telmisartan would struggle to gain muscle yet they dont. no studies show telmisartan significantly reducing muscle growth in those using supraphysiological test doses. if telmisartan truly made test ineffective then body builders wouldnt be using it yet guess what.. they do :feelswat::feelswat:

misleading. yes elderly men with already low compromised hormones (low igf-1, low t, low e2) may develop osteoporosis. that doesnt mean telmisartan causes osteoporosis in healthy individuals with normal hormone levels. wheres your study showing telmisartan directly causing osteoporosis in young hormonally balanced men?? telmisartan has anti inflammatory and endothelial protective properties. it actually has bone protective effects in certain cases. ur completely ignoring the context of those osteoporosis cases.

"you can run gear without health management :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:" isnt a flex its just autism. yeah you can run gear without protecting your bp and lipids but youll just accelerate cardiovascular damage. just because some people dont use protective drugs doesnt mean they are unnecessary. this is the "i dont use a seatbelt because ive never crashed" argument. risk management matters.

bad take. telsmisartan is not a "rock" holding you back its a seatbelt preventing a crash. if you think the "rock" is steroids themselves then your logic would say just dont use peds at all. you cant just "fix the core problem" when the problem itself is using peds.

fixing te core problem = not using gear at all. the core problem is that peds wreck cardiovascular health. protective drugs exist to mitigate that risk while still allowing ped use. nobody is taking telmisartan, ezetimibe, or nebivolol "for fun"

stay mad stay misinformed :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
Nigga you don’t need ezitimbe you could use OTC
Or lower the doses you dont need to be on 10 medications to run 500 test idiot

No because young men would have high mtor signaling and high igf-1 so when they use sartan it not gonna impact them that much

If sartan was that safe as you claim it would be Otc like aspirin
  • +1
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This was old stack bhai ❤️
Oh I didnt check the post date thought you had changed your stack since you hadnt dmd me on ur stack for a while.
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Telmisartan is good and only reduces potential muscle gain while on roids by about 5%
  • +1
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Nigga you don’t need ezitimbe you could use OTC
Or lower the doses you dont need to be on 10 medications to run 500 test idiot

No because young men would have high mtor signaling and high igf-1 so when they use sartan it not gonna impact them that much

If sartan was that safe as you claim it would be Otc like aspirin
Sartan is very safe it isn’t OTC because it doesn’t solve the underlying cause of high bp and it can drop BP too low which is ofc dangerous
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
studies monitor bone density and hormone levels closely when ais are used in medical cases. "kinda safe" doesnt mean risk free bcus bone loss still happens which is why calcium, vit d, bisphosphonates are often prescribed alongside ais. also women are not men their baseline estrogen levels and bone metabolism are different.

growth plate closure is regulated by estrogen.. DUNN DUNN DUNNNN!!! nuking estrogen can actually accelerate fusion not delay it. ai protocols for height are carefully dosed based on bloodwork not blindly dosing. letrozole is a blunt tool compared to milder ais like anastrozole which is why its not the go to choice.

finally you are being reasonable but still for height protocols the goal isnt just crushing estrogen its regulating it within an optimal range.

your "its prescribed to cancer patients" argument is irrelevant. chemotherapy patients take it to suppress estrogen for medical reasons not to grow taller. side effects still exist like bone loss, joint pain, cardiovascular impact. thats why cancer patients on ais are monitored and given bone protective treatments. your argument is basically "well ermm cancer patients use it so why worry:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" thats like saying "people take chemotherapy drugs so its fine for general use. you are completely missing context.
No crushing your estrogen is the only option if your a fckn manlet you need estrogen to be atleast in the 15-25 range

No that just show you how safe that compound your telling letrozole is dangerous when infact chemi therapy women take letrozole if letrozole truly cause that harsh of a bone loss why women have higher oestroposis rates retard

They aren’t given shit my grandma fckn died because of breast cancef you fck i knwo what she was prescribed
And she had access to the best doctors hospitals in my town

When she was on letro she was perfectly fine 0 side effects after chemo and mediacation to keep her alive is when she started having all of the sides of Low E2

The reason Oestoclast is so promted is because you need estrogen even if its a little if you have single digit e2 well congrat Ar stop

Functioning igf-1 get screwed you start having Bp problem Kidney priblems inflammation ect…
But you are never gonna attain this level of estrogen with just letro

We know jack ass your probably talking about aromasin especially because of its unique ndrogenic properties
  • +1
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Telmisartan is good and only reduces potential muscle gain while on roids by about 5%
More like 10%
1% is if your smart and use it during some special windows of time
And not regularly
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
don’t take berberine
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
More like 10%
1% is if your smart and use it during some special windows of time
And not regularly
People want to reduce BP quickly so they use telmisartan, you’re on 500mg test e or some shit like that, even if it does inhibit by 10% so what? It’s better than you getting high BP or HTC and suffering from issues. The mtor reduction is even a benefit and doesn’t interfere that significantly.
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro
When did i wtite “telmisartan erase 500 test effects”
Guys on Trt don’t use sartan you idot why would you use sartan if your using 200 test

Well the old men were healthy prior to telmisartan introduction so yeah oestroposis was 100% cause by the sartan

If we took 2 identical twins 1 took 500 test + sartan the iger took 500 test no sartan
The guy using 500 test with no sartan would make slighly more gains than 500 test with sartan

Also i doubt peopel would actually need sartan
For amth like 500 test just basica ancillaries could help

Your misinformed
You don’t look into that stuff deeply you just follow the meta blindly jfl

I already know what your cycles are like from the 5 min i spent reading your posts that genuinely is scary
you keep moving goalposts. first you implied that telmisartan reduces anabolism significantly and now you are acting like it has zero value for risk managment?? pick a stance

1. about trt users not using sartans thats because trt doses (~100-200mg test) dont cause the same level of cardiovascular strain as 500+ mg test. the need for telmisartan scales with dosage and individual health markers. saying "trt users dont use it" is irrelevant to supraphysiological cycles.

2. on osteoporosis you completely ignored the fact that telmisartan has been shown to have bone protective effects in some cases due to its impact on inflammation and endothelial function. the osteoporosis cases you are referencing are old men with compromised hormone levels not young hormonally balanced individuals. you still havent provided ANY study showing telmisartan causes osteoporosis in health men.

3. on muscle growth you are acting like the difference between 500 test with vs without telmisartan is night and day. at most telmisartan slightly reduces igf-1 and mtor signaling but it does not eliminate the anabolic effects of test. the trade off is improved cardiovascular health and reduced long term damage which is why body builders still use it.

4. on 'just using basic ancillaries' bp and lipids dont magically fix themselves with "basic ancillaries" if someones ldl is sky high and their bp is eleveated from gear then lifestyle interventions alone arent always enough. thats why telmisartan, ezetimibe, and nebivolol exist because serious ped users actually monitor their health instead of coping

if you actually looked into pharmacology instead of making assumptions you would have known that risk management is not just following the meta blindly its just basic self preservation.
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Nigga @20/04/2008 @TitusA @sharpnimbustoilet98 we should stop bumping this shit thread and create conversation
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Nigga @20/04/2008 @TitusA @sharpnimbustoilet98 we should stop bumping this shit thread and create conversation
İs it a shit thread bhai 😓 add me aswell please
Nigga you don’t need ezitimbe you could use OTC
Or lower the doses you dont need to be on 10 medications to run 500 test idiot

No because young men would have high mtor signaling and high igf-1 so when they use sartan it not gonna impact them that much

If sartan was that safe as you claim it would be Otc like aspirin
ezetimibe is specifically used to lower ldl cholesterol by inhibiting intestinal absorption. otc shit like fish oil, erberine, red yeast rice MAY help but they arent direct substitutes for ezetimibe which has clinically proven effects on lipid reduction. cardioprotective drugs are prescribed based on individual risk factors not just for being on 500 test. the point is managing cardiovascular strain effectively not blindly avoiding medication.

the idea that you can just "lower the dose" ignores the individual responses to peds. some people experience extreme lipid crashes or hypertension even at moderate doses. the goal isnt just reducing the test dose but its managing the side effects efficiently while maintaining performance. professional body builders using high doses dont just "lower the dose" to avoid cardiovascular risks they mitigate them by using protective drugs.

high mtor and igf-1 dont automatically counteract all potential negative effects of telmisartan. the drugs mtor inhib is relatively mild compared to its cardiovascular and anti inflammatory benefits. if it significantly impaired anabolism then body builders wouldnt use it. telmisartan is often chosen over other arbs because it has additional ppar delta activation which improves lipid metabolism and endurance benefits beyond just bp control.

safety ≠ otc or not. many well tolerate medications require prescriptions due to regulatory controls not inherent danger. telmisartan is prescribed because bp regulation requires monitoring. aspiring is otc because its primary function doesnt need as much oversight. by this logic beta blockers, statins, and even insulin wouldnt be prescription only yet they are despite their widespread medical use.
  • +1
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Nigga @20/04/2008 @TitusA @sharpnimbustoilet98 we should stop bumping this shit thread and create conversation
Im fine with that
  • +1
Reactions: Zagro and halloweed
Yeah no reason for over 100 replies
Yeah but every thread that i make about roids gets hundreds of replies because of people asking questions and arguing i find it normal tbh.
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Reactions: halloweed
No crushing your estrogen is the only option if your a fckn manlet you need estrogen to be atleast in the 15-25 range

No that just show you how safe that compound your telling letrozole is dangerous when infact chemi therapy women take letrozole if letrozole truly cause that harsh of a bone loss why women have higher oestroposis rates retard

They aren’t given shit my grandma fckn died because of breast cancef you fck i knwo what she was prescribed
And she had access to the best doctors hospitals in my town

When she was on letro she was perfectly fine 0 side effects after chemo and mediacation to keep her alive is when she started having all of the sides of Low E2

The reason Oestoclast is so promted is because you need estrogen even if its a little if you have single digit e2 well congrat Ar stop

Functioning igf-1 get screwed you start having Bp problem Kidney priblems inflammation ect…
But you are never gonna attain this level of estrogen with just letro

We know jack ass your probably talking about aromasin especially because of its unique ndrogenic properties
this is completely false. estrogen plays a important role in bone metabolism, joint health, cardiovascular function, and even gh/igf-1 signaling in men. studies on ai use in adolescents show that moderate estrogen suppression can aid height growth, but completely crushing estrogen can lead to weaker bones and premature plate fusion because of disrupted igf-1 signaling. thats why ai protocols for height are monitored and adjusted not just nuked with letrozole at extreme doses.

women naturally have higher baseline estrogen levels and experience rapid bone density loss when estrogen is suppressed (for example menopause, ai therapy) men also rely on estrogen for bone homeostasis aand excessive suppresion leads to osteopenia and increased fracture risk. the difference is that womens osteopenia risk is partly due to their lower peak bone mass and hormonal fluctuations but in men ai induced estrogen deficiency directly contributes to bone loss.

im sorry for your loss but anceldotal experience ≠ scientific evidence. cancer patients using ais are often given bone protective treatments like bisphosphates, calcium, and vit d. just because someone tolerates a drug for medical use doesnt mean its harmless for general use.

you literally just admitted she experienced all the side effects of low estrogen when she stayed on it long enough. that proves my point that long term ai use leads to bone/join issues, cardiovascular problems and systemicc inflammation.

yes estrogen regulates osteoclast activity preventing excessive bone resorption. thats why crushing estrogen completely leads to weaker bones over time. you are contradicting yourself if osteoclast activity increases when estrogen is low that directly supports my argument that ais cause bone loss when they get misused.

exactly excessive estrogen suppression reduces igf-1, increases systemic inflammation, and negatively impacts cardiovascular health. thats why letrozole is not the first choice for height growth and why ai dosing is carefully adjusted based on bloodwork not just maxed out blindly.

aromasin is a steroidal ai that has a slightly different mechanism than letrozole/anastrozole but all ais reduce estrogen and can negatively impact bone density if misused. the discussion isnt about which ai is necessarily better but its about how reckless ai use without monitoring leads to health issues.
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