Adam and Eve were black.

Abu Moosa Al-Ash‘ari, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet
 sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention )
said, "Indeed Allah, The Almighty, created Aadam from a handful that He took from the whole of the earth. So the children of Aadam are in accordance with the earth: some of them are red, some are white, some are black, some are yellow, and some are a mixture (between these different colors); some are smooth; some are rough, some are bad and some are good.” [Ahmed, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmithi and Ibn Hibbaan. This is the wording of Ibn Hibbaan]

Majd Al Deen Abi Asaa’daat AlMubarrak ibn Muhammed Ibn Al Atheer said in his book Al Nihaya fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Chapter 1 page 32

” The colour 👉Adam in humans is an intense Sumarah (brown)👈.”

قال مجد الدين أبي السعادات المبارك بن محمد ابن الأثير في كتبه النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر ج ١ ص ٣٢

وناقة أدماء ، وهي في الناس السمرة الشديدة

Imaam Suyooti Al Jawahir Uluqood Chapter 2 pages 574 -575

”And if the yellow decreases and it leans towards 👉jet black then it is called Adam👈.”

قال شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن علي بن عبد الخالق، المنهاجي الأسيوطي في كتابه جواهر العقود ومعين القضاة والموقعين والشهود ج ٢ ص٥٧٤ – ٥٧٥

فإن رقت الصفرة، ومال إلى السواد قيل: آدمي اللون

In Musnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal , Chapter 50 page 488 Authenticated by Sheikh Arnoot

The Messenger of Allah may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said, And the description of Moses may peace be upon him “And I saw 👉Moses intensely black skinned👈.”

مسند أحمد بن حنبل ج 50 ص 488

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في وصفه لموسى عليه السلام: “و رأيت موسى أسحم آدم”. رواه أحمد وغيره وصححه الأرناؤوط

Nice try though, ugly redcel 😂.

only Lilith was. Adam blessed white skin. Eve was a naturally submissive Japanese woman. Later, the former's offspring hooked up with Adam's which led to Middle Eastern, Indian, Spanish, yadda yadda. Case closed.

“Lilith” never existed, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man. Adam and Eve were both black and their bones were found in Ethiopia. Cases closed.

Cope harder, ugly redcel

I've done that forever; I know how to speak english. I just don't want to do it anymore, it's ridiculously retarded.

You don’t know how to speak English, hence why your poorly written comments are poorly written, retarded ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Yes I know they were. Please post something about a different topic if you can

Go read about something else, King Kong
Low iq. We are by definition hominins

Either way even if adam and eve existed were datkskinned they wouldnt have anything particularly in common with black people moreso than white people

Theres a lot more that goes in to ethnicity and heritage than the amount of melanin you have in your skin

“IQ” has nothing to do with intelligence, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😂.

👉An IQ score doesn't measure your practical intelligence👈: knowing how to make things work, says Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan. It doesn't measure your creativity. It doesn't measure your curiosity. It doesn't tell your parents or teachers about your emotional readiness.”

“Hominins” doesn’t exist, 🦍 and “black people” doesn’t exist because that’s a crayon color not an identity, dumb redcel. Black is supposed to be used to describe someone’s brown complexion not as an identity (“race”) and you’re red not “white,” King Kong.

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Majd Al Deen Abi Asaa’daat AlMubarrak ibn Muhammed Ibn Al Atheer said in his book Al Nihaya fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Chapter 1 page 32

” The colour 👉Adam in humans is an intense Sumarah (brown)👈.”

قال مجد الدين أبي السعادات المبارك بن محمد ابن الأثير في كتبه النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر ج ١ ص ٣٢

وناقة أدماء ، وهي في الناس السمرة الشديدة

Imaam Suyooti Al Jawahir Uluqood Chapter 2 pages 574 -575

”And if the yellow decreases and it leans towards 👉jet black then it is called Adam👈.”

قال شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن علي بن عبد الخالق، المنهاجي الأسيوطي في كتابه جواهر العقود ومعين القضاة والموقعين والشهود ج ٢ ص٥٧٤ – ٥٧٥

فإن رقت الصفرة، ومال إلى السواد قيل: آدمي اللون

In Musnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal , Chapter 50 page 488 Authenticated by Sheikh Arnoot

The Messenger of Allah may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said, And the description of Moses may peace be upon him “And I saw 👉Moses intensely black skinned👈.”

مسند أحمد بن حنبل ج 50 ص 488

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في وصفه لموسى عليه السلام: “و رأيت موسى أسحم آدم”. رواه أحمد وغيره وصححه الأرناؤوط

Nice try though, ugly redcel 😂.

“Lilith” never existed, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man. Adam and Eve were both black and their bones were found in Ethiopia. Cases closed.

Cope harder, ugly redcel

You don’t know how to speak English, hence why your poorly written comments are poorly written, retarded ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Go read about something else, King Kong

“IQ” has nothing to do with intelligence, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😂.

👉An IQ score doesn't measure your practical intelligence👈: knowing how to make things work, says Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan. It doesn't measure your creativity. It doesn't measure your curiosity. It doesn't tell your parents or teachers about your emotional readiness.”

“Hominins” doesn’t exist, 🦍 and “black people” doesn’t exist because that’s a crayon color not an identity, dumb redcel. Black is supposed to be used to describe someone’s brown complexion not as an identity (“race”) and you’re red not “white,” King Kong.

View attachment 2087665

Not this bellend again ffs
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negro delusions
  • Ugh..
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negro delusions

“negro” is a byword not an identity, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man but it’s nice of you to show your delusions once again like the typical dumb ape though, Esau.
Majd Al Deen Abi Asaa’daat AlMubarrak ibn Muhammed Ibn Al Atheer said in his book Al Nihaya fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Chapter 1 page 32

” The colour 👉Adam in humans is an intense Sumarah (brown)👈.”

قال مجد الدين أبي السعادات المبارك بن محمد ابن الأثير في كتبه النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر ج ١ ص ٣٢

وناقة أدماء ، وهي في الناس السمرة الشديدة

Imaam Suyooti Al Jawahir Uluqood Chapter 2 pages 574 -575

”And if the yellow decreases and it leans towards 👉jet black then it is called Adam👈.”

قال شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن علي بن عبد الخالق، المنهاجي الأسيوطي في كتابه جواهر العقود ومعين القضاة والموقعين والشهود ج ٢ ص٥٧٤ – ٥٧٥

فإن رقت الصفرة، ومال إلى السواد قيل: آدمي اللون

In Musnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal , Chapter 50 page 488 Authenticated by Sheikh Arnoot

The Messenger of Allah may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said, And the description of Moses may peace be upon him “And I saw 👉Moses intensely black skinned👈.”

مسند أحمد بن حنبل ج 50 ص 488

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في وصفه لموسى عليه السلام: “و رأيت موسى أسحم آدم”. رواه أحمد وغيره وصححه الأرناؤوط

Nice try though, ugly redcel 😂.

“Lilith” never existed, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man. Adam and Eve were both black and their bones were found in Ethiopia. Cases closed.

Cope harder, ugly redcel

You don’t know how to speak English, hence why your poorly written comments are poorly written, retarded ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Go read about something else, King Kong

“IQ” has nothing to do with intelligence, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😂.

👉An IQ score doesn't measure your practical intelligence👈: knowing how to make things work, says Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan. It doesn't measure your creativity. It doesn't measure your curiosity. It doesn't tell your parents or teachers about your emotional readiness.”

“Hominins” doesn’t exist, 🦍 and “black people” doesn’t exist because that’s a crayon color not an identity, dumb redcel. Black is supposed to be used to describe someone’s brown complexion not as an identity (“race”) and you’re red not “white,” King Kong.

View attachment 2087665

No. Lilith was the only black origin. She was the one cast out of the Garden. Seethe more, you racist bastard!
  • JFL
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No. Lilith was the only black origin. She was the one cast out of the Garden. Seethe more, you racist bastard!

“Lilith” never existed and Eve was casted out of the Garden of Eden, dumb ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Genesis 3:20 And 👉Adam called his wife's name Eve👈; because she was the mother of all living.

21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23 Therefore 👉the Lord God sent him forth 👉from the garden of Eden👈, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

“Race” doesn’t, so I can’t be “racist,” dumb redcel.

  • Ugh..
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Majd Al Deen Abi Asaa’daat AlMubarrak ibn Muhammed Ibn Al Atheer said in his book Al Nihaya fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Chapter 1 page 32

” The colour 👉Adam in humans is an intense Sumarah (brown)👈.”

قال مجد الدين أبي السعادات المبارك بن محمد ابن الأثير في كتبه النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر ج ١ ص ٣٢

وناقة أدماء ، وهي في الناس السمرة الشديدة

Imaam Suyooti Al Jawahir Uluqood Chapter 2 pages 574 -575

”And if the yellow decreases and it leans towards 👉jet black then it is called Adam👈.”

قال شمس الدين محمد بن أحمد بن علي بن عبد الخالق، المنهاجي الأسيوطي في كتابه جواهر العقود ومعين القضاة والموقعين والشهود ج ٢ ص٥٧٤ – ٥٧٥

فإن رقت الصفرة، ومال إلى السواد قيل: آدمي اللون

In Musnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal , Chapter 50 page 488 Authenticated by Sheikh Arnoot

The Messenger of Allah may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said, And the description of Moses may peace be upon him “And I saw 👉Moses intensely black skinned👈.”

مسند أحمد بن حنبل ج 50 ص 488

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم في وصفه لموسى عليه السلام: “و رأيت موسى أسحم آدم”. رواه أحمد وغيره وصححه الأرناؤوط

Nice try though, ugly redcel 😂.

“Lilith” never existed, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man. Adam and Eve were both black and their bones were found in Ethiopia. Cases closed.

Cope harder, ugly redcel

You don’t know how to speak English, hence why your poorly written comments are poorly written, retarded ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Go read about something else, King Kong

“IQ” has nothing to do with intelligence, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😂.

👉An IQ score doesn't measure your practical intelligence👈: knowing how to make things work, says Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan. It doesn't measure your creativity. It doesn't measure your curiosity. It doesn't tell your parents or teachers about your emotional readiness.”

“Hominins” doesn’t exist, 🦍 and “black people” doesn’t exist because that’s a crayon color not an identity, dumb redcel. Black is supposed to be used to describe someone’s brown complexion not as an identity (“race”) and you’re red not “white,” King Kong.

View attachment 2087665

I choose not to write that way phucker
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I choose not to write that way phucker

“Phucker” isn’t a word and you write poorly because you’re dumb, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Majd Al Deen Abi Asaa’daat AlMubarrak ibn Muhammed Ibn Al Atheer said in his book Al Nihaya fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Chapter 1 page 32

” The colour 👉Adam in humans is an intense Sumarah (brown)👈.”

Imaam Suyooti Al Jawahir Uluqood Chapter 2 pages 574 -575

”And if the yellow decreases and it leans towards 👉jet black then it is called Adam👈.”
This is the meaning of the word adam, not the prophet adam, we cannot know exactly what adam looked like.
In Musnad Ahmed Ibn Hanbal , Chapter 50 page 488 Authenticated by Sheikh Arnoot

The Messenger of Allah may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him said, And the description of Moses may peace be upon him “And I saw 👉Moses intensely black skinned👈.”
This is right, Moses was indeed black this we know because the prophet muhammad told us. Regarding Adam we dont know.
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No, because the Bible doesn’t say they ate watermelon, it was a different fruit
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This is the meaning of the word adam, not the prophet adam, we cannot know exactly what adam looked like.

We know Adam was black, redcel.

“The word Adam derived as follows: Adam, Adamah, Adami, Adamh – which means earthly. The earth is a rich, dark substance, and from it our first parents were taken. Now if we admit that Dr. Brown’s and other Bible Dictionaries are correct in their explanations of the meaning of terms, then the deduction must be that Ethiopia (Gen. ii. 13,) was black, and 👉the first people 👉were Ethiopians, or blacks👈.” Source: Light and Truth (Library of Congress

You’re just in denial about it.

This is right, Moses was indeed black this we know because the prophet muhammad told us. Regarding Adam we dont know.

Regarding Adam we know he was black because all the historical evidence from his name’s meaning and where and what he was formed from.
No, because the Bible doesn’t say they ate watermelon, it was a different fruit

There’s no “we” because y’all sow looking Edomites (so-called White people) didn’t exist until Esau, ape looking Edomite man.

bro for real I have had that faggot on ignore for quite some time now

This faggot ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man is in my thread yet claiming to have had me on ignore 😆. This is how stupid you subhumans are.
Reminder: OP is a shitskin curry working in a call center.
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There’s no “we” because y’all sow looking Edomites (so-called White people) didn’t exist until Esau, ape looking Edomite man.
I’m not white though tf
I’m latino, cabron, ay chingada
  • Ugh..
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Reminder: OP is a shitskin curry working in a call center.

Reminder that this is an ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man that’s got his red white mother left as a single mother by a dirty Hamite (so-called African) man.
I’m not white though tf
I’m latino, cabron, ay chingada

Nobody on this earth “white,” ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man. You’re red not “white.”

  • JFL
Reactions: Vermilioncore
Reminder that this is an ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man that’s got his red white mother left as a single mother by a dirty Hamite (so-called African) man.
You're curry
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No one cares and it doesn't matter
Do Arabs actally pronounce the entire name of ppl like this Abu Waleed Sulaymaan bin Khalf AlBaaji Al Andalusy?

Man I just feel so bad for the ppl who had to live in the caliphate bakc in the day. Imagine having to Remeber that. I’d rope, hell im Close to Roping rn
  • Ugh..
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We know Adam was black, redcel.

“The word Adam derived as follows: Adam, Adamah, Adami, Adamh – which means earthly. The earth is a rich, dark substance, and from it our first parents were taken. Now if we admit that Dr. Brown’s and other Bible Dictionaries are correct in their explanations of the meaning of terms, then the deduction must be that Ethiopia (Gen. ii. 13,) was black, and 👉the first people 👉were Ethiopians, or blacks👈.” Source: Light and Truth (Library of Congress
I am Muslim I do not believe in the Bible.
You’re just in denial about it.
Why should I deny it concerning adam, and concerning Moses not?
Regarding Adam we know he was black because all the historical evidence from his name’s meaning
etymology is not evidence enough,
and where and what he was formed from.
How do you know where and from what exactly he was created?
  • Ugh..
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I am Muslim I do not believe in the Bible.

Why should I deny it concerning adam, and concerning Moses not?

etymology is not evidence enough,

How do you know where and from what exactly he was created?

The Quran copied the Bible so you can’t say you don’t believe the Bible.

We have enough evidence but you’re in denial that Adam was black because you want to live in a delusional fantasy world.

The Bible and historical evidence tells us he was created in Ethiopia (modern day Sudan).
  • Ugh..
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The Wuran copied the Bible so you can’t say you don’t believe the Bible.
The quran corrects the Bible on several errors, how is it that if it is a copy that it did not take the errors from the Bible?
We have enough evidence but you’re in denial that Adam was black because you want to live in a delusional fantasy world.
Maybe he was black maybe white or maybe in between, you can't know nor can I. It is you who wants to believe something purely because you want to.
The Bible and historical evidence tells us he was created in Ethiopia (modern day Sudan).
In Islam we do not believe that adam was created on earth.
  • Ugh..
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The quran corrects the Bible on several errors, how is it that if it is a copy that it did not take the errors from the Bible?

The Quran lies; it doesn’t “correct” anything, ugly redcel. It just blatantly lies.

Maybe he was black maybe white or maybe in between, you can't know nor can I. It is you who wants to believe something purely because you want to.

There’s no maybe because I already showed proof that Adam was black from the Bible and historically. You keep giving maybes but no facts whatsoever, and he wasn’t “white” because leprous (White as snow) skin was hated in ancient times (Leviticus 13).

In Islam we do not believe that adam was created on earth.

Why would you blatantly lie like this, Esau 😂?

Sahih International: And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud.

Pickthall: Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered,

Yusuf Ali: We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;

Shakir: And certainly We created man of clay that gives forth sound, of black mud fashioned in shape.

Muhammad Sarwar: We have created the human being out of pure mud-moulded clay

Mohsin Khan: And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.

Arberry: Surely We created man of a clay of mud moulded,
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  • Ugh..
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Why would you blatantly lie like this, Esau 😂?

Sahih International: And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud.

Pickthall: Verily We created man of potter's clay of black mud altered,

Yusuf Ali: We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;

Shakir: And certainly We created man of clay that gives forth sound, of black mud fashioned in shape.

Muhammad Sarwar: We have created the human being out of pure mud-moulded clay

Mohsin Khan: And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.

Arberry: Surely We created man of a clay of mud moulded,
I said not created on earth not not created from earth, you reading comprehension is weak.
  • Ugh..
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I said not created on earth not not created from earth, you reading comprehension is weak.

Your reading comprehension skills are non-existent I see, dumb redcel. This is what you said:

In Islam we do not believe that adam was created on earth.

But the Quran says this:

Sahih International: And We did certainly 👉create man out of clay from an 👉altered black mud👈.

Pickthall: Verily We 👉created man of potter's clay of black mud👈 altered,

Yusuf Ali: We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;

Shakir: And certainly We created man of clay that gives forth sound, of black mud fashioned in shape.

Muhammad Sarwar: We have created the human being out of pure mud-moulded clay

Mohsin Khan: And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.

Arberry: Surely We created man of a clay of mud moulded,

Remember what you post before making an idiot out of yourself, Zoe looking Edomite (so-called White) man.
  • Ugh..
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In Islam we do not believe that adam was created on earth. I did not deny he is created FROM earth. you stupid or what?
  • Ugh..
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In Islam we do not believe that adam was created on earth. I did not deny he is created FROM earth. you stupid or what?

If he created him on earth then he created FROM earth since dust or mud is FROM THE EARTH and they in Islam DO believe he was created in the earth, dumb redcel.

“Indeed Allah Most High created Adam from a handful that He took from all of the earth. So the children of Adam come in according with the earth, some of them come red, and white and black, and between that, and the thin, the thick, the filthy, and the clean.” [at-Tirmidhi, 2955]

Are you really this dumb, 🦍? And this was your own quote.
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  • Ugh..
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If he created him on earth then he created FROM earth since dust or mud is FROM THE EARTH and they in Islam DO believe he was created in the earth, dumb redcel.

Are you really this dumb, 🦍? And this was your own quote.
He created him from earth not on earth. buy glasses or take english courses.
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  • Ugh..
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He created him from earth not on earth. buy glasses or take english courses.

You can’t create somebody from earth but not on earth. Go get your brain checked out because this stupidity is laughable 😂.

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  • +1
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I am indeed stupid, stupid for wasting so much time answering you.

You’re stupid for lying and not backing up your stupidity with facts or evidence, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.


You don’t have a clue about Islam or Adam.
I might look stupid from just your comment in front of bunch of incels on this forum, but trust me I can pull harder and better in real life with better social skills than u. Race doesn’t matter, pussy of all women is the same.
That’s not “slang” in Britain, ugly redcel. That’s your stupidity on full display.
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I might look stupid in front of bunch of incels on this forum, but trust me I can pull harder and better in real life with better social skills than u. Race doesn’t matter pussy of all women is the same.

You can’t “pull” anything other than an Edomite (so-called White) man in drag, dumb redcel.


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“Lilith” never existed and Eve was casted out of the Garden of Eden, dumb ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Genesis 3:20 And 👉Adam called his wife's name Eve👈; because she was the mother of all living.

21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

23 Therefore 👉the Lord God sent him forth 👉from the garden of Eden👈, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

“Race” doesn’t, so I can’t be “racist,” dumb redcel.

Will Forte Reaction GIF by The Lonely Island
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Christian Bale GIF by PeacockTV
Great info might post the quote on a girls Only fans comment.
Very inspirational gave me goosebumps: “You can’t “pull” anything other than an Edomite (so-called White) man in drag, dumb redcel.”

It gives all you ugly apes goosebumps because that’s all you ugly beasts can get is an Edomite (so-called White) man in drag.

  • JFL
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