Did I ascend?

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Deleted member 16133

🖤💊THIS IS MY CURSE 🔪🩸☠️💀🤘👹🤡👿
Nov 21, 2021
heres part one to those havent seen this, this is my life story, i repeat this is not a troll.
These are my experiences, and how the blackpill can ruin a young person's life.

So we all know this shit took place after December 25th, 2020. I took the blackpill, and it would end up changing my life for the worse.
If I would've known what taking such a strong responsibility, and having this powerful information would do to me? I would've ignored it, and lived ignorantly in bliss.

late July 2020, I am 14 years old, the start of school. I was skinny fat, but I was starting to bulk and get better abs.
IMG 2515

August 7th 2020:
I successfully cut and starved for 7 days (kinda), but wouldn't have full anorexic abs like I do now. I was also looksmaxxed, had NT hair, wore light green color contacts to accentuate my natural color, had glowing skin, was starting to bulk up, etc.

October 12th, 2020:
Me and my friends had just gotten back from the mall in a small town called Wylie Texas, I believe it was called Stonebriar, but I couldn't recall it because I haven't been there in so long.
Me and a few others went, but in this video only me and my friend Victor were to appear in this video.

He's also the nigga that features on the song that goes My GURL SHES MY...yeah im not even gonna get into that because that song's embarrassing as fuck, and spotify won't let me unrelease it.
Regardless, we had just gotten back to my neighborhood in Wylie, and Victor saw Bernadette from school was filming TikToks down the street, at the time she only had 30k followers, would eventually get 250k+ and blow the fuck up.

October 19th, 2020:
It was a weekend or so if I remember it, the boys all came over for the day;
Jaylen (The Indian, and Dominican mix)

nelson (The mexican, i didn't capitalize his name because he'd end up becoming dead to me, and he betrayed and bullied me at school and start fights and physically hit me at school with his new friends)

This kid nelson ruined my life forever, and I will never recover from the pain him and his friends caused me.

Bernadette (The famous tiktok Phillipina with the short hair)

Victor (The most popular kid at school at the time, and it only helped my status walking around with him and other people percieving me as high status due to his assosiation, he would later lose all his connections, and friends because he was accused of being a pedo even tho he was just tryna fuck JBS and ended up shaving his head a few months ago or else they would've killed him. Niggas really hired a hitman on him if he didn't shave his head, so he had to do it. Regardless, still my nigga to this day even though we don't talk much no more, I stuck up for even when no one else did.)


Victor had it really hard after this, he ended up getting stabbed and beat up outside his apartment, and he had to go into hiding but it went away after 8 months today.

I feel really bad, because his reputation got ruined, just like mine, because of some puck ass niggas who go around defaming people. And I got associated as the friend of a pedo, but I didn't care cuz im a real nigga, I am ride or die unlike most normies. Victor was my nigga, and still is my nigga to dis DAY!

They came over and we just made music and tiktoks the whole time, ate hella good pizza, we worked out too, it was fun as fuck.
Sad that I'll never get these memories back, because of inceldom.

October 20th, 2020:
Bernadette came over just by herself to make some tiktoks (The ones including the next one got hundreds of thousands of views by this point, and all the girls in the comments were talking about how fine I was, how cute I looked, and how they begged me to appear in more of her videos.) and we had an hour workout session, and we just hung out, and talked about life. Don't get any weird ideas either you dumb fuckin niggas, Bernadette played for the other team, no hate towards her for that, I may hate gay people, but she was a kind fucking person. At this point I would've still been considered "skinnyish" but I was still bulking, as you could see I didn't have visible cheekbones, because of body fat but because I wouldn't grow them until the past few months, and I wouldn't have gotten bulked up until the proceeding months.

IMG 2765

October 31st, 2020:
It was Halloween, me, nelson, Jaylen, Victor, Victor's brother, and Geo all ganged up to take on the biggest neighborhood in our city, we got hella candy, met hella girls, and went to a big ass fucking party.

November 12, 2020:
I was still pretty happy, going to parties, hanging out with girls, working out, just living the NT life listening to Juice Wrld (now I listen to more incelish music like Def Leppard, and Iron Maiden are a few of my favorite artists while back then I liked more NT music.)

December 15th, 2020:
At the time I took this pic, I was hanging out with my nigga nelson.
If you wanna see our pic go look at the other thread, cuz thats part.
one. I would've later discovered looksmax, ten days later, and it would've ruined my FUCKING LIFE!
IMG 9096

March 10th, 2021:
I am 15 year olds, after January.
My hair had started to grow, and my reputation started to fall.
At this point, girls still found me attractive because I didn't jestermax and act like a fuck nigga on tiktok (that'll be in part 3 or 4)
nelson actually took this photo, and at this time I was only 3 months into the blackpill so it didn't take a big toll on me.
I showed nelson a few videos about the blackpill, and I actually decided to show him looksmax. Taught him some words, like normie, and over. He thought it was weird, he said "u weird brauuah" and he laughed saying it was over for ugly people, after I taught him that.

Screenshot 20210417 185432

April 10th, my hair would've been considered non NT at this point,
I was getting skinnier and skinnier, stopped working out because of what looksmax told me "its all about face bro!"
This was the last time me and nelson ever hung out, me and him took photos that day, but its on my other PC no one really cares about that nigga anyway. He would've ended up telling all my secrets to everyone, hitting me randomly at school, and starting fights, pushing me in the hallway, verbally insulting me for no reason. He said he hated me, all because everyone else disliked me. I did nothing to him, he was my brother, and he betrayed me. All the past 3 years spent with him, all the birthday gifts I bought him, I gave him a $1000 dollar PC one time (not for birthday, just bc i was a good friend) because he couldn't afford one, I consoled him when his girlfriend broke up with him, and anything he needed I would've done for him. It's whatever though, nothing I can change about it, I wasted so many years on a nigga that would turn on me, and I'll never waste anymore ON ANYONE ELSE. I don't need friends, I don't care how much it makes me appear as an incel, you cannot trust anyone EVER.

Current physique: December 2021 - Now (April 26th 2022)

2852249 1650689287562
278453750 3219847068246019 7712403961095474393 n

I look like shit now, 100 lbs, have barely grown an inch since 2020 when I was 14 :feelswhy:

I am now 16 years old, Starvemaxxed, have ZERO muscle or arm definition WHATSOEVER.
I have no friends, no girls.
Anyone who I talked to from my old city hates me, my old band hates me because I said the n word and got exposed even though they said it during practices, every girl hates me because I was considered taboo at my school and they care about status, almost every guy hates me or ignores me for my cringy videos I used to post last year.
At least I got a job so I can save up for future surgeries, and I got HGH so maybe I can gymcel and improve as I have free gym membership access for the next two years, but I don't know if it'll save me. I'm fucked beyond repair, no one has ever been there for me.
No family, no friends, no NOTHING!
You may ask why am I making this? The reason is not because of sympathy and reactions, I want ANSWERS to why I am this way. I am making logs, and retracing my footsteps so I can see how I've become deranged lunatic, and how I can not make the same mistake in the future, if I ever get the chance to become better.
It's brutally over, how can I recover?

[ISPOILER]Trick question, I can't.[/ISPOILER]

  • JFL
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Adamsmith12345, Lars, Madhate and 26 others
PSL wise ascension SMV wise descension tbh
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Tyrone06, Daniel Plainview, FailedNormieManlet and 9 others
PSL wise ascension SMV wise descension tbh
idk even psl wise im rated 5.5 in prime and 3 now
regardless i think smv is more important for just having a good life and ill never achieve the beauty standard anymore
i always wanted to look like vinnie hacker but guys here told me to become sean opry or death and even tho i became neither
i became something even worse
i became the thing i feared most
a monster
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: MagaPutinism, chawaje and (deleted member)
why kids are allowed here
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: zeshama, shahid khan, mogging and 12 others
you look like a monster
  • So Sad
Reactions: MagaPutinism
OP is a fraud


his face looks nowhere to what he has as his avi.
Hes probably a big troll doing these facial expression on purpose
  • +1
Reactions: ChickenAndRiceBrah and fuckedupmanlet
idk even psl wise im rated 5.5 in prime and 3 now
regardless i think smv is more important for just having a good life and ill never achieve the beauty standard anymore
i always wanted to look like vinnie hacker but guys here told me to become sean opry or death and even tho i became neither
i became something even worse
i became the thing i feared most
a monster
You look weird because you are full on anorexic. Like 100 pounds???? That’s anoréxic for girls your size. That’s why you look odd. Gain your weight back asap or you’ll be stuck in estrogenic hell forever. You still have a shot, load up on peanut butter protein powder, meat, dried fruits, animal organs and eat like 3500 calories a day and lift hard at the gym.

Time is of the essence start now before it’s too late.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 16133
  • +1
Reactions: FrameMogger
You look weird because you are full on anorexic. Like 100 pounds???? That’s anoréxic for girls your size. That’s why you look odd. Gain your weight back asap or you’ll be stuck in estrogenic hell forever. You still have a shot, load up on peanut butter protein powder, meat, dried fruits, animal organs and eat like 3500 calories a day and lift hard at the gym.

Time is of the essence start now before it’s too late.
shiiii bruhhh i gotta do it then
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 15827 and FrameMogger
  • +1
Reactions: JapaneBAC
  • +1
Reactions: FrameMogger
True he takes really weird pics that looksmin him major. OP try taking more normal pics and you’ll look a lot better.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 18804 and FrameMogger
i blame your parent for letting you get surgery
  • +1
Reactions: DwayneWhite55
Im not tryna be mean just being constructive. Just have a neutral expression look at the camera directly and take a pic. Do this and you’ll look better no cap.
holy shit............
  • +1
Reactions: bignosesmallchin
Hey james can you go more into depth on the harrassment and shit you received from people?
  • +1
Reactions: FrameMogger
anyone got cliffs? i just cant read this all.
tuhaf bir vaka
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 16133
i blame your parent for letting you get surgery
ok they didnt have a say since i have no family theyre either dead or in another country i am emancipated
  • +1
Reactions: A23ghskung
Im not tryna be mean just being constructive. Just have a neutral expression look at the camera directly and take a pic. Do this and you’ll look better no cap.
im just ugly its not angles
  • JFL
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Lihito and gogger
so weird to see you guys, nice houses n shit but you act kind of ghetto, i think your experience would have been better if everyone wasn't trying to act so though
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Offensive Bias, gogger and 2 others
so weird to see you guys, nice houses n shit but you act kind of ghetto, i think your experience would have been better if everyone wasn't trying to act so though
Degradation of American culture and the west. The most popular culture is black culture. Black culture promotes promiscuity,
Lack of effort in school and trashy behaviour.
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, FrameMogger and Deleted member 18890
you are quite the character
  • +1
Reactions: thecaste and Deleted member 18890
heres part one to those havent seen this, this is my life story, i repeat this is not a troll.
These are my experiences, and how the blackpill can ruin a young person's life.

So we all know this shit took place after December 25th, 2020. I took the blackpill, and it would end up changing my life for the worse.
If I would've known what taking such a strong responsibility, and having this powerful information would do to me? I would've ignored it, and lived ignorantly in bliss.

late July 2020, I am 14 years old, the start of school. I was skinny fat, but I was starting to bulk and get better abs.
View attachment 1652150

August 7th 2020:
I successfully cut and starved for 7 days (kinda), but wouldn't have full anorexic abs like I do now. I was also looksmaxxed, had NT hair, wore light green color contacts to accentuate my natural color, had glowing skin, was starting to bulk up, etc.
View attachment 1652148

October 12th, 2020:
Me and my friends had just gotten back from the mall in a small town called Wylie Texas, I believe it was called Stonebriar, but I couldn't recall it because I haven't been there in so long.
Me and a few others went, but in this video only me and my friend Victor were to appear in this video.

He's also the nigga that features on the song that goes My GURL SHES MY...yeah im not even gonna get into that because that song's embarrassing as fuck, and spotify won't let me unrelease it.
Regardless, we had just gotten back to my neighborhood in Wylie, and Victor saw Bernadette from school was filming TikToks down the street, at the time she only had 30k followers, would eventually get 250k+ and blow the fuck up.

View attachment 1652153
View attachment 1652155

October 19th, 2020:
It was a weekend or so if I remember it, the boys all came over for the day;
Jaylen (The Indian, and Dominican mix)

nelson (The mexican, i didn't capitalize his name because he'd end up becoming dead to me, and he betrayed and bullied me at school and start fights and physically hit me at school with his new friends)

This kid nelson ruined my life forever, and I will never recover from the pain him and his friends caused me.

Bernadette (The famous tiktok Phillipina with the short hair)

Victor (The most popular kid at school at the time, and it only helped my status walking around with him and other people percieving me as high status due to his assosiation, he would later lose all his connections, and friends because he was accused of being a pedo even tho he was just tryna fuck JBS and ended up shaving his head a few months ago or else they would've killed him. Niggas really hired a hitman on him if he didn't shave his head, so he had to do it. Regardless, still my nigga to this day even though we don't talk much no more, I stuck up for even when no one else did.)
View attachment 1652244View attachment 1652245
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Victor had it really hard after this, he ended up getting stabbed and beat up outside his apartment, and he had to go into hiding but it went away after 8 months today.

I feel really bad, because his reputation got ruined, just like mine, because of some puck ass niggas who go around defaming people. And I got associated as the friend of a pedo, but I didn't care cuz im a real nigga, I am ride or die unlike most normies. Victor was my nigga, and still is my nigga to dis DAY!

They came over and we just made music and tiktoks the whole time, ate hella good pizza, we worked out too, it was fun as fuck.
Sad that I'll never get these memories back, because of inceldom.

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View attachment 1652159

October 20th, 2020:
Bernadette came over just by herself to make some tiktoks (The ones including the next one got hundreds of thousands of views by this point, and all the girls in the comments were talking about how fine I was, how cute I looked, and how they begged me to appear in more of her videos.) and we had an hour workout session, and we just hung out, and talked about life. Don't get any weird ideas either you dumb fuckin niggas, Bernadette played for the other team, no hate towards her for that, I may hate gay people, but she was a kind fucking person. At this point I would've still been considered "skinnyish" but I was still bulking, as you could see I didn't have visible cheekbones, because of body fat but because I wouldn't grow them until the past few months, and I wouldn't have gotten bulked up until the proceeding months.

View attachment 1652215
View attachment 1652216
View attachment 1652151

October 31st, 2020:
It was Halloween, me, nelson, Jaylen, Victor, Victor's brother, and Geo all ganged up to take on the biggest neighborhood in our city, we got hella candy, met hella girls, and went to a big ass fucking party.

View attachment 1652149

November 12, 2020:
I was still pretty happy, going to parties, hanging out with girls, working out, just living the NT life listening to Juice Wrld (now I listen to more incelish music like Def Leppard, and Iron Maiden are a few of my favorite artists while back then I liked more NT music.)

View attachment 1652156

December 15th, 2020:
At the time I took this pic, I was hanging out with my nigga nelson.
If you wanna see our pic go look at the other thread, cuz thats part.

one. I would've later discovered looksmax, ten days later, and it would've ruined my FUCKING LIFE!
View attachment 1652242

March 10th, 2021:
I am 15 year olds, after January.
My hair had started to grow, and my reputation started to fall.
At this point, girls still found me attractive because I didn't jestermax and act like a fuck nigga on tiktok (that'll be in part 3 or 4)
nelson actually took this photo, and at this time I was only 3 months into the blackpill so it didn't take a big toll on me.
I showed nelson a few videos about the blackpill, and I actually decided to show him looksmax. Taught him some words, like normie, and over. He thought it was weird, he said "u weird brauuah" and he laughed saying it was over for ugly people, after I taught him that.

View attachment 1652152
April 10th, my hair would've been considered non NT at this point,
I was getting skinnier and skinnier, stopped working out because of what looksmax told me "its all about face bro!"
This was the last time me and nelson ever hung out, me and him took photos that day, but its on my other PC no one really cares about that nigga anyway. He would've ended up telling all my secrets to everyone, hitting me randomly at school, and starting fights, pushing me in the hallway, verbally insulting me for no reason. He said he hated me, all because everyone else disliked me. I did nothing to him, he was my brother, and he betrayed me. All the past 3 years spent with him, all the birthday gifts I bought him, I gave him a $1000 dollar PC one time (not for birthday, just bc i was a good friend) because he couldn't afford one, I consoled him when his girlfriend broke up with him, and anything he needed I would've done for him. It's whatever though, nothing I can change about it, I wasted so many years on a nigga that would turn on me, and I'll never waste anymore ON ANYONE ELSE. I don't need friends, I don't care how much it makes me appear as an incel, you cannot trust anyone EVER.

View attachment 1652275

Current physique: December 2021 - Now (April 26th 2022)

View attachment 1652283View attachment 1652284

I look like shit now, 100 lbs, have barely grown an inch since 2020 when I was 14 :feelswhy:

I am now 16 years old, Starvemaxxed, have ZERO muscle or arm definition WHATSOEVER.
I have no friends, no girls.
Anyone who I talked to from my old city hates me, my old band hates me because I said the n word and got exposed even though they said it during practices, every girl hates me because I was considered taboo at my school and they care about status, almost every guy hates me or ignores me for my cringy videos I used to post last year.
At least I got a job so I can save up for future surgeries, and I got HGH so maybe I can gymcel and improve as I have free gym membership access for the next two years, but I don't know if it'll save me. I'm fucked beyond repair, no one has ever been there for me.
No family, no friends, no NOTHING!
You may ask why am I making this? The reason is not because of sympathy and reactions, I want ANSWERS to why I am this way. I am making logs, and retracing my footsteps so I can see how I've become deranged lunatic, and how I can not make the same mistake in the future, if I ever get the chance to become better.
It's brutally over, how can I recover?

[ISPOILER]Trick question, I can't.[/ISPOILER]

Damn this is actually interesting to read. Also OP stop imitating that garbage dress style(sagged pants and all). You should focus on preventing any major loses in bodyweight and eat slightly past your caloric maintenance. It is better to be slightly overweight during puberty than slightly underweight however don't get too fat or skinny because thag will stunt your growth. Get exercise whether it be in the form of lifting weights or forms of cardio like explosive(100 meter style sprints) or a long walk. It was a mistake on your part to believe what delusional narcs on here have to say on how to ascend. There's a strong minority of people here who will purposely sabotage you just so you can end up in the same "Crabs in a bucket" mentality.
  • +1
Reactions: Racky, Daniel Plainview, Deleted member 16133 and 1 other person
Damn this is actually interesting to read. Also OP stop imitating that garbage dress style(sagged pants and all). You should focus on preventing any major loses in bodyweight and eat slightly past your caloric maintenance. It is better to be slightly overweight during puberty than slightly underweight however don't get too fat or skinny because thag will stunt your growth. Get exercise whether it be in the form of lifting weights or forms of cardio like explosive(100 meter style sprints) or a long walk. It was a mistake on your part to believe what delusional narcs on here have to say on how to ascend. There's a strong minority of people here who will purposely sabotage you just so you can end up in the same "Crabs in a bucket" mentality.
look man i used to be intto drip but notr anymore i just wear plain shirt jeans and random blac kshoes
i dont get compliment on my outfits like i used to anymore but its good i can at least not stick out in public and people think im average and maybe of normal thinking capacity
  • +1
Reactions: Offensive Bias and Deleted member 18804
so weird to see you guys, nice houses n shit but you act kind of ghetto, i think your experience would have been better if everyone wasn't trying to act so though
look man i used to be into the whole tough guy thing but after this site i realized that shits all degenerate i stopped listening to rap threw out all my rap merchandise gave away my skinny jeans w the rips in it so yeah
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 18804
so weird to see you guys, nice houses n shit but you act kind of ghetto, i think your experience would have been better if everyone wasn't trying to act so though
btw am not in a nice house anymore i am poor at the mment
I actually read this all :lul:
This is the saddest thread I’ve ever read, i actuallt feel sorry for you in those TikTok’s you looked pretty good and now you look horrendous. I don’t mean that in a nasty way but whatever you did to ur face was a big mistake.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16133 and (deleted member)
I actually read this all :lul:
This is the saddest thread I’ve ever read, i actuallt feel sorry for you in those TikTok’s you looked pretty good and now you look horrendous. I don’t mean that in a nasty way but whatever you did to ur face was a big mistake.
There are still people who make dedicated pages of him to this day. Most of them are gay sub3 degens
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 16133
I actually read this all :lul:
This is the saddest thread I’ve ever read, i actuallt feel sorry for you in those TikTok’s you looked pretty good and now you look horrendous. I don’t mean that in a nasty way but whatever you did to ur face was a big mistake.
thanks man
i can never find aGF its impossible
I am sort of worried for you it feels like your a luckas magnotta in the making


  • Screenshot.png
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  • +1
Reactions: P4fivee
@jamessapphire is literally the chris chan of looksmax

an innocent, mentally vulnerable person taken advantage of and ruined by trolls
  • +1
Reactions: womanappreciator and FrameMogger

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