Aspiring pro bodybuilder a little perspective for you guys / Asking your opinion



Apr 30, 2020
Aspiring pro bodybuilder here. 1m88 for 102kg at 10% already roided obviously but I want to make my way to 115kg/8% and become an IFBB Pro League Classic Physique. Look for Calum Von Moger/Chris Bumstead to see what it looks like.
Just a little perspective from someone who actually knows what it's like to be really muscular and what it was like to be really skinny (I've started at 45kg for 1m68 at 13 y/o and everyone used to think I was a girl because I had my hair long until 16).
In my experience going to nightclubs (I've been at the very least one hundred times in my life), I've seen guys my height with model tier faces (I'm talking Sean O Pry good looking) who couldn't compete with me. Girls tend to gravitate around me as I'm almost always the tallest guy and obviously the largest guy, even among bouncers. In France, where I live, people use roids even less so I'm almost in my own league. Only seen one obvious other roid user in the hundred of nights out I've went to.
Agreed that I'm far from ugly but just know that when you have 30 to 40kg of muscle on every male in the room, that you're lean and veiny as fck, there is this raw agression/domination that can compensate for a lot of your failos and which is MUCH MORE remarkable than a few milimeters on your face.
No offense to any male models but you would put them at my side, they would look ridiculous frame wise as they would look so small.
In my experience, I've been up to 102kg 10%bf, and I've still not seen one diminishing return, the bigger I get the better. Obviously we're on a blackpilled forum here, but it's always good to remember to look at what girls are doing and not what they're saying. I've litteraly had one girl asking me to get out of the nightclub and go to her appartement, but I refused her because it was still early and I knew I could do so much better than her just to hear her a few minutes later talking to one of my friend "The muscular guy right here, I don't like him at all, he's toooooo muscular." Talk about protecting your ego lmfao.

My advice to anyone reading this is : go to the gym and roid your way to height +10/15kg at 10%, that's the time you'll be really freaky, you will obtain immediate respect from other guys who will go to you asking for advices and present you to their female friends. Their female friends which will be impressed as hell if you flash your abs or contract your biceps and will want to touch you everywhere and from there, it's hard not to fuck. And know that's NOT that bad for health, I'm actually cruising as opposed to blasting and I'm keeping the physique that you can see on 200mg Test E/week and 2IU GH/day. I've been on much higher doses to build this physique but maintaining is easy as fck and not that bad for health.

Anyway, here was my experience as a somewhat attractive muscular boyo. The thing is I'm never satisfied of what I'm doing and I'm always striving for better. I think my biggest halos are obviously my height, my body, my beard which is almost perfect, no hair loss from steroids, and my zygomatic arches. They are so high and defined as long as I stay under 10%, they give me great hollow cheeks.
My biggest failos are MY FCKING LOWER JAW AND CHIN, know that I'm always jutting everywhere I go, the only image In which I'm not jutting is the last one which makes me go from high tier normie to fucking subhuman. I definitely need BSSO and genio as soon as possible.

Here are the surgeries I plan to do :
-MSE + MSDO with Andreischev
-Clavicle Lenghtening with Leif Rodgers to get really freaky
-Bimax + Genio with ???
-Lingual Braces with a French Orthodontist
-Rhino probably to get rid of that little bump with Suleyman
-Maybe Taban to improve my eye area

What do you guys think ? What surgeries do you think I would need to ascend to Chad statut ? I feel like I have a good base for it. And what about my mid face ? Thank for you opinions. If you have questions on the bodybuilder life, feel free to ask, I love talking about this sht.

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It's valuable information to motivate you to go to the gym, feel free to read or not, that's doesn't effect me in anyway.
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Favorite compound?
Volume or dc/mentzer style?
Cycle or bnc?
Mast or primo
Dbol or adrol?
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u look natural , im sorry ...
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Read all great thread but bro I can see you are jutting so don't jutt girls will also see it.
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  • So Sad
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Also what would you recommend for me? I'm 183 69-71kg now days I was 75 before lockdown while gym cellling. This is my current physique


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Favorite compound?
Volume or dc/mentzer style?
Cycle or bnc?
Mast or primo
Dbol or adrol?
  • Tren and HGH by far.
  • Well, ATM, I'm trying to get stronger, so I do a strength program but I want to reach 200kg on bench 300kg on squat and 300kg on deadlift but usually I do PPL*2 for mass.
  • BnC obviously, I tried to cycle 3 times but there is no point in this since you will lose a lot of your gains being at subhuman testosterone levels for 1 to 2 months. Just know that there are no serious bodybuilders that cycle, everyone is on BnC.
  • Mast is a much more powerful DHT compound and much cheaper at this but it's harsher than primo and will wreck your lipids faster.
  • Dbol is pure shit to me, you just look like a balloon without any definition and after you stop you just lose all the water retention and you don't have a lot to show for your dbol cycle. Adrol is a much better steroids, keeping you full but not bloated and really well tolerated, actual medical studies have shown that's it's not destructive for the body even at high doses like 200mg/day for 6 months.
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Read all great thread but bro I can see you are jutting so don't jutt girls will also see it.
No one ever mentionned it to me but I know that's my biggest failo and the one that I want to fix the quickest.
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I bet you’ll become a pro
How much of this body, is achieveable natty????
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You arent even close to chad with that eye area and mandible
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Also what would you recommend for me? I'm 183 69-71kg now days I was 75 before lockdown while gym cellling. This is my current physique
Give tips


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When would you advice to start taking roids? And what starter cycle?
Some test base with anavar and pct?
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Reactions: Copemaxxing, Deleted member 7079, TITUS and 4 others
When would you advice to start taking roids? And what starter cycle?
Some test base with anavar and pct?

My first cycle was 600mg test 400mg deca for 3 month, then PCT. I want upto 95kg and stayed at 90kg after it. No side effects except the first week where I was masturbating at least 10 times a day (no joke), then you adapt but your libido is still alltime high.
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Reactions: Copemaxxing
You look a bit soycuck ngl but congrats on the body if that is an achievement
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You look a bit soycuck ngl but congrats on the body if that is an achievement
Can't achieve this physique without drinking soyboy cum by the gallon sadly. Made the sacrifices necessary.
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My first cycle was 600mg test 400mg deca for 3 month, then PCT. I want upto 95kg and stayed at 90kg after it. No side effects except the first week where I was masturbating at least 10 times a day (no joke), then you adapt but your libido is still alltime high.
You didn’t get deca dick? Why did u cycle with deca, it stays in your body for such a long gime
Also what’s ur favorite back exercises
When would you advice to start taking roids? And what starter cycle?
Some test base with anavar and pct?
Train for a couple years natty first
You didn’t get deca dick? Why did u cycle with deca, it stays in your body for such a long gime
No deca dick but if you do, just manage your estrogen with arimidex and if it doesn't work take an antiprolactin like Cabergoline.

Also what’s ur favorite back exercises
My favourite back exercise is the seated row with pulley, you can accentuate the eccentric portion of the exercise and feel your lats and traps stretch a lot without having to worry about your lower back like you would on a barbell variation.
Your face is very narrow, and looks sunken. Bad collagen, and no bone support. A lot of empty fat pads are visible. You look around 30+.
You will need a couple of surgeries to ascend.
I cant believe you ever got laid by something else than landwhales.
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With pushups only can i have decent chest area?
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Stay the hell away from steroids, guys.
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  • Hmm...
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Reactions: curryboy123, Deleted member 6531, SubhumanCurrycel and 9 others
Good job!
I wouldn't raise my eyebrows on pictures tho (upper eyelid exposure). Surgery wise I'd lay the focus on jaw and eye area.
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Bruh all those roids for that and my dad is bigger than you :lul:

Also F A C E
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Yeah, but you can't get jbs with that look. Only 20something whores that have completely destroyed pair bonding abilities.
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Also what would you recommend for me? I'm 183 69-71kg now days I was 75 before lockdown while gym cellling. This is my current physique
You are 70 kilogram and still look fat?
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers
Bruh all those roids for that and my dad is bigger than you :lul:

Also F A C E

You should tell your dad to have a go at bodybuilding because if it's true (spoiler : it isn't), he could easily win Mr Olympia if he gets on steroids. :)

Just to remember you guys, this man who was a lookmaxer from here if I'm not mistaken had 15 inches arms and admitted he was on steroids.

Screenshot 12
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Great physique tbh, most people
You should tell your dad to have a go at bodybuilding because if it's true (spoiler : it isn't), he could easily win Mr Olympia if he gets on steroids. :)

Just to remember you guys, this man who was a lookmaxer from here if I'm not mistaken had 15 inches arms and admitted he was on steroids.
Yeah that guy you quoted is ignorant as fuck. You actually have a pretty decent body even for a roider, most people don't end up looking like that.
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Oops, I fucked up

why can't I edit my post
Aspiring pro bodybuilder here.
Ded srs advice: stop rn. You're at the peak of your aesthetics. If you want to slay then you're exactly where you should be. Also there's no money in that field.

If what you say about your irl appeal is right then I'd recommend you to become a gym trainer at a posh gym for rich ppl. You'll not only get to slay rich wives but your income would set you for life.
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Reactions: curryboy123, Pietrosiek, malignant and 2 others
u will never be in the level of bbc bodybuilder
Your face is very narrow, and looks sunken. Bad collagen, and no bone support. A lot of empty fat pads are visible. You look around 30+.
You will need a couple of surgeries to ascend.
I cant believe you ever got laid by something else than landwhales.

You guy live in somekind of a matrix here I think. No offense obviously, it's not your faut if you've never went out.

I just need to show you this :


What can you learn from this study ? FEMALES ARE EXTREMELY PASSIVE, well if you're blackpilled, you should already know that but hey ! This being said, even while being one of the best looking, one of the tallest and ALWAYS the most muscular guy in a nightclub of 200-300 people. If I didn't ask any girl to dance with me, THEY WOULD ALMOST NEVER ASK ME TO DANCE vocally. A lot would just dance with their back against me, feinting that they would trip over something to fall against me or some bullsh like that. What this means is that, if you're a male, AGGRESSIVITY PRIMES OVER EVERYTHING EVEN LOOKS. Obviously girls would have prefered to dance with me and if a girl dances with a bad looking male I can almost always steal her without difficulty, but if I did nothing, a less good looking guy would still get the girl, kiss the girl and even fuck the girl.
No, don't get me wrong, it's never a bad idea to keep on improving because it allows you to get better looking girls, allows you to land more threesome with less work, etc... But guys ! Please, stop being so autistic, you don't need to be top 0.1% of best looking guys to fuck REALLY good looking girls. Remember that every single night you and I will only get back home with one or two girls which leave all the other girls available... I'm realistically top 0.01% (1 man in 100.000 will have an equivalent or better body than mine) and you think I can't get good looking girls. PLEASE. :ROFLMAO:
Guys, just get out there a bit even if you're alone have no friend, etc... when nightclubs will reopen, just go in one completely sober, sit somewhere where you have a great view on the dancefloor and just spend your whole night watching what is happening on the dancefloor. You will see bad looking guys dancing with really good looking girls, kissing them and even leaving the club with them.

I'm 100% with you on the lookism theory but you're forgetting a big factor here which is aggressivity. I 100% guarantee you from real life experience that a lesser looking guy will have better girls than a male model if he is more aggressive.

Do not try to find ways to justifiy not going to the gym FACE & BODY are complimentary but bro, when my 6'3 (with boots) 225 pounds lean & veiny ass gets in a club, I guarantee you that it gets much more noticeable and get me more stares than any male model looking guys that I've ever met. And that's me from starting skinny as fck, so let me tell you that I know a lot of how the stares change.


1m68/45kg/14y here
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Ded srs advice: stop rn. You're at the peak of your aesthetics. If you want to slay then you're exactly where you should be. Also there's no money in that field.

If what you say about your irl appeal is right then I'd recommend you to become a gym trainer at a posh gym for rich ppl. You'll not only get to slay rich wives but your income would set you for life.

I'm doing it for passion, I'm already "rich" from Shopify and don't want to earn any money via bodybuilding, I just want to earn my pro card as an objective.
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Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
u will never be in the level of bbc bodybuilder

You're right, I will never be of the level of men's open bodybuilding because I don't have the genetics but I don't want anyway. It's much too hardcore for health and precomp is just a fcking pain in the ass where you don't have any strength or libido and you're fcking depressive. I don't like competing. I just want to earn my procard and then maintain on a low dose of testosterone and HGH at around 115kg/8%bf for 1M88.
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You guy live in somekind of a matrix here I think. No offense obviously, it's not your faut if you've never went out.

I just need to show you this :

View attachment 583710

What can you learn from this study ? FEMALES ARE EXTREMELY PASSIVE, well if you're blackpilled, you should already know that but hey ! This being said, even while being one of the best looking, one of the tallest and ALWAYS the most muscular guy in a nightclub of 200-300 people. If I didn't ask any girl to dance with me, THEY WOULD ALMOST NEVER ASK ME TO DANCE vocally. A lot would just dance with their back against me, feinting that they would trip over something to fall against me or some bullsh like that. What this means is that, if you're a male, AGGRESSIVITY PRIMES OVER EVERYTHING EVEN LOOKS. Obviously girls would have prefered to dance with me and if a girl dances with a bad looking male I can almost always steal her without difficulty, but if I did nothing, a less good looking guy would still get the girl, kiss the girl and even fuck the girl.
No, don't get me wrong, it's never a bad idea to keep on improving because it allows you to get better looking girls, allows you to land more threesome with less work, etc... But guys ! Please, stop being so autistic, you don't need to be top 0.1% of best looking guys to fuck REALLY good looking girls. Remember that every single night you and I will only get back home with one or two girls which leave all the other girls available... I'm realistically top 0.01% (1 man in 100.000 will have an equivalent or better body than mine) and you think I can't get good looking girls. PLEASE. :ROFLMAO:
Guys, just get out there a bit even if you're alone have no friend, etc... when nightclubs will reopen, just go in one completely sober, sit somewhere where you have a great view on the dancefloor and just spend your whole night watching what is happening on the dancefloor. You will see bad looking guys dancing with really good looking girls, kissing them and even leaving the club with them.

I'm 100% with you on the lookism theory but you're forgetting a big factor here which is aggressivity. I 100% guarantee you from real life experience that a lesser looking guy will have better girls than a male model if he is more aggressive.

Do not try to find ways to justifiy not going to the gym FACE & BODY are complimentary but bro, when my 6'3 (with boots) 225 pounds lean & veiny ass gets in a club, I guarantee you that it gets much more noticeable and get me more stares than any male model looking guys that I've ever met. And that's me from starting skinny as fck, so let me tell you that I know a lot of how the stares change.

View attachment 583733

1m68/45kg/14y here

I am a specialist for nightclubs. Guys pulling girls is rare in my town, and if it happens only the best 10% are having success.
I only see the hottest guys having a chance with dancing or kissing girls. They are really picky, and reject most of the guys really harsh.
Nightclubs are even harder than tinder. The girls having ZERO pressure to go home with a guy, because they all have guys from tinder/instagram, and most of them want to keep their good status infront of the other female friends. I almost NEVER seen a girl interacting with a guy below her lookslevel. Normally they all get brutally rejected or ignored.
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  • Ugh..
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Experiences with ru? Tryna do my first cycle soon, 1m83 barefeet, 73kg @ about 15% bodyweight
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recessed as hell without the beard

I can see foids going to you with the beard though

top 1% body halo is strong
Experiences with ru? Tryna do my first cycle soon, 1m83 barefeet, 73kg @ about 15% bodyweight

RU58841 ? I've tried it during my first cycle but it seems that I'm immune to hairloss anyway and I've tried any steroids under the sun. Couldn't really help you on that matter. Finasteride is useless if you're taking other things than testosterone because Tren, Mast, etc... Aren't DHT but are still androgens that will fix to the receptors of your hair and will miniaturize you hair if you're prone to it.
Best regimen I've read about is Minoxidil mixed with RU58841 and Ketoconazole Shampoo.
My take on this is if you're not going Norwood9000+ is leaving your hair as it is and just have a few hair transplantation in Turkey because those hair are taken from behind your head and aren't affected by androgens.
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recessed as hell without the beard

I can see foids going to you with the beard though

top 1% body halo is strong

Yeah, my mandible and chin sucks as hell, 100% with you on this, need to get fixed as soon as possible. Could you give me your opinion on my maxilla and midface ? I'm not a specialist about that and would really like to know your opinions on this to know what I must get fixed.
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Reactions: zeshama, IhateDentists, DianabolDownie and 7 others
Yeah, my mandible and chin sucks as hell, 100% with you on this, need to get fixed as soon as possible. Could you give me your opinion on my maxilla and midface ? I'm not a specialist about that and would really like to know your opinions on this to know what I must get fixed.
Yes bro your problem is easily fixable, if you have money.

You need IMDO and a Bimax

read that thread
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