King Solomon
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Heart disease is caused by way to much animal fats, its not caused by lean meats. If you ingest more non saturated then saturated fats you will have no problems.
Early grave? Yeah go tell that to both my grandfathers and their brothers who are all almost 80 and never eat mostly animal based diet. Non of them have heart problems. Humans are omnviors and meant to survive in the most difficult situations, we arent herbivores, we dont have 4 stomachs like them, we have small canine teath that is meant to eat soft cuts of meat or bugs
And sure maybe plant based is better for longevity, but why would i care if i die at 75 and not 85? You are going to die anyways and at those ages you don't have much to live for except the memories you made
It's not the animal fat it's the cholesterol from animal products that is the direct cause an the main cause of heart disease which is the #1 killer in America (more than war, murder, accidents, cancer, etc)
Your grandfathers are anecdotal claims which is great but insufficient for substantiating claims. Most likely they have superior genetics or kept in great athletic condition to fight off the negative effects to pro long their lives a bit longer. Perhaps a plant based diet would've prolonged their life even more and reduced disease or pain they did have. We will never know now because they're gone now unfortunately.
We're biologically and genetically most similar to frugivores. Again we have 20 plus things within our bodies that are similar from our intestines being long (carnivores and omnivores have short intestines to push out the animal meat and organs fast so it doesn't rot, teeth, the way we chew our food. We do not have canine teeth we have incisors for thicker plants. Bears are omnivores and have real canines. The alkalinity in our colon is alkaline while omnivores and carnivores are acidic. The list goes on for a while.
The goal isn't just longevity my dude. It's health and feeling of well being. You add years to your life and life to your years. You look and feel better than you ever thought imaginable. The lie of aging is blue pill thinking. Most people in America by the time they're 40 look and feel over the hill. They have chronic pain, chronic disease and look old, slow with low energy. This isn't just meat though this is processed foods, GMO's and chemicals in and on the foods. This causes terrible aging and a horrible life after 40 or 50 years old. It doesn't have to be this way. If you watch the documentary on the Okinawans, the centurians were fucking playing games outside running around like kids and still enjoying life. With the way society and the food and healthcare industry is built it makes us believe that we need thousands of medications, we need to stay at senior living homes and by the time we reach 70 years of age the last 10 years or so we're just miserable vetables that can't function. This is a complete lie with what the human being is designed to become later in life. Sure you may slow down some but with proper diet, exercise, sleep, water, mediation, and healthy relationships one can not only live into their 100's but well into their 100's and still be active and have good cognitive abilities.
When I was still a wage slave a couple years ago I remember talking to the people over 40 years of age and still had about 20+ years left of being a wage slave they already looked and told me they felt like they weren't even going to live until their retirement. This is just sad. The problem is promoting a healthylifestyle is like promoting the black pill. The truth gets cancelled or deleted to the ghettos of the internet and even still it's hard to convince most normies who've been brainwashed their entire lives with public education.
You only live one life on this earth and you never know something entirely until you try and compare things. If you're on a full meat diet well try it and see what happens. But if you want to fully immerse yourself into finding the truth you have to test other things and I would highly suggest testing out a whole foods organic plant based diet which consists mostly of raw fruits and veggies with some seeds, nuts and some sprouted legumes and grains with a bit of herbs and spices.