

Cope everywhere
May 10, 2023
Finally. I was approached only once during the day on the street half year ago and now again. She was actually mid but idc. In clubs its from time to time but I do not count it cuz fems are drunk BUT THIS TIME it was like 17:53 CEST. REAL GIRL CAME UP TO ME AND ASKED ME FOR INSTAGRAM MUHAHAHAHAHAHA (I wont accept the following request anyway cuz I am not htn-chadlite range yet)

This thing boosted my interest in looksmax like two times more. Gonna thumb pull whole evening now.
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Finally. I was approached only once during the day on the street half year ago and now again. She was actually mid but idc. In clubs its often every club at least one time by a girl BUT THIS TIME it was like 17:53 CEST. REAL GIRL CAME UP TO ME AND ASKED ME FOR INSTAGRAM MUHAHAHAHAHAHA (I wont accept the following request anyway cuz I am not htn-chadlite range yet)

This thing boosted my interest in looksmax like two times more. Gonna thumb pull whole evening now.
okay barrett
what country?
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i trust you op


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I for one believe you op. Idk why subhumans think this only happens to 6+ psl (or that it happens at all)
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I for one believe you op. Idk why subhumans think this only happens to 6+ psl (or that it happens at all)
Happened me a couple times as a steady LTN so yeah .org needs to realize if it doesn't happen to you, you're below LTN.
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Happened me a couple times as a steady LTN so yeah .org needs to realize if it doesn't happen to you, you're below LTN.
I am mtn mby low htn so thats why I didnt accept her ig request
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Tales from the slums of Mumbai Dehli
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latina equals hoe bro fuck her
Finally. I was approached only once during the day on the street half year ago and now again. She was actually mid but idc. In clubs its from time to time but I do not count it cuz fems are drunk BUT THIS TIME it was like 17:53 CEST. REAL GIRL CAME UP TO ME AND ASKED ME FOR INSTAGRAM MUHAHAHAHAHAHA (I wont accept the following request anyway cuz I am not htn-chadlite range yet)

This thing boosted my interest in looksmax like two times more. Gonna thumb pull whole evening now.
Are you maybe undervaluing your looks? If you get approached you are prob HTN.

Then again I was also approached 2 years ago by some friend of an 18 year old on a autobahnraststätte, and I dont think I was HTN as I was bloated, bad haircut and generally completely looks unaware. Maybe it was cause I was pulling up in a benz with my father lol

Maybe its that you are HTN to the girl since we know that there is a bell curve in terms of how girls rate you
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latina equals hoe bro fuck her
She is incredibly mid. No lower third, too short. Literally ltb. Better cum in my hand
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She is incredibly mid. No lower third, too short. Literally ltb. Better cum in my hand
high standards are cope bc of fear of rejection likely
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  • JFL
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Are you maybe undervaluing your looks? If you get approached you are prob HTN.

Then again I was also approached 2 years ago by some friend of an 18 year old on a autobahnraststätte, and I dont think I was HTN as I was bloated, bad haircut and generally completely looks unaware. Maybe it was cause I was pulling up in a benz with my father lol

Maybe its that you are HTN to the girl since we know that there is a bell curve in terms of how girls rate you

Mtn cuz bad jaw length, recessed upper maxilla. Maybe low htn cuz of forward lower maxilla and pheno and 6ft
used to happen to me when i used to leave the house when i was youngcel, but i'm autisticly cursed like @Amnesia and have no social media
used to happen to me when i used to leave the house when i was youngcel, but i'm autisticly cursed like @Amnesia and have no social media
Me aswell I was just going to buy some winter jacket in a local shop
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yeah to some girls you will be their pref and HTN
yeah thats why I said carried by pheno (she was brown and these girls are into me cuz pheno imho)
I got rated mtn here and happened to me
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Your mtn as I am. Girls dont matter honestly if they rate you chadlite here you will have thousands of girls
Tru but people here think u have to be chadlite to even get a crumb of pussy or atention
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Me aswell I was just going to buy some winter jacket in a local shop
how old are you it's not too late make instagram ASAP

it's over for me i am an oldcel in his 20s
how old are you it's not too late make instagram ASAP

it's over for me i am an oldcel in his 20s
I have pretty boosted instagram already with frauding photos like these:

4920CAE5 437D 4C2E 99E0 57A0BEAC8228
4523D7C7 B43D 4E48 AFEC 879AA786BC74

F7126114 852D 44ED 9B93 DF686C4D60E3
543B6A36 7D24 4E0C AFEE C2F22EDED773

And honestly girls are approaching me on these apps but again its just frauding to be htn-chadlite range
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blud is delusional its product of his imagination.

im joking bro, trust the process, now sexxxmax
My theory is girls are going to approach men on the streets more over time because they're being Chad fished on the apps and online dating and men are not approaching them IRL anymore.

I've had a girl approach me for sex in High school at a football game when I was about to go to the bathroom but she was a friend of a girl I knew at school and she was the biggest slut I've ever met in my life but I made the smart business decision and she was a great practice girl for one year. I've had a girl that grabbed my hand and had me sit with her at a movie theater and said we're a couple now but I knew her a bit from my youth group. We stayed together for 3 years. I've had two girls at (one Asian one white) while in HS at the computer lab start rizzing me and eventually one started saying she could smell the testosterone on me and it was making them horny. They were seniors and I was a sophomore at this time. I didn't know them and they were both huge sluts so I played along. In college I had to do the work and by work I mean it was as easy as asking a girl to study with me and that's all it took and I was never turned down once.

When at jobs this required maybe a bit more work but I could meet a new girl and close within one lunchbreak. I would receive obvious signs of women wanting to me to approach but they would never approach at work in terms of asking me out.

On the streets the best I've had was a girl give me her number and ask me out at a car dealership. Overall, it's very possible to have random women try to get you on a date if you're a WHTN or a Chad lite at minimum as well as being over 6 ft. I'm 6'1" and I was hit on by girls more when I dressed well so style does have some role in this. I would say I'm a 7-8 depending on if I'm a type for a girl (40/60 masculine to feminine facial features which is basically a CHAD and not a pretty boy or hyper masculine dude.

Check list to get approached by women:
1.) Be in a location where many women frequent and few men reside and are open and willing to approach.
2.) Be a High tier normie or a Chad lite at bare minimum.
3.) Be white bro, if you're another race then the odds are stacked against you.
4.) 6 foot or taller.
5.) Be open and receptive.
6.) Use the flirtatious eyes with somewhat I wanna fuck you look and don't look away first.
7.) Smile
8.) Wear stylish form fitting clothes.
9.) Don't wear shades, a hoodie or a beanie or things will not work out for you.

Why is it important to get the woman to approach you? Because of the power dynamics as it puts you in the drivers seat as you're not begging for a date from her, instead she is trying to win you over.
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Reactions: PseudoMaxxer, Latens Deitas and Deleted member 6128
My theory is girls are going to approach men on the streets more over time because they're being Chad fished on the apps and online dating and men are not approaching them IRL anymore.

I've had a girl approach me for sex in High school at a football game when I was about to go to the bathroom but she was a friend of a girl I knew at school and she was the biggest slut I've ever met in my life but I made the smart business decision and she was a great practice girl for one year. I've had a girl that grabbed my hand and had me sit with her at a movie theater and said we're a couple now but I knew her a bit from my youth group. We stayed together for 3 years. I've had two girls at (one Asian one white) while in HS at the computer lab start rizzing me and eventually one started saying she could smell the testosterone on me and it was making them horny. They were seniors and I was a sophomore at this time. I didn't know them and they were both huge sluts so I played along. In college I had to do the work and by work I mean it was as easy as asking a girl to study with me and that's all it took and I was never turned down once.

When at jobs this required maybe a bit more work but I could meet a new girl and close within one lunchbreak. I would receive obvious signs of women wanting to me to approach but they would never approach at work in terms of asking me out.

On the streets the best I've had was a girl give me her number and ask me out at a car dealership. Overall, it's very possible to have random women try to get you on a date if you're a WHTN or a Chad lite at minimum as well as being over 6 ft. I'm 6'1" and I was hit on by girls more when I dressed well so style does have some role in this. I would say I'm a 7-8 depending on if I'm a type for a girl (40/60 masculine to feminine facial features which is basically a CHAD and not a pretty boy or hyper masculine dude.

Check list to get approached by women:
1.) Be in a location where many women frequent and few men reside and are open and willing to approach.
2.) Be a High tier normie or a Chad lite at bare minimum.
3.) Be white bro, if you're another race then the odds are stacked against you.
4.) 6 foot or taller.
5.) Be open and receptive.
6.) Use the flirtatious eyes with somewhat I wanna fuck you look and don't look away first.
7.) Smile
8.) Wear stylish form fitting clothes.
9.) Don't wear shades, a hoodie or a beanie or things will not work out for you.

Why is it important to get the woman to approach you? Because of the power dynamics as it puts you in the drivers seat as you're not begging for a date from her, instead she is trying to win you over.
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Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
I am mtn mby low htn so thats why I didnt accept her ig request
Why does that matter bro she saw you irl. If ig is a looksmin then just archive your posts
young girls from 14-18 approach all the time

and then they realize that they dont need to do it anymore as they get approached/chatted up online anyways

dont get used to it, i used to get approached a lot when i was younger and now 0 despite looking arguably better
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Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
must be nice, never happend to me never will lmao and people said i should model. im gonna kys
  • +1
Reactions: Allornothing, plukee and PseudoMaxxer
My theory is girls are going to approach men on the streets more over time because they're being Chad fished on the apps and online dating and men are not approaching them IRL anymore.

I've had a girl approach me for sex in High school at a football game when I was about to go to the bathroom but she was a friend of a girl I knew at school and she was the biggest slut I've ever met in my life but I made the smart business decision and she was a great practice girl for one year. I've had a girl that grabbed my hand and had me sit with her at a movie theater and said we're a couple now but I knew her a bit from my youth group. We stayed together for 3 years. I've had two girls at (one Asian one white) while in HS at the computer lab start rizzing me and eventually one started saying she could smell the testosterone on me and it was making them horny. They were seniors and I was a sophomore at this time. I didn't know them and they were both huge sluts so I played along. In college I had to do the work and by work I mean it was as easy as asking a girl to study with me and that's all it took and I was never turned down once.

When at jobs this required maybe a bit more work but I could meet a new girl and close within one lunchbreak. I would receive obvious signs of women wanting to me to approach but they would never approach at work in terms of asking me out.

On the streets the best I've had was a girl give me her number and ask me out at a car dealership. Overall, it's very possible to have random women try to get you on a date if you're a WHTN or a Chad lite at minimum as well as being over 6 ft. I'm 6'1" and I was hit on by girls more when I dressed well so style does have some role in this. I would say I'm a 7-8 depending on if I'm a type for a girl (40/60 masculine to feminine facial features which is basically a CHAD and not a pretty boy or hyper masculine dude.

Check list to get approached by women:
1.) Be in a location where many women frequent and few men reside and are open and willing to approach.
2.) Be a High tier normie or a Chad lite at bare minimum.
3.) Be white bro, if you're another race then the odds are stacked against you.
4.) 6 foot or taller.
5.) Be open and receptive.
6.) Use the flirtatious eyes with somewhat I wanna fuck you look and don't look away first.
7.) Smile
8.) Wear stylish form fitting clothes.
9.) Don't wear shades, a hoodie or a beanie or things will not work out for you.

Why is it important to get the woman to approach you? Because of the power dynamics as it puts you in the drivers seat as you're not begging for a date from her, instead she is trying to win you over.
chad life huh…

I’m high MTN but my biggest failo is height (i’m 5’6 and 5’9 with lifts)

I made out with some girl and have girl even now into me, but i never got approached.

Now i know there’s a girl into me but i don’t like her, i cut out most of my friends and became a high inhib bitch.

I’m hoping that looksmaxing until next year will help, im gonna start college next year and try to slay there and lose my virginity.

I had girls send me all of the most obvious signal but then when i approached or told them i liked them (like a did with a friends) i got friendzoned every time. Do you know what i could be other than my height?

I wanna get better but my height is capping me a lot, i would be a slaying monster at 6’0..

Also you seem knowledgeable so i would like you do give me some advice if you don’t mind.
must be nice, never happend to me never will lmao and people said i should model. im gonna kys
depends a lot from location, i live in a chad city and i never got approached even being arguably good looking.
depends a lot from location, i live in a chad city and i never got approached even being arguably good looking.
im in LA, i also never go outside so i guess thats why
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must be nice, never happend to me never will lmao and people said i should model. im gonna kys
Imho just stylemaxx unironically. Dressing like Gen Z with perm, necklace etc is op these days and girls tend to think that you are more opened to be approached.
never go outside so i guess thats why
Imho just stylemaxx unironically. Dressing like Gen Z with perm, necklace etc is op these days and girls tend to think that you are more opened to be approached.

im super emo/alt/goth maxxed, with that tho i never go outside
What's your barefoot height op.
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Reactions: Allornothing
What country and what height
Finally. I was approached only once during the day on the street half year ago and now again. She was actually mid but idc. In clubs its from time to time but I do not count it cuz fems are drunk BUT THIS TIME it was like 17:53 CEST. REAL GIRL CAME UP TO ME AND ASKED ME FOR INSTAGRAM MUHAHAHAHAHAHA (I wont accept the following request anyway cuz I am not htn-chadlite range yet)

This thing boosted my interest in looksmax like two times more. Gonna thumb pull whole evening now.
Germany but she was actually latina/turkey idk she was brown skin.
tales from Gschlachtenbretzingen
I have pretty boosted instagram already with frauding photos like these:

View attachment 2522112View attachment 2522117
View attachment 2522114View attachment 2522115

And honestly girls are approaching me on these apps but again its just frauding to be htn-chadlite range
HTN + JBW halo to kebab foids


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