

Jan 23, 2024
  • Hydration
  • Androgen Receptors
  • Facial Hair
  • Sexual Health
  • Biological Health
  • Facial Structure and Hairline
  • Balding
  • Body
  • Breastfeeding and 'MEWING'
  • Human Nature
  • Minor Additives
  • For the Trans Women/cis Women
  • Penis size
  • Cancers
  • Mental gains
  • 7 day ejaculation recovery period
  • Hair thickness
  • The skull
  • My body-remodeling regimen
  • Fasting
  • Posture

Alright, let's break down looksmaxxing entirely, all the information you're about to witness is based on my own multi-year process of self-experimentation in seeing what works objectively, and what does not. Please bear with me in fully explaining EVERYTHING.


Stay extremely hydrated during the day, but stop drinking before bed or you will risk wet dreams increasing frequency

Androgen Receptors

Ejaculation, in it's absolute form detaches androgen receptors from your biology temporarily. After 7 days- and this is consistent across ALL men-, the androgen receptors RE-attach, you NEED androgen receptors attached to your biology for ideal muscular-skeletal growth- so wait 7 days after ejaculation and on the 7th day you're good to begin 'truly' looksmaxxing.

there is scientific documentation on this 7 day period it takes for androgen receptors to reattach, in fact, on the 7th day, your testosterone triples. I'm saying, when you ejaculate your body's entire reserve of ANDROGEN RECEPTORS, the receptors that ABSORB testosterone, are DETACHED from the BODY FOR 7 DAYS. YOUR TESTOSTERONE SPIKES ON THE 7TH DAY OF ABSTAINANCE.


Facial Hair

Once your androgen receptors reattach after the 7 day no-ejaculation period, your hair follicles continue their development, no matter how hairless and twinky you may be initially, you go 3 months no cum/wet dreams and you'll start to see significant follicle increase.

Sexual Health

I've already told you about 7 day abstinence, but ideally you also need to understand that ANY AND ALL AROUSAL immediately generates semen in the prostate, Sperm always remains in the balls though, till ejaculation. The semen in the prostate MUST be expelled EVERY DAY, or it will cause prostate cancer if left dormant inside the prostate. NOTE:EXPELLED DOES NOT MEAN CUM, you can expel residual semen from your prostate by squatting slightly in the bathroom and mentally pushing in on your frontal pelvis, like you would on your anus when you're taking a shit.

Non-sperm'ized' semen will be forced out like a long rope.

Morning wood is arousal caused by potty training because the musculature holding in the urine also interacts with the genitals and stimulates them. Wet dreams are an extreme of this phenomenon.

Biological Health

Potty training may be damn near evil (joking), holding in waste unnaturally long (while sleeping specifically) atrophies the digestive system over time and over the course of generations, it is also the direct cause of digestive cancers, the same way dormant semen in the prostate too long is the cause of Prostate cancer. This is why modern NOFAP is slightly misguided, without knowledge on how to expel the semen in their prostate without ejaculating.

Testicular cancer is also caused by extended and unnatural lower torso/pelvic muscle activity in the body.

Facial Structure and Hairline

Why do all lions and tigers look very similar? with their minor differentiators that allow herd members to different being minor facial differences, minor hair differences, voice, scars etc?

because this is called NATURAL FORM; deer, goats, animals of the wild, in general, maybe only biologically different when it comes to environmental and diet changes across their separate genus', but i'll get to this also.

You all obviously know what 'mewing' is yes? mewing, for all intents and purposes, is not real in a 'new discovery' sense.

Human breast proportions are caused by animal fat consumption, tongue posture is the differentiator between the cranial 'growth direction' of children sucking on these different breast types: carnivore vs herbivore breast growth in women.

That's correct, the tongue posture of black Africans and Eurasians differentiated entirely in this specific aspect. but i'll delve deeper into this later.

If you want a visual difference, look up the pornstar Addison Lorie.
240px Addisson
and compare her NIPPLE POSITION and BREAST PLUMPNESS with any flat saggy titted woman pornstar you can find
Supertino qhkbg 114544
from this you can infer that she grew up on heavy animal meat and animal fat.

Her face is very ugly and undeveloped, agreed, but this is absolutely more anecdotal to her mother's breast proportions being different from her own while she was still a baby breastfeeding.

estrogen in women simply mediates fat distribution, this coupled with lack of androgen receptor density allows animal fat (saturated fat) to proliferate in ideal areas all over the body, specifically breasts, lack of androgen receptor density is the crucual factor in differentiating men and women.

When exposed to female biology; saturated fat gives women the 'good' type of tits, but when exposed to androgen receptors in men, increases testosterone, it's the 'all-fat' in homo sapiens. Animal meat/fat is ideal for human consumption and mediated by our gender differentiated hormonal receptors.

WE ARE CARNIVORES/OMNIVORES BY VIRTUE OF THIS DIFFERENCE, this is why our facial structure looks different from the gorillas/chimps that are PRIMARILY vegetarians; flat/saggy tits ==== chimp breasts. Saturated/animal fat is the primary mediator in the difference between humans and other apes.

Next topic, you ever heard about chewing? How hypetrophy in the jaw muscle makes the mandible bone bigger? This is consistent for ALL muscles in the skull but the growth IS NOT acromegaly.

It grows in the NATURAL homo sapien form. That's why ALL GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE HAVE SPECIFIC GOOD LOOKING FEATURES even if they have essentially 'non-ideal' features to add some uniqueness. like eye color, skin and hair (generally).

So here's the general run down on 'BONE HYPERTROPHY'

EAT WHOLE STEAKS OF RED MEAT, as raw you can get without risking parasitic infection.

The action of baring down on a large steak with ALL OF YOUR TEETH and then FORCE TEARING AWAY WITH YOUR HEAD while holding it still with your hands, maintains, generates & fixes teeth STRAIGHTNESS by hypertrophying TOTAL MAXILLARY MUSCULATURE through the complete-teeth activity, and in turn, accelerating an increase in mandible and maxillary bone proliferation.

If you're male then maintaining POST 7 DAY abstinence through out makes it easier for you as testosterone goes straight to the muscles in your face through your now-attached androgen receptors.

Now let me tell you about hair; your hair follicles are attached to a 'hair muscle' system, you can see this on any skull diagram for muscles in the skull; the pericranial aponeurosis. You can literally continuously hypertrophy the very front muscular attachment 'forward' to lower your hairline over time. I suggest you SHAVE YOUR HEAD COMPLETELY before doing this, your head hair itself may act like some kind of 'hair-line' anchor and make you just start stretching the skin on your face.

PROPER Muscular hypertrophy in all face muscles, 8 minute-holds once every two weeks and you should see bone mass increase within 1 month: The specific exercise you should do are extreme forms of 'pretending you are outside in the sun on an extremely windy day, very autistic, I know, but so is looksmaxxing in general.


Hold this position AGGRESSIVELY for 8-minutes straight, once every 2 weeks is enough, remember what I said about the importance of abstinence in muscle-bone mass growth, you want to look like this you need a little discipline... Also, 'imagine' forcing your hair 'muscles' DOWN during a 'frown', there are muscles there, just touch it and try your hardest to 'FORCE IT DOWN' like any other muscle, you should see results in WEEKS, if not DAYS. (Ideally, you should shave all of your hair off, in my experience outgrown hair might have an 'anchor effect' on the hairline, shaving your hair off seems to completely prevent needless skin stretching, which is also why you need to limit doing this exercise too excessively)
Brutal mog

Notice that these big boned dimorphic faces have a THIN NOSE, a THIN NOSE is a high-bone mass nose. when people have pudgy thick noses, this means that the skin that is supposed to be being stretched into an attractive thin forward shape, is being compressed against the absence of a developed nasal bone structure.


Balding is plain and simply what happens when you ejaculate too much, you remain inside the period of androgen receptor detachment from the body so your muscles begin to completely atrophy, regardless of how much gym you do. Remember, after ejaculation there is an ABSOLUTE PERIOD OF 7 DAYS before your androgen receptors re-attach. Your hair line is definitely not exempt from this, but if you accompany abstinence with 'hair muscle' downward hypertrophy, you should be able to completely recover 'AND MORE' your hairline.


Height is also not entirely genetic, but obviously predisposed to existing genetics of course, this is all about ideal food amount intake as well as physical activity during development;

basketballers all have basketballer shoulders

swimmers always have wide shoulders. but swimming isn't a natural 'continuous stimuli' activity, so all their bodies are retarded looking ngl.

It's just excessive muscular-skeletal usage in the area of the shoulder- swimmers obviously do this when they swim, ballers obviously do this when they train dribbling and shooting and dunking. But ideally, you do this while you're young and growing so you develop in these facets early and don't have to do autistic dead arm hangs and get insane clavicle skin stretch marks.


Remember what I said about NIPPLE POSITION and BREAST PLUMPNESS?

ALL GIRLS need to grow up eating primarily animal meats and fat and their breasts will grow in their IDEAL form REGARDLESS OF RACE. this will mean IDEAL facial proportions for the kids that they breastfeed because IDEAL tongue habits will subconsciously develop. Natural 'mewing' per-se

We've already discussed how female breast 'proportions' are differentiated in homo sapiens by the TYPE of fat consumption during growth-> animal fat vs plant fat. Black people initially were the original ones with caucasian skull structure (see:florisbad skull from south africa 200,000 years ago) but humans came from here of course, so it makes sense.

That was before Africa was in essentiality a desert. But right now, African girl breasts are flat and saggy, no matter how young or old on a large scale, but not a COMPLETE scale, just generally due to herbivorous diet at large in Africa right now. Long saggy breasts, instead of plump.

This is more consistent with chimpanzee breast proportions because in The desert that Africa is right now, their diet will predominantly be plant foods, because there are few places for prey to live, fewer they aren't already being hunted by predators.

But THIS DIET DIFFERENTIATION creates the breast proportion difference across races.

Not 'genes'.

But why do humans eat meat?

Why did we start eating animal fats in the first place and make our women develop these shapely tits that other chimps don't have? this is what differentiated the chimps that lost the fur and just kept eating plant from the chimps that lost the fur and STARTED STALKING BIG CATS. HUMANS DIFFERENTIATED THEMSELVES BY SCAVENGING BIG CAT KILLS.

Our ancestors were the most attractive people possible, but relative to them, 'Attractiveness' does not exist. Like lions and tigers, deers and rabbits, there is a 'Natural form'. Humans have one to, that I assume would look like some artistic combination wherein a dark-African man has the cranial proportions of some hyper-European like Fabien Pelous, and much more body hair, as we are talking about pre-desert African homo-sapiens.

Humans have been around for over 500,000 years, and attractive 'caucasoid skulls' are the only ones you're going to find going back before humans left Africa ~70,000 years ago (see:florisbad skull). Neanderthals were all ugly as fuck (but were a post-african settlement a little farther back than the 70,000 year old out of africa exodus).

Let's recap:


how often do you think ALL of these factors are met perfectly? And you want to talk genetics? look at Zendaya's parents- her mom probably has great tits, but both of her parents are ugly as fuck.

Human Nature

Our growth is non-exponential relative to ideal environmental conditions, when we scavenged big cat kills and needed to burst run to escape them, climb trees etc;

too much size and you become unnaturally large and slow, a 6'3-6-8 man can probably effectively outmaneuver a Dark-maned lion or panther with burst speed, a 7' man will have his right leg shredded trying to get up the tree, literally too much growth leads to a weird bell curve degeneration effect in our hypothetical 'Natural' 'Pre-desert Africa'.

Though of course, with enough scientific engineering, the growth is effectively exponential, like any other animal that encounters a different environmental pace, elephant->wooly mammoth.

Minor additives

Did you know that sleeping on pillows malforms by enlarges your occiput unnaturally, while also destroying your neck posture? back sleeping is in general deforming and unnatural but if you want to flatten your occiput before training yourself to side-sleep, you should probably back sleep on a HARD FLOOR till you notice your occiput is flattened completely then STOP, this should take only a week or two. You don't want to be this guy, even if this DOES seem like the norm (of course it is, pillows and soft beds are the norm)

You may notice an anecdotal trend of Japanese people with flat occiputs, are you also aware they sleep on flatter, lower beds?

Sleeping on soft beds instead of harder surfaces like our ancestors (grass & dirt) etc, malforms your spinal growth as the pelvic region is very heavy and sinks into the bed during sleep because of it's sheer weight.

Sitting down in general is unnatural, and deforms sternum growth and development, concaving the chest over the course of life and on a greater scale, generations, sleeping on your back accelerates this, if you want your kids chests to look like this, keep doing both.




Sunlight exposure over the course of about anything longer than ~15 minutes to the naked body significantly increases circulating testosterone in men, your risk of cancer is decreased only after the 7 day non-ejaculatory period.

Fasting for 24 hours immediately spikes HGH for a continuous period till you begin eating again, and sprinting increases stable HGH.

A long-term sprinting regimen increases bone thickness and total muscle mass in the entire legs, while heavy strict-curl HOLDS increase bone thickness in the entire arms; repetition exercises are a meme.

Strict curling to a ~90 degree (humerus-radius) hold acts on the ENTIRE BODY down to your pelvis and legs, so you need TOTAL MUSCLE EQUILIBRIUM during this exercise. When it starts getting heavy YOU WILL SHIT YOURSELF, BUT THIS IS NATURAL, YOUR BODY IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TRAINED TO HOLD IN WASTE MATTER



For the trans women/cis women

As I mentioned, carnivore diet(specifically the saturated fat) creates voluptuous and proportional breasts, so, theoretically, if you wanted massive voluptuous tits, as a post-pubertal woman you'd just need to inject estrogen and consume high amounts of very fatty beef for like a couple months.

For a trans woman, your testicles are actually very important here, ejaculation in men spikes prolactin, a doctor can explain to you why this is important in estrogen increase, but the point is, you have your own natural estrogen injection; ejaculation. On top of artificial stuff you can get from a doctor, all you would need to do is literally the same thing; consume high amounts of very fatty beef, for a long period of time. This is literally like how ejaculation is the cause of gyno, but instead of gyno, you are straight up giving yourself breasts and on a larger scale, a feminine fat distribution.

Penis size

Now this one is a little more unbelievable, but if you want to grow your dick it's actually super simple, your flaccid penis is at a downward angle while flaccid, to grow it make sure you can some how artificially 'keep it in that downwards flaccid position' while getting fully erect, by fully erect, your body only assesses your penis as 'fully erect when the angle get's high and your mind starts 'consciously' throbbing, this is why it is also important, while holding your now 'continuously erecting' penis in that 'flaccid position' to also MAKE SURE YOU ARE MENTALLY NO WHERE NEAR YOUR PENIS, there can be no mental activity near your dick, you must not be holding in pee, poop, anything, you must not consciously 'throb', the erection-ing must be strictly due to something you are viewing online and not you physically touching your dick outside of whatever apparatus is holding it in the 'flaccid angle'. imagine a chastity cage but one that does not constrict the size of the penis, just the angle.

Pretty much, you are tricking your penis into thinking it still needs more blood, by making it think it's still in the 'flaccid state', it's like jelqing, but instead, it's the actual biological process that grows the penis in the first place during childhood.

Obviously, the penis is a muscle so my discussion on testosterone and androgen receptor attachment is CRUCIAL here.


Cancers are entirely biological degeneration from our artificial environment, I already explained how holding in waste from subconsciously trained potty training is the direct cause of cancers, the same is probably true for skin products, hair products, air purity etc. All cancers can be traced to our artificial foundation of living.

Mental gains

Within a month on post-7 day ejaculatory recovery, your mental clarity should begin to increase drastically. But only to a point of clear minded thinking and assessment, it isn't going to make you fucking superman.

The issue with society nowadays is literally that humans have lived hundreds of thousands if not millions of years, (my general estimate based on existing fossil samples is ~800,000 years) in normal conditions, it's only in the past ~10,000 or so we started literally mentally training our children to have late night ejaculations from wet dreams because of potty training's consequent function on genital muscle stimulation.

7 day ejaculation recovery period

There is a 7 day ejaculation recovery period present in ALL HUMAN MEN, where, for exactly 7 days after you ejaculate, androgen receptors attached to your body will weaken and detach, this of course means that the receptor that literally transfers circulating testosterone in your body into active testosterone in your muscles/bones etc, is no longer attached to your muscles/bones etc.

On the 7th day after the last ejaculation, your androgen receptors completely reattach, and this, for whatever reason, spikes your testosterone for the entire day to >1.5x their normal levels, returning to their baseline at the end of the day

This of course means that you should not be masturbating ever you fucking idiot

Hair Thickness

This is a direct result of hypertrophy of the underlying muscle, eyebrows specifically, scroll up for information on how to get great eyes.

The Skull

Skull image

Something I always have to add about these images is that these super robust skulls are always missing a small subnasal process below their nasal 'hole' but slightly above their upper teeth, this is also muscular hypertrophy related, along with cheekbones and the rest of the facial skeletal process.

You can see what i'm talking about here.

It's actually supposed to be a little more pronounced than that even, however it seems this bone is very soft and gets destroyed, relatively more easily than the rest of the skull post death. It creates a more straight, 'uniform looking' lower facial profile, the lower facial cranial bone mass surrounding the teeth, (including the one I just mentioned) would obviously stretch the skin forward against the bones, this means thinner lips of course.

My body-remodeling regimen

My current regimen is on the basis of 2 weeks. I train in strength conditioning but you can replace that specific week with whatever sport YOU train in. DO NOT REPLACE the sprint week. This is your natural human activity.

Week 1

  • Day 1: Eat
  • Day 2: Sprints/Track and field & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 3: Eat
  • Day 4: Sprints/Track and field & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 5: Eat
  • Day 6: Sprints/Track and field & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 7: Rest. eat anything you want and do anything you want this day, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR MORALE going into these weeks.
Week 2

  • Day 1: Eat
  • Day 2: (YOUR SPORT) & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 3: Eat
  • Day 4: (YOUR SPORT) & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 5: Eat
  • Day 6: (YOUR SPORT) & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 7: Rest. eat anything you want and do anything you want this day, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR MORALE going into these weeks. THIS IS ALSO THE OPTIMAL DAY FOR YOUR BI-MONTHLY FACIAL HYPERTROPHY EXERCISE, BECAUSE IT PRELUDES THE SPRINT WEEK, WHERE GROWTH HORMONE PEAKS. (as well as those more insecure folks that are attempting to perfect the penile exercise)

If you want to accelerate any facet of this regimen, you can try to eat everything on your eating days and fast completely on your sport/sprint days. Be cautious, the HGH output from doing this is immense, as HGH spikes from fasting alone after 24 hours


Total spinal posture (including neck, shoulder girdle, torso, pelvis) is crucial for facial proportion development
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read every single pixel
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ok greycell, does nofap help with debloating?
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ok greycell, does nofap help with debloating?
What the fuck does that mean?
Drink water to reduce bloat.
Surely you guys are reading the fucking post and not just memeing
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7 day ejaculation recovery period

There is a 7 day ejaculation recovery period present in ALL HUMAN MEN, where, for exactly 7 days after you ejaculate, androgen receptors attached to your body will weaken and detach, this of course means that the receptor that literally transfers circulating testosterone in your body into active testosterone in your muscles/bones etc, is no longer attached to your muscles/bones etc.

On the 7th day after the last ejaculation, your androgen receptors completely reattach, and this, for whatever reason, spikes your testosterone for the entire day to >1.5x their normal levels, returning to their baseline at the end of the day

This of course means that you should not be masturbating ever you fucking idiot
Complete retardation with 0 scientific basis, ignored retard grey
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Reactions: GreekMan, Компенсатор всего, Deleted member 39838 and 19 others
Complete retardation with 0 scientific basis, ignored retard grey
If you actually wanted this information to disappear, you wouldn't have bumped the thread.
I appreciate it.
The Rock Clapping GIF
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ok :3
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Complete retardation with 0 scientific basis, ignored retard grey
From a specific scholarly journal ~7-8 years ago, it discussed specifically a testosterone spike on the 7th day of abstinence, and then an immediate drop back to baseline at the end of that day.

I just connected the dots after doing research into androgen receptors and the fact 'testosterone' in itself is just information that NEEDS to be processed by something. Androgen receptors are that thing. Ejaculation appears to weaken or outright temporarily disable their function.
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Reactions: Deleted member 48903
  • Hydration
  • Androgen Receptors
  • Facial Hair
  • Sexual Health
  • Biological Health
  • Facial Structure and Hairline
  • Balding
  • Body
  • Breastfeeding and 'MEWING'
  • Human Nature
  • Minor Additives
  • For the Trans Women/cis Women
  • Penis size
  • Cancers
  • Mental gains
  • 7 day ejaculation recovery period
  • Hair thickness
  • The skull
  • My body-remodeling regimen
  • Fasting
  • Posture

Alright, let's break down looksmaxxing entirely, all the information you're about to witness is based on my own multi-year process of self-experimentation in seeing what works objectively, and what does not. Please bear with me in fully explaining EVERYTHING.


Stay extremely hydrated during the day, but stop drinking before bed or you will risk wet dreams increasing frequency

Androgen Receptors

Ejaculation, in it's absolute form detaches androgen receptors from your biology temporarily. After 7 days- and this is consistent across ALL men-, the androgen receptors RE-attach, you NEED androgen receptors attached to your biology for ideal muscular-skeletal growth- so wait 7 days after ejaculation and on the 7th day you're good to begin 'truly' looksmaxxing.

there is scientific documentation on this 7 day period it takes for androgen receptors to reattach, in fact, on the 7th day, your testosterone triples. I'm saying, when you ejaculate your body's entire reserve of ANDROGEN RECEPTORS, the receptors that ABSORB testosterone, are DETACHED from the BODY FOR 7 DAYS. YOUR TESTOSTERONE SPIKES ON THE 7TH DAY OF ABSTAINANCE.


Facial Hair

Once your androgen receptors reattach after the 7 day no-ejaculation period, your hair follicles continue their development, no matter how hairless and twinky you may be initially, you go 3 months no cum/wet dreams and you'll start to see significant follicle increase.

Sexual Health

I've already told you about 7 day abstinence, but ideally you also need to understand that ANY AND ALL AROUSAL immediately generates semen in the prostate, Sperm always remains in the balls though, till ejaculation. The semen in the prostate MUST be expelled EVERY DAY, or it will cause prostate cancer if left dormant inside the prostate. NOTE:EXPELLED DOES NOT MEAN CUM, you can expel residual semen from your prostate by squatting slightly in the bathroom and mentally pushing in on your frontal pelvis, like you would on your anus when you're taking a shit.

Non-sperm'ized' semen will be forced out like a long rope.

Morning wood is arousal caused by potty training because the musculature holding in the urine also interacts with the genitals and stimulates them. Wet dreams are an extreme of this phenomenon.

Biological Health

Potty training may be damn near evil (joking), holding in waste unnaturally long (while sleeping specifically) atrophies the digestive system over time and over the course of generations, it is also the direct cause of digestive cancers, the same way dormant semen in the prostate too long is the cause of Prostate cancer. This is why modern NOFAP is slightly misguided, without knowledge on how to expel the semen in their prostate without ejaculating.

Testicular cancer is also caused by extended and unnatural lower torso/pelvic muscle activity in the body.

Facial Structure and Hairline

Why do all lions and tigers look very similar? with their minor differentiators that allow herd members to different being minor facial differences, minor hair differences, voice, scars etc?

because this is called NATURAL FORM; deer, goats, animals of the wild, in general, maybe only biologically different when it comes to environmental and diet changes across their separate genus', but i'll get to this also.

You all obviously know what 'mewing' is yes? mewing, for all intents and purposes, is not real in a 'new discovery' sense.

Human breast proportions are caused by animal fat consumption, tongue posture is the differentiator between the cranial 'growth direction' of children sucking on these different breast types: carnivore vs herbivore breast growth in women.

That's correct, the tongue posture of black Africans and Eurasians differentiated entirely in this specific aspect. but i'll delve deeper into this later.

If you want a visual difference, look up the pornstar Addison Lorie.
View attachment 2695985
and compare her NIPPLE POSITION and BREAST PLUMPNESS with any flat saggy titted woman pornstar you can find
View attachment 2695986
from this you can infer that she grew up on heavy animal meat and animal fat.

Her face is very ugly and undeveloped, agreed, but this is absolutely more anecdotal to her mother's breast proportions being different from her own while she was still a baby breastfeeding.

estrogen in women simply mediates fat distribution, this coupled with lack of androgen receptor density allows animal fat (saturated fat) to proliferate in ideal areas all over the body, specifically breasts, lack of androgen receptor density is the crucual factor in differentiating men and women.

When exposed to female biology; saturated fat gives women the 'good' type of tits, but when exposed to androgen receptors in men, increases testosterone, it's the 'all-fat' in homo sapiens. Animal meat/fat is ideal for human consumption and mediated by our gender differentiated hormonal receptors.

WE ARE CARNIVORES/OMNIVORES BY VIRTUE OF THIS DIFFERENCE, this is why our facial structure looks different from the gorillas/chimps that are PRIMARILY vegetarians; flat/saggy tits ==== chimp breasts. Saturated/animal fat is the primary mediator in the difference between humans and other apes.

Next topic, you ever heard about chewing? How hypetrophy in the jaw muscle makes the mandible bone bigger? This is consistent for ALL muscles in the skull but the growth IS NOT acromegaly.

It grows in the NATURAL homo sapien form. That's why ALL GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE HAVE SPECIFIC GOOD LOOKING FEATURES even if they have essentially 'non-ideal' features to add some uniqueness. like eye color, skin and hair (generally).

So here's the general run down on 'BONE HYPERTROPHY'

EAT WHOLE STEAKS OF RED MEAT, as raw you can get without risking parasitic infection.

The action of baring down on a large steak with ALL OF YOUR TEETH and then FORCE TEARING AWAY WITH YOUR HEAD while holding it still with your hands, maintains, generates & fixes teeth STRAIGHTNESS by hypertrophying TOTAL MAXILLARY MUSCULATURE through the complete-teeth activity, and in turn, accelerating an increase in mandible and maxillary bone proliferation.

If you're male then maintaining POST 7 DAY abstinence through out makes it easier for you as testosterone goes straight to the muscles in your face through your now-attached androgen receptors.

Now let me tell you about hair; your hair follicles are attached to a 'hair muscle' system, you can see this on any skull diagram for muscles in the skull; the pericranial aponeurosis. You can literally continuously hypertrophy the very front muscular attachment 'forward' to lower your hairline over time. I suggest you SHAVE YOUR HEAD COMPLETELY before doing this, your head hair itself may act like some kind of 'hair-line' anchor and make you just start stretching the skin on your face.

PROPER Muscular hypertrophy in all face muscles, 8 minute-holds once every two weeks and you should see bone mass increase within 1 month: The specific exercise you should do are extreme forms of 'pretending you are outside in the sun on an extremely windy day, very autistic, I know, but so is looksmaxxing in general.


Hold this position AGGRESSIVELY for 8-minutes straight, once every 2 weeks is enough, remember what I said about the importance of abstinence in muscle-bone mass growth, you want to look like this you need a little discipline... Also, 'imagine' forcing your hair 'muscles' DOWN during a 'frown', there are muscles there, just touch it and try your hardest to 'FORCE IT DOWN' like any other muscle, you should see results in WEEKS, if not DAYS. (Ideally, you should shave all of your hair off, in my experience outgrown hair might have an 'anchor effect' on the hairline, shaving your hair off seems to completely prevent needless skin stretching, which is also why you need to limit doing this exercise too excessively)

Notice that these big boned dimorphic faces have a THIN NOSE, a THIN NOSE is a high-bone mass nose. when people have pudgy thick noses, this means that the skin that is supposed to be being stretched into an attractive thin forward shape, is being compressed against the absence of a developed nasal bone structure.


Balding is plain and simply what happens when you ejaculate too much, you remain inside the period of androgen receptor detachment from the body so your muscles begin to completely atrophy, regardless of how much gym you do. Remember, after ejaculation there is an ABSOLUTE PERIOD OF 7 DAYS before your androgen receptors re-attach. Your hair line is definitely not exempt from this, but if you accompany abstinence with 'hair muscle' downward hypertrophy, you should be able to completely recover 'AND MORE' your hairline.


Height is also not entirely genetic, but obviously predisposed to existing genetics of course, this is all about ideal food amount intake as well as physical activity during development;

basketballers all have basketballer shoulders

swimmers always have wide shoulders. but swimming isn't a natural 'continuous stimuli' activity, so all their bodies are retarded looking ngl.

It's just excessive muscular-skeletal usage in the area of the shoulder- swimmers obviously do this when they swim, ballers obviously do this when they train dribbling and shooting and dunking. But ideally, you do this while you're young and growing so you develop in these facets early and don't have to do autistic dead arm hangs and get insane clavicle skin stretch marks.


Remember what I said about NIPPLE POSITION and BREAST PLUMPNESS?

ALL GIRLS need to grow up eating primarily animal meats and fat and their breasts will grow in their IDEAL form REGARDLESS OF RACE. this will mean IDEAL facial proportions for the kids that they breastfeed because IDEAL tongue habits will subconsciously develop. Natural 'mewing' per-se

We've already discussed how female breast 'proportions' are differentiated in homo sapiens by the TYPE of fat consumption during growth-> animal fat vs plant fat. Black people initially were the original ones with caucasian skull structure (see:florisbad skull from south africa 200,000 years ago) but humans came from here of course, so it makes sense.

That was before Africa was in essentiality a desert. But right now, African girl breasts are flat and saggy, no matter how young or old on a large scale, but not a COMPLETE scale, just generally due to herbivorous diet at large in Africa right now. Long saggy breasts, instead of plump.

This is more consistent with chimpanzee breast proportions because in The desert that Africa is right now, their diet will predominantly be plant foods, because there are few places for prey to live, fewer they aren't already being hunted by predators.

But THIS DIET DIFFERENTIATION creates the breast proportion difference across races.

Not 'genes'.

But why do humans eat meat?

Why did we start eating animal fats in the first place and make our women develop these shapely tits that other chimps don't have? this is what differentiated the chimps that lost the fur and just kept eating plant from the chimps that lost the fur and STARTED STALKING BIG CATS. HUMANS DIFFERENTIATED THEMSELVES BY SCAVENGING BIG CAT KILLS.

Our ancestors were the most attractive people possible, but relative to them, 'Attractiveness' does not exist. Like lions and tigers, deers and rabbits, there is a 'Natural form'. Humans have one to, that I assume would look like some artistic combination wherein a dark-African man has the cranial proportions of some hyper-European like Fabien Pelous, and much more body hair, as we are talking about pre-desert African homo-sapiens.

Humans have been around for over 500,000 years, and attractive 'caucasoid skulls' are the only ones you're going to find going back before humans left Africa ~70,000 years ago (see:florisbad skull). Neanderthals were all ugly as fuck (but were a post-african settlement a little farther back than the 70,000 year old out of africa exodus).

Let's recap:


how often do you think ALL of these factors are met perfectly? And you want to talk genetics? look at Zendaya's parents- her mom probably has great tits, but both of her parents are ugly as fuck.

Human Nature

Our growth is non-exponential relative to ideal environmental conditions, when we scavenged big cat kills and needed to burst run to escape them, climb trees etc;

too much size and you become unnaturally large and slow, a 6'3-6-8 man can probably effectively outmaneuver a Dark-maned lion or panther with burst speed, a 7' man will have his right leg shredded trying to get up the tree, literally too much growth leads to a weird bell curve degeneration effect in our hypothetical 'Natural' 'Pre-desert Africa'.

Though of course, with enough scientific engineering, the growth is effectively exponential, like any other animal that encounters a different environmental pace, elephant->wooly mammoth.

Minor additives

Did you know that sleeping on pillows malforms by enlarges your occiput unnaturally, while also destroying your neck posture? back sleeping is in general deforming and unnatural but if you want to flatten your occiput before training yourself to side-sleep, you should probably back sleep on a HARD FLOOR till you notice your occiput is flattened completely then STOP, this should take only a week or two. You don't want to be this guy, even if this DOES seem like the norm (of course it is, pillows and soft beds are the norm)

You may notice an anecdotal trend of Japanese people with flat occiputs, are you also aware they sleep on flatter, lower beds?

Sleeping on soft beds instead of harder surfaces like our ancestors (grass & dirt) etc, malforms your spinal growth as the pelvic region is very heavy and sinks into the bed during sleep because of it's sheer weight.

Sitting down in general is unnatural, and deforms sternum growth and development, concaving the chest over the course of life and on a greater scale, generations, sleeping on your back accelerates this, if you want your kids chests to look like this, keep doing both.



Sunlight exposure over the course of about anything longer than ~15 minutes to the naked body significantly increases circulating testosterone in men, your risk of cancer is decreased only after the 7 day non-ejaculatory period.

Fasting for 24 hours immediately spikes HGH for a continuous period till you begin eating again, and sprinting increases stable HGH.

A long-term sprinting regimen increases bone thickness and total muscle mass in the entire legs, while heavy strict-curl HOLDS increase bone thickness in the entire arms; repetition exercises are a meme.

Strict curling to a ~90 degree (humerus-radius) hold acts on the ENTIRE BODY down to your pelvis and legs, so you need TOTAL MUSCLE EQUILIBRIUM during this exercise. When it starts getting heavy YOU WILL SHIT YOURSELF, BUT THIS IS NATURAL, YOUR BODY IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TRAINED TO HOLD IN WASTE MATTER



For the trans women/cis women

As I mentioned, carnivore diet(specifically the saturated fat) creates voluptuous and proportional breasts, so, theoretically, if you wanted massive voluptuous tits, as a post-pubertal woman you'd just need to inject estrogen and consume high amounts of very fatty beef for like a couple months.

For a trans woman, your testicles are actually very important here, ejaculation in men spikes prolactin, a doctor can explain to you why this is important in estrogen increase, but the point is, you have your own natural estrogen injection; ejaculation. On top of artificial stuff you can get from a doctor, all you would need to do is literally the same thing; consume high amounts of very fatty beef, for a long period of time. This is literally like how ejaculation is the cause of gyno, but instead of gyno, you are straight up giving yourself breasts and on a larger scale, a feminine fat distribution.

Penis size

Now this one is a little more unbelievable, but if you want to grow your dick it's actually super simple, your flaccid penis is at a downward angle while flaccid, to grow it make sure you can some how artificially 'keep it in that downwards flaccid position' while getting fully erect, by fully erect, your body only assesses your penis as 'fully erect when the angle get's high and your mind starts 'consciously' throbbing, this is why it is also important, while holding your now 'continuously erecting' penis in that 'flaccid position' to also MAKE SURE YOU ARE MENTALLY NO WHERE NEAR YOUR PENIS, there can be no mental activity near your dick, you must not be holding in pee, poop, anything, you must not consciously 'throb', the erection-ing must be strictly due to something you are viewing online and not you physically touching your dick outside of whatever apparatus is holding it in the 'flaccid angle'. imagine a chastity cage but one that does not constrict the size of the penis, just the angle.

Pretty much, you are tricking your penis into thinking it still needs more blood, by making it think it's still in the 'flaccid state', it's like jelqing, but instead, it's the actual biological process that grows the penis in the first place during childhood.

Obviously, the penis is a muscle so my discussion on testosterone and androgen receptor attachment is CRUCIAL here.


Cancers are entirely biological degeneration from our artificial environment, I already explained how holding in waste from subconsciously trained potty training is the direct cause of cancers, the same is probably true for skin products, hair products, air purity etc. All cancers can be traced to our artificial foundation of living.

Mental gains

Within a month on post-7 day ejaculatory recovery, your mental clarity should begin to increase drastically. But only to a point of clear minded thinking and assessment, it isn't going to make you fucking superman.

The issue with society nowadays is literally that humans have lived hundreds of thousands if not millions of years, (my general estimate based on existing fossil samples is ~800,000 years) in normal conditions, it's only in the past ~10,000 or so we started literally mentally training our children to have late night ejaculations from wet dreams because of potty training's consequent function on genital muscle stimulation.

7 day ejaculation recovery period

There is a 7 day ejaculation recovery period present in ALL HUMAN MEN, where, for exactly 7 days after you ejaculate, androgen receptors attached to your body will weaken and detach, this of course means that the receptor that literally transfers circulating testosterone in your body into active testosterone in your muscles/bones etc, is no longer attached to your muscles/bones etc.

On the 7th day after the last ejaculation, your androgen receptors completely reattach, and this, for whatever reason, spikes your testosterone for the entire day to >1.5x their normal levels, returning to their baseline at the end of the day

This of course means that you should not be masturbating ever you fucking idiot

Hair Thickness

This is a direct result of hypertrophy of the underlying muscle, eyebrows specifically, scroll up for information on how to get great eyes.

The Skull


Something I always have to add about these images is that these super robust skulls are always missing a small subnasal process below their nasal 'hole' but slightly above their upper teeth, this is also muscular hypertrophy related, along with cheekbones and the rest of the facial skeletal process.

You can see what i'm talking about here.

It's actually supposed to be a little more pronounced than that even, however it seems this bone is very soft and gets destroyed, relatively more easily than the rest of the skull post death. It creates a more straight, 'uniform looking' lower facial profile, the lower facial cranial bone mass surrounding the teeth, (including the one I just mentioned) would obviously stretch the skin forward against the bones, this means thinner lips of course.

My body-remodeling regimen

My current regimen is on the basis of 2 weeks. I train in strength conditioning but you can replace that specific week with whatever sport YOU train in. DO NOT REPLACE the sprint week. This is your natural human activity.

Week 1

  • Day 1: Eat
  • Day 2: Sprints/Track and field & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 3: Eat
  • Day 4: Sprints/Track and field & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 5: Eat
  • Day 6: Sprints/Track and field & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 7: Rest. eat anything you want and do anything you want this day, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR MORALE going into these weeks.
Week 2

  • Day 1: Eat
  • Day 2: (YOUR SPORT) & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 3: Eat
  • Day 4: (YOUR SPORT) & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 5: Eat
  • Day 6: (YOUR SPORT) & sunlight (take a shower also this day)
  • Day 7: Rest. eat anything you want and do anything you want this day, this is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR MORALE going into these weeks. THIS IS ALSO THE OPTIMAL DAY FOR YOUR BI-MONTHLY FACIAL HYPERTROPHY EXERCISE, BECAUSE IT PRELUDES THE SPRINT WEEK, WHERE GROWTH HORMONE PEAKS. (as well as those more insecure folks that are attempting to perfect the penile exercise)

If you want to accelerate any facet of this regimen, you can try to eat everything on your eating days and fast completely on your sport/sprint days. Be cautious, the HGH output from doing this is immense, as HGH spikes from fasting alone after 24 hours


Total spinal posture (including neck, shoulder girdle, torso, pelvis) is crucial for facial proportion development
“Just do no fap bro”
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imagine reading this weird ass shit


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  • JFL
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Prostate cancer happens because of holding in semen - but you should hold it in for 7 days to save hairline etc etc…???
Also how would sexually active people follow that advice
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39838, LooksThinker, RoyRotbard and 1 other person
Prostate cancer happens because of holding in semen - but you should hold it in for 7 days to save hairline etc etc…???
Also how would sexually active people follow that advice
Any arousal causes the prostate to GENERATE semen, is what is mentioned, you should go to the bathroom to EXPEL the semen for this reason.
imagine reading this weird ass shit
Not gonna lie, this is hyper-anecdotal scientific information that i'm throwing at incels that have maybe read one scientific journal in their entire lives... The reaction is welcome
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoH and anticel
Any arousal causes the prostate to GENERATE semen, is what is mentioned, you should go to the bathroom to EXPEL the semen for this reason.

Not gonna lie, this is hyper-anecdotal scientific information that i'm throwing at incels that have maybe read one scientific journal in their entire lives... The reaction is welcome
doesnt it say that too much ejaculation is the reason for hairloss though?
the woman in the example for breats has obviously had some work done
doesnt it say that too much ejaculation is the reason for hairloss though?
Yes, you don't go to the toilet to expel it through ejaculation, you can literally force out semen from your prostate through your penis the same way you take a shit, just focus on the pressing the muscles at the front of your groin instead of only on your anal/rectum muscles.
I'm dead serious, go watch porn right now, get aroused and wait like 20 minutes, then go to the bathroom and try this.
You can legitimately squeeze out the semen that was generated.
  • +1
Reactions: kingpiin
the woman in the example for breats has obviously had some work done
I disagree to the extent that her natural breast shape remains the same, maybe she altered her areolas


  • slim-with-big-tits.jpg
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Yes, you don't go to the toilet to expel it through ejaculation, you can literally force out semen from your prostate through your penis the same way you take a shit, just focus on the pressing the muscles at the front of your groin instead of only on your anal/rectum muscles.
I'm dead serious, go watch porn right now, get aroused and wait like 20 minutes, then go to the bathroom and try this.
You can legitimately squeeze out the semen that was generated.
not sure if thats legit but why exactly would it make a difference?
You are still losing semen both ways
  • +1
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not sure if thats legit but why exactly would it make a difference?
You are still losing semen both ways
Ejaculation removes SPERM from the TESTICLES, this method removes SEMEN from the PROSTATE.
You want to avoid EJACULATION here.
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  • +1
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EAT WHOLE STEAKS OF RED MEAT, as raw you can get without risking parasitic infection.
Any substitutes for this? I've heard people doing face pulling by biting on a towel and pulling it away from face.
Any substitutes for this? I've heard people doing face pulling by biting on a towel and pulling it away from face.
You can imitate the mechanical function anyhow you feel would mimic the effect, this is just a general guideline on the probable habits of natural homo-sapiens.
  • +1
Reactions: LUTAHEE
wouldn't this lead to frown lines?
Skin stretching occurs only when the other steps of this aren't followed or acknowledged, such as bone mass increase.
  • +1
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Some interesting ideas here, first thread presenting new information on this site in a while. You talked about wet dreams and their cause. Is there a benefit to preventing them, if so how?
  • +1
Reactions: Use1ess
Some interesting ideas here, first thread presenting new information on this site in a while. You talked about wet dreams and their cause. Is there a benefit to preventing them, if so how?
You must consider wet dreams as a complete ejaculation, this is what they are.
They are unnatural, however, humans are naturally not supposed to be able to be potty trained, what potty training biologically does is cause subconscious action on pelvic muscles to hold in waste matter while sleeping, this is to prevent pissing/shitting the bed. Unfortunately, the other effect of this subconscious muscle-action is stimulation of the genital region, as the pelvic muscles are directly connected to your genitals.

I played with the thought of prevention through drinking LESS water before bed, but now i'm trialing the idea of drinking EXCESS water before bed so that my body actually wakes me up to use the toilet. The key here may be to also subconsciously relax your pelvic muscles while in bed, preparing to sleep.
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  • +1
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You must consider wet dreams as a complete ejaculation, this is what they are.
They are unnatural, however, humans are naturally not supposed to be able to be potty trained, what potty training biologically does is cause subconscious action on pelvic muscles to hold in waste matter while sleeping, this is to prevent pissing/shitting the bed. Unfortunately, the other effect of this subconscious muscle-action is stimulation of the genital region, as the pelvic muscles are directly connected to your genitals.

I played with the thought of prevention through drinking LESS water before bed, but now i'm trialing the idea of drinking EXCESS water before bed so that my body actually wakes me up to use the toilet. The key here may be to also subconsciously relax your pelvic muscles while in bed, preparing to sleep.
That’s interesting, Almost everytime I have a wet dream i have to take a piss afterwards before sleeping again. However, I’ve also found when I get up in the middle of the night to pee, when I sleep again I often have a wet dream. Maybe because the region is stimulated so less force needs to be used to ejaculate.
That’s interesting, Almost everytime I have a wet dream i have to take a piss afterwards before sleeping again. However, I’ve also found when I get up in the middle of the night to pee, when I sleep again I often have a wet dream. Maybe because the region is stimulated so less force needs to be used to ejaculate.
Your anecdote could add some credence to drinking excess water, so the stimulation is cut off by the actual need to empty the bladder. There should probably be additional study done into all of this, but this is excellent ground work.
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Your anecdote could add some credence to drinking excess water, so the stimulation is cut off by the actual need to empty the bladder. There should probably be additional study done into all of this, but this is excellent ground work.
Agreed. Most people rarely experience wet dreams because they masturbate so frequently, and almost no scientific research is done on the subject. Even as someone who doesn't masturbate, the rare wet dreams I have affect me in a clearly negative way. I’ll give the excess water theory a try though.
  • +1
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Agreed. Most people rarely experience wet dreams because they masturbate so frequently, and almost no scientific research is done on the subject. Even as someone who doesn't masturbate, the rare wet dreams I have affect me in a clearly negative way. I’ll give the excess water theory a try though.
But remember to do RIGHT before bed, so you've already had dinner a decent while before hand. This in addition to relaxing all your pelvic muscles in bed, if you feel the need to use the bathroom at any point, it's probably ideal to do it immediately you feel the urge.
Here's an anecdote, it seems sleeping on your left side makes the body digest food and water quicker, while sleeping on your right almost 'pauses' the digestive process.
Take what you will from this anecdote.
Dogshit highschooler psuedoscience greycel thread #45934534056
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  • Hmm...
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jesus christ i had to scroll for 5 minutes just to comment this
  • JFL
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what do u mean by 7 day abstience, like to fap only once a week on the 7th day or to entirely go on no fap?
  • +1
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Any arousal causes the prostate to GENERATE semen, is what is mentioned, you should go to the bathroom to EXPEL the semen for this reason.

Not gonna lie, this is hyper-anecdotal scientific information that i'm throwing at incels that have maybe read one scientific journal in their entire lives... The reaction is welcome
I disagree to the extent that her natural breast shape remains the same, maybe she altered her areolas
bro you're weird as hell. You're an incel yourself too
bro you're weird as hell. You're an incel yourself too
You're attacking words here, little guy. If you have questions regarding what is said then ask them.
You are now simply able to access your actual potential.
So are we supposed to release every 7 days or hold onto permanently?

And what is the benefit of this?
So are we supposed to release every 7 days or hold onto permanently?

And what is the benefit of this?
No fap.
7 days is simply an apparent recovery period for androgen receptivity in human men post ejaculation.
read every reply i've made in this thread.
Re-read the original post for the benefits.
Androgenic effects are most observable after this period.

Though I will add something I posted elsewhere.
Obviously there are DHT receptors but, I neglected to mention that during the 7 day ejaculation-recovery period, for some reason, it seems hair growth is MUCH faster, than AFTER the 7 day recovery period.
This would imply that the DHT receptors are upregulated during the 7 day recovery period and downregulated afterwards, when the testosterone receptors have recovered and are upregulated.
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read every reply i've made in this thread.
Re-read the original post for the benefits.
Androgenic effects are most observable after this period.

Though I will add something I posted elsewhere.
Based off that last part you just added it makes sense to ejaculate every 7 days to get the most hairline growth?
Based off that last part you just added it makes sense to ejaculate every 7 days to get the most hairline growth?
No, hairline is muscle related. Muscle is testosterone.
HAIR GROWTH is what I say appears to be DHT related.
But if you exchange hair growth with what you said, then you would, relative to this theory, be correct.
No, hairline is muscle related. Muscle is testosterone.
HAIR GROWTH is what I say appears to be DHT related.
But if you exchange hair growth with what you said, then you would, relative to this theory, be correct.
Honestly, most of us are getting confused by the statements
It might be better to add an edit stating the ideal time frame in between ejaculation and maximum androgen receptiveness
I understand what you said about expelling semen, and not sperm, but let's be real, most of us on .org are unfortunately way too weak-willed to abstain completely
Guess add in like a week or two's worth of timeframe in your post? This is the most common question by far.
Honestly, most of us are getting confused by the statements
It might be better to add an edit stating the ideal time frame in between ejaculation and maximum androgen receptiveness
I understand what you said about expelling semen, and not sperm, but let's be real, most of us on .org are unfortunately way too weak-willed to abstain completely
Guess add in like a week or two's worth of timeframe in your post? This is the most common question by far.
The post can't be edited anymore.

but since it's confusing let me try again, in your words:




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The post can't be edited anymore.

but since it's confusing let me try again, in your words:




so it's optimal to ejaculate every 7 days for t and dht
  • WTF
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The post can't be edited anymore.

but since it's confusing let me try again, in your words:




Perfect, now it's much more digestable
I didn't know that you couldn't edit after a while lol, I rarely make posts.
Quality shit post
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