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Anti-nutrients are negative substances found in plant foods that impair human metabolic function. They can inhibit digestive enzymes reduce mineral absorption as well as vitamin absorption.
By looking at indigenous groups or traditional cultures and what they ate, it can tell us that the main thing that we need to know is that traditional groups consumed a minimum of 65% of their calories from animal foods. They got a large amount of bio-available vitamins and minerals from these animal foods. The difference between a group of peoples that consumed 65% of their calories from animal foods and 85% of the calories from animal foods or even 95 percent in some cases was physical impressiveness (Height, anthropometry, etc..);
The more animal foods in the diet the taller the person was and you know generally better hunting skills were associated with that fact.
If you hear stories about the
1) Mongols were big and strong.
2) he Roman soldiers invaded Germany they said the Germans were tall and strong.
3) Native Americans the newcomers to America spoke about how they could chase down bison on foot...
Interesting stories about the physical impressiveness of these indigenous groups. not being said yes there are blue zones now such as Sardinians that consume smaller amounts of these animal foods and still consume high amounts of anti-nutrient containing plant foods and still live long healthy lives.
So the main thing to take away from this thread is going to be that there are certain anti nutrients that definitely need to be avoided in large amounts and that there are various preparation methods that should be used to reduce the anti nutrient content in certain foods.
1) Glucosinolates + Goitrogens family
2) Lectins
3) Glycoalkaloids
4) Flavonoids
5) Glutamates
6) Gluten
7) Phytic acid and oxalates.
8) Biogenic/vasoactive amines
9) Mycotoxin and aflatoxin
10) Others...
Glucosinolates is antinutrient which occur in cruciferous vegetables (Greens, salads) and the cruciferous vegetable family i think is originally from some sort of mustard seed and it's pretty much a bunch of modern vegetables that have all been created from an older one through genetical engineering (GMO) so it's kind of like unnatural to only be eating large amounts cruciferous vegetables and you can actually like google and look up people getting Goiter from consuming too much kale or eating too many cruciferous vegetables.
These have shown free radical damage in animal studies, and in order to reduce the glucosinolate and alloy content, you have to boil the vegetable and most people consume vegetables either lightly cooked or raw salt. The levels of these other substances that are produced by glucosinolates are generally not inhibited by cooking because they're just not cooked long enough.
[PDF] Effect of Cooking and Sun Drying On Micronutrients, Antinutrients an Toxic Substances in Corchorus olitorius (Jute Mallow) | Semantic Scholar
Leafy vegetables generally contain some intrinsic phytotoxins that affect human health negatively at high concentrations. The presence of these toxins which is believed to protect the plant from their preys has severely limited the nutritional potential of vegetables. The reason that, this...
- Isothiocyanates stimulate detoxification enzymes, inflammatory response, they interfere with DNA segregation resulting in cell death, they inhibit iodine uptake which can kind of be countered with a higher iodine intake, but they also inhibit thyroid hormone and that can't be countered by anything. Consuming more iodine does not change that.
- Indoles inhibit ATP energy metabolism as well as estrogen metabolism - Night trials; Stimulate detoxification enzymes (same inflammatory reaction) and they actually cause cyanide related toxicity which results in reduced appetite and food intake, impaired kidney function, decreased energy production, more blood clotting as well as an increased liver weight, and can actually be obtained from cooked brussel sprouts or large amounts of certain cruciferous vegetables.
So definitely a bunch of negative things that can be had from consuming cruciferous vegetables and incredibly large amounts, especially if raw or lightly cooked.
Lectins (Grains, legumes, seeds) are a much bigger anti-nutrients nutrient that causes a lot of problems for people. Lectins-saponins and gluten are the main anti-nutrients associated with leaky gut and a lot of gut problems. Lectins in particular are contained in legumes grains, dairy (Because animal was feed a grain), and vegetable oils.
They damage the intestines because they're attracted to the sugar in the cell, and that pretty much causes cell damage and in some cases cell death. They commonly cause joint pain as well... Some people tolerate lectins better than others, but these can be reduced through traditional methods such as ferment or soaking.
- Saponins are very similar to lectins and that they damage the intestinal lining they also damaged red blood cells enzymes, and inhibit enzymes, thyroid function as well, and they have a foaming property - When saponins enter the body they foam up, and that's that's what part of what causes the cell damage. These are contained in soy, chickpeas, quinoa, asparagus, oats, onions, garlic, and tea. So consuming large amounts of improperly prepared oats, soy, quinoa, which is something vegans likely do, this can definitely contribute to some gut problems.
Solanine and chaconine are actually two things that are viewed as beneficial in small amounts, but these inhibit the nerve synapse enzyme acetylcholinesterase, and they're found in large amounts in corn and potatoes. I haven't really seen too many negative things online about this because I don't think people consume large enough amounts of these foods raw.
- Solanine is the primary anti nutrient found in nightshades it inhibits the same nerve synapse enzyme that chaconine does, it disrupts cell membranes and can cause birth defects. It opens up the potassium channel of the mitochondria, decreasing membrane potential (what this essentially does is it increases the concentration of potassium in the cytoplasm resulting in cell damage or even cell death)
Isoflavones (Phytoestrogens) are the first anti-nutrient that we definitely need to be avoiding. These are found in soy, peanuts, chickpeas, fava beans, kudzu, alfalfa in most cases food that is modern man-made and wasn't really available to humans. Until really recently (Through GMO). The main concern is the phyto-estrogens in these foods which is associated with reduced fertility, cell death in embryos, early puberty in women, also irregular cycle.. And woman fed a soy formula had menstrual cramps, as well as longer periods. Isoflavones resulted in breast cells in male rats, and altered brain development.
I want to blame isoflavones and soy formula for a lot of the problems that made me truecel. I think it's something that's pretty much a poison and alters our hormones our system and everything I don't really want to go too much into that but it's definitely something we need to be avoiding, the soy is poisonous maybe even feeding it to animals isn't something we should be doing.
- Lignans are phytoestrogens that occur in seeds grains beans and berries although you would think they might have similar effects to ISIL fly bones the amount of final estrogens that occur in foods like soy and peanuts eclipse lignans by like dozen, 200 folds in many many cases. So although lignin still might be a concern specifically in consuming large amounts of seeds grains and beans in more wild indigenous foods I wouldn't worry too much as they're usually not consumed in any significant amount especially during all seasons of the year.
Glutamates isn't really that big of a topic but this is mostly focusing on the additive of msg (Monosodium glutamate), not the msg that naturally occurs in foods. The additive can be associated with asthma, headache, hives, angioedema (like swelling of the skin), just various skin like inflammation to psychiatric disorders and convulsions in some cases
But glutamates do occur naturally in foods the reason meat tastes good especially dry aged meat is because it has high levels of umami, so do foods like mushrooms and tomatoes. A natural msg is not necessarily a bad thing to consume but additive is definitely to be avoided.
Gluten is a big one, gluten is an enzyme inhibitor and anything that inhibits enzymes impairs digestive function. If your body isn't producing enzymes to digest foods, what happens is the food kind of just ferment, and cysts in the stomach causes damage to cells. It promotes the growth of negative gut bacteria is associated with leaky gut, autoimmune disease, allergic reactions, cognitive problems, joint pain, headaches, fatigue, and poor memory.
I can personally vouch you know my father eats a lot of gluten and definitely has cognitive problems, and poor memory, as well as a lot of people I've noticed now, the gluten might be a big factor in that.
Phytic acid and oxalates are the two big things that are spoken about in a negative light on a vegan or vegetarian diet, and these inhibit various minerals. Phytic acid being found in grains and legumes oxalates being found in legumes and greens. Oxalates are also in high amounts in coconuts, so although I've listed a lot of foods that these things are contained in, I've probably missed a few things but there really isn't a lot of information on anti nutrient content and if you try to look up phytic acid content of nuts the information is difficult to find. I know for sure macadamia nuts are lowered in phytic acid than a lot of other nuts but that doesn't mean that they're low in oxalates.
Phytic acid primarily inhibits phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. In regards to percentages you know phosphorus and calcium can be up to 80% and magnesium 40%, so not only is phytic acid inhibiting these minerals oxalates also overlap for things like calcium, and magnesium. So in a lot of cases between the phytic acid inhibiting mineral absorption and oxalates binding to minerals, a lot of vegans and vegetarians are getting negligible amounts of minerals in their diet. In the case of phytic acid, vitamin A and vitamin C can help counteract it but vegan and vegetarian diets are low in the animal form of retinoic acid vitamin A (animal form), that's why this is a problem in large amounts in diets without animal foods. They also inhibit digestive enzymes (amylase, trypsin, and pepsin) so not only is your starch digestion inhibited so is your protein digestion.
Biogenic/vasoactive amines are pretty much "histamines in plant foods", and these occur from fermentation, improper storage or decay and rotting. This can have heart rate problems, skin flushing, headaches. Scombroid poisoning is an example of a high histamine levels in fish, and that that's from improper storage of fish. So this isn't necessarily specific to plant foods but it can occur in plant foods as well.
Mycotoxin and aflatoxin are from fungus, and this is specifically from food handling and storage. Coffee and chocolate are examples of two foods that I don't believe would not ever not have high amounts of these - So if there's one reason to not consume coffee or chocolate it might just be because of the mycotoxin and the aflatoxin, whether or not different types of mold or problematic or not.. it's safe to say that both coffee and chocolate are very high in phytic acid, they're foods that are very high in oxalates very high in anti-nutrients in general especially these biogenic/vasoactive amines. In addition to the mycotoxins, it's hard to justify consuming either of those foods.
- The salicylates are found in plants and spices, and although there's been negative associations with them there is sparse evidence just something I wanted to throw out there for this thread. And these are anti nutrients that can have drastic effects on some people but aren't really talked about a lot.
- Alpha amylase inhibitors are found in grains flours, and breads. These caused pancreatic problems in animal models and could very likely be a reason that a lot of people are getting pancreatic cancer now from just a high grain diet.
- Protease inhibitors found in legumes, greens, nuts, and grains impaired protein and peptide digestion. Could be a reason why a lot of vegans need to consume protein powders, to not be deficient in protein and also probably why a lot of vegans have naturally lower muscle mass if they're not taking steroids.
- Tannins can be enzyme inhibitors, cause protein deficiency, gastrointestinal distress.
- Trypsin inhibitors mainly associated with mineral deficiencies in children and are containing grain products.
- Sulfites you know cider wine dried fruit tend to be added. Several reports of reactions to sulfates, it's definitely problematic for some people.
- Benzoates which are added to sodas, jams, sweets, pickles... certain preserved foods. It's an antimicrobial that can cause hives, asthma, and just various skin problems.
- The main two things to keep in mind are we absolutely should be avoiding are isoflavones and mycotoxins. Various other anti nutrients can be reduced with soaking, sprouting, various, cooking, and fermentation methods.. but I think the important thing as I said earlier is that your diet has a base amount of fat soluble vitamins, and if you do choose to include a plant food try to buy a high-quality indigenous natural version of that food. Don't go to the supermarket and buy a 50-pound bag of white rice, go by the local Minnesota wild rice that cost like ten dollars for a half a pound bag you know.
These foods are super expensive if you want to buy high quality plant foods that's why I tend to stick primarily to a mostly animal diet, it's simply that these wild plant foods are just too expensive and too difficult to obtain.
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