BiMax + Implants (Looking for Advice)

Bro, könnte ich dir vielleicht meine Mailtext schicken, den ich für Kühle geschrieben habe?

Ich verstehe, dass Kühle die OP macht aus ästhetischen Gründen, hab nur Sorge, dass die Mail nicht zu Kühle durch kommt sondern vorher abgefangen wird von irgendwelchen Assistenten und ich dann abgewimmelt werde, wenn ich es zu deutlich formuliere.
Ja, schick DM - kann ich machen.

Aber nicht direkt, habe gerade noch bisschen was zutun.

Nutz aber mal diesen einen Chat wo man Bilder senden kann, es gibt bei XenForo (das Forum hier basiert auf XenForo) irgendwie zwei Chats und der eine Fuckt mich mies ab weil man da keine Bilder senden kann und der voll unübersichtlich ist.
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Yes make sure the surgeon understands this and makes his bimax accordingly. It's about doing the plan while your head is positioned in the Frankfurt plan, the black line in the upper pic I sent(almost along the zygo arch). And only reason I know this is because I suffer from the same problem
Im a little confused on this Topic.

Kühle Told me that using FHP (Frankfort Horizontal Plane) is outdated and not used anymore.

Instead, the Natural Head Position (NHP) is used these days (which is mosty Captured through Standardized Photos) and then manually transfered to the 3D Virtual Surgical Plan (3D VSP) which is KLS Martin IPS CaseDesigner in our Case.

And that was my Point, Capturing the Natural Head Position (NHP) through Standardized Photos and then manually transfering them to the 3D Virtual Surgical Plan (3D VSP) is inaccurate unfortunally - especially in the Pitch (up-down tilt of the head) with an error of ~2.24°.

Errors in roll (side-to-side tilt) and yaw (left-right rotation) were smaller (0.56° and 0.67°, respectively).

Reproducibility of Manual Transfer of the Clinical Natural Head Position: Influence on the Soft Tissue and Hard Tissue Position of 3-Dimensional Virtual Surgical Planning

Clinical Implications:

• To improve outcomes, more precise methods of transferring the NHP to 3D VSP are needed.
• However, even with perfect transfer methods, inherent human variability in holding the NHP introduces additional error, which also needs addressing.

Man, i really only got to talk with Kühle for a few Minutes and we didn't discuss any Movements or the Surgery, it was a Dysgnathia Consultation meaning Surgeon + Ortho was present for the Purpose to even see if im a canndiate (even though i already have this Surgery Covered and Approved by Issurance) they were actively searching for a Medical Indication so we can make the Surgery work for me, absolute Bro Surgeon and Orthodonst which were present.

Maybe he meant that the FHP (Frankfort Horizontal Plane) is outdated to use as a reference in the 3D Virtual Surgical Plan (3D VSP) as a reference, but you obviously still use it for Diagnostics.

I don't even know why the Fuck im Doing so much research on this Topic I have Severe ADHD 100% and ADHD and Autism are actually liked.
An estimated 30 to 80 percent of children with autism also meet the criteria for ADHD and, conversely, 20 to 50 percent of children with ADHD for autism. Given the size of the overlap, scientists are beginning to rethink the relationship between the two conditions and to look for common biological roots.7 Feb 2018
Decoding the overlap between autism and ADHD

So maybe it's because of Autism or me just Finding this Topic Interesting. Beacuse im not even Fully Backpilled / a Blackpill Dweller and it didn't hit me Hard enough to justify or Explain why im doing all of this Reasearch, if my Goal was to Pull even more Girls i should just Fix my Obvious Flaws (Chin, and Lip Incompetence), get super Lean again (which i am already very Close too), fix my fucked Teeth (which i am in the process of doing right now) and whiten them and invest my time into Money and StatusMxxing and move Back to Poland.

But im already Datng Girls who i would subjectivly rate 10/10s in Poland.

But honestly, i cringe so hard every time i see People bragging about their Body Counts on this Forum in their Signatur or in Posts lmao.

Like who are you Bragging to about your Body Count on this Forum, Incels? wow bro - respect 🤣

Or this one Guy at the Top of my Post who Insulted me and Immediately starts telling me how many Polish girls he has apparently fucked already.

Most of my close Friends in Real Life are actually really good Looking, i actually have two Friends that have a Body Count of 30+ in their early 20s and not a single one of them brags about it, i only knew after i asked.

And none of my Friends who Date some of the prettiest Girls (Blonde Ukranian Models) brag about it either...

And trust me, there's way more you can get out of a Relationship besides Sex anyway...


Bro you know what, maybe my im too harsh about PD A.-F. Safi, i don't know the exact Story but after reading some of the Comments here, maybe i would have Cancelled the Surgery aswell depending on what i have read exactlly.

If i was in the Situation where Patients are willing to Pay 65k for a BiMax, and i read some some offensive Comment of someone calling Safri something Offensive (he looks like he's from Arabic Origin?) "Sandcel" or whatever i would probably consider rejecting Surgery aswell as a Surgeon if was in the Position where i could afford to...

Kühle could Reject me too if i called him something Offensive and he didin't like me, but he actually seems like a very Chill and Nice guy in Person.

I was even about to Delete my Account here for a Moment because i don't like the Language here, no need to Pull People Further Down than they already are with Insults and shit, that would make someone who is Suicidal because it hit him Hard (Looks Wise) even more Sucidal probably.
  • +1
Reactions: Lefor3Laser
Ja, schick DM - kann ich machen.

Aber nicht direkt, habe gerade noch bisschen was zutun.

Nutz aber mal diesen einen Chat wo man Bilder senden kann, es gibt bei XenForo (das Forum hier basiert auf XenForo) irgendwie zwei Chats und der eine Fuckt mich mies ab weil man da keine Bilder senden kann und der voll unübersichtlich ist.
Ja gar kein Stress, ich bin ja auch nur selten/kurz online. Hab dir geschrieben. Müsste der richtige Chat sein, da kann man Bilder senden.
  • +1
Reactions: Vercel
Ja gar kein Stress, ich bin ja auch nur selten/kurz online. Hab dir geschrieben. Müsste der richtige Chat sein, da kann man Bilder senden.
Oh, und wir haben uns entschieden, dass wir kein Surgery-First machen.

Das heißt für mich jetzt KFO Vorbehandlung mit Zahnspange um meine Zähne zu Dekompensieren, ich habe herrvorstehende (protruding) Zähne, die müssen jetzt erst mal Dekomensiert werden.

In der Broschüre steht:

6 bis 18 Monate 😑

Mal sehen, ich hoffe wir bekommen es bei mir schnell in 6 - 9 Monaten hin.
Oh, und wir haben uns entschieden, dass wir kein Surgery-First machen.

Das heißt für mich jetzt KFO Vorbehandlung mit Zahnspange um meine Zähne zu Dekompensieren, ich habe herrvorstehende (protruding) Zähne, die müssen jetzt erst mal Dekomensiert werden.

In der Broschüre steht:

6 bis 18 Monate 😑

Mal sehen, ich hoffe wir bekommen es bei mir schnell in 6 - 9 Monaten hin.
Glaub das steht mir dann auch bevor. 6 Monate geht ja noch, aber 18 ist schon hart. In der Zeit musst einfach an allen anderen arbeiten, was geht.

Warum eigentlich dagegen entschieden? Surgery first funktioniert glaub ich nur bei wenigen oder?
Im a little confused on this Topic.

Kühle Told me that using FHP (Frankfort Horizontal Plane) is outdated and not used anymore.

Instead, the Natural Head Position (NHP) is used these days (which is mosty Captured through Standardized Photos) and then manually transfered to the 3D Virtual Surgical Plan (3D VSP) which is KLS Martin IPS CaseDesigner in our Case.

And that was my Point, Capturing the Natural Head Position (NHP) through Standardized Photos and then manually transfering them to the 3D Virtual Surgical Plan (3D VSP) is inaccurate unfortunally - especially in the Pitch (up-down tilt of the head) with an error of ~2.24°.

Errors in roll (side-to-side tilt) and yaw (left-right rotation) were smaller (0.56° and 0.67°, respectively).

Reproducibility of Manual Transfer of the Clinical Natural Head Position: Influence on the Soft Tissue and Hard Tissue Position of 3-Dimensional Virtual Surgical Planning

Clinical Implications:

• To improve outcomes, more precise methods of transferring the NHP to 3D VSP are needed.
• However, even with perfect transfer methods, inherent human variability in holding the NHP introduces additional error, which also needs addressing.

Man, i really only got to talk with Kühle for a few Minutes and we didn't discuss any Movements or the Surgery, it was a Dysgnathia Consultation meaning Surgeon + Ortho was present for the Purpose to even see if im a canndiate (even though i already have this Surgery Covered and Approved by Issurance) they were actively searching for a Medical Indication so we can make the Surgery work for me, absolute Bro Surgeon and Orthodonst which were present.

Maybe he meant that the FHP (Frankfort Horizontal Plane) is outdated to use as a reference in the 3D Virtual Surgical Plan (3D VSP) as a reference, but you obviously still use it for Diagnostics.

I don't even know why the Fuck im Doing so much research on this Topic I have Severe ADHD 100% and ADHD and Autism are actually liked.

Decoding the overlap between autism and ADHD

So maybe it's because of Autism or me just Finding this Topic Interesting. Beacuse im not even Fully Backpilled / a Blackpill Dweller and it didn't hit me Hard enough to justify or Explain why im doing all of this Reasearch, if my Goal was to Pull even more Girls i should just Fix my Obvious Flaws (Chin, and Lip Incompetence), get super Lean again (which i am already very Close too), fix my fucked Teeth (which i am in the process of doing right now) and whiten them and invest my time into Money and StatusMxxing and move Back to Poland.

But im already Datng Girls who i would subjectivly rate 10/10s in Poland.

But honestly, i cringe so hard every time i see People bragging about their Body Counts on this Forum in their Signatur or in Posts lmao.

Like who are you Bragging to about your Body Count on this Forum, Incels? wow bro - respect 🤣

Or this one Guy at the Top of my Post who Insulted me and Immediately starts telling me how many Polish girls he has apparently fucked already.

Most of my close Friends in Real Life are actually really good Looking, i actually have two Friends that have a Body Count of 30+ in their early 20s and not a single one of them brags about it, i only knew after i asked.

And none of my Friends who Date some of the prettiest Girls (Blonde Ukranian Models) brag about it either...

And trust me, there's way more you can get out of a Relationship besides Sex anyway...


Bro you know what, maybe my im too harsh about PD A.-F. Safi, i don't know the exact Story but after reading some of the Comments here, maybe i would have Cancelled the Surgery aswell depending on what i have read exactlly.

If i was in the Situation where Patients are willing to Pay 65k for a BiMax, and i read some some offensive Comment of someone calling Safri something Offensive (he looks like he's from Arabic Origin?) "Sandcel" or whatever i would probably consider rejecting Surgery aswell as a Surgeon if was in the Position where i could afford to...

Kühle could Reject me too if i called him something Offensive and he didin't like me, but he actually seems like a very Chill and Nice guy in Person.

I was even about to Delete my Account here for a Moment because i don't like the Language here, no need to Pull People Further Down than they already are with Insults and shit, that would make someone who is Suicidal because it hit him Hard (Looks Wise) even more Sucidal probably.
Those people who insult are usually trollers, i have been in this community for a long time! (not on this account), also people here are mostly teenagers wich don't actually know how to find a good surgeon, they always think famous surgeon = 100% good results all the time, and many don't know what to actually get most of the times and have a good base wich make it worthless, you can see that many people on this forum recommend bimax/trimax to anyone who is normal and not soo "forwardly" grown.
Glaub das steht mir dann auch bevor. 6 Monate geht ja noch, aber 18 ist schon hart. In der Zeit musst einfach an allen anderen arbeiten, was geht.

Warum eigentlich dagegen entschieden? Surgery first funktioniert glaub ich nur bei wenigen oder?
Ja, nicht jeder ist Kandidat für Surgery-First ein KFO damals meinte zu mir ich wäre Perfekt dafür geeignet, deswegen habe ich es in erwägung gezogen und wollte zu Tobias Ebker an der Charité weil die dort einen sehr guten Workflow für Surger-First haben und Ebker dazu ein Paper released hat.

Comprehensive virtual orthognathic planning concept in surgery-first patients

Die arbeiten da unter anderem mit OnyxCeph³™, ich glaube OnyxCeph³™ ist in manchen bereichen die Präziseste / Genauste Software ich blicke bei dem Workflow aber auch nicht zu 100% durch und habe mich nicht mehr weiter damit beschäftigt weil ich ja zu Kühle gewechselt habe.

Der Workflow für Surgery-First in Heidelberg ist sicher nicht dersselbe wie an der Charité von dem Paper da, und bei Surgery First geht oder Läuft glaube ich eher mal was Schief, vor allem bei der älteren Methoden, glaube ich. So wie Ebker es macht wahrscheinlich nicht mehr.

Kurz angesprochen und gefragt ob es bei mir in Frage käme, meinten lass es uns lieber auf die Traditionelle Methode machen und ich habe nicht mehr nachgehakt, passt für mich.

Naja was heißt an anderen Stellen arbeiten? Die Surgery wird für mich nichts weltbewegendes verändern, mein Kinn ist mein Größter Flaw, sieht jetzt aber auch nicht tragisch aus mit schwachem Kinn und hält mich auch nicht davon ab zu Daten.

Ich habe es nicht eilig und bleib geduldig, keine Lust jemanden der 200x mehr Ahnung hat als ich davon zu überzeugen, dass wir doch Surgery-First machen und das risiko für Kompikationen erhöhen, wofür?

Das hat mir jemand übrigens Privat zu Ebker geschrieben:
dass problem mit ebker ist halt dass er es bevorzugt, mit bumann (a+) zu arbeiten. diese kfo praxis ist in berlin.
dann wird an ebker auch kritisiert die schlechte kommunikation mit anderen kfos. er hält sich nicht absprachen und termine

dann die lange wartezeiten auf die op...
Those people who insult are usually trollers, i have been in this community for a long time! (not on this account), also people here are mostly teenagers wich don't actually know how to find a good surgeon, they always think famous surgeon = 100% good results all the time, and many don't know what to actually get most of the times and have a good base wich make it worthless, you can see that many people on this forum recommend bimax/trimax to anyone who is normal and not soo "forwardly" grown.
No, i don't believe this.

One of my friend told wrote this to me once:
The bald coworker always bullies Moritz every time he goes to the barber, saying the barber messed it up.

The crabs in the crab bucket always try to pull each other down when one crab tries to climb out.

Many Poeple on this Forum are Fucked for real and try to Pull other people down to feel better or something idk.
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