Adam and Eve were black.

It gives all you ugly apes goosebumps because that’s all you ugly beasts can get is an Edomite (so-called White) man in drag.

View attachment 2087787

It gives all you ugly apes goosebumps because that’s all you ugly beasts can get is an Edomite (so-called White) man in drag.

View attachment 2087787
Er Er Er Er Didn't ask byyeeeee
Running Man Abandon Thread GIF by MOODMAN
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
Do Arabs actally pronounce the entire name of ppl like this Abu Waleed Sulaymaan bin Khalf AlBaaji Al Andalusy?

Man I just feel so bad for the ppl who had to live in the caliphate bakc in the day. Imagine having to Remeber that. I’d rope, hell im Close to Roping rn
Tf no just a part of their actual name.
And back women used to go by their first son's/father's name, sth like this: EXAMPLE's mother or EXAMPLE's daughter
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507 and PrinceLuenLeoncur
Tf no just a part of their actual name.
And back women used to go by their first son's/father's name, sth like this: EXAMPLE's mother or EXAMPLE's daughter
Imagine saying that Niggas name the whole time. JFL I couldn’t do it I’d go insiane
  • JFL
Reactions: buckchadley31
Imagine saying that Niggas name the whole time. JFL I couldn’t do it I’d go insiane
also back then you'd be considered a bastard son of a whore if you don't know your grand grand grand grand father's full long ass name, and exactly from which tribe they come from or sm shit like that
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
Er Er Er Er Didn't ask byyeeeee
Running Man Abandon Thread GIF by MOODMAN

Speak English not gibberish, dumb redcel.


Nigguh stfu u know i have that lyrical genius

Nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man speak English not gibberish, dummy.

also back then you'd be considered a bastard son of a whore if you don't know your grand grand grand grand father's full long ass name, and exactly from which tribe they come from or sm shit like that

You took your father’s name or grandfather’s full name back then and you weren’t considered a “bastard” for that, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Don’t speak on things you’re dumb about, subhuman.
Do Arabs actally pronounce the entire name of ppl like this Abu Waleed Sulaymaan bin Khalf AlBaaji Al Andalusy?

Man I just feel so bad for the ppl who had to live in the caliphate bakc in the day. Imagine having to Remeber that. I’d rope, hell im Close to Roping rn

Yeah they do. It’s been coming in their culture to take their father’s full name or their grandfather’s full name.

“The Arab naming convention is not as simple as first name/last name—a family name, in fact, may be only a guide. Just as important, if not more, are the given names of each generation’s ancestors, making names a great help in uncovering the next branch of the family tree. 👉Arabs can have four or more names👈. Except for courtesy titles (such as Shaikh), 👉the name that appears first is usually the given name, followed by 👉his or her father’s given name, grandfather’s given name and even great-grandfather’s given name👈.”

That idiot ape @buckchadley31 doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
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Speak English not gibberish, dumb redcel.

View attachment 2088133

Nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man speak English not gibberish, dummy.

You took your father’s name or grandfather’s full name back then and you weren’t considered a “bastard” for that, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.

Don’t speak on things you’re dumb about, subhuman.
You're an idiot you don't know anything about this chit
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
You're an idiot you don't know anything about this chit

You’re definitely an idiot since you can’t even spell “shit” correctly ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.
You’re definitely an idiot since you can’t even spell “shit” correctly ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.
nigguh u know there's different spellings for everything. Quit trying to act smart with big words n shit
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
nigguh u know there's different spellings for everything. Quit trying to act smart with big words n shit

There’s no difference in spelling, nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man.
Debunk me this, Tay-sachs schitzo!
If Adam was black then it means blacks can go to Heaven and because of the starvation of innocent niglets, Heaven turned into Africa demographically speaking and that would be Hell.
This is #FAX tungsten proof that Adam was European soul being.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
Debunk me this, Tay-sachs schitzo!
If Adam was black then it means blacks can go to Heaven and because of the starvation of innocent niglets, Heaven turned into Africa demographically speaking and that would be Hell.
This is #FAX tungsten proof that Adam was European soul being.

“Blacks” doesn’t exist, dumb redcel and European is anybody who lives in Europe like the Hamite (so-called African) actor Idris Elba, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 🤣.

  • JFL
Reactions: ThousandCuts
“Blacks” doesn’t exist, dumb redcel and European is anybody who lives in Europe like the Hamite (so-called African) actor Idris Elba, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 🤣.

Debunk me this, Tay-sachs schitzo!
If Adam was black then it means blacks can go to Heaven and because of the starvation of innocent niglets, Heaven turned into Africa demographically speaking and that would be Hell.
This is #FAX tungsten proof that Adam was European soul being.

  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
Debunk me this, Tay-sachs schitzo!
If Adam was black then it means blacks can go to Heaven and because of the starvation of innocent niglets, Heaven turned into Africa demographically speaking and that would be Hell.
This is #FAX tungsten proof that Adam was European soul being.


“Blacks” doesn’t exist, dumb redcel and European is anybody who lives in Europe like the Hamite (so-called African) actor Idris Elba, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 🤣.

  • JFL
Reactions: ThousandCuts
“Blacks” doesn’t exist, dumb redcel and European is anybody who lives in Europe like the Hamite (so-called African) actor Idris Elba, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 🤣.

Whether you call them niggers, blacks, people of color or Hamite doesn't change what they are, it's all semantic which means YOU FAILED TO PROVE ME WRONG


Debunk me this, inbred Tay-sachs schitzo!
If Adam was black then it means blacks can go to Heaven and because of the starvation of innocent niglets, Heaven turned into Africa demographically speaking and that would be Hell.
This is #FAX tungsten proof that Adam was European soul being.

  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
Whether you call them niggers, blacks, people of color or Hamite doesn't change what they are, it's all semantic which means YOU FAILED TO PROVE ME WRONG

View attachment 2088184
Debunk me this, inbred Tay-sachs schitzo!
If Adam was black then it means blacks can go to Heaven and because of the starvation of innocent niglets, Heaven turned into Africa demographically speaking and that would be Hell.
This is #FAX tungsten proof that Adam was European soul being.


You failed to prove my evidence and facts wrong in the OP, dumb redcel 😂.

You are a defeated, conquered, buck-broken nigger branded with a slave name.

Rent free, nigger.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
You are a defeated, conquered, buck-broken nigger branded with a slave name.

Rent free, nigger.

You’re an ugly nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man that’s had your ugly red whore mother cuckolded by a baboon looking Hamite (so-called African) man 😂.

Cope harder, beasty.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
Charcoal Pro athlete Ko'd by a white kid from Disney and posts Turks enslaving the Spanish. This is one dumb nigger.


Spanish is a language not a group of people, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😆.

Spanish is a language not a group of people, ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😆.

View attachment 2088198

You niggers became chattel slavery because you're just that dumb

of or relating to Spain, its people, or their language.
the Spanish people collectively.
a Romance language, the language of Spain, standard also in most of Latin America except Brazil. Abbreviation: Sp, Sp.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
I want a big Edomite women to cum inside of her .
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
You niggers became chattel slavery because you're just that dumb

of or relating to Spain, its people, or their language.
the Spanish people collectively.
a Romance language, the language of Spain, standard also in most of Latin America except Brazil. Abbreviation: Sp, Sp.

Dumb nigger Edomite (so-called White) man, you’ve been enslaved by every nation on earth 😂.


Oh and the people of Spain are called Spaniard not “Spanish people,” ape looking Edomite man.

  1. a native or inhabitant of Spain, or a person of Spanish descent.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
Illiterate nigger shows a black eunuch presenting to his arab master. :ROFLMAO:

Dumb nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man is coping because Black Ishmaelite (so-called Arab) men had you ugly beasts as eunuchs while enslaving you ugly beasts 🤣.

Ibn Asaakir narrates in Taarikh Al Damashq that….

“… Nusayb entered on the leader of the believers Abdul Maalik Ibn Marwaan , Marwan told him to tell him a story and Nusayb said that he got hold of 👉a Red slave : meaning : white👈 ……”
قال ابن عساكر في تاريخ الدشق حرف النون » ذكر من اسمه نصر » نُصَيْبُ بْنُ رَبَاحٍ أَبُو مِحْجَنٍ مَوْلَى عَبْدِ
أنبأنا أبو سعد أحمد بن عبد الجبار بن الطيوري ، عن القاسم أبي التنوخي ، وأبي محمد الجوهري ، وأنبأنا أبو الفوارس هبة الله بن أحمد بن سوار ، وأبو بكر أحمد بن علي بن جبير ، وأبو البركات الأنماطي ، قَالَوا : أخبرنا أبو الحسين بن الطيوري ، أخبرنا الجوهري ، قَالا : أخبرنا أبو عمر بن حَيَّوَيْهِ ، نا محمد بن خلف بن المرزبان ، نا محمد بن يزيد المهلبي ، عن محمد بن سلام ، قَالَ : دخل نصيب على يزيد بن عبد الملك بن مروان ، فقَالَ له : حدثني ببعض ما مر عليك ، قَالَ : نعم يا أمير المؤمنين ، علقت جارية حمراء ؛ يعني : بيضاء ، فمكثت زمانا تمنيني الأباطيل ، فلما ألححت عليها ، قَالَت : إليك عني ، فوالله لكأنك من طوارق الليل ، فقلت : وأنت والله كأنك من طوارق النهار ، فقَالَت : ما أظرفك ، فغضبت من قولها ، فقَالَت : وهل تدري ما الظرف ؟ الظرف العقل ، ثم قَالَت لي : انصرف حتى أنظر في أمرك ، فأرسلت إليها بهذة الأبيات : فإن أك حالكا فالمسك أحوي وما لسواد جلدي من دواء ولي كرم عن الفحشاء يأبى كبعد الأرض من جو السماء ومثلي في رحالكم قليل ومثلي لا يرد عن النساء فإن ترضي فردي قول راض وإن تأبي فنحن على السواء قَالَ : فلما قرأت الكتاب ، قَالَت : المال والعقل يعقبان على غيرهما ، فزوجتني نفسها

Ibn Haajjar said in Fath Al Baari , Book Kafaaraat Al Imaan, Chapter 15 Page 406

”The saying 👉Red as if he was from the slaves👈” commenced in the subject of the 5th of the share of the war booty” As if he was from the slaves‘ Dawoodi said, ” 👉It means he was from the Roman prisoners of war👈’‘ just as it is said and if the chain was looked into or not, the Romans are not specified, it could have actually been a slave from the Persians, or the Nabeateans or the Daylamites.”

قال ابن حجر في فتح الباري ، كتاب كفارات الايمان ج ١٥ ص ٤٠٦

‎قوله أحمر كأنه مولى تقدم في فرض الخمس ” كأنه من الموالي” قال الداودي : يعني أنه من سبي الروم كذا قال فإن كان اطلع على نقل في ذلك وإلا فلا اختصاص لذلك بالروم دون الفرس أو النبط أو الديلمThis is a long authentic narration about when

“Umar may Allah be pleased with him was stabbed and killed. The word رقيق is used which means slave, to describe the Persian slave Abu Lulu who was the slave of Mughairah.

Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith 3700 : Book 62, Hadith Vol. 5, Book 57, Hadith 50

“Umar said, “O Ibn `Abbas! Find out who attacked me.” Ibn `Abbas kept on looking here and there for a short time and came to say. “The slave of Al Mughira.” On that `Umar said, “The craftsman?” Ibn `Abbas said, “Yes.” `Umar said, “May Allah curse him. I did not treat him unjustly. All the Praises are for Allah Who has not caused me to die at the hand of a man who claims himself to be a Muslim. No doubt, you and your father (Abbas) used to love to have more infidels (Persian disbelievers) in Medina.” Al-Abbas had the greatest number of slaves. Ibn `Abbas said to `Umar. “If you wish, we will do.” He meant, “If you wish we will kill them.” `Umar said, “You are mistaken (for you can’t kill them) after they have spoken your language, prayed towards your Qibla, and performed Hajj like your Hajj...
صحيح البخاري حديث ٣٧٠٠ كتاب ٦٢
‏ قَالَ يَا ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ، انْظُرْ مَنْ قَتَلَنِي‏.‏ فَجَالَ سَاعَةً، ثُمَّ جَاءَ، فَقَالَ غُلاَمُ الْمُغِيرَةِ‏.‏ قَالَ الصَّنَعُ قَالَ نَعَمْ‏.‏ قَالَ قَاتَلَهُ اللَّهُ لَقَدْ أَمَرْتُ بِهِ مَعْرُوفًا، الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي لَمْ يَجْعَلْ مَنِيَّتِي بِيَدِ رَجُلٍ يَدَّعِي الإِسْلاَمَ، قَدْ كُنْتَ أَنْتَ وَأَبُوكَ تُحِبَّانِ أَنْ تَكْثُرَ الْعُلُوجُ بِالْمَدِينَةِ وَكَانَ ‏{‏الْعَبَّاسُ‏}‏ أَكْثَرَهُمْ رَقِيقًا‏.‏ فَقَالَ إِنْ شِئْتَ فَعَلْتُ‏.‏ أَىْ إِنْ شِئْتَ قَتَلْنَا‏.‏ قَالَ كَذَبْتَ، بَعْدَ مَا تَكَلَّمُوا بِلِسَانِكُمْ، وَصَلَّوْا قِبْلَتَكُمْ وَحَجُّوا حَجَّكُمْ فَاحْتُمِلَ إِلَى بَيْتِهِ فَانْطَلَقْنَا مَعَهُ،

Here is some more on the death of Umar bin Al Khattaab and the Abu Lulu the Persian who killed him.
In Tareeq Al Madinah li Ibn Abi Shaybah, Chapter 3, pages 490- 491

“Uyaynatu ibn Hasn said, “Oh leader of the believers,Verily I see the non-Arabs (Persians) increasing in number in your country, beware of them. He said (Ameer al Mumimeen) they have been holding onto the ropes of Islam…. Look at 👉red (white skinned) blue eyed from them striving in this (religion of Islam)👈, and he poked his stick into the stomach of Umar may Allah be pleased with with him.”
تاريخ المدينة لابن ابي شيبه ج ٤٩٠ – ٤٩١
فَقَالَ : يَا أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ، إِنِّي أَرَى هَذِهِ الأَعَاجِمَ قَدْ كَثُرَتْ بِبَلَدِكَ فَاحْتَرِسْ مِنْهُمْ ، قَالَ : إِنَّهُمْ قَدِ اعْتَصَمُوا بِالإِسْلامِ ، قَالَ : أَمَا وَاللَّهِ لَكَأَنِّي أَنْظُرُ إِلَى أَحْمَرَ أَزْرَقَ مِنْهُمْ قَدْ جَالَ فِي هَذِهِ ، وَنَخَسَ بِأُصْبُعِهِ فِي بَطْنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ
Dumb nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man is coping because Black Ishmaelite (so-called Arab) men had you ugly beasts as eunuchs while enslaving you ugly beasts 🤣.

Ibn Asaakir narrates in Taarikh Al Damashq that….

“… Nusayb entered on the leader of the believers Abdul Maalik Ibn Marwaan , Marwan told him to tell him a story and Nusayb said that he got hold of 👉a Red slave : meaning : white👈 ……”
قال ابن عساكر في تاريخ الدشق حرف النون » ذكر من اسمه نصر » نُصَيْبُ بْنُ رَبَاحٍ أَبُو مِحْجَنٍ مَوْلَى عَبْدِ
أنبأنا أبو سعد أحمد بن عبد الجبار بن الطيوري ، عن القاسم أبي التنوخي ، وأبي محمد الجوهري ، وأنبأنا أبو الفوارس هبة الله بن أحمد بن سوار ، وأبو بكر أحمد بن علي بن جبير ، وأبو البركات الأنماطي ، قَالَوا : أخبرنا أبو الحسين بن الطيوري ، أخبرنا الجوهري ، قَالا : أخبرنا أبو عمر بن حَيَّوَيْهِ ، نا محمد بن خلف بن المرزبان ، نا محمد بن يزيد المهلبي ، عن محمد بن سلام ، قَالَ : دخل نصيب على يزيد بن عبد الملك بن مروان ، فقَالَ له : حدثني ببعض ما مر عليك ، قَالَ : نعم يا أمير المؤمنين ، علقت جارية حمراء ؛ يعني : بيضاء ، فمكثت زمانا تمنيني الأباطيل ، فلما ألححت عليها ، قَالَت : إليك عني ، فوالله لكأنك من طوارق الليل ، فقلت : وأنت والله كأنك من طوارق النهار ، فقَالَت : ما أظرفك ، فغضبت من قولها ، فقَالَت : وهل تدري ما الظرف ؟ الظرف العقل ، ثم قَالَت لي : انصرف حتى أنظر في أمرك ، فأرسلت إليها بهذة الأبيات : فإن أك حالكا فالمسك أحوي وما لسواد جلدي من دواء ولي كرم عن الفحشاء يأبى كبعد الأرض من جو السماء ومثلي في رحالكم قليل ومثلي لا يرد عن النساء فإن ترضي فردي قول راض وإن تأبي فنحن على السواء قَالَ : فلما قرأت الكتاب ، قَالَت : المال والعقل يعقبان على غيرهما ، فزوجتني نفسها

Ibn Haajjar said in Fath Al Baari , Book Kafaaraat Al Imaan, Chapter 15 Page 406

”The saying 👉Red as if he was from the slaves👈” commenced in the subject of the 5th of the share of the war booty” As if he was from the slaves‘ Dawoodi said, ” 👉It means he was from the Roman prisoners of war👈’‘ just as it is said and if the chain was looked into or not, the Romans are not specified, it could have actually been a slave from the Persians, or the Nabeateans or the Daylamites.”

قال ابن حجر في فتح الباري ، كتاب كفارات الايمان ج ١٥ ص ٤٠٦

‎قوله أحمر كأنه مولى تقدم في فرض الخمس ” كأنه من الموالي” قال الداودي : يعني أنه من سبي الروم كذا قال فإن كان اطلع على نقل في ذلك وإلا فلا اختصاص لذلك بالروم دون الفرس أو النبط أو الديلمThis is a long authentic narration about when

“Umar may Allah be pleased with him was stabbed and killed. The word رقيق is used which means slave, to describe the Persian slave Abu Lulu who was the slave of Mughairah.

Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith 3700 : Book 62, Hadith Vol. 5, Book 57, Hadith 50

“Umar said, “O Ibn `Abbas! Find out who attacked me.” Ibn `Abbas kept on looking here and there for a short time and came to say. “The slave of Al Mughira.” On that `Umar said, “The craftsman?” Ibn `Abbas said, “Yes.” `Umar said, “May Allah curse him. I did not treat him unjustly. All the Praises are for Allah Who has not caused me to die at the hand of a man who claims himself to be a Muslim. No doubt, you and your father (Abbas) used to love to have more infidels (Persian disbelievers) in Medina.” Al-Abbas had the greatest number of slaves. Ibn `Abbas said to `Umar. “If you wish, we will do.” He meant, “If you wish we will kill them.” `Umar said, “You are mistaken (for you can’t kill them) after they have spoken your language, prayed towards your Qibla, and performed Hajj like your Hajj...
صحيح البخاري حديث ٣٧٠٠ كتاب ٦٢
‏ قَالَ يَا ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ، انْظُرْ مَنْ قَتَلَنِي‏.‏ فَجَالَ سَاعَةً، ثُمَّ جَاءَ، فَقَالَ غُلاَمُ الْمُغِيرَةِ‏.‏ قَالَ الصَّنَعُ قَالَ نَعَمْ‏.‏ قَالَ قَاتَلَهُ اللَّهُ لَقَدْ أَمَرْتُ بِهِ مَعْرُوفًا، الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي لَمْ يَجْعَلْ مَنِيَّتِي بِيَدِ رَجُلٍ يَدَّعِي الإِسْلاَمَ، قَدْ كُنْتَ أَنْتَ وَأَبُوكَ تُحِبَّانِ أَنْ تَكْثُرَ الْعُلُوجُ بِالْمَدِينَةِ وَكَانَ ‏{‏الْعَبَّاسُ‏}‏ أَكْثَرَهُمْ رَقِيقًا‏.‏ فَقَالَ إِنْ شِئْتَ فَعَلْتُ‏.‏ أَىْ إِنْ شِئْتَ قَتَلْنَا‏.‏ قَالَ كَذَبْتَ، بَعْدَ مَا تَكَلَّمُوا بِلِسَانِكُمْ، وَصَلَّوْا قِبْلَتَكُمْ وَحَجُّوا حَجَّكُمْ فَاحْتُمِلَ إِلَى بَيْتِهِ فَانْطَلَقْنَا مَعَهُ،

Here is some more on the death of Umar bin Al Khattaab and the Abu Lulu the Persian who killed him.
In Tareeq Al Madinah li Ibn Abi Shaybah, Chapter 3, pages 490- 491

“Uyaynatu ibn Hasn said, “Oh leader of the believers,Verily I see the non-Arabs (Persians) increasing in number in your country, beware of them. He said (Ameer al Mumimeen) they have been holding onto the ropes of Islam…. Look at 👉red (white skinned) blue eyed from them striving in this (religion of Islam)👈, and he poked his stick into the stomach of Umar may Allah be pleased with with him.”
تاريخ المدينة لابن ابي شيبه ج ٤٩٠ – ٤٩١
فَقَالَ : يَا أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ، إِنِّي أَرَى هَذِهِ الأَعَاجِمَ قَدْ كَثُرَتْ بِبَلَدِكَ فَاحْتَرِسْ مِنْهُمْ ، قَالَ : إِنَّهُمْ قَدِ اعْتَصَمُوا بِالإِسْلامِ ، قَالَ : أَمَا وَاللَّهِ لَكَأَنِّي أَنْظُرُ إِلَى أَحْمَرَ أَزْرَقَ مِنْهُمْ قَدْ جَالَ فِي هَذِهِ ، وَنَخَسَ بِأُصْبُعِهِ فِي بَطْنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ

The same hadiths called blacks pug-nosed slaves and raisin heads. Muhammad was mentioned as white skinned.

Arabs sold millions of niggers and used them to drain the salt marshes in southern Iraq. niggers were used like animals while the slav were used for the military caste. The nigger revolted, chimped out for 14 years until the caliph al muwaffaq put a stop to the niggermania.

Today, niggers are being sold in libya. this is black history, my nigger.
The same hadiths called blacks pug-nosed slaves and raisin heads. Muhammad was mentioned as white skinned.

Arabs sold millions of niggers and used them to drain the salt marshes in southern Iraq. niggers were used like animals while the slav were used for the military caste. The nigger revolted, chimped out for 14 years until the caliph al muwaffaq put a stop to the niggermania.

Today, niggers are being sold in libya. this is black history, my nigger.

Imam Al Tabari gives a description of Mohammed Al Nafs Al Zaky in his book Tarikh Al Tabary (تاريخ الطبري), page 562.

‘‘👉Mohammed was Adam Shadeed Al Udama👈, Adlam and he was 👉nicknamed father of 👉Black coal because of 👉his Udmah (blackness)👈. Abu Ja’far used to call him charcoal.”

كان محمد آدم شديد الأدمة، أدلم جسيما عظيما، وكان يلقب القاري من أدمته، حتى كان أبو جعفر يدعوه محمما

Yaa son of a red woman

Ibn Atheer narrates in his book Al Nihaayah Fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Wal Athar Chapter 1 Page 440

”And in the hadeeth Ali.. A man from the mawaali (clients) opposed him so Ali said, “👉Shut up you son of 👉a red Ijaan👈,” meaning 👉son of a slave woman👈. 👉The Al Ijaan is the area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva👈” and 👉this is the way 👉the Arabs talk when being derogatory and insulting👈.”

(In Ghareeb Al Hadeeth by Ibn al Jawzy Chapter 1 Page 241 Ibn Al jawzi repeats this.)

قال ابن اثير في كتابه النهاية في غريب الحديث ج ١ ص ٤٤٠

قال مجد الدين أبي السعادات المبارك بن محمد (ابن الأثير) في النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر – حرف الحاء – باب الحاء مع الميم

هـ ) وفي حديث علي ” عارضه رجل من الموالي فقال : اسكت يا ابن حمراء العجان ” أي يا ابن الأمة ، والعجان ما بين القبل والدبر ، وهي كلمة تقولها العرب في السب والذم .

The slave Safeenah

Al Bidaayah wa Al Nihaayah Chapter 8 page 261

“And from them is Safeenah, Abu Abdur Rahman, and it was said Abu Al Buhtaar, his name was Mihran, it is Abas and it is said (👉he was) red (pale white in colour👈) and it is said Rumaaan. So the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him nicknamed him Safeenah so we will mention him as he was most commonly mentioned as. And 👉he was the slave of Umm Salamah👈, so she released him under the condition that he serves the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, until he dies. And he is from mixed raced parents with Arab blood and he originates from the sons of the Persians.”

البداية و النهاية الجزء الثامن صفحة ٢٦١

ومنهم سفينة أبو عبد الرحمن . ويقال : أبو البختري . كان اسمه مهران وقيل : عبس . وقيل : أحمر . وقيل : رومان .فلقبه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سفينة لسبب سنذكره ، فغلب عليه ، وكان مولى لأم سلمة ، فأعتقته واشترطت عليه أن يخدم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى يموت ، فقبل ذلك ، …… . وهو من مولدي العرب ، وأصله من أبناء فارس
البداية و النهاية الجزء الثامن صفحة ٢٦١

Cope harder, nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😆.

Last edited:
Yaa son of a red woman

Ibn Atheer narrates in his book Al Nihaayah Fee Ghareeb Al Hadeeth Wal Athar Chapter 1 Page 440

”And in the hadeeth Ali.. A man from the mawaali (clients) opposed him so Ali said, “👉Shut up you son of 👉a red Ijaan👈,” meaning 👉son of a slave woman👈. 👉The Al Ijaan is the area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva👈” and 👉this is the way 👉the Arabs talk when being derogatory and insulting👈.”

(In Ghareeb Al Hadeeth by Ibn al Jawzy Chapter 1 Page 241 Ibn Al jawzi repeats this.)

قال ابن اثير في كتابه النهاية في غريب الحديث ج ١ ص ٤٤٠

قال مجد الدين أبي السعادات المبارك بن محمد (ابن الأثير) في النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر – حرف الحاء – باب الحاء مع الميم

هـ ) وفي حديث علي ” عارضه رجل من الموالي فقال : اسكت يا ابن حمراء العجان ” أي يا ابن الأمة ، والعجان ما بين القبل والدبر ، وهي كلمة تقولها العرب في السب والذم .

The slave Safeenah

Al Bidaayah wa Al Nihaayah Chapter 8 page 261

“And from them is Safeenah, Abu Abdur Rahman, and it was said Abu Al Buhtaar, his name was Mihran, it is Abas and it is said (👉he was) red (pale white in colour👈) and it is said Rumaaan. So the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him nicknamed him Safeenah so we will mention him as he was most commonly mentioned as. And 👉he was the slave of Umm Salamah👈, so she released him under the condition that he serves the Prophet Mohammed May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, until he dies. And he is from mixed raced parents with Arab blood and he originates from the sons of the Persians.”

البداية و النهاية الجزء الثامن صفحة ٢٦١

ومنهم سفينة أبو عبد الرحمن . ويقال : أبو البختري . كان اسمه مهران وقيل : عبس . وقيل : أحمر . وقيل : رومان .فلقبه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سفينة لسبب سنذكره ، فغلب عليه ، وكان مولى لأم سلمة ، فأعتقته واشترطت عليه أن يخدم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى يموت ، فقبل ذلك ، …… . وهو من مولدي العرب ، وأصله من أبناء فارس
البداية و النهاية الجزء الثامن صفحة ٢٦١

Cope harder, nigger ale looking Edomite (so-called White) man 😆.

View attachment 2088241

You are a nigger abeed pug nosed slave in Arabia and would be treated as such. Don't fool yourself with misinterpreted hadiths. Help your nigger slave friend in libya. They are being traded like your bussy was in prison.

  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
You are a nigger abeed pug nosed slave in Arabia and would be treated as such. Don't fool yourself with misinterpreted hadiths. Help your nigger slave friend in libya. They are being traded like your bussy was in prison.


Those are Phutites (so-called Somalis) and Cushites (so-called Ethiopians), dumb nigger ape Edomite (so-called White) man 😂.

They hated you ugly beasts’ red complexion when they were black.

In Seera A’laam Al Nubalaa, Chapter 2, page 168, Imaam Al Dhahabi , said,

”If the Arabs said someone is 👉white, they mean that he is a wheatish colour 👉with a blackness that can be seen👈.”

سير أعلام النبلاء ج ٢ ص ١٦٨

“إن العرب إذا قالت: فلان أبيض ، فإنهم يريدون الحنطي اللون بحلية سوداء”

Aswad = very black.

Ibn Hajjar narrates in his book Fath Al Baari Saheeh Al Bukhaari, Chapter 7 page 171

”And 👉the Arabs call white, 👉red because they 👉dislike the name white, for it resembles leprosy👈.”

قال ابن حجر في كتابه فتح الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري – ج 7 ص ١٧١

، والعرب تطلق على الأبيض الأحمر كراهة اسم البياض لكونه يشبه البرص

Ibn Sekeet said, ”from 👉the red men and it is an unattractive red which flakes from the intense redness, perhaps they nicknamed 👉the white people, red people👈 because their whiteness resembled leprosy…. and the Ashqar is that which peels off the skin and the nose because of heat”

لونه الحمرة، بان السكيت، من الرجال الأحمر وهو القبيح الحمرة الذي يتقشر من شدة الحمرة وربما كنى عن الأبيض بالأحمر لأن البياض يقع على البرص;…’والأقشر الذي يتقشر جلده وأنفه من الحر

Nice try though, ugly subhuman Edomite man 🤣.
Those are Phutites (so-called Somalis) and Cushites (so-called Ethiopians), dumb nigger ape Edomite (so-called White) man 😂.

They hated you ugly beasts’ red complexion when they were black.

In Seera A’laam Al Nubalaa, Chapter 2, page 168, Imaam Al Dhahabi , said,

”If the Arabs said someone is 👉white, they mean that he is a wheatish colour 👉with a blackness that can be seen👈.”

سير أعلام النبلاء ج ٢ ص ١٦٨

“إن العرب إذا قالت: فلان أبيض ، فإنهم يريدون الحنطي اللون بحلية سوداء”

Aswad = very black.

Ibn Hajjar narrates in his book Fath Al Baari Saheeh Al Bukhaari, Chapter 7 page 171

”And 👉the Arabs call white, 👉red because they 👉dislike the name white, for it resembles leprosy👈.”

قال ابن حجر في كتابه فتح الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري – ج 7 ص ١٧١

، والعرب تطلق على الأبيض الأحمر كراهة اسم البياض لكونه يشبه البرص

Ibn Sekeet said, ”from 👉the red men and it is an unattractive red which flakes from the intense redness, perhaps they nicknamed 👉the white people, red people👈 because their whiteness resembled leprosy…. and the Ashqar is that which peels off the skin and the nose because of heat”

لونه الحمرة، بان السكيت، من الرجال الأحمر وهو القبيح الحمرة الذي يتقشر من شدة الحمرة وربما كنى عن الأبيض بالأحمر لأن البياض يقع على البرص;…’والأقشر الذي يتقشر جلده وأنفه من الحر

Nice try though, ugly subhuman Edomite man 🤣.

This nigger is literally taking hadiths out of context while there is a modern-day slave trade of niggers in Libya. As I said, this is why you niggers were turned into chattel - too much neglect. I could enslave you if I know where you live.

Nigerian nigger buck sold for 400.


Inside The Country Where You Can Buy A Black Man For $400​

Slavery is thriving in Libya, where thousands of black Africans hoping to get to Europe instead find themselves bought and sold, forced to work for nothing, and facing torture at the hands of their owners.

Race war coming to America soon, nigger.

  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
This nigger is literally taking hadiths out of context while there is a modern-day slave trade of niggers in Libya. As I said, this is why you niggers were turned into chattel - too much neglect. I could enslave you if I know where you live.

Nigerian nigger buck sold for 400.


Inside The Country Where You Can Buy A Black Man For $400​

Slavery is thriving in Libya, where thousands of black Africans hoping to get to Europe instead find themselves bought and sold, forced to work for nothing, and facing torture at the hands of their owners.

Race war coming to America soon, nigger.


Phutites (so-called Somalis) and Cushites (so-called Ethiopians) getting enslaved in Libya has nothing to do with us, ugly red beasty 😆.

I love your cope, nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man but it’s not going to change that the black Ishmaelite (so-called Arab) men hated you ugly red beasts in their hadiths while they were enslaving you 😂.

Sharh Nahj al-Balagha Chapter 5 page 56

”And AlMubarad said, The meaning of his his saying the green, meaning brown and very black. And 👉the Arabs were 👉proud of their brown and very black skin complexions👈 and 👉they hated Ahmar (red) and Shaqarah (leprous white) complexions and 👉they say verily those two are from the colours of the non-Arab👈.”

‎شرح نهج البلاغة

‎وقال المبرد: المراد بقوله: (وأنا الأخضر)، أي الأسمر والأسود. والعرب كانت تفتخر بالسمرة والسواد، وكانت تكره الحمرة والشقرة، وتقول: إنهما من ألوان العجم

Al Ahad Wal Mathaany Chapter 1 page 174

“On the authority of Ibn Umar may Allah be pleased with him, He said, I have not seen anyone after 👉the messenger of Allah 👉more black than Muawiyah. It was said, And Is it not Abu Bakr👈? He said , and it is not Abu Bakr, 👉Abu Bakr was better than him, and 👉he was more black than him👈. It was said, and it was it not Umar. He said, by Allah, Umar was better than him but he was more black than him. It was said, And was it not Uthmaan? He said, By Allah Uthaman was noble but he was more black than him.”

‎الآحاد والمثاني لابن أبي عاصم وَمِنْ ذِكْرِ مُعَاوِيَةَ بْنِ أَبِي سُفْيَانَ ج ١ ص ٣٧٩
‎حَدَّثَنَا هَدِيَّةُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْوَهَّابِ الْمَرْوَزِيُّ، نا يَحْيَى بْنُ يَزِيدَ، نا إِبْرَاهِيمُ بْنُ سَعْدٍ، عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ إِسْحَاقَ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ، قَالَ: «مَا رَأَيْتُ أَحَدًا بَعْدَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أَسْوَدَ مِنْ مُعَاوِيَةَ» ، قِيلَ: وَلَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ؟ قَالَ: «وَلَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ، قَدْ كَانَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ خَيْرًا مِنْهُ، وَكَانَ أَسْوَدَ مِنْهُ» قِيلَ: وَلَا عُمَرُ؟ قَالَ: «وَاللَّهِ لَقَدْ كَانَ عُمَرُ خَيْرًا مِنْهُ وَلَكِنَّهُ كَانَ أَسْوَدَ مِنْهُ» . قِيلَ: وَلَا عُثْمَانُ؟ قَالَ: «وَاللَّهِ إِنْ كَانَ عُثْمَانُ لَسَيِّدًا وَلَكِنَّهُ كَانَ أَسْوَدَ مِنْهُ
Phutites (so-called Somalis) and Cushites (so-called Ethiopians) getting enslaved in Libya has nothing to do with us, ugly red beasty 😆.

I love your cope, nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man but it’s not going to change that the black Ishmaelite (so-called Arab) men hated you ugly red beasts in their hadiths while they were enslaving you 😂.

Sharh Nahj al-Balagha Chapter 5 page 56

”And AlMubarad said, The meaning of his his saying the green, meaning brown and very black. And 👉the Arabs were 👉proud of their brown and very black skin complexions👈 and 👉they hated Ahmar (red) and Shaqarah (leprous white) complexions and 👉they say verily those two are from the colours of the non-Arab👈.”

‎شرح نهج البلاغة

‎وقال المبرد: المراد بقوله: (وأنا الأخضر)، أي الأسمر والأسود. والعرب كانت تفتخر بالسمرة والسواد، وكانت تكره الحمرة والشقرة، وتقول: إنهما من ألوان العجم

Al Ahad Wal Mathaany Chapter 1 page 174

“On the authority of Ibn Umar may Allah be pleased with him, He said, I have not seen anyone after 👉the messenger of Allah 👉more black than Muawiyah. It was said, And Is it not Abu Bakr👈? He said , and it is not Abu Bakr, 👉Abu Bakr was better than him, and 👉he was more black than him👈. It was said, and it was it not Umar. He said, by Allah, Umar was better than him but he was more black than him. It was said, And was it not Uthmaan? He said, By Allah Uthaman was noble but he was more black than him.”

‎الآحاد والمثاني لابن أبي عاصم وَمِنْ ذِكْرِ مُعَاوِيَةَ بْنِ أَبِي سُفْيَانَ ج ١ ص ٣٧٩
‎حَدَّثَنَا هَدِيَّةُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْوَهَّابِ الْمَرْوَزِيُّ، نا يَحْيَى بْنُ يَزِيدَ، نا إِبْرَاهِيمُ بْنُ سَعْدٍ، عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ إِسْحَاقَ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ، قَالَ: «مَا رَأَيْتُ أَحَدًا بَعْدَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أَسْوَدَ مِنْ مُعَاوِيَةَ» ، قِيلَ: وَلَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ؟ قَالَ: «وَلَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ، قَدْ كَانَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ خَيْرًا مِنْهُ، وَكَانَ أَسْوَدَ مِنْهُ» قِيلَ: وَلَا عُمَرُ؟ قَالَ: «وَاللَّهِ لَقَدْ كَانَ عُمَرُ خَيْرًا مِنْهُ وَلَكِنَّهُ كَانَ أَسْوَدَ مِنْهُ» . قِيلَ: وَلَا عُثْمَانُ؟ قَالَ: «وَاللَّهِ إِنْ كَانَ عُثْمَانُ لَسَيِّدًا وَلَكِنَّهُ كَانَ أَسْوَدَ مِنْهُ

Is this you, my nigger? :ROFLMAO:

  • Ugh..
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nigger delusions, go back to the zoo
  • Ugh..
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nigger delusions, go back to the zoo

You need to go back to your zoo, oops I mean Africa, nigger baboon looking Hamite (so-called African) man.
  • Ugh..
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Look at the wounded slave name having nigger resort to a pity fuck. Having a slave name is like being in a wheelchair.

This is you, my nigger


Look at the dumb nigger ape looking Edomite (so-called White) man slave showing a baboon looking Hamite (so-called African) man doing sodomy on an ape looking Edomite man 😂. Y’all love homosexual porn, 🦍.

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