ac262 10mg 6-8 weeks

normie tiktoker

normie tiktoker

Aug 19, 2023
just got some in the mail. gonna debloat so hard on this and ascend without any suppression

on cycle support
- NAC - liver
- DIM - e2
- Omega 3 - cholesterol
- Multi
- Cialois -Blood pressure

- Tribulus
- Tongkat
- L-carnitine

LMK what else I should look out for if anyone has uses. Ik it lowers SHGB which is good.

keep you guys posted on bone growth and androgen activity
its on u but I woudn't do ac 262 its not studied enough to even consider.
this shit might have crazy perma sides
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Very unlikely
gambling with health is bad, this shit might cause anything to you or future kids. compound should be tested on 2 gens at least.
go cycle anavar its safe and stronger
  • Hmm...
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lol if ur gonna do a sarm don’t do the weakest one

not gonna see results

rad140 or lgd4033 if ur gonna do a sarm

dbol or anavar if ur gonna do oral steroids

test if ur gonna do injectable steroids
its on u but I woudn't do ac 262 its not studied enough to even consider.
this shit might have crazy perma sides
It’s like osta but weaker & only running it for 6-8 weeks for recomp.
What could be Sarm side effects? Brain effects??
lol if ur gonna do a sarm don’t do the weakest one

not gonna see results

rad140 or lgd4033 if ur gonna do a sarm

dbol or anavar if ur gonna do oral steroids

test if ur gonna do injectable steroids
Trying to not be on a PCT or test to keep plates open.
Trying to not be on a PCT or test to keep plates open.
If you wanted to take test and keep your plates open you’d need an aromatase inhibitor to prevent high E2

Its interesting that you’re willing to kill your test and estrogen with AC262 to keep your plates open.

On the off-chance it works, you might end up being taller but still look prepubescent from low androgen levels during puberty. You shouldn’t really take any androgens without a PCT after.

Those claims that AC262 doesn’t suppress test are false. If it binds to the androgen receptor then it will suppress your own production. Maybe AC262 will suppress less than RAD140, but that’s just because it’s weaker. It still suppresses regardless.
If you wanted to take test and keep your plates open you’d need an aromatase inhibitor to prevent high E2

Its interesting that you’re willing to kill your test and estrogen with AC262 to keep your plates open.

On the off-chance it works, you might end up being taller but still look prepubescent from low androgen levels during puberty. You shouldn’t really take any androgens without a PCT after.

Those claims that AC262 doesn’t suppress test are false. If it binds to the androgen receptor then it will suppress your own production. Maybe AC262 will suppress less than RAD140, but that’s just because it’s weaker. It still suppresses regardless.
Obv but I’m not pinning.

Want wider growth fork bones rather than vertical.

Also Sarms don’t kill estrogen or test. Especially AC is mildly suppressive.

Using L-carnatine as PCT will bring back sensitivity and if it suppresses that’s on a cycle longer than 6 weeks as well as taking high dosages. It’s easily reversible over time + supplements.

I haven’t heard of AC being suppressive to many using 10-20mg for less than 8 weeks. Prove me wrong
I haven’t heard of AC being suppressive to many using 10-20mg for less than 8 weeks. Prove me wrong
lol because nobody who used AC262 is actually old enough to get bloodwork done

Using L-carnatine as PCT will bring back sensitivity and if it suppresses that’s on a cycle longer than 6 weeks as well as taking high dosages. It’s easily reversible over time + supplements.
jfl calling L-carnitine a PCT, that won’t do shit for you :lul:

a PCT needs to restore endogenous LH, FSH, and resulting Testosterone production. Increased androgen receptor sensitivity won’t do anything for that.

are you 16?
Using L-carnatine as PCT will bring back sensitivity and if it suppresses that’s on a cycle longer than 6 weeks as well as taking high dosages. It’s easily reversible over time + supplements.

Also, L-Carnitine has really low oral bioavailability so unless you’re willing to pin or take a megadose every time then you’re not going to reap any benefits of increased androgen sensitivity
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Also, L-Carnitine has really low oral bioavailability so unless you’re willing to pin or take a megadose every time then you’re not going to reap any benefits of increased androgen sensitivity
5g sublimgual. Injection is $$ & 500mg per injection
lol because nobody who used AC262 is actually old enough to get bloodwork done

jfl calling L-carnitine a PCT, that won’t do shit for you :lul:

a PCT needs to restore endogenous LH, FSH, and resulting Testosterone production. Increased androgen receptor sensitivity won’t do anything for that.

are you 16?
D-AA & my natural test will come back obv. I’m not 40

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